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Chapter 154 The matter of the ruins, Gu Jinnian was furious, dispatched the army,

Chapter 154: Regarding the ruins, Gu Jinnian was furious and dispatched an army to destroy Prince Ning’s Mansion! [Asking for monthly votes]

The desert is solitary and the smoke is straight, and the sun is setting over the long river.

The border land is desolate and terrifying.

A jade chariot was driving slowly.

Hundreds of elites were escorting the surroundings, looking around vigilantly, although they knew that there was also a strong King Wu protecting Gu Jinnian secretly.

But normal vigilance is still necessary.

It is impossible to let King Wu handle everything, as this will make them appear useless.

Inside the jade chariot.

Gu Jinnian was also discussing Confucianism with Kong Xuan.

I have to say that although Kong Xuan's poetry is very broad, he does have some Confucianism.

The so-called Confucianism is the central idea of ​​scholars.

To put it simply, it is why you should read, what is the role of reading, and what should you do after reading.

Hengqu's four sentences are statements, not an answer, but a lofty goal.

But the meaning of Confucianism, Taoism and Classics is the ‘central idea’.

"Brother Jinnian."

"I believe that thoughts should not be constrained. I didn't feel this way when I was in the Confucius family. When I traveled around the world, I gradually discovered that many people are constrained by their thoughts."

"There is a feeling of being stuck in a rut. There is nothing wrong with studying the meaning of the saints, but when the words of the saints become a shackles, you will never be able to reach new heights."

"But you can't act based on your heart. There are many things in this world that can't be too straightforward or straightforward, and they don't apply to many places. But if a gentleman is not straight, how can he be called a gentleman?"

"But Yu Di seems to have seen an explanation from his brother, but it is difficult to make a general plan. If the plan can be successful, Yu Di has a hunch that this will be a new Confucianism, which can establish a sect and complete the sage's words."

Kong Xuan spoke very seriously.

Among the jade chariots, Gu Jinnian was really surprised.

What Kong Xuan said, including what he did, is actually just four words.

Unity of knowledge and action.

This thing is the new sage thought, and it is the classic statement of the semi-sage Wang Yangming. The reason why Wang Yangming is a semi-sage is not because he is not qualified.

It's a matter of time.

In his previous life, if another five hundred years passed, Wang Yangming would definitely be a Confucian saint, and it would take time for him to ferment.

It's just that the unity of knowledge and action is a simple four-word phrase filled with infinite wisdom. It would take three days and three nights to explain it carefully, but if it is explained simply, it can be said in one sentence.

The main thing is to look at the other person’s understanding.

This is also the threshold for the study of mind. You need to study it carefully or have an epiphany by chance, otherwise you will not be able to get started at all.

Gu Jinnian studied mind science in his previous life, and he was also a lover of mind science. As for whether he had started or not, Gu Jinnian himself did not know.

But if I look back now, I have to say that many of the things I do are influenced by psychology.

But Gu Jinnian didn't know exactly what it was, and he needed to take some time to understand it.

"It's a good idea, but you can't focus on me alone."

"There are many more people in this world who are worth seeing and learning from. No matter who they are, whether they are princes, generals or ordinary people, if we are walking together, there must be someone like me as a teacher. Do you understand?"

Gu Jinnian opened his mouth to give instructions. He was not afraid that the other party would keep staring at him, so he suddenly realized that knowledge and action are one.

Tell the truth.

If someone can truly realize the unity of knowledge and action, no matter who it is, as long as they are not their mortal enemies.

If he suddenly realizes the unity of knowledge and action, or other new Confucian principles, and is able to establish a mind for the world, establish a destiny for the people, carry forward the unique knowledge of the past saints, and create peace for all generations, Gu Jinnian will not be envious at all, but only admire him.

When things are prosperous, the people suffer.

Death, people suffer.

Gu Jinnian also wanted the people to live a better life. He would be a handsome marquis, and if he was lucky enough to become a handsome prince in the future, he would be very happy.

Why do you have to work so hard and be so tired?

"My foolish brother understands what my brother said. Thank you very much for your advice."

Kong Xuan stood up and bowed respectfully to Gu Jinnian, very seriously.

Kong Xuan has a really good character. He tells the truth, is both humble and polite, and is as good as his own.

Finally met a normal scholar.

give a like.

But seeing Kong Xuan acting like this, Gu Jinnian pulled Kong Xuan's sleeve and said seriously.

"Brother, brother, I want to ask you something. Please answer it seriously."

Gu Jinnian pulled Kong Xuan very seriously.

