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Chapter 297: Stepping on the River of Time to Become the Saint of Destiny

Chapter 297: Step on the long river of time, become the saint of destiny, and create peace for all generations! [End]

Time flies by like a fleeting moment.

Since the five tribes were destroyed.

In the blink of an eye, three months have passed.

Due to the appearance of Heavenly Dao, people have been in panic for the past three months. Even if Gu Jinnian came forward, it was difficult to suppress the fear in people's hearts.

After all, for the common people in the world, they only have three years to live. Many people want to go crazy, and some people completely give up everything and enjoy life peacefully.

Faced with this situation, the Great Xia Dynasty and the Zhongzhou Dynasty, together with the Great Xia Wen Palace, worked together to appease people's hearts, formulated various plans, and Gu Jinnian personally came forward to finally suppress some of the panic.

And at this moment.

Daxia Dynasty.

Kyoto, which had not snowed for several years, suddenly received a heavy snowfall.

White snow covers the entire Kyoto, making the sky and earth white and indescribably beautiful.

Inside the Duke's Mansion.

Gu Jinnian was wearing a thin white coat and stood quietly in the lake, staring at the snowy scene.

In the past three months, except when necessary, he has stayed at home, firstly to spend time with his family, and secondly because he really wanted to relax for a while.

The entire Duke's Mansion seemed as lively as usual, and several uncles came to Gu Jinnian to drink and have fun.

And Gu Jinnian was not pretentious and often called his friends. He was very happy when he called all his friends from Daxia Academy.

But even so, everyone knows that Gu Jinnian is facing tremendous inner pressure all the time.

The life of the entire world is in his hands. If he fails, the entire world will be buried with him. How many people can remain calm under such pressure?


Exhaling a breath of cold air, Gu Jinnian restrained his cultivation and allowed himself to be in the mortal stage, so he could still feel the cold.

The goose feathers of heavy snow fell on me, gradually turning into snow water, but then evaporated again.

There are several baking stoves nearby for Gu Jinnian to keep warm at any time.

"The white snow is too late for spring, so it flies through the trees in the garden."

After simply reciting a poem, Gu Jinnian's eyes were once again locked in the center of the lake.

At this moment, a figure slowly appeared beside him.

It is the figure of Mr. Gu.

"The last time I saw snow was five years ago."

"At that time, in Grandpa's eyes, you were still a child."

"I never thought that this time I would see snow, you would have become a man of indomitable authority, shouldering the fate of the people."

"Jinnian, grandpa sometimes feels like he's dreaming. Why did our Gu family have such a talented person like you?"

Mr. Gu's voice sounded. He stood next to Gu Jinnian and said some sad words.

"My uncle taught me well."

After listening to the old man's words, Gu Jinnian couldn't help but smile and expressed his thoughts.

As soon as these words came out, Mr. Gu was stunned, and then he couldn't help laughing. He naturally understood the meaning of Gu Jinnian's words.

"If my uncle were here, he would laugh at your words for ten years."

"Jin Nian."

"There are too many beautiful places in this world. You have spent enough time at home. If you want to go out, just go out."

"Grandpa can't let you go, and your parents can't let you go either, but Gu family members are sensible and know that you are filial, but just do whatever you want to do, and you won't be bored at home."

Mr. Gu spoke.

During this time, he had always noticed that Gu Jinnian came to see Xue from time to time, and he also knew what Gu Jinnian was struggling with.

Gu Jinnian was not sure that he would be able to save the people in three years, so he stayed at home and wanted to accompany him. This was considered as fulfilling his filial piety.

But what he knew even more was that Gu Jinnian was unwilling to do this, and he didn't want to do this. He still wanted to fight in the final battle for the common people in the world.

It's just that filial piety comes first. At this time, if you are still not by your parents' side and by your family, it would be somewhat unjustifiable.

The clan members were reluctant to let Gu Jinnian leave, so at this time Mr. Gu stood up and took the initiative to let Gu Jinnian leave and do what he wanted to do.

