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Chapter 101: The Destruction of Fuyuki City

After Darius extended the invitation to the Holy Grail War to Crounpis, he made a request: "For the sake of the Holy Grail War, can you return Miyu to us?"

Is this the original purpose? Without Miyu, the Holy Grail War cannot start normally.

Crounpis spread her hands and expressed her helplessness: "Even if you say so, she is not under my control, so I can't pay her back. Why don't you just use your special skills to catch her?"

Crown Peace's investigation of Ainsworth's workshop, which resembles a villa and palace, did not find any troops other than Angelica and Beatrix. How could it be so small? So, continue to open more of your hands.

Let's play cards.

"Then, I would like to thank you for the invitation to the Holy Grail War. This is a meeting gift." With that said, Crounpisi activated teleportation magic and disappeared, and in less than ten seconds, reappeared at the edge of the giant pit.

"Let's continue fighting next time." Crounpis turned and left looking very leisurely.

Beatrix felt the change in light above her head, looked up and said angrily: "You guy!"

"It doesn't matter, Beatrix, bring Angelica back. She still has her place in my myth." Darius ordered.

"...I know." Beatrix grabbed Angelica's clothes and pulled her into the barrier of Ainsworth's Magic Workshop like a cargo, disappearing in the giant pit.

The next moment, nine huge blocks of light broke through the snowing clouds and fell one after another towards the huge pit!

In order to increase the power, Crounpis specially teleported to high altitude to cast spells. The entire island country should be able to see it, right?

In this era where the Internet is widespread and astronomical observation is popular, it is impossible to do covert work! It feels like notifying the Holy Church in vain? But they should be willing to wipe their ass.

Behind Crounpiss is the direction of Luna and their stronghold. She has already prepared to create a fortress just to help them withstand the shock wave, but——

Waves of diamond-shaped halos appeared in the low sky, "eating" all the meteorites.

"That's—" Crounpis, who was walking back but actually turned his head slightly to observe, his face darkened slightly with excitement, raised his chin, "The scale of space replacement can actually reach this level."

This blow was just a greeting, and it was expected that it would not be effective. Falling from such a high altitude would increase the power, but it would also give Ainsworth time to react. Beatrix could easily crush nine meteorites, but this transfer method was a bit

Not easy to accept.

Will a meteorite impact fall on my head?

Impossible, at this distance, the impact of the meteorite will still affect the center of the giant crater.

Suddenly, on the other side of the Miyuan River, a series of nine shocking explosions erupted, causing fire and dust to rush into the sky. The explosion and shock wave completely wiped out the remaining half of Fuyuki City that had not been damaged by erosion from the map in an instant!

"It's none of my business, right?" Crounpis muttered as she looked blankly at the other side of the Weiyuan River, which had turned into more giant craters and ruins.

Countless balls of blue halo light rose from the opposite side of the Far River and flew towards Crownpiss!

"So many! If we don't make good use of the souls and deaths of these people who sacrificed in vain, we would be sorry for them. Hurry up as much as possible, [Time Stands Still [T-S]]!"

In the world of black and white, Crounpisi took out the Death Sacrifice Orb and flew over there...


Fuyuki City Ruins——

After collecting all the dead people's resources to dispel the time-stop magic, Cronpis felt very regretful. She originally wanted to try letting Luna or Kachino absorb souls to see if they could improve their level, but as expected, it would not work if they had not undergone the transformation of the origin magic.

Woolen cloth.

Soon after, Clawnpis found Miyu, Shiloe, Jack and Shirou Emiya in a ruins.

"Yeah, you look like you're all safe and sound." Crowenpis waved to them naturally.

"Why?" Meiyou looked ashen.

"Why, why why?" Crounpis tilted her head pretending to be confused.

"Meteorite is one of your special moves, Crounpiss, right?" Shiloai also looked unkind.

If Crounpis admits that he intends to destroy Fuyuki City, will anyone call directly? So, tell the truth——

"I just saved Miyu's brother. After sending Emiya away, I fought with Ainsworth's pursuers. Those two people were really powerful and dangerous. I fought seriously because that was

The border is uninhabited and I released the meteorite without any scruples. Who would have thought that my ultimate trick would be transferred here by them?" said Cronpis.

"Damn it," Shirou clenched his fists, "Ainsworth, he said that he wants to save the world. For this, not only Miyu, but anyone can sacrifice as much as they want?"

Shirou had seen with his own eyes how many people were involved in the giant pit in Miyama Town, Fuyuki City, and Einzworth's trampling on human life. In addition, Crounpis did save Shirou and wore the clothes he had worn when he was killed by Einzworth.

The costume of Kirei Kotomine, who saved Miyu's life during the Wass attack——

Therefore, he was more willing to believe what Crounpis said.

"But why must the attack be moved here?" Miyu said she didn't understand. Couldn't it be moved to an uninhabited wilderness?

Jack answered with the thinking of a murderer: "It is to force us out. If we are hiding in a water tank as water, then we only need to break the water tank. Moreover, my combat power is related to the number of people around me.

, doing this can also weaken our combat power, and achieve multiple goals with one stone."

"How could it be, because I'm hiding and not daring to face it...is it wrong, is it? All the people in this city..." Miyu hugged her body tremblingly, almost collapsing.

Shirou didn't know how to comfort Miyu, so he could only gently hug Miyu from behind and touch her head.

"As for the matter here, we have contacted the church to handle it. If we want to save people, you guys can't play much role. Come with me?" Clawnpith stretched out his hand and asked.

"Save people, yes, save people!" Shirou, who still had some sense of justice, finally remembered, let go of Miyu and said while running, "You guys go to my house first, Miyu will lead the way, brother, I will go and take a look.

There were no survivors.”

"...Jack." Miyu looked at Jack with flashing eyes.

"Yes, yes, I know, Miyu." Jack created a lot of clones, all of them turned into police officers and joined the search and rescue team.

"So, we want to go to Miyu's house? Maybe the enemy will monitor that place?" Crownpis pointed in the direction of Emiya's house across from the Mito River.

But Miyou shook her head: "They won't do that kind of meaningless thing. Just go to my house. There are still survivors in this half of the city, so I shouldn't stay here."

"Then, please do so. My companions have their own base, and your home is really not suitable for us. But we must be warned that before nightfall the day after tomorrow, Ainsworth may take action, and we need to explain it face to face.

Please tell me the matter," said Crownpis.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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