"Brother, please speak frankly."

The latter was a little curious and didn't know what Gu Jinnian wanted to ask.

"To be honest, have you ever been to Goulan?"

Gu Jinnian looked at Kong Xuan seriously.

As soon as he said this, Kong Xuan was stunned on the spot.


Why do you suddenly ask this?


Kong Xuan became a little nervous and didn't know how to answer for a moment.

"What's this? If you've been there before, you've been there. If you haven't been there, you've never been there. There's nothing bad to say."

Gu Jinnian's tone was a bit unpleasant.

"I've been there, but I just went to see it. I just wanted to see it."

Kong Xuan did not dare to lie.

"Sure enough, there is no scholar who doesn't like to check boxes."

Gu Jinnian muttered.

"Brother Jinnian, I came out not long after I went there. I was tricked into it by some friends."

“I really didn’t know it was Goulan at first.”

"If I knew, I dared to go there. If my uncle saw this, he would probably beat me to death."

Hearing what Gu Jinnian said, Kong Xuan immediately spoke and tried his best to explain.


"Want to go there again?"

"Brother will take you."

Gu Jinnian looked at the other party with a smile and asked.

"Ah, isn't this not good?"

"If my uncle knew about it, I would be dead."

Kong Xuan was a little overwhelmed, and also a little scared.

"Who is your uncle?"

"Is it Kong Zheng?"

Gu Jinnian asked, a little curious.


"My uncle, whose name is Kongde, is a contemporary Confucian of the highest caliber. He is an upright man, and what he hates the most is the place where there are hooks."

"If he knew that Yu Di had been to Goulan, he would really beat Yu Di to death."

Kong Xuan mentioned his uncle with a look of fear in his eyes.

There seems to be a shadow.

"What are you afraid of?"

"My brother is now considered the Marquis of Daxia. Besides, my current status as a scholar of Confucianism and Taoism requires me to be more or less respected as a saint for future generations."

"I'll take you there, and there will be no problem. If your uncle finds out, at worst, if your brother comes forward, is it possible that your uncle won't give me face?"

Gu Jinnian said seriously.

There's really nothing wrong with that.

However, Kong Xuan was still a little scared.

"Okay, I just want to ask you, do you want to go?"

Gu Jinnian did not hesitate and directly asked the other party if he wanted to go and if he was willing to go.


Kong Xuan was very honest. After saying this, his face turned red and he lowered his head slightly, not daring to look directly at Gu Jinnian.

"It's fine if you want to go."

"When I get back to Beijing, I will take you to the best place. Have you ever heard of Jiaoshifang?"

"I heard that the women inside are all beautiful."

Gu Jinnian patted Kong Xuan's shoulder and said.

He did want to go to a place like Dean's Square, but it was for a purpose.

And at this moment.

Xu Jin's voice sounded outside the jade carriage.

"Master Hou."

"We've arrived in Longzhong County."

As Xu Jin's voice sounded, Gu Jinnian nodded.

"Okay, let's go to the ruined village."

Gu Jinnian was not verbose either.

Going back via the official road will be faster by half a day. The reason why we take this road is entirely to pass through the ruined village.

King Ning compensated himself for the elixirs, but the silver taels had not yet been compensated. He went over to discuss the issue of compensation.

The person has surrendered, and the remaining silver needs to be carefully negotiated.

"As commanded."

Xu Jin responded and then rushed towards the ruined village.

Inside the jade chariot.

Gu Jinnian was also weighing the amount of compensation. It was impossible to kill Li Lengxin with one hundred thousand taels of gold, but five thousand taels of gold was still a lot.

Five thousand taels of gold for a family.

It can be considered a compensation.

So, about half an hour.

The jade chariot stopped.

"Master Hou."

"problem occurs."

As the jade chariot stopped, Xu Jin's voice suddenly sounded.

This caused Gu Jinnian in the jade chariot to frown.

problem occurs?

What happened?

In the jade chariot, Gu Jinnian walked out directly.

When he walked out of the jade chariot.

The sight is desolation.

There was not a single human figure in the entire ruined village, making it a real ruined village.

This is very unreasonable.

Even if you are going to the market or have something to do, it is impossible for there to be no one there, not even a dog.

"Go and check to see if there is anyone alive."

Gu Jinnian spoke out, and a bad premonition emerged in his heart.

"Brother Jinnian, what's wrong?"

Kong Xuan walked out of the jade chariot and glanced around. He was a little curious and looked at Gu Jinnian.

Don't know what happened.

"It's hard to explain. I'll explain it to you later."

