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Chapter 42: Punching the Villagers and Kicks

Seeing An Qi, who had the characteristics of a fox demon appearing on her body, walking on a remote street as if nothing had happened, the villagers of Konoha Village gathered around and formed a human wall that was beyond An Qi's expectation.

"The monster has revealed its true form!"

"Get out of here, monster!"

"That's right, get out of here quickly or I'll beat you to death."

I really dare to say that there are obviously several families in Konoha Village whose ninjutsu can turn parts of the body into monsters. There are also monster-like guys who summon psychic beasts. Don't those still walk around in the village? Here are only the manifestations.

The ears and tail look very cute to Creation Summoner Clawnpith.

Taking a step back, how could these people have the guts to drive An Qi out of the village or kill them? Did the Third Hokage disobey the orders? At most, they were far too incompetent to yell angrily.

"Forget it, I'm not as knowledgeable as lower-class creatures." An Qi ignored the group of people and continued walking. When they approached, the crowd automatically moved away. Well, this is right.

After passing through the crowd, An Qi realized what was going on, because rocks started flying over from behind.

"Humph, you really dare to do that, you inferior creature!" An Qi dodged a few stones that would hit her, put one hand back, caught a stone, turned around, glared at the crowd, and threw the stone back.


A child was hit on the forehead by a sharp stone, and red blood flowed out. The pain made him cry loudly.

The person who looked like the child's parent cast an even harsher look at An Qi, comforted the child, and asked for help from the boy who was following them.

"You little girl, do you know what you have done?" The young man came over and looked at An Qi condescendingly.

Angel put the fish package aside, glanced at the Konoha ninja forehead protector on the boy's forehead, pointed at the child who smashed it and said, "He was the one who struck first."

"You are... oh, the next sentence is forbidden." Although the young man stopped explaining, he seemed to be planning to teach An Qi a lesson.

An Qi struck first, raising her arm and stabbing the young genin with his hand.

"Poof!" It stabbed in, and then the young genin turned into a piece of wood with a "pop", and Angel's hand was stuck in the wood.

"I actually got into it...Improved so much all of a sudden? The power of the Nine-Tails? No--"

The reason why ninjas are so strong is that pure physical training is secondary. The most important thing is chakra. Angel has been secretly practicing chakra since she was born a few days ago. To purely refine chakra, you don’t need to do anything special, even if

Meditating in any amount will work, so it can be done - provided the baby's mind can understand it.

An Qi had previewed it, so of course she could understand it. The problem was that the Kyuubi was always in the way, so the refined chakra flowed into her stomach to strengthen the seal and suppress the Kyuubi. After meeting the Kyuubi for the first time, the Kyuubi was no longer in the way.

All the chakra refined from the self-abuse and revenge on the compatriots who secretly took care of him since birth burst out.

As a result, An Qi's hand was accidentally inserted into the wooden stake, which was equivalent to temporarily blocking the freedom of the hand.

The young genin ducked behind An Qi and took the opportunity to clasp An Qi's chin with his arm. Although he did not tighten his grip, he lifted her up.

"These souls are weak." An Qi gritted her teeth. Why do these people show some relief in their eyes? It shouldn't be. They know that the nine tails are sealed in their bodies. If they get excited and let the nine tails come out, even if they only have a moment of power.

Revealed, they were the ones who died, right? Why did these people dare to do this to her?

Even if the villagers are ignorant, is the person holding him captive a ninja? Doesn't he have any common sense at all? Why didn't anyone stop him?

In other words, does it not matter what you do?

"Bang~" An Qi hit a stone on her stomach, which was "returned" by the child who was hit before. Under his influence, some children also picked up the stone again.

An Qi was extremely angry. The tail hanging above her buttocks was not a decoration. She hit the weak point of the young ninja with her upward blow, causing him to let go and cover the area and kneel down. An Qi stepped on the young genin with her kick.

On the ground, he sat astride him, used the wooden stake inserted in his hand as a hammer, and landed on his face one after another with the hammer and claws.

Most of the people who had participated in the human wall were scared away. Only one child sat there as if he was frightened.

Finally, the wooden pile was smashed into pieces. An Qi, who had freed her hands, stood up and lifted the upper body of the boy who was bruised and swollen by herself, and asked: "Know him?"

"Don't...hurt me...brother, damn monster!" The child trembled and shouted bravely.

"You were the ones who made the first move, damn humans. Remember to call me daddy next time you come to me, and come and get beaten by me together, hehehehe." An Qi kicked the young genin on the child and pushed him to the ground.

Well, be merciful, if you really get to the root of the disease, you may get into trouble that you can't solve. Although An Qi knows that Gaara, the Jinchūriki of Sunagakure Village, seems to have injured many villagers and even killed ninjas in the village, he is fine.

But I don’t know if this applies to Konoha, so it’s hard to start.

An Qi thought so, turned around, picked up her fish package and continued home.

An Qi's home is an apartment in the development zone. The nearest neighbor's house is at least one room away, and there is no contact. The room is not big, with a bed, a cabinet, a table, a chair, a refrigerator, and a

There is a stove and a bathroom. A branch with red leaves in an old vase on the table is the only decoration in the room.

Angel carefully put the fish neatly into the refrigerator, washed the canvas and dried it, then sat on the chair to prepare. According to the daily schedule, he still needs to practice. After all, it is a weak human body. The advantage is that it is different from that of goblins.

Muscle strength can also be improved by repeated high-intensity physical activities. But today's experience was a bit uncomfortable, so An Qi stopped going out.

She was exercising and refining chakra in her house, waiting for that moment to come.


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh - what are you doing An Qi? You want to scare the goblin to death." Sunflower's shadow clone (whose real body is in Orochimaru's laboratory) looked at it from a distance with his coral-colored Sharingan, and was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.


Because An Qi's original body and mind are about to break down, the body she is using now needs to be well cultivated and brought back by Himawari. Although sealing the Nine-Tails body is not planned, what if something goes wrong? Considering the importance of the Jinchuuriki

There are not many people in the Sex and Uzumaki clan, so the top management of Konoha will not consider punishing Angel, but what will happen to the treatment given to Angel? Or, what will happen if the negative emotions continue to increase and the Kyuubi takes over the body?

Sure enough, An Qi is very angry. Now she is a contradictory body. On the one hand, she does not betray Crounpis, but on the other hand, she keeps creating obstacles for herself. Sunflower cannot understand it. She has never confided in An Qi and has no intention.

Himawari couldn't understand what he did.

(to be continued)

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