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Chapter 197: Destiny Helps Me, Five Divine Beasts Town Flood!

Chapter 197 Destiny helps me, the five mythical beasts suppress the flood! Meteorites appear in Kyoto from the sky! [Please vote for me]

Prince Ning's Mansion.


Looking at the masked man in front of him, Prince Ning was silent for a while, and then spoke out.

"Is it possible that you sneaked into Jiangzhong County? What do you know?"

Prince Ning opened his mouth and asked the other party.

"Your Majesty."

"The students did not sneak into Jiangzhong County."

"Based on just three points, students can conclude that the disaster in Jiangzhong County has already been decided by Gu Jinnian."

Lu Yun spoke up, looking extremely confident.

But as soon as these words came out, Hou Jun couldn't help but speak.

"Is it difficult to determine Jiangzhong County? Is this impossible?"

Hou Jun directly vetoed it.

"There's no rush, sir."

"Listen to Mr. Lu slowly."

Lu Yun spoke out, and then continued to speak.

"First, the imperial court sent 500,000 troops to blockade Jiangzhong County. In the eyes of ordinary people, it was suppressing the people. But students would like to ask the prince and Mr. Hou Jun, how is it necessary to suppress the unarmed people who have no surplus food?

Five hundred thousand?"

Lu Yun spoke up, this was the first question.

Hearing this, Hou Jun couldn't help but smile.

"Jiangzhong County occupies a huge area. If you want to block all exits and control public opinion, half a million is really not much."

He spoke out and said this.

"Okay, secondly, why did the Duke of Zhen come to suppress Jiangzhong County?"

Lu Yun continued to ask, this is the second question.

"This is not simple. Gu Jinnian believes in Zhenguo Gong. If it were anyone else, Gu Jinnian would not believe it."

Hou Jun answered subconsciously.

However, after this answer, Prince Ning's expression changed a little, because he gradually felt something, but couldn't catch it for a while.

"The student has one last question."

"Is there any unusual movement inside or outside Jiangzhong County?"

This was Lu Yun's last question.

As soon as he said this, Hou Jun became somewhat silent. The spies could not enter and did not know the internal situation, but from the outside, there was indeed nothing unusual until now.

But after a moment of silence, Hou Jun immediately spoke up.

"With half a million troops suppressing it, even if there is any abnormal movement, it is impossible to cause trouble."

This was his last excuse.

But after saying this, he didn't believe it himself.

After all, there can't be no movement in the entire Jiangzhong County, right? If there really is a commotion, at least there will be some movement in some places.

"Speak your mind."

Prince Ning opened his mouth and looked at Lu Yun and said this.

"Your Majesty."

"Students believe that the severe drought in Jiangzhong County has been quelled by Gu Jinnian."

"As for what method Gu Jinnian used, the students don't know that."

"But first, to suppress the people, you don't need an army of 500,000. The court is not stupid, and Gu Jinnian is not stupid. Knowing that the prince is here, how can he send an army of 500,000 to Jiangzhong County to suppress the people?"

"Leaving aside the fact that doing so will cause controversy among the people, let's just say that from ancient times to the present, we have never heard of our country's soldiers blocking the people. Even if it is to prevent future civil unrest, half a million is definitely not enough."

"Secondly, to take a step back, Gu Jinnian is hot-headed and the situation in Jiangzhong County is serious. Then Gu Jinnian will definitely not let his grandfather come forward in person. Killing people has been infamous for centuries. If he really does this kind of thing, he will make some scapegoats.


"What's more, Gu Jinnian is following the path of Confucianism and Taoism. How can someone who cherishes his wings tarnish his reputation?"

"Thirdly, no matter how good Jiangzhong County's control is, it is impossible for there to be no changes. The only possibility is to quell the severe drought so that the people can have hope and farm with peace of mind. This is the only possibility, otherwise there are no other factors."

Lu Yun expressed his thoughts.

As soon as he said this, Prince Ning was not shocked, but became even more silent.

Because what Lu Yun said was correct, but it was just a conjecture. All signs showed that Jiangzhong County was in chaos.

Now some people say that it is not chaotic. Although the point raised is not bad, it is still a bit overwhelming.

"I need a reasonable answer. What you said is fine, but it is not enough to make me believe it."

Prince Ning spoke up.

At this time, he naturally didn't want to hear that there was no chaos in Jiangzhong County, but as a prince, he was not stupid for being able to reach this point.