Listening to the old man's words, Gu Jinnian instantly understood what he was thinking.

He was a little touched, but both of them understood a lot of things without saying anything.


"My grandson will not embarrass the Gu family."

Gu Jinnian spoke up. Mr. Gu's words made him let go of the last fetter in his heart.

He wants to go out.

Go and see the last beautiful scenery and meet the last people.

After doing all this, he will step into the long river of time and make the final struggle.


"Go ahead."

Mr. Gu patted Gu Jinnian's shoulder, and then continued to speak.

"I've already told your mother that you don't need to go see her to avoid making her feel even more uncomfortable. Just leave."

"Go ahead."

"Grandpa is preparing a celebration banquet at home."

Mr. Gu bared his teeth and smiled, looking casual.


Gu Jinnian didn't say much. He turned around and left. There was indeed no sloppiness.

This is to confirm your inner thoughts.

As Gu Jinnian left, Mr. Gu's eyes couldn't help but turn red and he muttered something.

"This kid really doesn't look back."

"But it's better not to come back."

"Don't suffer too much."

The old man was still distressed, and inside the courtyard, a middle-aged woman also watched Gu Jinnian leave quietly.

She was Gu Jinnian's mother. Although the old man told her several times, she still couldn't help but come out to visit Gu Jinnian secretly. However, she didn't come out because she knew that doing so would only make Gu Jinnian more bonded, and she was not helping Gu Jinnian.

Gu Jinnian left.

But he did not disappear in Daxia Kyoto, but walked towards the northwest streets.

About an hour.

Outside a study.

Gu Jinnian's figure slowly appeared.

This is Wenxin Study Room.

Last year, because Gu Jinnian became a saint, Wenxin Study Hall's status was no less than that of Daxia Academy. After all, Wenxin Study Hall had Gu Jinnian's name, which was enough to attract countless scholars.

There are countless powerful people in the entire Daxia capital who want their descendants to come to Wenxin Study Hall.

He started out as a prince at least.

Otherwise, you really are not qualified to enter.

However, due to the collapse of the great world, Wenxin Study Hall has become a lot deserted. After all, the great world will be destroyed in three years. How many people are interested in studying?

Gu Jinnian's arrival alarmed the guards at the study door. Under Gu Jinnian's calm eyes, these guards did not dare to say anything, but their eyes were full of excitement.

This is normal. After all, Gu Jinnian is now the number one person in the world, even surpassing the way of heaven in the eyes of the world.

"I'm just revisiting my old place and don't want to disturb others."

With these words behind him, Gu Jinnian walked alone into Wenxin's study and came to the poolside. Perhaps everything started from here.

Next to the Wenxin Study Pond, there was heavy snow, and a thick layer of ice had already formed. Standing here, Gu Jinnian waited quietly for half an hour, and finally left.

He did not alert anyone, but there was a master in the study who knew that Gu Jinnian was here and wanted to go up to see him, but in the end, because of the awe in his heart and being blocked by others, nothing else happened.

After leaving Wenxin Study, Gu Jinnian went to Yang Kai's house, where he met Yang Hanrou.

I haven't seen her for several years. Yang Hanrou has become much more mature from the immature girl she was back then. She is not married yet, so logically she should get married at this age.

When they saw each other again, Yang Hanrou was a little panicked, as if she didn't expect to see Gu Jinnian.

She hid in her boudoir, afraid to see anyone.

Seeing this scene, Gu Jinnian couldn't help but smile, but he didn't say anything to Yang Hanrou, but simply said a few words to Yang Kai.

It didn't take long.

Gu Jinnian was about to leave, but when he was leaving, Gu Jinnian came outside Yang Hanrou's boudoir.

"Sister Hanrou, brother, I'm leaving soon, why don't you say goodbye?"

Gu Jinnian's tone was very relaxed, and he even asked Yang Hanrou with a hint of joking.

After hearing this, there was no movement in the boudoir.


