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Chapter 1,121 Enlightenment spread in the light

"Others, including the two Academy Thirteenth Ring members, are in the other three directions of the island to deal with the tentacles of the 'evil thing in Pantanal' that have poked out of the ground."

The nun continued to introduce the current situation. As she was speaking, a violent thunder struck the west side of the island. Sister Devlin, who rarely spoke so many words at once, softly added:

"This should be Mr. Sand, the thirteenth-ring warlock of the Church of the Sun, 'Thunder's Fury'."

"Can the evil in the Pantanal still be sealed?"

Shade asked in a low voice, the nun's silver eyepatch covering her eyes, and the lower half of her fair face showed no obvious expression:

"It's difficult. The Church did its best this time, but the weather, the stars, and even the land seem to be trying to release the evil things in the subspace. The Church may be able to buy some time, but even if we stop the chosen ones, this will still

It’s difficult. But as long as I’m still on this lighthouse, even if the evil thing in the Pantanal breaks free of its seal, it still can’t leave the Everglades.”

Looking up at Shade, Shade also turned to look at Sister Devlin's eyepatch. There was no frost on the silver eyepatch, and the dense patterns and fine lines shone in the light of the lighthouse:

"If it really comes to the most dangerous moment, I can sacrifice..."

"Sister, I'm still here, I don't need you."

Shade interrupted her, looking at the blindfold:

"It's just that no matter what happens later, please don't tell anyone else... There is the entrance to the [Space Maze] below this tower. When the time comes, you know what to do."

The nun said softly:

"Heroes who bear the fire, do what you want to do."

In the open space in the distance, the stone pillars of Stonehenge emitted golden light together. In the wind and snow, Iluna did not stop him, but watched Lykins Prisha ascend into the sky.

"here we go."

Shade said softly, standing at the top of the lighthouse far away from Stonehenge, standing in front of the fence and staring at the wind and snow, watching the pure white beam of light envelop it:

"Knowledge and wisdom..."

The light pillar directly broke through the snow-covered clouds. The wind and snow rotated around the light pillar, and the figure of Lykins Prisha was inside the light pillar:

"I, Lykins Angeles Priscia, hereby declare..."

The majestic sound could be clearly captured on the entire island, pale golden light spots emanated from his body, and thousands of overlapping prayer sounds came from nowhere.

Originally, the wind on the island was extremely violent, but now a gentle breeze blew, and the canopy of the dead forest rustled in the wind. The miraculous elements instantly spread to the surroundings, even suppressing the "evil things of the Pantanal".

The whispering elements.

As if there were transparent feathers falling in the snowflakes, at this moment, everyone in the Pantanal Lake and the surrounding areas subconsciously looked at the sky. Thirteen golden light spots, centered on the pure white light column, were clearly visible

It was reflected on the dark clouds in the night sky. And Shade, who had a better view, could even see five fist-sized blue light balls floating above the head of Lykins Plisha, forming a circle that looked like an angel.


The blue balls of light are exactly the five wise men's pyroxenes.

There was a noise in the dead forest, and Miss Sylvia and Miss Carina walked out together, along with Miss Pavo, who had been waiting for a long time, and the owner of Tobesk's pawn shop who came from nowhere.

Old John, and at least five ring warlocks whom Shade didn't know.

There are quite a few people hiding in this dead forest, and none of them intend to stop the scene in front of them:

"It finally begins!"

No one took action, and everyone looked up to the sky. The light of enlightenment, which represented knowledge and wisdom, had begun to radiate outwards. Even Shade and Sister Devlin on the periphery felt the light coming from the ancient gods.

The gift of wisdom.

"Sister, what knowledge do you desire to gain through this enlightenment?"

Shade asked the nun behind him.

"More clues to the Divided First Fire."

The nun answered softly.

A bright golden color burst out from Lykins Prisha in the air. The Stonehenge on the ground happened to be located in the center of the pure white light pillar. Under the baptism of light, the golden stream of light emitted from the thirteen stone pillars surged upward.

, so that there was more surging light in the light that day.

He opened his arms in the air, and an ancient clay tablet flew from his feet. It was an artifact representing the ancient god [Secret Master] and was a necessary item for ceremonies.

Under the wash of the power of time and space, the transparent wings summoned by thaumaturgy behind the back are gradually turning into entities. At the same time, the five pyroxenes in a circle above the head rotate rapidly, with azure radiance, and finally connect to form a complete blue halo.

The five-ring brass wheel ring behind it rotated and expanded rapidly in the light, and the bright aura echoed with the white light pillars and golden streamers.

The strange pattern composed of thirteen light points reflected on the clouds continued to fall along with the skylight. As the pure white light pillar gradually turned into a golden color, the thirteen light point ritual array merged with the life ring behind him.

The brass ring became blurred during the high-speed rotation, leaving only thirteen stable light points. Then, in the almost chaotic brilliance, the thirteen light points distributed in a circle gathered inward, forming a brand new pattern.

Being formed.

It was a huge open book, with three dark golden light balls of different sizes distributed in a triangular shape on the surface of the book.