Gu Jinnian answered and waited for the news.

Xu Jin and others quickly searched the village, shouting that Gu Jinnian was here.

Unfortunately, there was no movement at all.

After searching for a full two-quarters of an hour, Xu Jin came back quickly.

"Master Hou."

"There is no one in the whole village."

Xu Jin spoke.

"Go to the back mountain to check. Bring some people and check around to see if they are hiding."

Gu Jinnian still had a glimmer of hope, so he asked Xu Jin to investigate thoroughly.

"As commanded."

The few people didn't hesitate, quickly mounted their horses, and began to search more carefully.

Taking this opportunity, Gu Jinnian also told Kong Xuan everything that happened here.

After the matter was finished, Kong Xuan frowned even more.

"Is there such a thing in this world?"

"This Li Lengxin is really a beast."

Kong Xuan clenched his fists, feeling extremely angry inside.

"No matter whether he is a beast or not, Li Lengxin is dead. My brother is not worried about anyone else now, but his brother."

"Li Lengqiu."

Gu Jinnian stood with his hands behind his hands and frowned.

To be honest, he had been worried before, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was unlikely. After all, Li Lengxin died in his own hands, as his brother.

No matter how arrogant and domineering Li Lengqiu is, he at least has some brains, right? He knows not to provoke him.

Prince Ning wouldn't be stupid enough to let his son make another mistake, right?

Unless King Ning wants his son to die.

But this is impossible.

There is no logic.

Therefore, he is more inclined to believe that these people are hiding and hiding.

Perhaps out of fear or other reasons, even Gu Jinnian wondered whether these people had moved.

It's just that this possibility is even more unlikely.

Without money, how could they move?

Who of the people who live in such a place are not poor?

If I had money to move, I would have moved long ago.

An hour later.

Xu Jin and others returned, and they came to Gu Jinnian with heavy faces.

"Master Hou."

"We have searched dozens of miles around and haven't found a single civilian."

"And the village next door is also empty, not even a chicken or duck."

"My subordinate went to Longzhong Station specially. I heard that I haven't seen the people here in the past few days."

"Please let the Marquis make a decision."

Xu Jin made a sound, and his face looked a little unhappy. He probably guessed something.

"I haven't seen you for several days in a row?"

Gu Jinnian stepped down from the jade chariot. He walked back and forth a few steps with a look of contemplation in his eyes.

But at this moment, Kong Xuan's voice couldn't help but appear.

"Brother Jinnian."

"Use the divine power of heaven."

"Looking back in time."

Kong Xuan opened his mouth to remind Gu Jinnian of this matter.

"Going back in time?"

Gu Jinnian was a little confused and didn't understand what Kong Xuan meant.

"Brother, the mark of heaven given to you by my foolish brother contains the magical power of heaven, which is called time retrieval. You can go back in time and see what happened in the past."

"But there's a price to pay."

Kong Xuan spoke up and told the reason.

Hearing this, Gu Jinnian suddenly realized and understood what the other party meant.


Gu Jinnian calmed down and sensed the mark of destiny given by Kong Xuan.

As the mark of destiny is touched.

In an instant, wisps of black and yellow energy filled the air from his body and spread out from under him.

It seemed very slow, but in just the blink of an eye, it enveloped the entire village.

At this moment, the sky suddenly turned dark.

Gu Jinnian wasted his luck and looked back to yesterday.

The whole village was extremely quiet, with no one around.

Therefore, Gu Jinnian increased his luck and went back to the next day.

Still extremely quiet.

Until the third day.

Finally, the voice of the people appeared.

That night.

The entire ruined village was extremely quiet.

Every household had turned off its oil lamps and seemed extremely quiet.

But at this moment.

There was a sound, the sound of horse hooves.

Everyone turned their attention.

Soon, a black water cavalry appeared, and a figure appeared in the middle of the cavalry.

It is the figure of Li Lengqiu.

With the appearance of Li Lengqiu, Gu Jinnian suddenly knew that something serious was going on.


As Gu Jinnian expected, Li Lengqiu entered the inn, and not long after, there was a sound of panic.

Standing outside the inn, Gu Jinnian could clearly see the scene inside.

A girl under ten years old had her forehead pierced with chopsticks.

The shopkeeper was immediately beheaded.

The cook was also hacked to death.

Even the wife of the shopkeeper who was woken up in the restaurant was directly captured and beheaded on the spot.

And it’s not just the innkeeper’s family.

As the Black Water Cavalry was dispatched, all the people in the entire ruined village were forcibly captured outside the village entrance.

