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Chapter 476 The new leader of the literary society

After delivering a speech to Zhixue, as usual, he invited the supervisor to come to the stage.

It was the same as in previous years. The supervisor talked about the situation in the country, advised the students to study hard, and finally handed over the venue to the chief and the students.

However, this time, under the spotlight of everyone, Feng Yemai from the prison just shook his head slightly and said that he would not go up.

Xiang Zhixue stood on the stage and was stunned for a moment. After a moment, he smiled and said: "You guests may not know that our Qiming Academy has inherited Mr. Gang Feng's teaching philosophy and delegated part of our power to students. Mr. Supervisor shook his head at this time.

It is a statement to the students that the college supports the students unconditionally and will never restrict us unduly. Students of Qiming College, let us thank the college teachers for their efforts."

Many students expressed their gratitude.

However, the representatives of the major forces have grown old and mature and think they have ulterior motives.

Everyone in the Shen Gong Sect discussed in low voices.

Liu Yitian said: "This is very strange. You must be prepared. Since the Qiming Literary Society was established, the Supervisory Academy has delivered a speech every year. It is right to decentralize power, but you must also pay attention to the scale."

"The fact that the Supervisory Yuan did not come forward probably means that the Academy will not interfere in today's cultural meeting. But the specific position is intriguing."

"That empty table at the Excalibur Gate makes me very uncomfortable. Obviously, this year's cultural gathering will not be so simple."

"If the Supervisory Academy does not come forward, does it mean that the Divine Sword Sect has nothing to do with the academy, or that the academy is letting what happens next? Or is it that these teachers are not going to suffer on the surface, but are actually promoting it secretly?"

"As expected of an old guy who is well-educated, he never takes the lead and only takes advantage at the end."

"If you observe carefully, you will find that some students have a very bad attitude towards us, but some students seem to sympathize with us. Obviously, more people think that our Shen Gong Sect has been framed, and only a small number of people sympathize with the Shen Sword Sect.


"The students of Qiming Academy admire the name of Mr. Gang Feng. They come from all over the world. There are more than 3,000 students. Even if it is a small number, there are 500 or 600 people. It is not a small number."

"Yeah, it's really a headache..."

Not far away, the Xueyi Sect was also discussing this matter in a low voice.

"The supervisor's attitude is too obvious. The academy stays out of the matter, but allows the students to take action on their own."

"Next, no matter how the Shen Gong Sect responds, their hands are tied. If they forcefully attack and hurt the students, then the academy will have an excuse to interfere. If they don't take action, then they will wait to be dismembered by the Yamen."

"I don't believe what kind of waves the Shen Gong Sect can make if all parties join forces."

"They don't dare!"

All major forces are speculating on the academy's intentions, and even the students are becoming confused.

Li Qingxian, however, acted like a normal person and discussed the cuisine of the northwest with Yu Ping, leaving everyone in the Shen Gong Sect helpless.

Xiang Zhixue resolved the minor turmoil over the Supervisor's failure to take the stage and announced that this year's literary meeting would be the same as in the past, with poetry as the main focus.

The Wenhui is open to all low-rank scholars below the sixth rank, but it mainly caters to students from Qiming Academy. Other students and scholars are just here to join in the fun.

Next, Xiang Zhixue took out the wooden box commonly used for poetry writing, which contained many wooden plaques. He first took out the title box and selected the theme of tonight's poetry meeting, snow. Then, he took out the rhyme box and selected the rhyme of the poem.

Except for students, almost everyone present was from the martial arts world. Occasionally there were some Taoist practitioners who knew nothing about poetry.

This literary meeting seemed to be in full swing, but in reality it was very different.

Scholars think seriously, write, communicate, compose poems, comment, etc.

The major forces were eating, drinking, and chatting without saying a word of poetry.

For them, the main purpose of coming to Qiming Cultural Conference is to express their respect for Qiming Academy and recognize that Qiming Academy is the real overlord of Qiming City.

Not long after, many students wrote poems and submitted them, which were explained by teachers from the academy, then scored by judges, and finally an average score was calculated.

There are three categories of these judges, one is the academy teachers, the other is the famous scholars in Qiyuan City, and the last category is the students.

The people of the Shen Gong Sect could not hear the teachers’ explanations and comments, and they ate and drank like other gangs.

Seeing that the literary meeting was about to come to an end, Liu Yitian joked: "Li Keqing, when you were litigating in the Yamen, you said that you also studied in an academy and are also a scholar. Why don't you try writing a poem?"

Li Qingxian glanced at the stage and thought to himself that he remembered a few poems with snow in them, which were all from the previous textbooks, but the rhymes didn't match at all. There are so many things to do with this kind of bad poetry. If the rhyme is not limited, haha

Afterwards, Li Qingxian glanced at the judges on the stage and said, "Do you think they will let someone from the Shen Gong Sect win the poetry competition?"

"Indeed." Liu Yitian said.

Li Qingxian took a sip of rice wine and said slowly: "Besides, this leader might have come out long ago."

Liu Yitian's eyes widened, and everyone in the Shen Gong Sect looked surprised.

Liu Yitian whispered: "What do you mean?"

Li Qingxian raised his chin towards the high platform and said, "Be patient and watch."

Everyone was confused, looked at the stage, and felt dizzy listening to the formal words.

Nearing the end of the night, all poem reviews were completed. Xiang Zhixue, as the chief of the school, represented the academy and announced the students with the highest scores starting from the tenth place.

Neither the tenth nor the ninth is a student of Qiming Academy. Starting from the eighth, everyone is a student of Qiming Academy.

Every time Xiang Zhixue read out a person's name, the students in the audience would cheer loudly and congratulate him.

After the name of the second place was read out, the whole audience fell silent.

Even the gang members who only knew how to eat and drink stopped.

Everyone knows that this is the highlight of the Qiming Cultural Conference.

As long as the first leader is elected, that person will be famous for thousands of miles around, far superior to his peers in every aspect.

The most important thing is that on the first night of the Lunar New Year, on behalf of everyone, a bowl of dumplings is presented to the memorial tablet of Li Gangfeng, the founder of Qiming Academy. This is a supreme honor for the students of Qiming Academy.

Li Gangfeng is a model for scholars.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Xiang Zhixue, the director of Qiming Academy.

Xiang Zhixue smiled and slowly scanned the audience.

His eyes lingered for a moment on the empty table of the Divine Sword Sect, and also lingered for a moment on the details of the Divine Gong Sect.

Then, he took out a piece of yellow paper and said loudly: "After all the judges unanimously confirmed and repeated discussions, Xiaosheng, on behalf of Qiming Academy, announced that the first place in the literary meeting of Qiming Academy in the Xinsi year is Lu Yuanting."

Everyone in the gang didn't care at first, but when they heard this surname, they suddenly remembered, isn't this the surname of Lu Nanqiong, the leader of the Divine Sword Sect?

The students present were puzzled. They had never heard of this person before. There seemed to be someone named Zhuang Yuanting before. Why was there another Lu Yuanting with the same name?

Xiang Zhixue sighed and said: "It seems that many classmates don't know this person, but if I talk about Zhuang Yuanting, everyone may have an impression. The reason why this classmate Zhuang Yuanting changed his surname is because dozens of members of his mother's clan were massacred, and he

My uncle's family was completely cut off from blood. In order to help his uncle inherit the incense, he joined the Lu family and changed his name to Lu Yuanting. Next, I invite Lu Yuanting to come on stage, be the leader, serve dumplings, and pay homage to Gang Feng!"

The venue was quiet, and a young man with a high head was seen, holding the front of his robe, walking slowly towards the high platform.

This chapter has been completed!
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