Not blindly arrogant.

"Your Majesty."

"I wonder if you have paid attention to one detail."

"The golden rain of Gu Jinnian's merits did not fall on Jiangzhong County."

Lu Yun spoke up.

As soon as these words came out, Prince Ning's expression changed in an instant, and so did Hou Jun's expression.

If the first three answers can only be said to be an idea and point of view, then the last sentence awakened the two of them.


If there is really a drought in Jiangzhong County, why doesn’t the golden rain of merit fall in Jiangzhong County?

Even the next day is enough.

Not to mention the lack of merit, the golden rain of merit fell in Donglin County for three whole days and three nights, but it did not fall in Jiangzhong County alone.

Why is this?

There is no other reason than that there is no need for rain in Jiangzhong County. The drought in Jiangzhong County has been put under control.

This can be said to be a word that awakens a person from a dream.

However, Prince Ning's expression turned cold in an instant.

"Even if the disaster in Jiangzhong County is stabilized, so what?"

"I also have ambitions."

Prince Ning spoke, this was his last resort.

Indeed, even if there was no Great Summer Disaster, he would still have intended to rebel. Natural disasters were just a better excuse for him.

It's nothing more than a good opportunity.

And it's not something necessary.

"Before the natural disaster, the prince could do this."

"But after the natural disaster, especially after the disaster in Jiangzhong County was quelled, the prince will never be able to do this."

Lu Yun said with great confidence.


"I have 200,000 elite men publicly, and 300,000 privately. King Qilin also has 300,000 elite men, plus the princes and vassals from all over the country, their number is at least one million. Can't we unite?"

Prince Ning spoke out, looking extremely domineering.

"The prince is ambitious and the students admire him."

"But Jiangzhong County has been pacified. Once the great summer disaster is over, the people will definitely turn their hearts to the imperial court. The prince raises troops and cannot win the support of the people. This is the first obstacle."

"An army of 500,000 people, plus 100,000 cavalry, gathered in Jiangzhong County, guarded by the Duke of Zhen. I dare to ask the prince, if the prince raises an army, and the Duke of Zhen leads an army of 300,000, and adds 100,000 cavalry, what percentage will the prince have?


The other party spoke up, and what he said this time completely silenced Prince Ning.

He really ignored this.

"A half-million-strong army is a secret chess piece?"

Prince Ning frowned, a look of horror flashed in his eyes.

"Moreover, in conventional battles, if the prince wants to defeat the Duke of Zhenguo, but the public opinion is not enough, even if destiny supports the prince, he will prepare to fight for at least a year."

"In the past year, Jiangzhong County has been able to continuously transport food to the Duke of Zhen. The imperial court has solved the great summer disaster and sent troops from all sides. I dare to ask the prince, how long can it stop it?"

"As for the other princes and vassals, if nothing else, King Qilin may support the prince, but the other princes will never be able to send troops to do justice until the prince defeats Duke Zhen."

"The rebellion is too involved."

"In fact, if the prince suffers any loss, the princes and vassals you trust most will turn against him as soon as possible. At that time, they will be isolated and helpless."

The more Lu Yun said, the uglier Prince Ning's face became.

"Then I'll attack fiercely. The fish will die and the net will be broken. Even the Duke of Zhenguo can't stop me."

Prince Ning spoke up, extremely proud.

"It is right to attack violently."

"But Duke Zhen used Jiangzhong County, Donglin County, and Nanyue County as the defense line. The imperial court allocated another 500,000 troops to come to help. How long will it take for the prince to win the battle to defend the city?"

"Since the prince has no absolute chance of winning, the Fuluo Dynasty and the Dajin Dynasty are just secretly providing some food. And for every stone of grain, the two countries are afraid that the interest they will demand in the future will far exceed what the prince can bear."

"This depends on the willingness of the two countries. The food they cannot afford to repay will not be lent by the two countries in vain. In any case, they need the prince to achieve victory. But if you want to achieve a certain victory under the hands of the Zhenguo Duke, how much will it cost?


"Students are brave. Let's make a careful calculation and exchange 200,000 elite casualties for a county defense line. I wonder if the prince thinks it is worth it or not?"

Lu Yun was too calculating.

He still had some reservations in his words. After all, the Duke of Zhen relied on Jiangzhong County to transport food, and Donglin County and Nanyue County acted as a defense line to defend the city. There was enough food. If you retreat, I will kill, and if you kill, I will defend.

