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Chapter 1315 Sunset by the Lake (please vote)

When Shade and Miss Bernanise returned to the Wilde Opera House, Luvia had also arrived and was talking to Miss Lassers about tonight's events. And Luvia also brought them new news:

"Professors from the Zarath School of Literature will also participate in the operation on the shores of Lake Eldron tonight. Among the three major colleges, only the professors from the Zarath School of Literature have arrived early."

"It doesn't matter. We are waiting on the outside tonight, and we may not really be needed."

Shade said that he did not carry the [Night Watch] this time, and he would try to avoid carrying this relic until the devil's whereabouts and identity were determined.

"In addition, I already got the statue of Edward Marcus, one of the three auction items that may point to the Heart of the Earth, yesterday afternoon."

The statue was transformed by Shade and placed on the coffee table in the study room. The three ladies inspected it in turn, but found nothing strange.

"Isn't it this?"

Miss Benenice said suspiciously:

"These stones come from the Randall Valley, in the southwest, so this is not a petrified body."

At this time, Miss Lassers was using her own magic to conduct investigations. When Miss Lassers also finished the examination, Shade said:

"I also checked at home last night and found nothing suspicious, so now there is only the last method left."

A bright silver arc of light was pulled out from his hand, and in an instant the complete antique statue was cut into a pile of rubble.

Everyone picked up the small stones and inspected them, and then confirmed again that they were really just ordinary antiques. Of course, the process of getting this antique was not a waste of time, at least it gave Shade a reason to contact Stone Oxenfurt.


"The Breath of Time."

Shade took a deep breath, and as the gray smoke flew from the stones to his nostrils, the stone statue went back in time and returned to its original appearance. Because casting the spell consumes one-fifth of the time, so this casting is about

It consumed less than 20 seconds of Shade's life.

"Really, I've said it many times, don't use this thaumaturgy casually. Is your lifespan infinite?"

When Luvia saw this, she immediately blamed him.

"Maybe we just don't see the value of this statue, so we keep it intact first, maybe it will be useful."

Shade said, and Miss Benenice and Miss Lassus realized that Shade's thaumaturgy that directly affects time and is almost miraculous comes at the cost of lifespan. They also thought that Shade had better not use it casually.

After all, as Shade once said, the only sure bet for mortals is that they are mortal.

One of the three items, the statue, was obtained. The remaining two items, namely the ceramic vase and the antique key, were in the hands of the local stone statue art exhibition hall and Earl Granger respectively. The former curator was Helena Oceanfordti.

You can seek help from a folklorist who is involved in whether you are a descendant of Mr. Lyman.

Of course, although it is urgent to find these two items, at least this Thursday will definitely not be possible. It is almost dusk, and what will happen in Lake Eldron upstream of the Elrond River will be revealed soon.


Because we don’t know exactly what will happen, so besides Shade, Luvia, and Miss Lassus, there are only three followers of the Nine Rings witch who are accompanying the witch this time. They are also the chief accountants of the Golden Dawn Opera Troupe.

and styling and costume designers.

The church did not seal off the area around Lake Eldron, but set up a large camp by the lake, relying on the camp to prepare rituals to dispel the mad land.

The church's rituals are much more complicated than Shad's "Power of the Earth, Healing Spiritual Energy", and general rituals take a long time to completely purify the land heading towards madness. In the past, when the "crazy land" appeared, we were not afraid of the long time. After all, as long as

The black mud and the crazy earth were restricted from spreading outwards, and it would take a month or two to solve it. But this time, relying on the water body, the madness of the earth spread very quickly. Therefore, in order to speed up the originally long purification ceremony, the person who presided over the ceremony

The Church of the Sun unites the natural churches in this diocese to act together.

The plan is probably that in the evening, the church ring magicians will jointly cast spells to completely freeze the polluted areas below the water surface to ensure that the spread of pollution is temporarily controlled. Afterwards, complex magical rituals will be carried out in conjunction with the magic rituals from Carson Rick Deco.

The sage-level relic [Oak Staff of the Great Elf Sage] was transported from the suburbs of York, Ram County. Try to complete the purification before dawn.

Because there has been no experience in such a hasty purification in the past, the church has no conclusion as to whether this is feasible, so it can only dispatch more teams of ring warlocks to prepare for possible situations.

But in Shade's opinion, the more people the better this time. After all, the pollution flowing out from the madness of the earth determines that as long as the effect of the madness cannot be exempted, even if the entire Kasenrik environment is

Even the magicians were called to find him, but it was of no use.

In short, when that evening, a group of six people wearing robes and riding horses arrived at the top of the hill on the east side of Lake Eldron. Riding on their horses, they saw the western sunset filling the frozen lake. The brilliant sunset was covered by ice.