Li Lengqiu came out with a knife, and like a madman, he killed more than 400 people on the spot.

Regardless of the people crying for mercy.

It doesn't matter if you are old or young.

This scene was extremely bloody.

Even if it was Gu Jinnian, I couldn't bear to look directly at him.

Xu Jin and others clenched their fists, their teeth itching with hatred.

"What a beast."


Kong Xuan was trembling all over. As a descendant of the Kong family, he had never seen such bloodshed. Even though he had seen a lot of suffering among the people, he had also seen some treacherous conditions in the world.

But the current situation is that of violence, a madman, and a devil.

At the end, someone spoke up and told Li Lengqiu something.

Soon, Li Lengqiu's expression changed, and then he rode a war horse and fled quickly. Before leaving, he did not forget to give the order to completely eliminate the village next door.

The picture comes here.

Completely disappear.

The light was restrained and returned to Gu Jinnian's body.

It consumes a lot of luck.

Going back three days is equivalent to summoning half a fire stone from the sky.

But it made Gu Jinnian see the truth.

"Prince Ning!"

"I'll fuck your mother."

"Li Lengqiu."

"I'm going to kill your whole family!"

When the screen disappeared, Gu Jinnian could hardly help but roar.

He knew that these powerful people did not regard the lives of the people as their fate.

He also knew that these powerful people were above the rest.

But he really didn't expect that this Li Lengqiu would actually do such a heartless thing.

His brother abused women, killed people without blinking an eye, and regarded human life as nothing.

Forget it.

Unexpectedly, Li Lengqiu was a hundred times more ruthless than his younger brother.

Kill the village directly.

At this moment, Gu Jinnian couldn't bear it anymore.

It's ridiculous that he was still wondering whether five thousand taels of gold was enough compensation.

Now it seems that I was naive.

"Xu Jin."

After a while.

Gu Jinnian took a deep breath and called Xu Jin.

"The end will be here."

Xu Jin made a sound and half-knelt on the ground.

"Go to Tongguan City."

"Let my grandpa come in person."

"Lead 300,000 troops."

"Have people go to Beijing quickly."

"Report this to Your Majesty and mobilize all the Tianyu Army."

"Encirclement and Suppression of Prince Ning's Mansion."

"Let me tell your Majesty, no matter how great the impact is, I will make Prince Ning pay the price with blood."

Gu Jinnian's voice was extremely cold.

He was really angry.

There are more than 700 people living in the two villages.

More than seven hundred innocent lives.

Just like that, he was trampled on, stepped on, and killed at will.

That's not the only thing he's angry about.

It was Li Lengqiu's behavior. He dared to do this, which proved that Li Lengqiu had never done such a thing before.

In other words, the number of people who died in Li Lengqiu's hands was definitely not just the seven hundred, it might have been a thousand, or even thousands more.

The Western Territory is huge.

It's so big that even with a few thousand people missing, it won't cause any controversy at all.

If he had not passed through the ruined village, he would not have known about this matter.

This is just Prince Ning.

This is not the only prince of Daxia.

Other princes might not be as heartless as Li Lengqiu, but they would more or less do this kind of thing, right?

Don’t you want to be made a marquis?

Then before becoming a prince, do something that no one dares to do or think about.

"The general will obey his orders."

Xu Jin took the token.

Without saying a word, he took the people directly to Tongguan City, while the other team rushed to Daxia Kyoto.

"Good brother."

"You go back with them."

"Don't get involved in this matter."

"Nothing to do with you."

After giving the order, Gu Jinnian looked at Kong Xuan and told him not to get involved and to return to Beijing.

"Brother, as a scholar, if you see the miserable situation of the people, if you can't do something small, you will be ashamed of yourself as a scholar."

"I must participate in this matter. After the matter is over, Yudi must let the Kong family publicize it, criticize Prince Ning, and angrily denounce such a powerful person."

Kong Xuan said angrily.

He is also a human being and a scholar. How can he remain indifferent when seeing such a thing?

Look at Kong Xuan like this.

Gu Jinnian took a deep breath. He didn't say anything, but nodded and walked into the jade chariot.

At that moment, Kong Xuan followed in.

Soon, Gu Jinnian's voice sounded in the jade chariot.


"Go to Prince Ning's Mansion."

Gu Jinnian's voice was extremely cold.

And at the same time.

The junction of the Northern Territory of Daxia.

Inside Atta Temple.

Hundreds of monks were sitting in the main hall. In the middle of the main hall, Li Lengqiu sat cross-legged and put his hands together.

"Li Lengqiu."