Under this situation, countless amounts of food and grass are consumed every day. The Fuluo Dynasty and the Dajin Dynasty said they would provide assistance and help, but they are not stupid. Assistance and help are also profitable, if there is no profit intention.

Who will help?

Who wants to help?

"Then you mean to say that my plan is delusional?"

Hearing this, King Ning also became angry.

What Lu Yun said was correct, but after the war started, many things could not be estimated by common sense. He was also confident.

This kind of self-confidence can often make a person successful, but it can also often destroy a person.

"If fate favors the prince, there may be a chance."

"But at least, Gu Jinnian can control the flint from the sky. The students don't know whether the prince can control the flint from the sky."

Lu Yun didn't say what he said so harshly, but he also told him all the meaning behind his words.

If you think you can do it, then go ahead.

Anyway, on the whole, he can't be beaten, and Gu Jinnian has a trump card. What do you, Prince Ning, have?

Public opinion? In the Daxia Dynasty.

Territory? In the Daxia Dynasty.

The soldiers were also in the Daxia Dynasty.

The disasters of Great Xia have calmed down, and the people are in tune with their wishes. The Great Xia Dynasty has countless powerful generals, and the Duke of Zhenguo alone can give an arm and a leg with King Ning. The food and grass transportation and the city are even more impregnable.

You are a group of profit-oriented teams here. If you come for profit, you will leave for profit.

What do you fight with?

What to fight with?

Hearing this, the latter seemed extremely silent.

"Your Excellency came here today to tell me this?"

Prince Ning looked at Lu Yun with a straight look in his eyes.

"Your Majesty."

"The students are here today to help the prince achieve his grand ambition."

The latter spoke up and revealed his purpose.

"The situation is already dead now. Do you have any other ways to break it?"

Prince Ning was a little curious.


"And there are two ways to break the situation."

Lu Yun spoke up.

"Appreciate further details."

Prince Ning looked at each other. The two ways to break the situation really made him extremely curious.

"First, the Great Summer Disaster is not over yet. It's hard to say in Nanyue County, but the Firestone from the Sky is the real highlight. If the Firestone from the Sky falls successfully, everything Gu Jinnian has done before will be in vain."

Lu Yun spoke up and directly named Tianwai Huo Shi.

"Is it so scary?"

King Ning felt a little incredible. Among the five major natural disasters in Daxia, earthquakes, droughts, fires, ice, and flints from the sky, the one he cared least about was the flints from the sky.

Firstly, Gu Jinnian has the ability to control the fire stone from outside the sky. Secondly, if this kind of thing is really not possible, it is not impossible to ask the strongest person at the top of the Sixth Realm to come forward.

Naturally, he didn't feel anything.

"It would be extremely scary."

"At least one county will be razed to the ground."

"The whole of Daxia will be affected to a greater or lesser extent."

He said aloud.

In an instant, the expressions of Prince Ning and Jun Hou changed drastically, especially Prince Ning, who frowned even more.

"A whole county will be razed to the ground?"

"How could it be so scary?"

King Ning was also shocked. If this were the case, how many casualties would there be? Moreover, this was not a good thing, at least not for him.

Even if he ascended the throne at that time, this problem would be difficult to deal with.

"This is destiny."

"If Gu Jinnian can solve this problem, Daxia will also receive blessings from heaven and earth, and the benefits will be endless."

"So, the prince should pray that Gu Jinnian can't solve it."

"Those who achieve great things must not have the kindness of women."

"If we don't rely on this extraterrestrial flint, it's not just the students who are badmouthing us. Given the prince's current situation, it's absolutely impossible for the uprising to succeed, at least not very likely."

"And after the flint falls, you can also receive rewards from heaven and earth. After all, as long as the Great Xia is immortal and the mountains and rivers stabilize, you can also receive the destiny of heaven. At that time, the prince can be regarded as a blessing in disguise."

Lu Yun spoke, but because he was wearing a mask, he didn't know what his current expression was.

But in terms of tone, it was a bit intense.

King Ning was silent.

But after a while, he continued to speak.

"What about the second one?"

He looked at Lu Yun and asked directly.


"If the Great Xia Dynasty really solves the problem of the fire stone outside the sky, it will definitely receive blessings from heaven and earth and put an end to the five major disasters. The will of the people will be irresistible."

"When you start a rebellion, the unconscious mantis stands in the way, so you must disintegrate from within and seek opportunities."