At this moment, it was as if the power had traveled from eternity, originating from a more primitive era, with Stonehenge as the center, sweeping across the entire island in the middle of the lake. The strong aura of enlightenment provided the basis for successfully reaching the depths of the Pantanal.

Everyone who "watched" brought the knowledge they needed.

Iluna, who was also standing in Stonehenge, even shrouded in the golden light pillar that had not dissipated, frowned slightly:

"That's it. The power of the chosen ones with knowledge and wisdom, that's what it is."

The five wise men's pyroxenes that belonged to her flew out of her pocket and turned into five blue balls of light that stopped above her head. But they were not in the shape of a horizontal halo, but in the shape of an upward convex arc from left to right.


The life ring behind her is recording new power. She is the person closest to Lykins Prisha. And the skeleton horse, which can only be called three times, also becomes taller in this light, and the bone whistle is further


Carina Cavendish's dazzling red hair was flying behind her, and while her life ring was spinning, the last spiritual rune of her eleventh ring - Miracle [Myth] - appeared:

"The twelve rings have finally been reached, and we can finally take the next step."

She once worried that her limit was only the eleventh level and eleventh ring.

Miss Sylvia, who had black shawl hair, did not gain any new power. She suddenly widened her eyes and figured out what had been bothering her for a long time:

"I see, the chemical fiber that Shade mentioned can be made in this way! Shade called it... nylon?"

What she longs for is not power, but her own knowledge.

In the shadows at the edge of the dead forest, with a huge silver book floating beside her, Miss Paavo showed a rare and unsteady look of joy:

"Finally I understand that the core power components of the differential engine can be made in this way."

She waved to the two Professor Gao Huan beside her who were also bathed in spiritual light. One man and one woman both had gray hair.

"Leave now."

"But, Miss Paavo, the cooperation with the Pantanal Voodoo Society, and the whereabouts of the fourth chosen one..."

The old man wearing a black top hat asked hesitantly. Miss Paavo didn't care at all. She closed the big silver book with a snap:

"These madmen will cause big trouble next. My goal has always been this special enlightenment. According to probability calculations, the possibility of an accident happening next is almost 100%. Our goal has been achieved.

Why do you want to stay? Don’t be too greedy.”

She retreated directly with the ring magicians of the [Truth Society], not caring that she was the second candidate.

And in the spreading light, only Old John noticed their departure.

In fact, it was Old John who was the first to arrive here. He was wearing a brown woolen vest and an ugly brown-red scarf. He was standing on the treetops of the dead forest. He didn't care about Miss Pavo who he saw out of the corner of his eye, but looked dazed.

Looking up at the chosen one in the sky:

"It's really bad. It seems our prediction was correct..."

He did not leave. The old man who drew inspiration from civilization knew that he would be needed here next.

The ring wizards on the entire island have more or less obtained some knowledge or inspiration from this diffuse light trace. Sister Devlin, who was firmly sealed on the lighthouse, did not say that she had obtained it.

What, but feel the traces of light on Shade’s unusual life ring with your heart:

"Shade, what did you think of?"

The spiritual light diffused by the Chosen One's ceremony seemed to be solidified when it passed by him, and then was captured by the rotating life ring. The brass-colored spiritual light almost turned into a chaotic light as it rotated rapidly.


Unusual power was being nurtured at the top of this bright lighthouse. Shade looked at the fairy tale copied by the writer in his hand and said softly:

"The trial of the angels gave me access to the secrets of the angels, so that I could complete the trials of the old gods; the trials of the old gods gave me the opportunity to touch the secrets of eternal beauty, so that I could complete the trials of the secret keeper.

Practice; the trial of the Keeper of Secrets allowed me to know the secret of the angel’s residence, and also allowed me to complete the trial of the angel.”

After the light beam dissipated, his eyes looked at Lykins Plisha, who had two pure white wings behind his back and was holding a clay tablet in his right hand. To be more precise, Shade was looking at the three dark golden lights behind him.

Triangular pattern made of balls:

"The twelve trials I have experienced are the trials of God, angels and secret keepers. They help each other and complement each other, just like...the water of wisdom, endless life, the knowledge and wisdom that mortals crave.

, in the end, you still have to obtain it yourself. So that’s how it is, that’s how the power of wisdom is.”

The parchment scroll copied by Miss Writer in her hand flew towards the rotating ring of life. Dorothy's elegant letters jumped out of the page one by one and entered the light traces of the ring of life in the flowing light.

The enlightenment belonging to the Fourth Ring finally appeared.


ps: Everyone is greedy for wisdom and enlightenment, so in the end no one can stop it.

The only people who are not greedy for this enlightenment are Shade (he is busy with other things and did not expect that he would also gain knowledge, so his imagination for this enlightenment was not mentioned in the previous article) and Iluna (she simply just wants to solve the problem as soon as possible)

This person returned to Tobesk for the New Year's Eve and gave Shade the gift she had been preparing for a long time).

Therefore, the former obtained the "Water of Wisdom", a power that is extremely suitable for the ancient god [Secret Keeper], while the latter directly obtained part of the power of the "Chosen One of Wisdom and Knowledge".

Let me repeat again, the difference engine is not the final boss of this book, it is a foreshadowing of a certain volume. Of course, not the next volume.


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