"Although you made mistakes, you understood Buddhism at the critical moment and are willing to take refuge in my Buddhism and enter my supreme Buddhism. As the abbot of Atta Temple, I see you put down your butcher knife. Today, I will help you become a Buddha and accept you as my disciple.

Are you willing?"

An old monk spoke, holding a razor in his hand and looking at Li Lengqiu quietly.

"Master, my disciple is willing."

Li Lengqiu opened his mouth and gave an answer.


"From now on, you will be Lao Na's disciple and formally join Buddhism. Lao Na will give you the name of knowing regrets. From now on, you will recite scriptures every day, cleanse your heart, think about your mistakes and regret what you have done. One day, the resentful soul will

You will rest in peace, and you will truly achieve enlightenment and become a Buddha."

The abbot of Ata Temple spoke, and after saying this, he immediately cut off Li Lengqiu's long hair.

After the shaving is completed.

All the monks stood up together and touched Li Lengqiu's head to complete the final ceremony.

"After the tonsure, from now on, there will be one less Li Lengqiu in this world, and there will be one more repentant monk, Amitabha."

Master Luo Ze spoke, and after saying this, the other monks bowed one after another and then left.

After the monks left, Li Lengqiu's eyes instantly darkened. He wiped his forehead. He was extremely disgusted by the monks touching the top of his head just now.

If they didn't need their help, Li Lengqiu would have killed all these people long ago.

However, after wiping his forehead, Li Lengqiu raised his head, looked at the host Luo Ze, and spoke directly.


"Is this really okay?"

Li Lengqiu was still a little worried in his heart and couldn't help but ask the other party.

"You have converted to Buddhism, and worldly matters have nothing to do with you."

Host Luo Ze spoke in a calm tone.

The meaning of this sentence is very direct, this matter has nothing to do with him.


"When Gu Jinnian becomes impulsive, he will send an army to suppress it at every turn."

"If something like this happens, what should I do?"

Li Lengqiu spoke up and asked.

He knew what methods Gu Jinnian would use against him.

So I said hello in advance. If there was any trouble, I would run away first. At worst, I would go to the Fuluo Dynasty. Could it be that Gu Jinnian dared to go to the Fuluo Dynasty to cause trouble for me?

"It doesn't matter."

"Ashes return to ashes, dust returns to dust. You are no longer Li Lengqiu, but regretful."

"Even if he sends a million troops, it won't help."

"Ata Temple is not under the control of Daxia. Behind it is the Fuluo Dynasty. My teacher is also a master of Buddhism. Even if King Wu comes in person, my teacher can easily deal with it."

"As for the incoming army, being a teacher will keep you safe. If the conflict really becomes irresolvable, the soldiers of Daxia will not dare to cross the line with the Fuluo Dynasty here."

"Unless Gu Jinnian can find a strong person from the Seventh Realm, otherwise, I can ensure that you are safe and sound."

"Otherwise, why did your father ask you to find him as your teacher?"

Host Luo Ze spoke calmly. He was extremely confident. In a word, it didn't matter who came, as long as he wanted to protect it.

Of course, it would be different if Gu Jinnian called for a Seventh Realm powerhouse.

It's just that there are no strong people in the Seventh Realm in the whole world. Even if there are, those one or two are hidden very deep. These strong people will not show up until the critical moment.

They all resort to some special means to survive in the world. If they dare to be born, if the world notices, they will definitely die.

"Thank you, Master."

"My disciple must recite the Buddha's name devoutly, repent and think about it."

Got this reply.

Li Lengqiu couldn't help but feel happy.

Host Luo Ze stood up and left. His back was turned to Li Lengqiu, his eyes full of disgust, if it weren't for the overall interests of Buddhism.

He doesn't like to see this kind of person either.

in this way.

Two hours later.

Inside Tongguan City.

Xu Jin told the entire story of the future to the Duke of Zhen.

Inside the military camp.

There was a gasping sound.

All the generals had incredible looks in their eyes.

"Li Lengqiu, does he really dare to do this?"

"Is he really not afraid of death?"

"Is there such a person in the whole world?"

Voices sounded one after another.

The generals in the military camp simply couldn't believe that Li Lengqiu would do such a cruel and inhumane thing.

And in the main position.

The Duke of Zhen Guo looked extremely calm.

Without saying a word, he stood up and walked directly outside the military camp tent.

Then, his voice was like thunder, suppressing an unknown fire.

"Send me the military order."

"Assemble an army of three hundred thousand."

"Suppress Prince Ning's Mansion."