Lu Yun opened his mouth and revealed the second solution.

"Internal disintegration?"

"How can one collapse internally?"

Prince Ning looked at the other party, his eyes full of curiosity.

"Your Majesty, you just need to be quiet, be yourself, don't rebel, and recommend a few juniors to go to the Great Xia Dynasty and serve as Great Xia officials. They will take root in the court. At the critical moment, there will be echoes from inside and outside. Since it is easy, the uprising will be successful.


Lu Yun revealed his plan.

But upon hearing this, Prince Ning couldn't help but laugh.

"That's it?"

"I thought it was some clever plan. There is already someone from me in the court, and his position is so high that you can't imagine."

"But so what? Isn't it useless?"

King Ning smiled.

He really laughed. He really expected the other party to come up with some good advice, but he didn't expect it. That's it?

Is this considered a good policy?

Listening to Prince Ning's ridicule, the latter was not embarrassed at all, but instead spoke calmly.

"The person the prince is referring to should be the current prime minister Li Shan, right?"

"He's wasted."

"Of course it is of no use to the prince."

He spoke with calmness in his words, but this calmness actually meant disdain.

Hearing what the other party meant, Prince Ning couldn't help but restrain his smile.

"The prime minister seems useless in your words, so how many people you recommend are useful?"

King Ning asked.

"Go back to your lord."

"Several juniors of the student belong to the Dao Dao Mansion. Their backgrounds, the prince should know the terror of the Dao Dao Mansion."

"Secondly, there is a junior fellow student who is close to a half-saint. After Jixia Academy, he will most likely become a semi-saint in the world."

"Thirdly, they have studied under great Confucian scholars, are well-known aristocrats, and have astonishing talents. They are from Daxia. They have a clean background and are protected by Confucian and Taoist families. There are also some big shots in the court who will recommend them."

"Your Majesty only needs to support them at critical moments, and then you can have a solid foundation in the government."

"And if they enter the court, they can restrain Gu Jinnian, and they can also handle more things and stir up trouble in the Great Xia."

Lu Yun said confidently.

In his words, he praised his junior brothers to the extreme.

"Emperor Yongsheng has great trust in Gu Jinnian, and Gu Jinnian is a saint of later generations in Confucianism and Taoism. What can you do to fight with Gu Jinnian?"

Prince Ning frowned. He didn't really agree with the other party's plan, but he was very interested in several key points he mentioned.

Daodaofu, a semi-sage, a Confucian and Taoist family, and being born in Daxia are all very good, but they can't convince him.

Listen to what King Ning said.

Lu Yun spoke again.

"Your Majesty, Li Shan's biggest mistake in the court was to remain unchanged in response to all changes."

"Furthermore, since Gu Jinnian wrote his first poem in Xiaoxi Village, Daodaofu has been studying him. We will study everything he does in the future, and we will also use him as an imaginary enemy."

"In the end, it was concluded that the reason why Gu Jinnian can do so many things and seems to be unstoppable is that Gu Jinnian takes advantage of the situation and always stands on the truth. Therefore, if you want to defeat Gu Jinnian, you only need to be one step ahead and occupy the truth.

It will be a perfect attack.”

"In other words, these junior students have studied Gu Jinnian thoroughly."

"Have full confidence to suppress Gu Jinnian in the court."

The latter spoke out with full confidence.

"Suppress Gu Jinnian?"

"What's the use of that?"

Prince Ning was a little confused. Even if he suppressed Gu Jinnian, what would it mean to him?

"Your Majesty."

"If the great summer calamity cannot be overcome and the prince raises an army to revolt, he can achieve great success without anyone's help."

"But if the Great Xia disaster is over and the Great Xia Dynasty is prosperous, what are your plans?"

When the latter spoke out, he meant what he said absolutely.

The great summer disaster has not passed. If you, Prince Ning, want to rebel, you can rebel. That is your own business, and I also believe that you can succeed in your rebellion.

But what if it has passed?

what to do?

Great Xia is prosperous, and there are blessings from heaven and earth. The Great Xia Dynasty rises like a flying dragon, like a fish leaping over the dragon gate. You, King Ning, still want to rebel?

How to resist? There is no public opinion, there is not as much food and grass as others, and there are not as many soldiers as others. Your enemy is Emperor Yongsheng, an emperor on horseback. He is not a moral person, he is ignorant.

"What benefits does this king have?"

