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Chapter 1257 Shadow of the Earth

The black mud sprayed from the "fountain" sprinkled on the red butterfly and the stone man, and the black mud with the earth's curse and malice flowing under their feet had also covered the area where the two were fighting. The red butterfly was above the black mud.

It seems to have faded and lost its original bright color, but the illusion can still work.

People outside the black mud could only see countless scarlet light spots flying in the silver mist, and in the eyes of the gray stone giant, Shade's figure emerged from inside the silver mist. Blocked by double illusions

, he held the holy silver [Moonlight Great Sword] and slashed at the gray stone giant's arm, and then the sword was smashed to pieces by the giant's right arm:

"The Blade of Disrupted Time!"

Three identical giant swords slashed from the void at the next moment. One of them was still shattered by the stone arm, and the other two hit the stone man's body, but only left shallow scars on the surface of the stone.

"So hard?"

The arm hit Shade's head with great force, but after the hit, a bunch of red butterflies scattered in the silver mist.

The dark chain of sin shot out from the silver mist of the illusion like a long snake, circling and binding the stone man's right arm. But the gray stone giant suddenly pulled Shade out of the silver mist:

"Although I know you are very powerful, is this a bit too much? The power of the red dragon!"

This time, Shade did not dodge. As a faint spiritual light enveloped his whole body, he waved his fist with extreme strength. The gray stone giant also punched his fist, and in the next second, Shade directly hit him with a heavy muffled sound.

It flew backwards, but the gray stone giant was also forced to take two steps back.

The arms of both men showed an unnatural shape, and they had obviously suffered heavy injuries. The severe pain finally made the "Greystone Giant" wake up a little. He let out a crazy roar again, and then ran towards the silver in big strides.

In the depths of the fog. In [Silver Moon's Illusion], he should have lost his way and could not escape, but in a crazy state, he ran around based on instinct and actually broke out of the silver fog and rushed to the outside of the black mud.

The fighting people ran wildly into the dark distance of the manor where the lights were completely turned off while people were running away.

Every step he takes makes the surroundings vibrate. His weight is definitely more exaggerated than his height.

Taking advantage of the temporary lull in the fighting, the group of people fighting the church and Miss Lassus retreated quietly. When the next round of attacks hit them, everyone discovered that the original living people had turned into stone statues. In this scene,

It is quite similar to what Shade and Miss Bernanise experienced outside the city.

"Let's go!"

Although he was escaped by the opponent, Shade didn't care. He didn't have the special power to identify the chosen one like Luvia, but he felt that this guy who used the power of the earth to transform into a gray stone giant didn't seem to be the chosen one. Continue

There are many opportunities to follow up and confirm your judgment.

Shaking off the black mud splashing on his body, he wanted to hurry up and leave here after reuniting with Miss Lassus, but the moment he turned around, the ground shook violently again. This time, the unsuspecting Shade was unsteady and stood in front of his body.

He leaned over and was forced to bend down and hold the ground with his hands.

When I stood up, I looked at the black mud on my hands and felt the stinging sensation on my skin. The Crazy Earth this time was indeed more serious than the previous encounters.

Another aftershock made the erupting black mud become more intense, and the people around him hurriedly fled to the outside. And Shade, who was close to the black mud "spout", also sensed more things. He had been aware of it from the beginning.

I am curious about what the spring is connected to.

Originally, I was just curious, but when the "spring eye" became larger, my inspiration suddenly captured some kind of power that made my heart beat wildly.

Bathed in the "black rain", I looked at the source of the black mud in disbelief. The trembling of my soul meant the ultimate desire. The concentration of the essence in the "Desire" vial in my pocket was concentrated at this moment to the point where it was almost self-luminous.

He felt it, felt that it could satisfy both body and soul at the same time, and felt what he needed most:

"How is that possible? Divinity!"

"I'll take care of things here, you guys retreat outside!"

He reached out and pulled out the door pendant from his pocket, held it tightly, and said loudly to the people outside the black mud range, then took off his coat filled with various toys and spell-casting materials, rolled it into a ball, and took out a new one.

Wrap the coat with clothes and turn it into a stone toy to prevent petrification.

Then, in the eyes of people who were either surprised or confused, he suddenly rushed into the source of the black mud.

Since the spring spewing black mud could let the gray stone giant with a waist three Shades wide pass through, of course it could also let Shade pass through. He knew that this was very dangerous, but he also knew that he had to do this.

Every opportunity to obtain divinity should not be missed, not to mention that at the moment when the earth shook, he really felt the power deep in the earth:

Taking a deep breath, the whole person plunged into the black mud, following the hole in the ground, as if falling into a bottomless abyss.

