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Chapter 1,108 Winter Blessings


Miss Chloe almost said the uncontrollable "not enough".

Her heart beat rapidly because of this abnormal feeling, and the blood flowed to the whole body under the transport of the heart, as if the heart became the sun that warmed the entire body. The uncontrollable impulse made her moan softly, and she tried to overcome it and wanted to continue.

With the urge to drink blood, she blushed and broke away from Shade's embrace. At the same time, she felt that most of her condition had really recovered.

"This feels really good."

The taste of wine lingered in her mouth for a long time. She didn't dare to look into Shade's eyes and could only praise softly:

"Just a little warmth can restore my health. Let's keep walking, climbing, and going to the top."

"Okay, let's go."

Shade also stood up from the blanket on the ground. After recovering the badly damaged tent at Miss Chloe's insistence, Mrs. Marquez and the unknown man carried the luggage, with Shade walking in front.

, Miss Chloe and the three of them lined up behind him, and the group walked towards the higher mountain peaks despite the wind and snow.

A series of footprints were left on the snow, but the footprints were quickly covered up by the rolling snow particles.

The higher you go, the cooler the temperature becomes. All four of them are wrapped in cotton-padded clothes. Every time the water vapor in the white mist is breathed out, it seems that it will be frozen into ice crystals the next second it leaves the mouth and nose. But the danger is not just extreme.

The cold temperature, the mental pollution at the top of the mountain, and the extremely strong whispering and blasphemous elements made even Shade feel dizzy and uncomfortable.

He needed to look back from time to time to check on his companions, and Miss Chloe behind him started grabbing the corner of his clothes from time to time.

Mrs. Marquez and the man seemed to be in good condition, at least able to continue walking, but Miss Chloe soon became pale again and could not even stand up.

She almost leaned on Shade's back, almost like being carried on Shade's back. Shade could only stop temporarily, and wanted to feed blood to Miss Chloe, but the latter refused:

"I am the witch Chloe. I can climb up. This is the last section, the last section."

She kept talking in her mouth, helped Shade stand up, looked up to the top, bit her tongue to wake herself up, and then moved forward as hard as she could with Shade's help.

The howling wind, under the oppressive black sky, caused the snowflakes to dance all over the sky. The snow was shining with silver everywhere, sometimes even making people think they were just standing still.

Compared to the huge Silver Mountains, four people the size of ants squirmed forward on the smooth snow surface. The wind drove the scarves flying behind them, and the snow swept across their cheeks, leaving a painful feeling like a knife. A series of footprints formed.

, and then covered by snowflakes. Although their progress was slow, they were indeed approaching the peak step by step.

Shade really admired the young witch next to him. The decisive spirit and belief that Miss Chloe showed at this time was really as bright and charming as a torch in this extremely cold snow mountain.

She bit a handful of her long silver hair, supported Shade with her right hand, and stepped forward under her own power. Even though her whole body was shaking, and even though she had to bite her lips and tongue to stay awake, she still didn't stop.

Make your own steps.

That glorious spirit and belief also attracted the evil spirits and ghosts lurking in the dark snowy mountains. Naturally, the last difficult road would not be without enemies to block it. Mrs. Marquez and the man followed them as if they did not exist.

Miss Roy noticed the black mist swirling under the strange black sky above her head, and Shade pulled her hand:

"You just need to move forward, keep moving forward, and I will take care of the rest."

The swirling black mist turned into streams of light and stabbed towards the two of them. The exploding golden shield was so dim in the snow-capped mountains under the dark night. The silver-white thunder gun in his hand was thrown into the sky, and thunder exploded in the air.

At the same time, the silver moonlight swept towards the strange black shadow following behind.

The majestic steam appeared in the huge roar of the bell and the piercing scream of the whistle. The sound of the two seemed to shake the entire snow mountain. The huge life ring was like the sun, radiating four-color spiritual light on the top of the mountain.

Then the silver moonlight burst out, lighting up almost the entire black sky.

On the top of the shining silver mountain range, it seems that endless black shadows are attracted by the lost people trying to climb to the highest peak. This will be their last chance to prevent mortals from touching the taboos that should not be touched.

"You go first!"

Faced with the enemy behind him in his strongest posture, Shade pushed Miss Chloe, and the light of the life ring illuminated him. Shade did not turn around to look at the witch, but held the moonlight sword with one hand and the other

The silver thunder that exploded in his hand echoed the brass wheel behind him that carried heat that shouldn't exist.

Miss Chloe pursed her lips and looked at him:

"You promised me to climb to the top of the mountain with me."

She lowered her head and marched upward through the wind and snow with Mrs. Marquez and the frightened man.