After Prince Ning was silent for a moment, he asked this question. He knew that what the other party said was absolutely correct, but he was unwilling to let himself give up like this.

"Your Majesty, the destiny will come in at most two years. At that time, the world will undergo great changes. If the prince assists the Dao Mansion, after the destiny comes, the Dao Mansion will give its full strength to help the prince achieve hegemony."

"This is the Ruyi Golden Pill. It is a gift from Daodao Mansion to the prince. After swallowing it, you can extend your life by thirty years."

Lu Yun spoke in a gentle tone, and at the same time took out a pill box. In the pill box, there was a golden pill.

Faced with such an elixir, King Ning did not change much.

"I am very curious now, why are you targeting Gu Jinnian?"

"Why do you have to join the Daxia court?"

Prince Ning was very curious. Logically speaking, there was no enmity or enmity between Daodao Mansion and Gu Jinnian, right?

Why bother Gu Jinnian?

"My junior brother, I will use Gu Jinnian as my training gold to hone my principles and thoughts, find the holy path, and strive for Gu Jinnian's destiny."

"My lord, for the destiny of the future, we are not only competing for the mark of destiny, but also for personal luck."

Lu Yun spoke up.

"If the Great Summer Disaster ends here, I promise you."

Prince Ning opened his mouth and expressed his thoughts.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, I believe that Daodao Mansion is the most correct choice for Your Majesty."

"Students resign."

The latter thanked him and left the study.

After Lu Yun leaves.

Hou Jun's voice couldn't help but ring out.

"Your Majesty."

“What do you think?”

Hou Jun opened his mouth and asked Prince Ning.

Listening to Hou Jun's inquiry, Prince Ning was a little silent.

After a moment, he answered.

"If there is a natural disaster and the court cannot withstand it, it will not be too late for me to raise another army."

"If the imperial court prevents this natural disaster, he is absolutely right and there will be no way to build momentum."

"It might be a good choice to wait and see what happens."

Prince Ning spoke, this was his idea.

"Your Majesty is wise."

Hou Jun also nodded, approving these words.

in this way.

An hour later.

In the middle of a mountain range.

Lu Yun's figure appeared on an isolated mountain.

"Tell the master of the palace that Prince Ning has agreed to the plan."

Lu Yun spoke in a calm tone.

At this time, a voice also responded.

"As commanded."

"Senior brother's skills of vertical and horizontal manipulation are truly unfathomable. With just a few words, Prince Ning was able to trust him."

The voice sounded with praise.

It's just that Lu Yun didn't have any pride, instead he spoke calmly and calmly.

"This is nothing. I haven't used the great power of incitement yet. The art of vertical and horizontal is the best in the world."

Lu Yun spoke out, but he was not complacent. He didn't seem to feel how strong he was.

The latter remained silent and disappeared.

After a while, a voice talking to himself slowly sounded.

"On the vast earth, dragons and snakes rise together. In this world of destiny, who is responsible for the ups and downs?"

And at the same time.

In Nanyue County.

Bad things also happen at this moment.

Gu Jinnian used the innate sunflower flag to control the water flow.

Everything was originally under control, but suddenly, floods broke out in various places in Nanyue County, and the ice and snow melted, forming terrible floods.

It happened so suddenly that Gu Jinnian didn't know about it until half an hour after the flood broke out.

Someone came to deliver a message.

"Master Hou."

"His Royal Highness King Wei came to report that sudden changes occurred in various places in Nanyue County. The glaciers melted, causing floods and causing many casualties."

"Please help me quickly, Lord Marquis."

A loud voice sounded.

On the sky.

Gu Jinnian had just recovered some of his mana, and when he heard these words again, his expression couldn't help but change.


Almost instantly, Gu Jinnian flew down from the sky.

"Why does this happen so easily?"

"Did you bring the map?"

Gu Jinnian frowned a little.

"Master Marquis, here is the map."

The latter handed the map to Gu Jinnian, and all sixteen flood disaster locations were included in it.

At the same time, he also opened his mouth to explain.

"It's not clear. About half an hour ago, the ice and snow in these places melted directly. There was no time to react, and the floods in several places had already merged."

"The impact has been huge. King Wei has sent an additional 150,000 soldiers to various places to provide assistance."

The soldier spoke, looking extremely anxious.

Upon learning this, Gu Jinnian couldn't help but take a deep breath.

With sudden outbreaks in sixteen places, someone must be doing something secretly.

"At this point, do you still want to continue to cause chaos?"

