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Chapter 34: Pess and the Child Who Destroyed the Country

"Do you understand?" Crownpis turned to Lolita Destroyer again, "I will create goblins that can easily deal with undead, so I need your memory as a high-level undead. You didn't want to do it at the beginning, so you can't do it now.

Don’t worry about the matter, my child will take care of it.”

"There is a key question, how to ensure that I will not become the same as the undead you just killed?" Ibiluyai asked in a low voice.

"We don't trust each other, so it's impossible to guarantee it." Crownpis spread her hands, "But you just easily resisted the spiritual magic that I'm good at, and the healing magic will be greatly reduced if you refuse to accept it.

I really don’t have confidence in my own mental strength.”

"In the face of the unknown, it is better to be cautious in everything." After a brief pause, Ibiluyai said again, "Moreover, you call them children, let's not say who is the real one, these children are not

They are considered consumables because they can be easily produced."

"It can't be like that, Ibiluyai. This is the tenth level magic that can be easily cast by the Eight Desire Kings. How much do you think it will cost me to cast this?" Clawnpisi took up her hands.

, said unhappy.

On the one hand, using "Tenth Level Magic" to scare people, on the other hand, it is also a sign of weakness, indicating that this power is difficult to use, so that the opponent will not be too scared. In fact, this is indeed the case. I only did it once, and it is better than a level 100 player.

If the mp is higher, it will consume nearly half.

"Eight Kings of Desires? Liar!" Ibiluyai's first reaction was naturally to refuse. What kind of existence is the Eight Desire Kings? They were the ones who slaughtered the dragons that once ruled the world, changed the magic rules of the world, and once conquered the world.


"Forget it, and you seem to have forgotten one thing. The overwhelming gap between us determines that I don't care what you think - [Group full race control [massterminatespecies]]! Ibiruyai, be obedient and come here."

"Yes." Yibiluyai responded and walked towards Clunpisi. She discovered with horror that she could no longer act according to her own ideas.

"When did you destroy the country? Tell me the time relative to now."

"Thirty-two years ago."

"Really?" Crounpisi took off the level 6o mimicry magic hat on her head, canceled the summons, and then re-summoned the level 6o necromantic tree. She grabbed the trunk with one hand and placed it on Ibiluai with the other.

on the head.

In severe pain, Ibiluayai cried tears that almost turned red, and watched helplessly as her consciousness was dyed white.

I don't know how much time passed, but Yibiluyai vaguely felt that she had regained consciousness. She opened her eyes and saw the face of Crounpisi lying sideways.

"Good morning." Crounpis said with a smile.

"Wow!" Thinking of the previous pain, Ibiluyai wanted to jump up from her knees, but her weakened body and the small hands of Crounpis pressing on her body made her unable to do so.

Not succumbing to Crownpis' lap.

"You, what did you do next?"

If possible, Crounpith really hopes to be complained about why it is a knee pillow, but it seems that there is no exclusive concept in this area? Well, it is indeed not the time to complain about knee pillows——

"Actually, I also chatted with the dwarves of the Earth Temple in the Dwarf Kingdom when I was in the Dwarf Kingdom, so I also have a good understanding of some common sense of faith-based magic, such as the conditions and effects of resurrection magic and healing magic. If it is a negative

Energy, in turn, has the same effect on the undead." Clawnpisi smiled.


Crounpis: "Your consciousness is indeed damaged, but vampires are special undead, retaining the characteristics of the living to the greatest extent, so you should use your brain to think, so I smashed your head

, and then I asked the new child born from my undead tree to cast the sixth-level magic [greater1etha1] on you to inject negative energy, and you came back to life intact, hehe."

"What are you going to do if I become a complete fool?" Ibiluyai was speechless.

"Your consciousness is not that seriously damaged."

It's really not that serious. Crounpisi just considered the issue of undead experience and the need for slightly higher-level undead memories. Most of the memories needed to promote the transformation of the plant-type demon tree into a dryad are still his own.

Therefore, the overload and impact on Ibiruyai's spirit was only during the period when she was a "country annihilation". In order to reduce the consumption of magic power, the time of the country annihilation event was specifically asked to save the mp consumed for memory retrieval.

"The extent of your mental damage before, at best, your consciousness has not changed much. It's just that you can't overcome the blood-sucking instinct of low-level vampires and your original hatred of the living." Crownpis continued.

"Isn't that serious!"

"Really? It's just a return to the life of that period, right?"

"Have you seen it? Huh, forget it. Although almost all the people who knew that period of history are dead, and the rest will die sooner or later, history will not disappear." Ibiluyai began to give up on herself.

stand up.

"Sure enough, you are a good person at heart. But don't worry, you have been cured." Crounpis smiled.

"Hmph." Even so, Ibiruyai was really hurt just now, and Ibiruyai naturally wouldn't have a good look on her face.

At this moment, a golden child with a figure between the two of them rushed over and hugged the two of them: "Dad! Mom! That's great! Dad, Mom is awake!"

"...Huh?" Ibiluyai's reaction was a few beats slower, and then he realized that this was a goblin made using a similar method to what he saw just now and could control the undead spirits out of control. But that's not the problem, "Dad

What the hell is mom?"

"Ah, mom is so outrageous!"

"'Father' is you?!" Ibiluyai said in surprise as she looked at Crounpisi, who had a more mature and beautiful face than her own.

"I never said I was a female, right? Most plant-based monsters are either asexual or hermaphrodite, and by the way, I am the latter. Don't treat me as a pervert by human standards. Since you are 100% female, this kid

It's the product of you and me again, so I'm not the only one who can be the father?" Crownpis paused and continued, "It just so happens that she has all the characteristics of a fairy, and also has the characteristics of a fairy.

When it comes to plant-type monsters, the undead magic caster ability to use the undead is stronger, so there is nothing wrong with saying that it is your child."

Before Loli Destroyer could find the words to respond, Crounpis continued to speak again: "I know there are many things to explain, but the loss of undead on the front line is accelerating, and the children have worked too hard, so I will keep the story short.


(to be continued)

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