A thunderous sound sounded, making the entire Tongguan City extremely quiet.

All the soldiers didn't know what happened.

But when the military order was issued, figures quickly gathered together in an instant. In less than half an hour, the 300,000-strong army was assembled.

Then set off towards Prince Ning's Mansion.

in this way.

Until the next day.

Riding fast and furious all the way, Gu Jinnian's entourage also rushed to Daxia Kyoto.

The entire Daxia Kyoto has already been decorated with lights.

They are all prepared to welcome Gu Jinnian's Marquis Ceremony.

These followers went straight to the Ministry of Rites. Their identities could not be met by the Holy Spirit. They had to go through the Minister of Rites, Yang Kai.

With Gu Jinnian's command arrow.

Several people came to the Ministry of Rites and informed Yang Kaihou, the Minister of Rites, about the matter.

The latter also froze in place for a long time.

A quarter of an hour later.

Yang Kai rushed towards the palace.

In his opinion, the killing of more than 700 innocent people was an important point, but the more important point was that Gu Jinnian was going to cause trouble in Prince Ning's Mansion.

This is the most important thing.

King Ning!

I can't move.

This is not an ordinary person. Prince Ning's power is very terrifying. In the past thirteen years, the imperial court has thought of countless ways and held countless meetings.

I just want to touch Prince Ning.

But no matter what method they tried, they found that they could not touch Prince Ning.

Not only did King Ning have hundreds of thousands of elites in his hands, but more importantly, King Ning was a symbol, a symbol similar to Emperor Yongsheng.

He is also a prince and is the orthodox member of the royal family.

During the Jiande period, King Ning did nothing wrong. Although Emperor Jiande wanted to touch King Ning, he did not dare. So in other words, King Ning was not a traitor.

Later, Emperor Yongsheng launched the "Jiande Dilemma", and King Ning also helped Emperor Yongsheng. He was regarded as a minister of the Dragon. And through various factors, King Ning was the number one minister of the Dragon.

After all, if at that time, King Ning did not choose to aid Emperor Yongsheng, but instead chose to help the court attack Emperor Yongsheng.

It is difficult to build moral character, but it may not be possible to succeed.

Therefore, King Ning is a hero, a great hero.

If you touch Prince Ning now, it means killing the hero. In the eyes of other princes, is this going back to the old path of building virtue?

Cutting off vassalage?

Will there be a new difficulty in building morality? Or if we change the name, it will be difficult to achieve eternal prosperity?

During the Yongsheng period, in order to stabilize the government and make the people wealthy, Emperor Yongsheng issued many national orders, both overtly and covertly, targeting these vassal kings.

It's just that Emperor Yongsheng was smarter than Emperor Jiande. He didn't take action directly. Instead, he dealt with it slowly and bit by bit.

It makes people scared, but they don't dare to rebel, but the princes are actually very dissatisfied.

If at this time, Prince Ning raised his arms and called out, the response would definitely be loud.

This is not the main thing.

Over the years, Prince Ning has had great personal relationships with Buddhist and Immortal sects, and even has certain relations with the Fuluo Dynasty and the Dajin Dynasty.

If King Ning rebels, will these two dynasties secretly support him?

No need to think about it.

But these are not the real core.

The real core is.

Through investigations over the years in Daxia, the imperial court discovered that many of the remnants of Jiande were inextricably related to Prince Ning.

In other words, King Ning knew where Emperor Jiande was and even protected Emperor Jiande secretly.

When the time comes, the Jiande Emperor will be re-introduced, and in the name of restoring Jiande, the Qing Dynasty will be established.

That would be the most terrifying thing.


Occupying the right time, place and people, the Daxia Dynasty would inevitably fall into civil strife.

It is precisely because of the above that the court did not dare to touch King Ning. Even when it was known that King Ning had done something that he should not do, the court did not dare to stop him.

I just want to waste Kong Ning Wang.

Thinking that King Ning will die soon, as long as King Ning dies, everything will be easy to talk about. Isn’t it easy to target the next generation?

In addition, Prince Ning’s two sons are both naughty men.

This is something everyone in the world knows.

Unexpectedly, at this juncture, Prince Ning's two sons actually provoked Gu Jinnian.

And with Gu Jinnian's temper, he meant what he said.

At this moment, Yang Kai was really scared.

Not long after.

Yang Kai came to the palace and asked someone to report the promotion.

About a quarter of an hour later, Yang Kai entered the palace.

He ran towards the Yangxin Hall in a hurry.

After arriving at the Yangxin Hall, Yang Kai spoke very fast and did not want to waste a single second to inform Emperor Yongsheng of the matter.