Gu Jinnian didn't say much. He turned around and left with a calm expression.

Just when Gu Jinnian had just turned around, the sound of the door opening sounded, soon followed by Yang Hanrou's voice.

"Come back safely."

Her face was a little red and she was a little anxious. She obviously had a lot to say, but in the end she could only say this sentence.


Gu Jinnian smiled and didn't look back, just waved.

Leave Yang Mansion.

Gu Jinnian went straight to the palace.

In the Hall of Nourishing Heart.

Emperor Yongsheng was watching the memorial. At this moment, Gu Jinnian's voice suddenly sounded, startling him.

"Old uncle, why do you still read the memorial every day? Can't you give young people a chance?"

"How many years has the prince waited for your position?"

"How can there be a prince in this world who has lived for sixty years?"

As the voice fell, Emperor Yongsheng let out a breath.

"Scared me."

"Who did I think you were, you didn't even say a word to me when you came?"

Emperor Yongsheng was a little angry.

"I'm leaving, uncle."

Gu Jinnian said with a calm expression.


Surprisingly, Emperor Yongsheng turned out to be the calmest.

"That's it?"

Gu Jinnian was a little surprised.

"Otherwise? Do we still have to part ways through life and death?"

"Jinnian, you are not a child."

"Your uncle looks back on his life and sees how many separations he has experienced."

"Those who rebelled with me back then, whose life is not ours, and those soldiers who died on the battlefield, whose lives are ours?"

"I have always felt that the most valuable thing in the world is life, and everyone's life is like this."

"It doesn't matter whether you are high or low in status, but in the face of life and death, you all have people you want to protect, and you all have your obsession of not wanting to die."

"So, Jinnian."

"Listen to my uncle's words."

"Don't think too much. At best, you are sentimental. At worst, you are a bit pretentious."

"Just like women."

Emperor Yongsheng spoke, his tone seemed very calm, and he explained a new principle to Gu Jinnian.

"Uncle, you really look like an emperor now."

"Been taught a lesson."

Gu Jinnian suppressed the smile on his face. He was very serious and approved of these words.

"What do you mean, my uncle didn't look like an emperor before?"

Emperor Yongsheng was a little angry.


"Okay, uncle, I'm leaving."

Gu Jinnian stood up, he was leaving.


"The abdication ceremony will be held next month to enthrone the prince."

Emperor Yongsheng spoke up and said before Gu Jinnian left that Daxia was about to change its emperor.

"Well, I will come back depending on the situation."

Gu Jinnian nodded.

After saying that, he was about to leave.

"Just leave like this without saying a word?"

At the critical moment, Emperor Yongsheng couldn't help but speak out. After all, he was his nephew, so there was no reason not to feel sorry for him. Although what he just said was true, Emperor Yongsheng also cared about his nephew.

"Then say one more thing."

"Uncle, I wish you blessings like the East Sea."

Gu Jinnian waved his hand, and after saying these words, he disappeared completely.

"bounty happiness?"

Emperor Yongsheng was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help laughing.

"This boy."

"It still hasn't changed."

After saying this, he didn't say much and just continued to review and approve the memorial.

in this way.

On this day, Gu Jinnian invited all his friends out. He held a banquet at the most famous restaurant in Kyoto and drank and had fun with many of his friends.

Wang Fugui, Jiang Yezhou, and Gu Jinnian also called their grandson together.

Friends from the academy came one by one, and Gu Jinnian drank happily. At the same time, he did not forget to tell Li Ji that he would be the prince in the future, how to govern the country, and put the people first.

Until the next morning, when the golden sun was shining, Gu Jinnian came to Daxia Academy and met Su Wenjing.

Without saying anything else, Mr. Wenjing proposed a game of chess.

Gu Jinnian agreed.

The result of the chess game was that Gu Jinnian lost. Su Wenjing did not feel inappropriate about this at all.

The chess game is over.

Gu Jinnian also officially left Daxia Kyoto.