The surface reflects, as if the lake is glowing under the setting sun.

The nearly circular lake is surrounded by the surrounding white winter forest. Further away, you can see a few wisps of green smoke coming out of the rural villages. There are several large boats frozen in the lake. Near the west side of the lake, small fishing boats are parked.

Next to the pier, and surrounding the pier, the church's camp is also bathed in the sunset.

The priests wearing white robes are praying towards the last ray of sunset, praying that the power of the sun can still protect them at night. This is the basic magical ritual of the Church of the Sun [Sun Blessing], if used by a large number of priests

, the effect is quite powerful.

Viewed from the top of the hill area, the camp surrounding the dock is quite large. A rough estimate is that there are at least three digits of people in the camp. Of course, it is impossible for all of them to be ring warlocks, but this scale is enough to be called a large camp.


Shade pulled the reins and asked Miss Bernice, who was riding a maroon horse next to her:

"I remember that in the Randall Valley, there are no thirteen-ring warlocks stationed all year round."

After all, the Church of the Five Gods has a limited number of thirteen-ring warlocks, and they have to take into account the development of the distant seas and the exploration of the new continent.

"Yes, but in order to round up the cultists last week, the Church of the Sun dispatched the famous 'Earth Shaker' Mr. Pierre Granger. This thirteen-ring warlock is as good at the power of the earth as I am.

He is especially good at creating earthquakes, but unfortunately, this kind of technique cannot be used casually in urban areas."


Luvia asked curiously, while Miss Lassus on the side took off her hood to reveal her beautiful long hair:

"Yes, this gentleman was originally from the Randall Valley. It is said that he is distantly related to the Earl of Granger family, but you also know that Granger itself is not a very rare surname, so is he a relative of the Earl family?

, no one can explain."

"Will he show up tonight?"

Shade looked at the lakeside camp expectantly, but Miss Benanis shook her head slightly:

"Even if the message passed through the black market is believed by the church, the only Thirteenth Ring cannot be transferred outside the city. After all, the cultists are still lurking in the city, so leaving one Thirteenth Ring in the city is the right thing to do.

But I heard that the Five Gods Church plans to send one of the Thirteenth Ring each to arrive in this city next week or later, in order to deal with the matter of the chosen ones on the earth."

"The Chosen One's epic is really becoming more and more influential. Let's set up camp. Let's take a rest first."

Shade suggested, and the group turned their horses. Shade was at the end, and turned to look at the almost fiery red ice:

"What will happen tonight?"

In order to prevent being noticed by the church, Shade and others chose to camp in the woodland far away from the lake. After simply setting up a campfire and erecting a fence, Shade even used his newly acquired thaumaturgy [Moon of the Moon] at the entrance of the camp.


When he pointed his finger at the entrance of the fence, bright silver thorn bushes immediately emerged from the soil, intertwined and tightly blocked the entrance to the camp. And not only blocked the entrance, but then the thorns clung to the fence until they were completely connected with the fence.

The fences blend together, like the camp surrounded by silver thorn bushes.

Miss Benanis tried it. Although she could destroy these thorns from the inside, it still required some means. And if she wanted to destroy the thorns from the outside, even an eleventh-level witch would find it difficult. Of course, this was not the same as hers.

It's because he's good at fighting, and it's impossible to use the Mystery Lock here with all his strength.

If you want to fly from above the thorns to the camp, the thorns will grow upward to block you. Unfortunately, as long as you fly high enough, Shade's bright silver thorn bushes will not have any reaction. Therefore, this thaumaturgy is the most effective.

The scene suitable for use is in a relatively closed indoor environment.

"This is a bit like the thaumaturgy [Light of Thorns] mastered by Iluna (Chapter 975)."

Luvia said to Shade:

"But her moves require casting materials, and they are thaumaturgy unique to the Church of the Sun."

After the evil things in the Pantanal were burned, Sister Devlin used the First Fire to give Shad many interesting powers. One of them was that the bonfire lit by his own hands was warmer, and he was more comfortable to stay around.

Able to quickly restore physical strength and spirit.

At this time, the bonfire was warming everyone, and the smoke had been eliminated. Because they had eaten before coming, there was no need to cook.

The six people sat around the campfire and chatted. After the sun completely set, Shade went to the lake with Luvia and Miss Bernanis. Because the three of them had the "power of the earth", Miss Lassers led

Two high-level sorceresses are here to support them, ensuring that there is at least a way out.

It could be seen that Miss Lassers was not very willing to watch the three of them take risks, but because of Miss Benanis' persistence, she had no choice but to agree.

This chapter has been completed!
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