"Is there such a thing?"

Inside the Yangxin Hall.

Emperor Yongsheng did not expect such a thing to happen.

"His Majesty."

"Now that the Marquis is going to Prince Ning's Mansion alone, what should he do?"

Yang Kai was a little anxious and asked Emperor Yongsheng.

At this moment.

Emperor Yongsheng didn't know what to say.

He sat on the dragon throne and meditated for a long time.

For King Ning.

He wants to kill.

There is no doubt that King Ning is the biggest hidden danger within the Great Xia Dynasty. Killing him must be a good thing.

But it is difficult to kill Prince Ning, and the consequences of killing Prince Ning are also terrifying.

There is an ulterior secret between King Qilin and King Ning. If King Ning is killed, King Qilin will definitely rise up.

Call on other princes to rebel.

Under the premise that he can still kill Prince Ning, if he cannot kill Prince Ning and breaks up with him directly, the trouble will be even greater.

However, Prince Ning went too far this time, especially when he offended Gu Jinnian.

Emperor Yongsheng knew clearly that if he was neutral on this matter, neither party would be pleased.

It chilled Gu Jinnian's heart.

"Send troops!"

"The Tianyu Army assembles!"

"Use the dragon boat to send it to Prince Ning's Mansion."

"I, believe in Jinnian!"

When Emperor Yongsheng spoke, his voice was trembling, but he made his own choice.

I believe in Gu Jinnian.

Support Gu Jinnian.

No matter what happens, no matter what he does, Prince Ning must be his enemy.

But not Gu Jinnian.

Gu Jinnian was the humerus minister of Daxia.

He is his nephew.

There is no reason to help the enemy but not your own people.

However, after Emperor Yongsheng said these words, Yang Kai couldn't help but change his expression.

"His Majesty."

"This is absolutely impossible."

"Otherwise, I should personally go to Prince Ning's Mansion to see if reconciliation can be achieved."

"If we send an additional 300,000 troops, I'm afraid it will force Prince Ning to rebel. He himself has such thoughts."

"Your Majesty, please put the overall situation first and think twice before acting."

Yang Kai dissuaded.

"The overall situation is bullshit."

"I have endured King Ning for a long time."

"You really think I'm afraid of him, don't you?"

"In the northwest battle, not a single soldier was wasted. If he really takes action, am I afraid of him? Besides, does Prince Ning dare to take action?"

"Even if you really dare."

"The worst I can do is to go on a personal expedition to quell the civil strife."

"I raised an army with 50,000 soldiers and took this position."

"Now that we have millions of troops, why should we be afraid of a mere Prince Ning?"

"If it really has any influence, I will kill anyone who dares to jump out. I will take this opportunity to completely quell the civil strife and ensure that future generations will have no worries."


"Do as you will."

Emperor Yongsheng spoke directly.

What is the overall situation?

Think twice before acting?

Think twice about his mother, if he wasn't sitting in this position, he would have to consider the people of Daxia. To be honest, with his temper, he would have started fighting with Prince Ning ten years ago.

How can the emperor on horseback be a timid person?

When you become an emperor and have responsibilities, you will have worries.

If you really put aside these things and get into his mother's business, do it if you have the ability. If you dare to rebel against your nephew, why are you afraid of killing a few brothers?

"His Majesty."

Yang Kai wanted to continue to persuade, but when he raised his head, he saw the cold eyes of Emperor Yongsheng.

For a moment, Yang Kai shut up.

The emperor has made up his mind. As a minister, he has done what he needs to do and has nothing to say.

"My lord, get started immediately."

Yang Kai didn't hesitate and turned around to leave.

After walking out of Yangxin Hall.

Yang Kai glanced at the sky, which was as clear as blue.

"Prince Ning, Prince Ning, you said you had enough to eat and had nothing to do, why did you offend Gu Jinnian?"

"Isn't this looking for death?"

Yang Kai sighed.

Others may not know it clearly, but Yang Kai knows that those who offend Gu Jinnian will almost never end well.

Do these people really have no long memory?


Less than an hour.

Three hundred thousand troops were dispatched.

And at this moment.

The Western Territory of Daxia.

Changning Mansion.

This is where King Ning lives.

Outside Chang Ning's Mansion, a jade chariot appeared, almost ignoring the guards at the door, and ran directly into the mansion.

"Stop, who dares to break into the city?"

"Who dares to mess around?"

Seeing the appearance of the jade chariot, these guards shouted one by one that the soldiers of Chang Ning Mansion were not ordinary people. Even the guards guarding the city were all members of King Ning.