Leaving Daxia Kyoto.

Gu Jinnian embarks on a journey alone.

He was somewhat aimless, not necessarily going anywhere, nor saying he would definitely not go anywhere.

Rest wherever you go.

Rest when you are tired, drink from the mountain spring when you are thirsty, sleep when you are sleepy, eat when you are hungry, there is nothing too much obsession.

in this way.

Time flies, and a year passes in the blink of an eye.

During this year, Gu Jinnian visited many places in the Great Xia Dynasty.

Gu Jinnian visited Jiangning Mansion and recalled the flood. Even today, some people are still afraid.

I also went to Bailu Mansion and offered a stick of incense to the children who died.

He has been to many places and traveled across mountains and rivers.

I have seen the early morning, gentle and wonderful.

I have seen the noon sun, blazing and bright.

Watching the dusk, the sun sets in the west and the sky looks like fire.

I also spent the late night quietly and alone, with the sky filled with stars and indescribable beauty.

Over the past year, Gu Jinnian has completely transformed into a mortal. He has not exposed his identity and faced all this with a true normal heart.

Gu Jinnian has experienced everything he has seen and experienced over the years all over again.

Walking it again, I have a different understanding.

He did a lot of reflection and reflected on all the mistakes in the past.

The year is over.

Gu Jinnian left the Daxia Dynasty and began to travel around the world.

However, Gu Jinnian immediately went to Linglong Immortal Palace and met with Fairy Yaochi.

When they meet again, Fairy Yaochi also has unspeakable feelings.

There is no doubt that she likes Gu Jinnian. After all, Fairy Yaochi has no reason not to like Gu Jinnian. Regardless of his appearance, personality, or actions, Gu Jinnian is liked by almost all women.

Gu Jinnian was very low-key when he came this time. Fairy Yaochi did not expect that Gu Jinnian would come to see her.

The two met and talked for a long time in the palace.

Three full days later, Gu Jinnian left the palace, and his farewell to Fairy Yaochi was even more meaningful. Gu Jinnian left silently, but Fairy Yaochi couldn't help but speak out.

"I'll go find you when you come back, okay?"

This is the voice of Yaochi Fairy.

Maybe it had other meanings, but Gu Jinnian still didn't look back, just waved his hand and said.


He answered and continued on his way alone.

After bidding farewell to Fairy Yaochi, Gu Jinnian went directly to Qingqiu to meet Fairy Qingqian.

Arrive at Qingqiu Mountain.

Before Gu Jinnian had time to speak to Qing Qian, the latter immediately hugged her.

There are no words.

The moment she saw Gu Jinnian, Fairy Qingqian didn't make any unnecessary moves, which made Gu Jinnian a little silent.

The latter hugged Gu Jinnian tightly, with tears in his beautiful eyes.

She was imprisoned in Qingqiu Mountain before, and the Son of God came to marry her. If Gu Jinnian hadn't killed all the tribes, she would still be trapped now.

After getting out of trouble, she immediately wanted to find Gu Jinnian, but after learning about Gu Jinnian's mission, she did not disturb Gu Jinnian.

Just praying for Gu Jinnian in Qingqiu Mountain.

Until now, when Gu Jinnian appeared, she could not suppress her emotions and hugged him, because all words could not explain her mood and love.

"Fairy Qingqian."

Gu Jinnian was a little stiff, and he forced a smile. When he wanted to say something, Fairy Qingqian didn't say a word. She just buried her head in Gu Jinnian's arms, her body twitching slightly. She was suppressing her emotions and couldn't help but shed tears.

Feel the other person's different emotions.

Gu Jinnian didn't say anything more. Instead, he was very relieved and hugged Fairy Qingqian into his arms.

Compare the differences between Yaochi Fairy.

Fairy Qingqian is very direct and expresses all her feelings. Gu Jinnian is indeed not fond of women, but he also needs affection.

When this feeling appears, everything seems to go naturally.

The two of them didn't say a word.