Gu Jinnian frowned.

However, he did not delay, took the map in his hand and rushed directly to the flooded area.

On the sky.

The flood was as fierce as a tiger.

Looking from the top down, the flood was so terrifying that it directly submerged the whole place, leaving no chance of survival.

Moreover, this kind of flood is caused by the melting of ice and snow, and it is bone-chilling. If ordinary people fall into it, they will lose consciousness without even taking ten breaths, and will have no ability to resist at all.

Even a warrior cannot withstand such a biting cold.


Gu Jinnian controlled the Sunflower Flag and directly controlled the flood, but his mana was almost exhausted.

This flood is too terrible.

After the flood was determined, the Kwai Shui flag was used to control it, divided into two areas, and sprinkled towards the trees and fields on the side.

It took half an hour for Gu Jinnian to bring the first disaster under control.

The flood in this area alone was at least a kilometer wide, surging and extremely terrifying.

After solving a disaster.

Gu Jinnian rushed straight to the second disaster area without stopping.

During this period, Gu Jinnian used spiritual crystals to replenish his lost mana, which was considered a luxury, but in order to stabilize the disaster, he couldn't care less.

A full three hours.

Of the sixteen floods, five have been stabilized by Gu Jinnian.

There are also eleven flood disasters, which have gathered together to form four extremely terrifying disaster areas.

Fortunately, the people had already anticipated it and made some precautionary preparations, allowing Gu Jinnian time to deal with it.

Otherwise, if the flood flows all the way down, its speed will be desperate.

One hundred and fifty thousand soldiers were already hundreds of miles away to fight against the flood.

Gu Jinnian can only solve it from the source first.

He tried his best, regardless of the cost of spiritual crystals, and with the help of Kuishui Banner, he dredged the water channel as quickly as possible and changed the flood branches.

The scariest thing about floods is their superposition. The more things are swept away, the larger the area, and the stronger the impact.

It is impossible to solve the floods in all directions at once. Gu Jinnian's idea is also very straightforward. All the water flow on the left and right sides should be directed to the middle range.

Let the four torrents come together and solve them in one go.

Although doing so is somewhat dangerous, only by doing so can casualties be reduced.

Like this, an hour later.

The torrents on both sides gradually converged, forming a terrifying scene, rushing towards the lower river.

Then Gu Jinnian drove the Immortal King's jade chariot and rushed directly towards the lower river.

Fortunately, there is a Kwai Shui flag.

Without the Kuishui flag, this disaster in Nanyue County would indeed be difficult to control.

Amid natural and man-made disasters.

Fires and floods are the last things Gu Jinnian wants to face.

It can be solved with extraordinary strength and wisdom.

All the way down.

The torrents converged into one stream. Although the disaster was reduced, many people were still affected.

Gu Jinnian even saw that a bridge was broken. Groups of soldiers stepped into the glacier and forcibly propped up the broken bridge, causing the people to flee quickly.

Under the glacier, each of the soldiers was so cold that they were trembling all over and their faces were ashen. Moreover, in the deep water area, four or five people took turns replacing each other.

How much perseverance is this.

It also takes a lot of faith to do this.

Some people close their eyes forever in the cold river.

There are also people who ignore the pain and support the people's way of survival.

The people who were fleeing all the way looked at this scene and couldn't help crying, they were extremely hurt.

Further down.

Some of the torrent branches swept some people away directly, and they were submerged in the torrent without even raising their heads.

Gu Jinnian wanted to rescue him, but it was too late.

On the shore, there were soldiers tied with iron ropes, one after another going to rescue the people in the current.

There are disasters everywhere.

But there are Daxia soldiers everywhere.

Gu Jinnian did not hesitate. He did not just ignore death, but rushed to the dam area. If the dam area was destroyed, things would be really troublesome.

Two quarters of an hour later.

Gu Jinnian arrived at the dam area, and King Wei was also guarding here. After seeing Gu Jinnian, King Wei immediately spoke out.

"Jin Nian."

"How to say?"

The King of Wei stepped forward to inquire. After the sixteen floods occurred, he immediately led a large army to the lower dam. The source of the flood was up there, which was almost a hundred miles away.

All the people in the upper reaches were relocated. This was the previous preparation.

I didn't expect that this kind of thing would happen. Fortunately, Nanyue County built a dam defense project. Otherwise, there would be no way.

"Most of the sixteen flood disasters were separated and solved by me, and the remaining four flood disasters were merged into one by me."