Behind them, the aura flashed from time to time and the moonlight illuminated the dark night, letting them know how fierce the battle was. But for Shade, he faced countless black shadows coming from under the snow-capped mountains alone, but he didn't feel anything at all.

I didn't feel strenuous.

This is not only because his own strength is extremely aimed at such weird things, it is more like these things are just in line with his combat power. It will neither embarrass Shade excessively nor put Shade into a dangerous situation.

Their appearance seemed to have deliberately left him here so that Miss Chloe could climb alone.

Therefore, although the situation seemed very critical, it was actually no more dangerous than Shade's solo journey into the depths of the Pantanal a few hours ago.

"Do you know why?"

There was a voice in my ears, but it wasn't "her" voice.

"Of course I know, she has to walk the next journey by herself."

Shade replied, while waving the sword in his hand, he saw from the corner of his eye the god [Winter Maiden] wearing white robes, holding a white oak staff, and bare feet standing next to him.

In the divine state, the god has long silver hair that is very similar to Miss Chloe, and the silver hair is flying in the wind.

"In this case, can these enemies disappear? I am also facing powerful enemies in my time, and I cannot spend too much time here."

The god smiled. This was the first time Shade saw him smile. This god always had a cold face when he appeared before:

"Yes, the epic of the Sixth Age, that chapter related to the fate of the world... You really shouldn't waste too much on the adventure here. But these enemies are not here because of my call.

They are the last devils in a mortal's heart."

He was standing there, but it seemed that only Shade could see this god, and those strange enemies wrapped in black mist only attacked Shade.

But at least it was warmer now. Shade didn't look back at his life ring, so he didn't know that the life ring carried abnormal heat and was even rapidly melting the surrounding snow.

The steam seemed to be in conflict with the surrounding environment, and every spiritual rune on the surface of the life ring trembled while flowing on the brass ring body.

The boundless black mist was pouring towards Shade, and he was struggling to retreat higher up the mountain behind him. His spirit and physical strength were being consumed rapidly, but because of the appearance of the gods, golden cracks were spreading all over his body.

Spreading until the cuffs and hem of his clothes were all in his movements, leaving traces of light like golden embers in the wind.

He began to glow by himself in the darkness, and the moonlight sweeping forward became more dazzling than the normal state. The emergence of the "divine afterglow" state made the battle easier:

"I know what they are. Rather than thinking that they are the malicious intent of the snow mountain itself, I would rather say that they are part of the witch Chloe."

God did not comment on Shade's words, but asked softly:

"As a stranger from a distant place, have you ever envied the coldness of winter?"


Shade nodded immediately. He knew very well that this way of asking questions meant that the god wanted to give him some strength. But this time the god did not tell Shade a story. Instead, he bent down and grabbed a handful of snow from under his feet.

The glittering and translucent snow was crushed into a snow ball in the hands of the gods, and the snow ball floated towards Shade. Shade opened his mouth to bite the snow ball, and the cold snow almost immediately turned into snow water and flowed into his body:

【Outlander, you have come into contact with a "miracle".】

【Outlander, you have received the "blessing of winter".】

[When you are in winter, the recovery speed of your spirit and physical strength will be slightly enhanced, your luck will be slightly improved, and the wind and snow environment will not cause harm to you. After eating snow, you will not get stuck in the snow. Snowflakes will become your food.


[Outlander, you have some understanding of "winter", "snow" and "freeze". 】

The snow ball kneaded by the gods himself not only brought blessings from the gods, but also restored Shade's spirit and physical strength to an unprecedented full state. He already knew what he should do at this time:

Taking a deep breath, the enlightenment - [Sleeping Princess] on the life ring behind her suddenly shone.

The silver coffin fell at his feet, and a giant castle appeared on the snow-capped mountains, lifting Shade and the gods up into the sky. Shade stretched out his hand, and very gentlemanly let the red dragon witch who came out of the coffin place her hand on it.

The white oak staff in the god's hand gently tapped the ground of the castle. The power of winter amplified Shade's magic, and the castle called by the myth lock turned into the color of ice.


The roar of the giant dragon appeared together with the raging sea of ​​fire. While the spirit in Shade's body declined rapidly, while the god chuckled, the flames breathed by the witch swept away all the enemies.

"It turns out that even God's chuckle is not as moving as your laughter to me."

This was Shade's last thought when the avalanche happened.


ps: souvenir list

Hope Town-1068-God's Gift Box

Forest of a Thousand Trees-3002-Feliana's Notes

The Dreadfort-1784-Future Man Card

Night Manor-3014-Black and white intertwined headband

Deadly Valley-3024-Moon Witch's Cloak

Lost Lake-5177-The Witch Emperor's Ring of Power

Silver Mountains-903-????


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