Just hugging each other.

After a long, long time.

Then they slowly separated.

This time, it was a full seven days. Gu Jinnian and Fairy Qingqian chatted freely for seven days. During these seven days, most of the time, Gu Jinnian was the listener.

Listen to Fairy Qingqian talk about her past.

He also listened to Fairy Qingqian's love for him.

"Will you take me with you?"

"I won't disturb you."

"I will follow you quietly, I don't want to be separated from you."

"I love you and don't want to leave you even for a second."

This is what Fairy Qingqian expressed. She wants to follow Gu Jinnian and her love for Gu Jinnian transcends everything.

for this.

Gu Jinnian smiled slightly and rubbed her head, and then Fairy Qingqian fell asleep.

It's not that you don't want to.

But he couldn't take Fairy Qingqian with him.

"Wait until I come back from the long river of time."

"I'll take you with me."

Gu Jinnian whispered in Fairy Qingqian's ear, and after saying this, he left.

In the end, Gu Jinnian continued on his journey alone.

In this way, another year has passed.

Three years have passed, and the last year is just around the corner.

The third year.

Gu Jinnian found a quiet place and did not continue walking, nor did he want to continue walking.

He has seen too many things.

I also heard too many stories.

The road to be taken has been completed.

We have seen all the beautiful scenery that we should see.

For the remaining year, Gu Jinnian stayed in a cave and watched the sunrise and sunset every day without any other abnormalities.

Like dead wood.

Just like an ancient stone, it remains motionless.

A full ten months later.

When there were only two months left in the deadline, Gu Jinnian made a move.

He got up.

Walking towards Xizhou Mountain.

Only this time, the Lord of Western Zhou Mountain was still missing, and Gu Jinnian did not force him.

But he left a letter.

After a while, after receiving a response, Gu Jinnian smiled.

Finally left Xizhou Mountain.

Everything is solved.

The top of a big mountain.

Gu Jinnian's expression was calm, but soon wisps of golden light floated over.

The long river of time appeared in front of Gu Jinnian.

Boom boom boom.

In an instant.

The world trembles.

The long river of time is revealed.

Wisps of golden light appeared and converged into a river.

The emergence of Time River instantly attracted worldwide attention.

Above the sky, the superior saints, King Xuanyuan and others are also paying attention at all times. Their hands and feet are tied and sealed, waiting for Gu Jinnian's failure three years later.

But he never thought that Gu Jinnian could condense the river of time in advance.

This is really unexpected.

When the river of time appears, people feel a little heavy. Life or death may depend on this time.

Facing the long river of time.

Gu Jinnian seemed very calm. He stepped directly into the river without any hesitation.

The long golden river runs through the heaven and the earth and looks extremely sacred in the eyes of the world.

And at the same time.

Above the ninth heaven.

Fifty figures emerged, the masters of the Fifty Heavenly Ways.

They watched all this.

Communicate will.

"Will he succeed?"

There is the will of the Lord of Heaven.

"Can it be successful?"

"You'll know the next moment."

Have the will to respond.

In the eyes of others, Gu Jinnian enters the river of time and appears in just an instant.

For Gu Jinnian, he may experience countless years when he steps into it.


As the will falls.

Gu Jinnian's figure walked out of the river of time.

People are surprised, they didn’t expect the results to come out so quickly?

On top of the mountain.

Gu Jinnian walked out of the river of time with gray eyes.

He just stepped into the long river of time, experienced nine lives, and finally failed in the ninth life.

He has experienced nine reincarnations, and his eyes are full of vicissitudes of life.

But he lost in the end.

If you have not understood the true holy way, if you are not protected by the mark in your body, you will probably sink into the long river of time.

"He failed."

A terrifying will sounded, announcing to the world that Gu Jinnian was defeated.

In an instant, all the people in the world felt depressed and didn't know what to say.

Gu Jinnian didn't say much. He sat cross-legged and carefully comprehended the nine reincarnations.

in this way.

