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Chapter 208 A large wave of people is approaching

An Qi reported to Lin what she had sensed and judged: "Kazekage-sama Gaara has entered the Demonic Desert. I sense that some candidates' vital signs are declining in that area. They are here to save them. Fuya is going over there."

Went - after all, he was a kind fool like Naruto who came to see me last night."

Lin thought for a while and said: "...We really can't leave them alone. The purpose of this exam is to test the reactions of various countries and draw out enemies. If the ninjas of our village and allies are sacrificed due to natural disasters, it will put the cart before the horse."

After An Qi heard this, she suddenly felt energetic. She stood up and patted her chest and said, "Haha, leave it to me. Lin will take care of Ying here."

Lin narrowed her eyes and looked suspicious: "Anqi, you are not thinking that the enemy may appear when the jinchūriki gather together, and plan to rush forward to fight? It will be written on your face."

As she said that, she made a seal: "I will supervise you, [Shadow Technique Clone Technique]." The shadow under her feet squirmed and copied a shadow, rose up, colored, and turned into another Lin.

The two of them go together.

However, in order to rescue two ninjas from the same village who fell down due to a sandstorm on the road, they still had to separate. Angel also sent out several Foxtail clones to help.

"Absolutely don't mess around. Absolutely, absolutely don't show off and underestimate the enemy if you get caught, you know." After Lin warned her repeatedly, she and An Qi's clone helped the rescued person away.

This must also be her recognition and reassurance of An Qi's strength, but An Qi always goes head-on in battles, which makes her often worried.

An Qi followed the direction of perception and ran alone in the thick sandstorm that made her unable to see her fingers.

Finally, I broke out of the sandstorm and first met Fu, who looked as if she had done something good and was as proud as if she was going shopping.

"Hey, I haven't seen you for a day. I heard that you are a celebrity, right? Your name is An Qi?" Fu waved to An Qi in a familiar manner.

"Where are your teammates?" An Qi asked.

Fu seemed to have just woken up. She looked left and right, then slapped her forehead and laughed loudly: "Someone called for help just now. I was in a hurry to save them and accidentally got separated. It doesn't matter, they are jounin, they will be fine."

"Jounin coming to take the chuunin exam?"

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh use me, but I’ll let you know!”

"..." An Qi was speechless, she was really not good at dealing with such idiots.

Suddenly, a stream of tailed beast chakra rose into the sky from behind a nearby hillside, exploding like fireworks.

This aroused Fu's great concern. She pulled An Qi and shouted: "This is a cry for help from our kind. Go and save him."

The nine tails inside An Qi also raised its head.

[Is this feeling like Ichibi Shukaku? It’s really embarrassing to be helpless against that level of sealing technique and to be pulled back and forth between two humans.]

[Kyuubi, are you qualified to say that?] An Qi secretly said in embarrassment.

Kyuubi clicked, the seal in Sand Hidden Village is rubbish, Gaara will not be able to sleep well, otherwise Shukaku will come out, is it comparable to the [Bagua Seal]?

It didn't make a sound either. It crossed its two forelimbs and rested them on its chin, preparing to watch the good show of the tail.

An Qi also wanted to meet the enemies that Kyuubi said dared to play tailed beast tug-of-war with Gaara, so she agreed with Fu's opinion with a smile.

"[Flame Wing]." The tails behind An Qi turned into chakra and condensed again, turning into a pair of vermilion flame wings. They used the nine-tailed chakra and Elfin's blue flame.

Completely opposite.

"Oh, An Qi, your wings are so beautiful." Fu praised.

"Hey... thank you," An Qi heard for the first time in this world someone praising her inhuman "organs" for being beautiful. She was a little slow in reacting, quickly flapped her wings and took off, "Haha, let's go."

Fu soon opened up a few pairs of shiny transparent wings like dragonflies and followed her: "Hey, how about my wings? They are also very beautiful."

"Yes, very beautiful."

Soon, the two crossed the hillside and saw Gaara, the Fifth Kazekage, standing motionless on the sand, seemingly in pain. A green chain made of chakra was dragging the tailed beast from his body, and he shifted his gaze along the chain.

At the end was a bald mage sitting cross-legged, playing the pipa in his hand. It seemed that he was relying on the pipa to cast spells to extract the tailed beast from Gaara's body.

"Fu, that extraction technique seems to be very strong." An Qi felt that Ichibi would be pulled out soon.

"Go save him!" Fu rushed towards Gaara.

Gaara also noticed the person coming and shouted: "Don't come over!"

Fu ignored it and tried to pull the chain to join in the "tug of war". Unexpectedly, the chain was "electrified" and after a "beep beeping", Fu fell down.

Master Pipa immediately sped up his playing and added an additional spell: "[Mana·Xianzhu Lisu]."

Another chain was inserted into Fu's body, and Fu was too painful to move.

An Qi stopped in the air and was secretly shocked: "That doesn't look like a person from Akatsuki. He actually dares to capture two tailed beasts at once. No matter whether he can do it or not, it will cause international problems, right? Who are they?"

"But maybe it's just what I want." An Qi assessed the nature of her opponent's moves and whether her own weapons could handle the chain.

The Thunder God Sword can cut off ninjutsu, but Master Bipa's method of using chakra is not like ninjutsu; the red light fishing rod can fish away chakra, but its weakness is the sealing technique.

Why not just kill the caster?

Because An Qi wanted to deceive that person's extraction method and it would be great if he could release the Nine Tails safely.

"Exactly what I want!" A burst of red flames erupted from Angel's wings, and she flew down like a rocket. Then she took out a few paper charms from her sleeves, flew them around Gaara and Fu, and formed a seal with one hand, "

[Sealing Barrier in Four Directions]!”

The cube barrier enveloped the two of them. The barrier imprisoned the flow of chain chakra and forcibly suspended Master Pipa's extraction.

An Qi fell outside the barrier, knocked on the barrier and said, "Lord the Fifth Kazekage, Fu, are you okay?"

"Oh, oh, oh, did you see that I was caught and came to save me?" Fu said happily, and also knocked on the inner wall of the barrier, crying and laughing, "Although for some reason, I didn't feel liberated at all."

Gaara, on the other hand, said in a reproachful tone: "What are you doing here? I should have told them to handle this matter myself. How could anyone find this place?"

"Hehehehahaha, you have to deal with it alone, but the civet cat in your belly seems to be strangled by the chain and can't bear it and starts shouting for help from us, hahaha." An Qi was immediately amused.

One tail: "I didn't call you a stinky fox!"

Kyuubi: "Really? That's really a pity."

"Woo!" An Qi whimpered suddenly, looked down at her stomach, and found that she had also been stabbed into the body with a chain by Master Pipa, "What, this speed."

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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