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Chapter 10 The Destiny of Human Development

The shop owner secretly thought that the usually domineering Alice in the Fairy Temple would also inspect the basic work of the temple, so he happily obeyed the order and explained——

"In recent years, due to the improvement of cooking technology, the demand for food from many nobles has decreased, and the production has been slightly surplus. You are so smart and sell secretly. Even if you raise the price, you can still make several transactions every day, and you can make a little money.

The common people are happy, and we also make an extra amount of money, haha."

If the productivity occupied by luxury goods is freed up and given to low-end consumer goods, and the output is increased and prices are reduced, the living standards of the poor can be improved, but neither the top officials of the empire nor the top officials of the Fairy Temple have any intention of doing so.

The purpose of the ruling class to ensure that the people have food and clothing is to consolidate their rule and increase fiscal revenue to enhance national strength. Internal conflicts only need to be maintained so as not to affect the stability of the empire and religious prestige. For this reason, in addition to slightly improving the happiness of some people, it also needs to maintain some

The existence of paupers and slaves gave the general population a sense of superiority.

"Has anything unusual happened recently?" Melphis turned to ask seriously.

The shopkeeper's expression became a little more serious and he replied: "No, I didn't catch any fish. The civilians in these neighborhoods are very responsible."

"Really, then you continue to be busy. I will take this adult to continue to inspect other places."

After saying that, Melphis took Claudius and pushed the door open to leave.

"My lords, go on your way."

After leaving the alley, Cronpis muttered: "This trick is really good, it doesn't look like it was thought up by a goblin."

"Lord Clawnpis, in order to squeeze the common people and make them obey, the talents that human nobles can use are unlimited." Melphis looked amazing.

"So, what about other aspects besides economics?"

"By the way, Lord Crownpiss." Melphis walked around a block and saw the spire of the Secret Tower of the Empire's Ministry of Magic. She clasped her hands together again and said, "I want to visit the Ministry of Magic.

Are you ready? There are some interesting things that cannot be seen in the Kingdom of Titania, and the undead with natural powers that Lord Crownpis asked us to cultivate are also ready."

"Ah~" Crounpis froze for a moment.

She was a little interested in interesting things that could not be seen in the Kingdom of Titania, but it was just interesting, because if it was something useful, the information would have been sent back long ago and even the samples would have been acquired. As for the undead with natural powers——

The guys she wanted were originally used as puppets to fill some gaps in her abilities. However, after visiting the world of Xingyue and re-creating a large number of her subordinates, to be honest, she had filled in everything she could.

Those mere humans who didn't make up for it can't make up for it, and even the few people she once emphasized are of no use to her now.

If Sylvie, Pliny and Will had similar abilities, then Crounpis would still be interested. Otherwise, they would be trained as subordinates or playthings of their own subordinates.

"What is the Ministry of Magic's attitude toward the undead who are born with supernatural powers?" Clawnpith asked.

"Sir Paradine has no selfish motives, but many researchers advocate fighting for the opportunity to stay. He is currently quarreling with the Holy Kingdom. If the undead with natural powers are used properly, they can play a role comparable to the elites of the Guards.

.Lord Crownpiss had a really good sense back then.”

"I understand." Crownpiss said smoothly, "Let's go to the Ministry of Magic and have a look. If there are really interesting things that make me happy, then I will give you some of the batch of people with natural abilities that I named."

"Of course there are interesting things. I have been testing the new Graeme recently."

"Ah, that's it?" Cronpis was a little disappointed. How strong can the native Graeme be? Can he be stronger than the two people he saw in the dwarf country who beat him until he was stuck in the ground?

I feel like humans can’t develop so fast, and even if they can make technological breakthroughs, they still won’t be practical.

"New, it's new! It's something new that completely breaks the shackles of tradition!" Melphis said hurriedly.

"Is it new? Well, let's take a look. Don't repeat what Luna showed me."

"Yes, that's not a problem, let's go!" Melphis clenched her fists a little excitedly. After listening to Lace's report, she thought it would make Crownpis happy. Regardless of patriotism or not, this is the place.

Where Melphis lives, strengthening the empire means giving her gold.

In fact, Crounpis has no ownership rights at all, but if she says she wants it, no one can refuse it, so in the eyes of Melifis and others, this is undoubtedly a reward.

On the way, Melphis asked if there was anything else important about Crownpis' visit to the empire.

Crownpis said that she was just visiting the human kingdom for business, and by the way, she took a look around a few countries that believed in her.

The cause of the matter was that when Lily came again after stopping Luna's war proposal that day, Lily complained to Crounpis that being a teacher to those naughty children was getting more and more tiring, and she also complained that the form of war was becoming troublesome.

This makes the Elf Kingdom even more panicked.

You know, the demihuman tribe alliance in the Abelion Hills is adjacent to the Elf Kingdom.

Because the temple has lost nearly half of its power in the human country, it is already a bit red-eyed. It is intensifying its offensive on the Abelion Hills. The demihuman tribe alliance has been taken away by a large part of it by Crounpith, so it is greatly weakened. Although

As the defensive side, it had some advantages. The Holy Kingdom adopted a method of building a large number of cities and fortresses and advancing steadily. Although the progress was slow, it occupied two-fifths of the Abelion Hills in ten years.

Perhaps I'm a little lucky that the demihuman tribal alliance has been weakened - the population is small, and it requires less land and food, so it won't be affected to the extent that it can survive.

However, some of the races that were moved to the Top Forest by Crownpis in the past still had some feelings for them and wanted to provide some assistance in a private capacity.

Not only that, if this war situation continues, the Holy Kingdom will push the battle line to the Elf Kingdom. Considering that the Temple and the Dragon Kingdom have fallen out, the Dragon Kingdom and the Elf Kingdom are in alliance, and the Dragon Queen and the Elf King are engaged. If this continues, the Elf Kingdom may

It will be attacked by two human supremacist countries.

The Dragon Kingdom, which is allied with the Elf Kingdom, has to support it. From a geographical point of view, it has to go through the Empire. In fact, both the Empire and the Dragon Kingdom belong to the power of the Elf Temple, so the Empire cannot escape the relationship, and the Empire and the Holy Kingdom are separated from each other.

Belongs to a kingdom secretly supported by the Theocracy——

It feels like sooner or later it will turn into a big melee in the human kingdom?

It’s really possible!

It would be troublesome even if Crounpisi's men win, because she doesn't want to push her sphere of influence beyond the Kaz Plains.

This reason cannot be said, so Crounpis had no choice but to play herself as a goblin who quits when she is full and does not have the spirit of the Eight Desire Kings to push the world.

(to be continued)

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