In the blink of an eye, half a month passed.

The river of time has not dissipated.

Gu Jinnian stepped into the river again.

This is the second challenge.

People were worried about him.

He also seemed worried.

But the result the second time was even more cruel.

Gu Jinnian died in his first life this time, almost sinking completely.

Fortunately, he has the mark of a saint. Otherwise, Gu Jinnian would have died for the second time.

After this failure, Gu Jinnian went into seclusion for half a month again.

the third time.

There is still one month left before the three-year appointment.

The third time, the effect was very good. Gu Jinnian went through twelve lives, but still failed.

This time, Gu Jinnian did not choose to have an epiphany. He was very direct and chose to challenge for the fourth time.

The fourth time, after twenty-four lives.

Until the fifth time, Gu Jinnian lived through thirty-six lives.

But the end result is failure.

Five times in a row, Gu Jinnian used up five opportunities. If he sinks next time, he will die.

"Jin Nian."

"Take some rest."

"Don't try too hard."

At this moment, Su Wenjing's voice sounded, and he could tell that Gu Jinnian was a little anxious.

All five opportunities have now been used up.

If Gu Jinnian continues like this, it will be easy for him to truly sink. At that time, it will be useless even if he is a god.

Hearing Su Wenjing's voice, Gu Jinnian couldn't help but take a deep breath.

He also realized that he was in a hurry.

But there is really not enough time.

On the top of the mountain, Gu Jinnian was silent.

He looked at the river of time and hesitated in his heart.

He wanted to make a big push.

But Su Wenjing was right.

I hesitated three times.

Gu Jinnian finally sighed.

"Please also ask the mountain master to take action."

He made a sound, looking a little confused.

People were curious, but they thought that Gu Jinnian went to Xizhou Mountain before and did not know what he did. Now people understood that some kind of agreement was probably reached.


A voice came from the Western Zhou Mountain.

The next moment, faint purple pollen drifted between the sky and the earth.

Soon, countless people became drowsy, their consciousness sank, and they fell asleep completely.

This pollen was so terrifying that even a saint could not bear it. Su Wenjing and others also felt a little drowsy.

"Jinnian, what are you doing?"

Su Wenjing was a little surprised and couldn't help but ask Gu Jinnian.

"I can't change the outcome of the world, but I can prevent the common people from suffering too much."

"Master, if you really fail, don't blame me."

Gu Jinnian said, this is what he made an appointment with the Lord of the Western Zhou Mountain, he wanted all the people in the world to fall asleep and have new hope in their dreams.

Hear this answer.

Su Wenjing was silent.

But he really couldn't resist the sleepiness and finally fell asleep slowly.

in this way.

The world is silent.

Gu Jinnian began to understand everything that happened in Hanoi over time.

In the course of time, he became an emperor, a master, a warrior, and a cultivator.

Gu Jinnian has experienced various identities.

But it is too difficult to clearly understand the ultimate way to become a saint.

He never had an epiphany.

Didn't even understand.

"If it is not broken, it cannot be established."

"Break and then stand."

The sound of muttering to himself sounded, and at this moment, Gu Jinnian stepped in for the last time.

If we fail this time.

It was a complete defeat.

At this moment.

Even though he was the master of Fifty Heavenly Dao, he couldn't help but appear silent. They looked at Gu Jinnian.

But this time.

Gu Jinnian did not appear immediately.

Seems a little weird.

But considering that this was Gu Jinnian taking a chance, it was normal to feel a little weird.



About half an hour later.

The long river of time suddenly surges.

The Lords of the Fifty Heavenly Dao all looked at him.

"Did you make it?"

There is a will that sounds.

But soon, disappointment appeared in their eyes.

It's just that we haven't waited for them to draw any conclusions.

The long river of time suddenly shrank and dissipated bit by bit.


There is a will that sounds.

Gu Jinnian was completely lost in the long river of time.


The world suddenly turned dark.

The river of time also gradually dissipated.