"don't want!"

Miss Lassers looked at this scene in horror from the outside, her mouth wide open and she stood there in shock, unable to believe what she saw. But just when the sadness was rising, the emerald green light that represented nature and vitality clashed.

It covered the black soil and rushed into the vast night sky.

The silver moon shines on people.

(Little Mia is running.)

Falling into the black mud did not feel like sinking in water, nor did it feel like being stuck in a cesspool. Shade did not know this feeling. Instead, he felt a warm feeling of returning to his mother's arms. The process of sinking was not a free fall, but a

It sinks continuously like a buffer.

Especially when Shade sank deep enough and was wrapped in black mud, he could no longer feel the sting of his soul and body. He only felt that his whole body was so comfortable that he wanted to sleep peacefully.

The boundless black mud seemed to disappear, and Shade fell into the eternal darkness. He felt crazy emotions, but also felt the warm embrace. Even with his spatial sensitivity, he was not sure whether he was still alive at this time.

It is continuing to sink, or it may have stopped somewhere in the black mud.

Divinity and primordial fire both reminded Shade of the danger here. As the first crack penetrated his left eye, bright golden cracks spread to the whole body, and the golden cracks clearly contained scorching firelight.

The emergence of light illuminated this dark space. Shade was suspended in it and gradually saw clearly that not far in front of him, a figure was opening his arms to him.

The figure was a female figure, barefoot, wearing only a tattered black robe, with a black hood on her head so that her face could not be seen clearly, but her skin all over her body showed a strange gray-white color. She was exceptionally tall, with her arms spread wide.

The arms are suspended in the darkness. The cloth strips of the robe fly back around the body, and the two slender legs overlap each other, which is particularly elegant.

It is worth mentioning that the front of the robe was not buttoned at all, so some parts of the front half of the body were exposed. But instead of showing the feeling of yinhui, it had a special divinity and motherhood.

The figure's voice appeared directly in Shade's ears:

"Are you willing to return to the embrace of the earth?"

The voice was so compassionate. She didn't seduce Shade, she just sent an invitation. Shade looked at the tall woman blankly. His mental state was still normal at this time, but he didn't refuse immediately.

He could feel how warm and reassuring the open arms were at this moment. As soon as this thought appeared, the pressure of reality seemed particularly heavy. And embracing the figure in front of him and returning to the earth seemed to make those

The pressure disappears. I no longer chase the chosen one, no longer busy with various unexpected events, no longer come into contact with all kinds of strange people, and no longer worry about what to eat every night.


"She" asked with a slight smile. As the voice rang in her ears, it seemed as if warm wind was touching her ears.

A faint silver glow spread around Sha De, and he felt as if he was a little more awake:

"I'm sorry, if I fail to follow the path of becoming a god, I will return to the earth one day. But not now. There are still many people and a cat waiting for me to return. Thank you for your invitation, but I can't return now.


He apologized softly, and the figure with open arms seemed to be sighing silently. Some khaki light spread towards Shade, and the figure melted and disappeared into the darkness.

"What is she? I sense no divine power in her."

[The consciousness transformed from the earth in the Randall Valley is not a real soul or consciousness, it is just a certain instinct displayed by the Randall Valley as the center of the earth. It sees your divinity and sees

I have reached your special point and want to merge with you to delay the madness of the earth. It is, the Shadow of Randall Valley.】

"She" explained softly.

The earthy yellow light flying from the disappearing figure has now touched Shade, and the light has given him some not powerful, but very strange powers.

【Outlander, you have been exposed to miracles and enlightenment.】

[Outlander, you have obtained the spell - Fossils to Mud. Turn natural unprocessed hard stones, or non-natural stones that are no larger than your own volume alone, into the same amount of thin mud. 】

"Fossil to Mud" is one of the advanced spells. It requires learning the basic spell "Soil Plasticity" and the thaumaturgy "Earth Affinity" in order to learn it. In contrast, the spell "Turn Mud into Stone"

". Of course, the ordinary "fossils to mud" can only be used on natural unprocessed stones, so it is difficult to use to directly destroy buildings. The spell that Shade obtained is obviously an enhanced version, but its size is not larger than that of Shade.

It was an unnatural stone, and Xia De immediately thought of a stone statue.

"Her" voice is not over yet:

[The Randall River Valley has expressed kindness to you. When you walk on this land, disease and hunger will not trouble your body and soul.]

【Outlander, you have some insights into "shadow".】

PS: I’m asking for votes at the beginning of the month, it’s great to see the comments.

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