"If nothing unexpected happens, it will be swept over in an hour."

"His Royal Highness the King of Wei, immediately arrange for soldiers to defend at important points at all levels. We don't want to block the flood, but just block part of the momentum. I will be here to solve the flood."

Gu Jinnian spoke.

"I have arranged for the soldiers to do it."

"Don't worry about this, but you may not be able to withstand such a fierce torrent."

"Jin Nian, if you are not sure, just let it go. Longxi County and Donglin County can solve it. This difficulty in Nanyue County is also fate."

King Wei spoke out.

He knew how terrible the flood was, and Gu Jinnian might not be able to stop it.

That's almost it.

Life is more important.

"I know."

"Let the remaining soldiers disperse immediately and go to the river to prepare for the destruction of the dam."

Gu Jinnian spoke up.

He didn't agree with what King Wei said, but he could understand what he meant.

However, if a flood breaks out in Nanyue County, it will affect not just one county, but the people of both rivers and rivers will be in huge trouble.

When the time comes, the disaster in Jiangning County will happen again in the Great Xia Dynasty, and it will definitely not be one place, but multiple places.

Normally, even if the ice and snow in Nanyue County melts, it will take time to slowly emerge.

In sixteen places, the ice and snow suddenly melted, clearly targeting the Great Xia Dynasty.

Want to increase the difficulty.

Gu Jinnian stood on the dam, waiting for the torrent to hit.

The rest of the soldiers have already begun to take action.

This catastrophe cannot be solved by Gu Jinnian alone.

Disaster relief.

Fight floods.

Along the way down, Gu Jinnian saw too much.

In the flood.

The soldiers of Daxia forgot everything, they stood in the glacier and built a bridge of hope with their lives.

In front of the torrent.

Hundreds of soldiers even risked their lives to rescue the people in trouble.

Floods are ruthless.

Submerge them.

The people who were rescued didn't even know the name of their benefactor.

Think of these.

An indescribable emotion emerged in my heart.

Two months before and after.

It seems that the catastrophe was solved quickly, but how many people died behind it.

In Longxi County, under the earthquake, it was like the world was destroyed. How many people were buried under piles of rocks?

In Donglin County, the mountain fire is fierce, ruthless and terrifying. How painful is it to burn your body in flames?

Nanyue County, terrifying torrents, icy-cold river water, helpless cries, and unwilling roars.

This scene flashed through my mind.

Originally, Gu Jinnian felt lucky before this, but now this feeling is gone.

Great summer disaster.

I didn't win.

It only saved most people's lives, but some people still died.

Thinking of this, Gu Jinnian couldn't help but look up at the sky.

The Great Summer Disaster is definitely not caused by destiny.

Gu Jinnian doesn't know who it is, but don't let yourself find out. If you let yourself know who caused the Great Summer Disaster, Gu Jinnian will definitely make him crumble.

At this moment, a terrifying sound sounded.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

The flash flood was like a tsunami, sweeping away all the trees, which was terrifying.


Gu Jinnian raised his hand, and all the five innate flags were raised by him at this moment.

At this moment, all the spiritual crystals were consumed by Gu Jinnian and poured into the Innate Five Elements Flag.

Xuanwu's figure appeared under the dam, and with a roar, a violent mountain torrent rolled up hundreds of feet of water.

The Xutu flag raised several surrounding hills and turned them into earth walls, blocking mountain torrents layer by layer.

The innate five-element flag played a great role.

But the power of the flash flood was so terrible that it smashed through layers of earthen walls, even under control.

Eventually, flash floods also poured into the dam.


The dam is shaking and has broken in many places.

Gu Jinnian used the Xutu flag to control the rocks and stabilize the dam.


Another terrifying impact.

But fortunately, with the innate Five Elements Flag, Gu Jinnian stabilized it again.

This is a fairy weapon.

Possess extraordinary power.

However, a truly terrifying flood occurred.

Top down.

Carrying unparalleled terror, he came towards Gu Jinnian.

Such a terrifying flood was at least ten times stronger than the first wave.

"Jinnian, run quickly."

King Wei's voice sounded, and he knew that with Gu Jinnian's strength, he could no longer stop such a terrifying flash flood.

This is not something that can be solved manually.

However, above the dam.

Gu Jinnian's face was expressionless.

All the torrents were brought together by him, which would naturally form such a terrifying landscape.

But he doesn't care.