In the end, no miracle occurred.


In the long river of time.

Gu Jinnian's consciousness was indeed sinking.

Stepping into the river of time for the sixth time.

This time, Gu Jinnian experienced the life of the original owner.

After drowning, he was looked down upon by all kinds of people, so he lost his ambition by playing with things, which became a shame to the Duke's government and a joke to the Great Xia Dynasty.

In the end, with the passing of the old man, the Duke's Mansion instantly fell into decline, and the original owner's life became even gloomier.

Marry a wife and have children, pursue pleasure, and die at the age of sixty.

This was the life Gu Jinnian should have originally had, but it changed because of his arrival.

During this period of his life, Gu Jinnian encountered a great disaster.

He sank and couldn't distinguish between reality and truth.

His will is sinking.

It was eroded bit by bit.

As his consciousness was eroded, the world also underwent tremendous changes.

Click, click, click.

The sky and the earth are twisted, the sun and the moon have no light, eternal night falls, covering the sky and the earth, and the great destruction begins.

The world is dying.

It was just when Gu Jinnian's consciousness completely sank.

A beam of terrifying light was released from the top of the mountain.



The golden river of time appears again.

The expressions of the fifty Lords of Heaven suddenly changed.

"what happened?"

"Why are there still visions?"

"Are there any variables?"

An astonishing sound sounded, and they did not expect that there would be variables at this time.

"Establish a heart for heaven and earth."

"Establish a destiny for the sake of the people."

"Continuing the unique learning for the Holy Spirit."

"Create peace for all eternity."

The sound of heaven and earth sounded, it was Gu Jinnian's voice, and the river of time reappeared.

A figure walked out of the long river.

It was the figure of Gu Jinnian.

When consciousness is at its lowest.

This voice emerged in his mind.

Pull him up from his endless sinking.

The Dharma of the Holy Path.

Gu Jinnian had known it for a long time, but he had always ignored it.

suppressed by time.

Being oppressed by the general trend.

Now, he clearly understands the true way of being a destined saint.

The twisted world bloomed with infinite light at this moment, and in the long river of time, one figure appeared.

These figures are all scholars from ancient to modern times, as well as heroes from ancient to modern times. They stand in the long river of time, with endless glow.

The leader was Kong Sheng, who fulfilled his promise back then and waited until Gu Jinnian became a destined saint.

He will bring all the saints to congratulate Gu Jinnian.

The figures of Ten Thousand Ways have appeared in the long river of history, and in a certain period of history, they also had brilliant splendor.

Now, they have turned their momentary glory into a beam of light, illuminating the entire world.

Gu Jinnian's figure appeared.

An unparalleled mark was placed above his head.

This is the Seal of Destiny.

The powerful people such as the Supreme Sage, King Xuanyuan, and the Dragon King of the Four Seas all showed disbelief when they saw this scene.

"He really succeeded?"


They roared, unwilling to give in, really unwilling to give in. At the critical moment, Gu Jinnian actually succeeded again.

Billions of rays of rays of light spread out from Gu Jinnian's body.

The sound of ancient chanting conveys the greatness of the universe.

Endless visions are born, and the auspiciousness is endless.

The sky is full of flowers, awakening the sleeping world.

The stars throughout the universe are shaking and shining.

Above the Nine Heavens, the current Heavenly Dao smiled and stretched out his hand. The originally decayed Dao Qinglian seemed to be washed by a mysterious power at this moment.

All the darkness has been cleared away, the pure air has filled the air, and the turbid air has been completely washed away.

"The heaven and earth have righteous energy, and are mixed and endowed with fluid shapes. Below are the rivers and mountains, and above are the sun and stars. To people, it is said to be vast, and it is as abundant as the sky."

An ancient voice sounded.

Gu Jinnian recited the song of righteousness.

He didn't need any scriptures, because at this moment he completely understood the meaning of the Zhengqi Song.

There is a need for righteousness between heaven and earth.