Even when he saw the high officials of the imperial court, he was still aloof.

"You are blind as a dog. If the Lord of Heaven arrives, please get away."

The entourage roared and glared at the guard, with murderous intent evident in his eyes.

"Marquis Tianming?"

"Gu Jinnian? His Royal Highness?"

After hearing the words Tianminghou, these guards did not dare to move.

Just kidding, I just announced to the world yesterday that the first prince of Daxia will be given the title Tianming.

They are not stupid, how could they not know Gu Jinnian's name?

Who dares to offend this man?

Do you think you have a long life?

The jade chariot enters.

No one dares to stop it.

In Chang Ning's Mansion, someone had already arrived in advance to check the direction of the Prince's Mansion.

Therefore, the two met and went straight to Prince Ning's Mansion.

Two quarters of an hour later.

Prince Ning's Mansion then appeared in front of everyone.

The whole street is paved with white jade and looks extremely neat. The bricks and stones on the ground are all made of white jade and look extremely gorgeous.

This is Prince Ning's Mansion.

Incomparably impressive.

There are two huge unicorn lions placed at the door, symbolizing the nobility of the palace.

There were nearly fifty people guarding the gate of the palace, all black water cavalry, as the jade chariot drove in.

These soldiers drew their swords directly with cold expressions on their faces.


"This is Prince Ning's Mansion, dismount!"

A cold voice sounded, extremely arrogant.


The next moment, a terrifying sound came from the jade chariot.

The sound alone sent forty people flying, causing them to fall to the ground seriously injured.

Gu Jinnian is now a powerful man with supernatural powers. He practices Panwu Supreme Skill and is equal to the King of Martial Arts.

What are just forty Blackwater Cavalry?

However, this movement immediately alarmed the palace, and for a moment, figures rushed out of the palace quickly.

And outside the palace.

A jade chariot has been erected horizontally, blocking the entrance to the palace.

"Li Lengqiu."

"Get out of here, my lord."

next moment.

A deafening sound sounded.

Inside the jade chariot.

Gu Jinnian asked Li Lengqiu to get out without any hesitation or detours.

This sound made the palace tremble a little.

Although he is not a Martial King, his strength has reached that of a Martial King and he can achieve this level.

"May I ask if it's Marquis Tianming who has arrived?"

"Your Majesty invites you."

At this moment, a figure walked out of the palace. It should be the steward of Prince Ning's palace. He came forward, looked at the jade chariot respectfully, and wanted to ask Gu Jinnian to come out.

"Let Li Lengqiu get out."

"Stop talking nonsense here."

"I only want Li Lengqiu."

"Hand it over now."

"I will leave immediately. Otherwise, don't blame me for being unkind."

Gu Jinnian spoke up.

He wants Li Lengqiu right now.

Prince Ning is easy to talk to.

Although I don’t know if Prince Ning has done anything unscrupulous, I have no evidence, so I will deal with Li Lengqiu first.

Listening to Gu Jinnian's voice.

The steward of Prince Ning's Mansion didn't know what to say.

But at this moment, a gentle voice sounded.

"Jinnian's nephew, Prince Ning invites you."

"We are all a family, why bother? Let outsiders see the joke, which is not good for anyone."

"Am I right?"

The voice sounded.

A beautiful woman came out, it was Princess Ning.

Her coming forward at this time can alleviate the embarrassment.


Inside the jade chariot.

Gu Jinnian's voice was still cold and sharp.

"Who is your family?"

"If you can give birth to a beast like Li Lengqiu, do you deserve to be human?"

"Don't ruin my reputation here."

"Hand over Li Lengqiu."

"This is my last notice."

Gu Jinnian is very direct.

No face given at all.

Now that we have reached this point, what kind of face can we give?

If the army hadn't come, he would have ordered Prince Ning's Mansion to be pacified.


Fourth update.

Fifty thousand words are still short of 10,000 words.

Qi Qi couldn't bear it anymore and went to bed first.

These ten thousand words, before twelve o'clock, if you wake up early and feel in the mood, write it. Once you finish writing it, you will be successful in the challenge.

If you wake up late and are out of shape, you have failed the challenge.

But I update 50,000 words a day. To be honest, failure is reasonable.

Forty thousand words, according to others' two thousand words for one chapter, it is equivalent to twenty updates today.

Please give me a monthly ticket!! Please give me a reward!! Is there any reader who can give me a reward!! To help with the fun?

Let’s lie down first~

This chapter has been completed!
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