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Chapter 8 The Supreme Being of Humanity: The Silian Cult

You know, Penny Xun usually uses leaves to make clothes, which is good for concealment. Although Penny Xun can also use [Invisibility], a type of illusion magic, her magic power is not unlimited.

In other words, isn't Crownpis's dress deliberately promoting her status as a "demon" to make other forest residents avoid her or challenge her?

So what Penny Xun said was reasonable and heartfelt, but Crounpis understood this several years after the so-called "demon gods" were wiped out by players who came from this era.

"Next, let's start doing other experiments...Ah, first call down the little goblin on top of my head."

After all, the distance was several hundred meters. Even if the dryad under the tree spoke so many words, it would be impossible to hear them from the top of the tree. Therefore, even with so many things happening below, there was no movement above.

After such a long time, it’s time to put the huge crown back underground. Although it can be fully expanded to bathe in more sunlight, the increased consumption of nutrients is more than the increase in nutrients. The main reason for raising the crown and trunk is to

Fighting and straight up eating a lot.

Thinking about it this way, the person who ate it at that time actually felt that it was delicious and really wanted to try it again. However, considering the other troubles it caused, it would be nice to try it with other meat instead.

It seemed leisurely, but there seemed to be a lot to do. Looking back now, it seems that those guys I defeated were part of the "Thirteen Heroes", a team of heroes who participated in the Demon God War. Will they be targeted in the future?


At level 75, it is no problem to deal with enemies of the same level as last time. However, if the Silian Theocracy or even the Council of State takes action, then Crounpis will probably have no choice but to run for his life.


At the southern end of the Top Forest, across a plain, there is a country that has relatively close roots as a human country.

The Silian Theocracy is a country that believes in the six gods and has a strong religious atmosphere. It advocates the unity of all mankind and the elimination of other demi-human and alien races.

In the deepest part of the Slaan Theocracy, few people are allowed to enter this sacred and inviolable room——

First of all, there is the person with the highest position in the Silian Theocracy──the Supreme Priest.

Then there are the six gods, the six chief priests who are the top leaders of the six sects: Chief Fire God, Chief Water God, Chief Wind God, Chief Earth God, Chief Light God, and Chief Dark God. These seven plus

The Chief Justice, the Chief Legislator, the Chief Executive of the Theocracy, as well as the head of the research institution who single-handedly handles magic development and other matters, as well as the Generalissimo, the highest person in charge of the military institution.

This assembly, composed of a total of twelve members, is the highest executive body of the Theocracy. They walked into the room together and started cleaning the room using the cleaning tools on their hands. Some people used dusters to remove the dust, some were responsible for dry wiping, and some were responsible for cleaning the room.

Wet mopping, someone uses magic props to remove dust, the movements are clean and neat, and the room is skillfully cleaned.

Although these people stood at the top of the Slaan Theocracy with a population of more than 10 million people, none of them were lazy. They sweated profusely and let dust stain their clean and beautiful robes. They kept cleaning until no trace of dirt was left.

It is only such people who can be selected to this top position.

After the room was cleaned, the already clean room was now even brighter and cleaner. Everyone did not wipe off the sweat on their foreheads, lined up in a row, and bowed deeply to the six statues standing in front of the room, as if watching over everyone.


"Thank God for still allowing us humans to survive today." Following the top priest, all the members sang in unison, "Thank God."

The six gods are suspected of being six "Yggdrasil" players who came to another world six hundred years ago. They saved humans in the other world from predators and established the Theocracy. Later, five of them were suspected of dying due to death, and the remaining one

(Sirshana, the God of Death) died in the battle against the Eight Desire Kings. The six gods left a lot of legacy for humans in the other world, and even passed down the descendants who inherited their bloodline - the gods.

Therefore, the Silian Theocracy has the strongest national power among the human kingdoms, which also allows them to continue to maintain a paradise for the weak race of humans to live in the world. Therefore, as humans, we must have faith in the six gods.

Feelings of gratitude.

After cleaning, they used cleaning magic to clean themselves. Originally, it would be most convenient to clean the room directly with cleaning magic, but this kind of "lazy" behavior is considered disrespectful to God. Among them, there is no one

A godless person who would do such a thing.

After everyone was cleaned up, they sat down at the round table.

That's right, it's a "round table"! People sitting around this table are all equal here. They help each other regardless of superiority or inferiority. They are all our own people. Yes, for the prosperity of mankind.

"Then the meeting will begin now." A chief priest, as the master of ceremonies, spoke.

"The first topic is about the aftermath of the 'Demon War' that is coming to an end."

In this world, every hundred years there will be a wave of game travelers who come to this world with the abilities set by game characters. Naturally, people in this world don’t know what the hell video games are. However, for some of these terms, such as "player"

(player)" and "monster (monster)", as well as a few existences such as the senior leaders of the Silian Theocracy who are closest to the six gods, can still be known.

Because most of these objects are very powerful, they will bring great shock to the world, so these events are also called "hundred-year aftershocks."

The war caused by such an incident cannot but be the most important thing for the Slian Theocracy.

This time, not only players came through time, but also monsters. The players were all weak enough, and they had to train for a long time with the help of some strong indigenous people before they became somewhat effective. But thanks to this, these people are more obedient.


"Sure enough, if I had known the current situation, I should have been more actively involved in the war instead of supporting on the side, right?" someone said.

"What are these words? Didn't some people put forward the opinion at that time that direct conflict with the 'Century Aftershock' would be too risky, and we should reserve our strength for observation first?"

"...However, I didn't expect that most of them were defeated by them."

Everyone nodded.

Although the game monsters called "Demon Gods" appear to be very strong, they are only as powerful as an untrained elder dragon. The Silian Theocracy only needs to hold a few major rituals to activate the third monster.

If a seventh-level or even eighth-level magic summons a high-level angel, these monsters can probably be defeated.

The problem is that because the Silian Theocracy has retained its strength, the performance of those players has stood out in the eyes of the public.

(to be continued)

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