Everyone has his own righteousness in his heart. As long as he keeps the good thoughts in his heart, there is no need to do anything or say anything. Everyone has great righteousness.

He recited the song of righteousness and conveyed the will of a saint to everyone in the world.

Waves of pure Qi are born to wash away the turbid Qi.

Between heaven and earth.

It was extremely clear for a moment.

Those unknowns, darkness, and decay were completely wiped out.


The next moment, Gu Jinnian slowly raised his hand and erased the traces of the five ancient clans.

Green lotuses fall from the sky.

He became a destined saint and possessed incredible power. In his eyes, the five races were not worth mentioning.

And with the great cleansing of the world.

The Lords of Heaven and Dao also appeared one after another. They appeared in front of Gu Jinnian and bowed deeply to Gu Jinnian.

There is no need to say anything. At their level, they only care about the results.

They don't care what the process is.

There is no need to know why Gu Jinnian became a saint. For them, they are happy to see Gu Jinnian win.

Gu Jinnian responded with courtesy.

Then he looked at the world and spoke calmly.

"I am Gu Jinnian."

"Today, peace will be established for all eternity."

The voice fell.

In an instant, infinite divine light fell into the mountains and rivers and submerged into the bodies of the people.

No more famine, no more sickness.


Completed book——

Some headache.

I won’t open a separate book to finish my remarks.

Just say it here.

First, the story of Daxia Literary Sage is over. It is inevitable that it was not well written, but the overall story is like this. Because of the previous book, it will not end tragically. Then, regarding the completion of the book, it will either involve a big enemy, or

Just write a setting where the protagonist kills a big enemy or solves this problem.

Basically, these two methods are used to complete the book.

The pace has sped up a lot. In fact, no one wants to be dragged along like this, especially the readers who are currently subscribing. Most of them just want to watch it to the end and then leave.

Alas, some of them are hard to describe.

The biggest problem in Confucianism and Daoism is the "keynote". This keynote is: cultivate one's morality, harmonize one's family, govern the country, and bring peace to the world.

Gu Jinnian's sainthood should actually be gone. The same is true for the last book, and the same is true for this book.

But because of my obsession with writing a long novel, I made a mistake. Secondly, I brought in the traditional fairy tale setting. The literary sage of Daxia should be [Dynasty Confucianism and Taoism], but I insisted on writing it as a nondescript [Dynasty Cultivation of Immortals and Struggle for Hegemony]

】, the mistake lies in this.

Because I want to write three million words or four million words. It stands to reason that if I write around the inside of the 'Dynasty', three million words is more than enough. In fact, four million words can be achieved even if the pace of the previous story is slowed down.

But because of being a fairy, I always want to use the point of "destiny" to do some plots that shouldn't be done.

Then the writing gets worse and worse, and the writing gets worse and worse.

In the later stage, it became even worse.

But there are two main reasons for the failure in the later stage. One is that I really couldn’t write anymore, and I felt uncomfortable writing it because it didn’t look good at all.

It's not as lively and hearty as what I wrote before. What I wrote is nonsense and pure rubbish.

It is torture to myself and torture to everyone.

However, I wrote two Confucian and Taoist texts and learned a lot, especially Daxia.

If I were asked to write another book of the same type, I should be able to surpass Da Xia, but there is a 95% chance that I won’t write the same type of book in the next book.

I am confident that I can surpass Daxia's results, but not by much, and it doesn't mean much.

For me, the meaning of writing should be to constantly surpass myself.

Even if you rush into the street, you will recognize it.

As for what the next book will be about, I don’t know.

If nothing else, I will start a new book in February and take a good rest for a month.

Thank you readers for your persistence.

I really feel sorry for every living parent.

Another such situation.

My fault.

I'm sorry to you all.

I feel really guilty.

Then Daxia Literary Sage should still have a side story.

Tentatively decide on [The Long River of Time], I will write it according to the specific situation, and try to write a side story of Da Wei.

It took quite a while.

I'm really sorry.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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