"Destiny helps me."

crucial moment.

The six destiny marks in Gu Jinnian's body soared out of his body.

These six destiny marks,

All are submerged in the innate Five Elements Flag.

In an instant.

Green Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku, Black Tortoise, Qilin.

The phantoms of the five divine beasts appear.

The thousand-foot blue dragon was submerged in the mountain torrent, turning the river upside down.

The white tiger roared furiously, bursting out with immeasurable light, blocking the mountain torrent in front of him.

The Suzaku shoots out blazing flames from top to bottom, and a large amount of water mist evaporates.

Xuanwu came on the waves and stopped the flash floods.

Qilin walked around the flood. Suddenly, the surrounding dams were greatly strengthened. The dam was originally thirty feet high, but now it is a full hundred feet high, and it has been expanded more than ten times.

Extremely strong.

This is all divine power.

Under the blessing of destiny.

As the flash flood continued to impact, the terrifying flash flood finally calmed down completely.

But this isn't the end.

The five divine beasts drank the mountain water, drained half of it, and then dropped nectar on the dry land.

A huge crisis.

With the blessing of destiny, Gu Jinnian once again solved it.


At this moment, Gu Jinchang let out a long breath, slowly landed on the ground, and stood on the dam.


The Innate Five Elements Flag drained away all his mana and energy, and his whole body, both mentally and physically, had been weakened to the extreme.

But the good thing is that the disaster in Nanyue County was decided by himself.

Depend on destiny.

"Jin Nian!"

"You are really good."

King Wei rushed over immediately, his eyes full of shock.

"There are still branch floods that cannot be solved."

"Take good care of the rest."

"Great summer disaster."

"it's over."

Gu Jinnian opened his mouth and immediately fainted after saying this.

King Wei immediately held him up, his face a bit ugly. After checking the situation and finding that nothing serious happened, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then had someone send Gu Jinnian away quickly.

in this way.

In Nanyue County.

The military aircraft intelligence was sent at full speed towards Kyoto.

Longxi County.

Donglin County.

Nanyue County.

Jiangzhong County.

The disaster in the four counties and the good news one after another were sent to Kyoto in Daxia.

The next day.

It's still dark.

In the palace hall, hundreds of civil and military officials have gathered.

Last night, 16 floods broke out in Nanyue County, and they have been sent to Kyoto.

That night, no official could sleep, and they were all waiting in the main hall for the latest news.

The floods in Nanyue County had a great impact, mainly affecting the people of Liangjiang.

In comparison, Longxi County and Donglin County are actually not as important as Nanyue County.

If they had to choose, Baiguan would rather the fire in Donglin County does not go out than in Nanyue County.


At the third quarter of Yin hour.

A sound of joy sounded from outside the palace.

"Good news."

"Good news."

"The destiny of heaven has determined that Nanyue County will be flooded."

As this voice sounded.

There was an uproar in the main hall instantly.

"Has it been settled again?"

"The lucky star of Tianming is really my lucky star."

"Okay! Okay! Okay! With this county settled, I will no longer have to worry about anything in Daxia."

"The Great Summer Disaster is finally over."

"Tianminghou, you are truly my number one hero in Great Xia."

There was a commotion in the court hall, and all the officials spoke excitedly, praising Gu Jinnian.

"How is Jinnian now?"

On the Dragon Throne.

Emperor Yongsheng breathed a long sigh of relief. At the same time, he looked at the messenger and asked about Gu Jinnian's situation.

"Back to Your Majesty, the Marquis was exhausted and passed out, but His Highness the King of Wei is taking care of the Marquis."

The other party opened his mouth and informed Emperor Yongsheng of the specific situation.

However, upon hearing these words, Emperor Yongsheng couldn't help but feel extremely distressed.

"Jin Nian fainted?"

"Come here, immediately take pictures of all the imperial doctors in the imperial hospital, rush to Nanyue County, take good care of Jinnian, and prepare all kinds of medicinal materials."

Emperor Yongsheng opened his mouth and heard that Gu Jinnian was so exhausted that he passed out.

Naturally, I feel extremely distressed.


At this moment.

A figure rushed over quickly.


"His Majesty."

"Seven fireballs appeared in the sky over Kyoto."

As this voice sounded.

For a moment, the court fell silent.

Ask for a monthly pass at the end of the month.

It is estimated that there will be a big climax tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

You probably can’t imagine what the climax will be.

This chapter has been completed!
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