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Chapter 170 Pu-style retreats, peach-style resurrection!

Sasuke's Rinnegan has space-based abilities and captured the moment when Urashiki reappeared at the coordinates. He raised his hand filled with blue and white lightning and locked it there: "[Thunder Release Chidori Sharp Spear]!"

Urashiki reappeared with his shoulder scratched.

However, the red-light fishing rod and fish basket that should have been taken away by Anna and a secret peeper came back to him.

"This barrier is a little annoying, please withdraw." Ushiki felt that the barrier would take away physical and mental strength. Although it was not impossible to resist, it would affect the concentration of the battle. He grabbed a ball from the fish basket.

Throwing the grass-green chakra downwards, it immediately turned into a large number of giant roots and surged toward everyone!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Urashiki opened a dark space-time door, jumped in and disappeared.

Anna held the long-handled scythe in both hands and flew it like a razor, turning the roots close to her into wooden blocks, but she was still unable to match its growth speed.

Sasuke on the other side is also tired of running for his life. Although his time and space ninjutsu is easy to use, the cooldown time is a bit long, and it is not a cool ninjutsu that can be fired continuously like [Flying Thunder God Jutsu].

Sunny's voice sounded next to Anna: "You really retreated decisively. I only made two moves, right?"

Sunny has been using [mirror world] to hide around her, and helped Anna put on a shield when she couldn't avoid the red light fishhook, and also secretly took away Ura Shiki's red light fish basket. Then

Looks like a good thing.

Unexpectedly, those red-light weapons seemed to be bound equipment, or maybe something generated by abilities. In short, they recovered the fish basket stolen by Sunny and the fishing rod snatched from Anna at a thought.

Sasuke's unwilling voice sounded from the other side: "Damn it! How am I going to explain to Naruto if this continues!" He kept digging at the rhizome that stopped growing wildly, and then took out the bloody Boruto from inside.

"Damn it, damn it! You're not breathing anymore. I told you to step back. If you don't hurry up -"

Anna said softly: "Sunny, please save him."

"Yes, it's not that difficult anyway, just give me a favor." Sunny released the [mirror world] and appeared.

"Who!" Sasuke said warily.

"The answer is this." Sunny lifted the ends of her hair, revealing her small pointed ears.

Sasuke said: "People of your clan may have different ideas. You must be trustworthy."

"Hey, in the battle just now, I blocked two attacks from Ura Shiki, and I didn't even notice that I was knocked down. By the way, let me tell you, my healing ability is far superior to that of Elfin." Sunny patted her chest and said with a smile.

Sasuke thought of Urashiki's reaction and felt a little clearer, then he gently laid Boruto flat on the ground.

Sunny came to Bo Dobo's side, raised her hands and opened the magic circle: "[true resurrection]."

A blend of light green light enveloped Boruto's body. The area on Boruto's body that had been crushed by the Wood Release quickly became intact, and his chest also began to rise and fall. However, a strange phenomenon appeared——

"It hurts!" Boruto sat up like a catapult and covered his right arm with his left hand. An inconspicuous diamond pattern on his right hand quickly expanded and turned into a curse-like tattoo pattern, spreading up his arm!

"What is this? Hey, who is this suddenly appearing? Stop it!" Boruto didn't know that he had almost died once. He felt that his problems were caused by Sunny, so he shouted.

Sasuke frowned. He didn't know the principle of resurrection magic. Stopping it at this time would make Boruto fall again. Just when he wanted to seize the time to ask questions and then respond -

Sunny stepped on Boruto's shoulder and knocked him to the ground. Then Anna kicked Boruto at the base of his mutated arm. Anna's feet were also sharp claws that cut iron like mud. This kick

He cut off Boruto's arm flatly and kicked him several meters away.

"Zheng!" Anna pointed the sickle at Sasuke, "Don't move around. Repairing the arm is just a piece of cake for her. This arm is too abnormal, so it's better to throw it away."

Sure enough, under Sunny's continuous spells, bones and flesh sprouts quickly grew out of the section of Boruto's arm. Finally, the muscles were covered with new skin. The only drawback was that the severed sleeves could not be put back.

Anna put away the sickle, Sunny let go of her feet, put down her hands, and asked: "Are you okay?"

Boruto moved his right hand: "Well... I don't feel anything abnormal. What was that just now?"

Sasuke said seriously: "Boruto, the mark on your right hand was probably left by Otsutsuki Momoshiki when he defeated him."

"Ah, it looks like this. It seems to be a more dangerous thing." Boruto looked at the strange arm that was pulled out. Now the arm has returned to its original shape, but it still makes Boruto feel that it is not him, trying to

Stealing your own things.

Sunny said: "In return for saving Boruto, can I share further information?"

It turns out that in the future, three Otsutsuki actually came to this planet with the intention of replanting the sacred tree and seizing the planet's chakra. They were Momoshiki, Jinshiki, and Urashiki.

Kinshiki and Momoshiki were killed one after another before Urashiki decided to come to this time and space to capture the tailed beast. Because of Boruto's chakra characteristics, his attacks were quite restrained against Momoshi among them, so the name

People gave him a lot of strength to complete the final blow.

However, at the moment when Mooshiki was killed with the final blow, Mooshi stopped time and said some inexplicable words to Boruto, to the effect that Boruto's bloodline has an inescapable fate, and left a message for Boruto before disappearing.

The diamond-shaped mark was placed. The reason why Sasuke knew it was because his samsara eye could see through the gap in time and space, but he could only see through it and could not stop Momoshiki's behavior.

Sunny rolled her eyes, curled her lips, and said happily: "Isn't it interesting? There happens to be a one-armed corpse here, let's see what that mark is for."

With that said, Sunny picked up Boruto's severed arm. He understood that this arm was no longer Boruto's body. If it was, when continuing to treat Boruto, the arm should fly back to Boruto instead of regenerating.

That's right. Although the regenerated arm cost Sunny a little extra MP, it was able to satisfy her curiosity.

"Yes, this is part of gathering intelligence, although I don't know if this information will be useful in the future." Sunny convinced herself, put her arm on Danzo's body, and activated the sixth-level organ transplant magic to connect him.

, I don’t care whether you are opposed or not, or whether your body shape is asymmetrical, it’s just an experiment.

"[true resurrection]."

As Danzo's body became alive, the diamond-shaped mark was activated again, turning into a tattoo that climbed up his body along his arms and continued to spread to his face, body, and half of his body.

Then, horns grew on his head! His facial features also changed, becoming younger and whiter, and even his hair, which was originally black, turned white!

"He's Momoshiki?! Stop!" Boruto suddenly shouted.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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