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Chapter 135 Fish scales, bombs and maids

 "Miss Louisa, are you sure it's okay?"

Shade asked while using [Moon Shadow's Illusion]. Silver mist came from all around, wrapping him and Miss Louisa in it. The silver moonlight on his fingertips disappeared, and the fish-man faced the silver mist in front of him,

It screams angrily, but can only run rampant. Its IQ is probably not as good as that of little Mia.

"Detective, you can do it. What problem will I have? I'll be treated later. You go and save the little girl first."

The blonde lady said, and Shade nodded. Taking advantage of Miss Louisa's initiative to step out of the illusion range to attract the fish-man, he slipped away from the fish-man with the box in his arms and ran towards the girl in the alley.

For ordinary people, an out-of-control relic is almost a fatal situation. Shade was originally prepared for the worst, but after a little inspection, he found that she was just comatose and had a large fish scale on her neck, which can be cured.

, this kind of injury currently does not require [False Immortality].

It seems they arrived just in time.

He moved the girl further into the alley, and when he went to see Miss Louisa again, he saw the life ring spinning behind her. This time it was still the rune of "Frozen to Death".

But then, the Miracle Spirit Rune [Ice] also lit up.

Shade heard Miss Louisa's voice:

"The thing that ichthyosis fears most is not flames, but freezing!"

The blonde girl stretched her hands forward, and the cold air escaped around her. A rustling sound came from the mist-filled alley. The screaming fishman gradually slowed down until he fell to the ground.


"Detective, take her back!"

She said to Shade in the darkness.

"Retreat to where?"

"The further away the better, cover your ears and squat down."


Although he was confused, he still did as he was told. When Shade made the move, he saw Miss Louisa take out a spherical object from her robe. First, she knocked it on the wall, then shook it vigorously, and finally pulled the spherical object.

The ring on the surface was thrown to the frozen fish-man on the ground, and finally he ran in panic towards the depths of the alley, which was the direction where Shade and the unconscious little girl were.

Shade saw that behind Miss Louisa, the palm-sized spherical object began to spin around after landing, spewing hot white steam towards the surroundings as it spun.

Although he had never seen such an object before, his knowledge as a stranger allowed him to guess what it was. Amidst the soft laughter of the woman in his ear, he covered the ears of the unconscious little girl with both hands while holding the box between his arms.

Shrink your body and close your eyes.


The fire and loud noise were enough to wake up the two nearby blocks. Shade even felt the ground beneath his feet shaking. After the explosion, his ears kept buzzing.

Opening her eyes, she saw Miss Louisa jump up after falling to the ground. She didn't bother to arrange her hair, and turned back into the smoke and dust of the explosion. Within a few seconds, she carefully held a piece of black scales and ran towards

Shade, running and shouting:

"Haha, it's really afraid of the cold! He's dead and I got the [relic]! Detective, run! I'll hold this little girl."

"What on earth did you just use?"

Shade patted the dirt from his hair and turned around to follow Miss Louisa along the river embankment and into the fog. The police whistle could be heard in the distance. They had to run faster, otherwise they would be killed.

He threw himself into the river and escaped.

"Military Drake II integrated steam bomb! This is the most effective against the out-of-control ichthyosis!"

Miss Louisa dropped the dried frog legs in her hands, carried the unconscious little girl on her back, took Shade's hand, and jumped to the roof of the nearby house. The two people and the sound disappeared into the thick fog of the night.


No matter how chaotic the lower city is, it is not a trivial matter for a steam bomb to explode in the city, so they did not stop panting in an unlit alley until they ran three blocks away.

The sound of commotion in the distance was already heard, and groups of policemen could be seen hurriedly running past the alley.

First, I checked again the condition of the little girl being carried by Miss Louisa. She was probably a girl from a poor family living nearby. The shoes on her feet had exposed toes, her clothes were patched, and her face looked like it had not been washed for a long time.


Shade made some "full food" to suppress the spread of fish scales, and then used [Cyndia's Silver Moon Gift] to remove the fish scales from Miss Louisa and the girl at the same time. Although this is not a mental problem, it is

The light of the silver moon seems to suppress this disease.

However, Shade is a first-level sorcerer, and he has used thaumaturgy so many times that night that he already feels a little overwhelmed.

During this period, Miss Louisa also introduced the situation of the fish scales that she carefully twisted in her hands.

The fishy smell on that fish scale was very strong.

"The clerical relic [Scales of Drowned Fish], I have read the information about this thing in the college library. In 2983 of the Fifth Era, fishermen on the east coast of the Western Continent accidentally caught something in their fishing nets while they were out fishing.

A strange monster corpse. The monster had human legs and a complete fish body, and the corpse was highly decomposed."

Shade maintained the thaumaturgy in his hands and listened quietly. At close range, the fragrance of Miss Louisa was very obvious.

"According to college records, the frightened fishermen pushed the body back into the sea. But soon after, people in an entire small fishing village showed symptoms of ichthyosis, which means fish scales appear on the surface of the body and the entire body begins to rot. Then

When the Church of Nature, whose power was not as powerful as it is now, intervened, the matter was irreversible and the only option was to seal off the sea and area.

When the bodies of the deceased were subsequently burned to prevent the spread of the disease, this scale was discovered. This is the only scale that cannot be burned, and it is the culprit of ichthyosis."

Miss Louisa held the black fish scale very carefully. No relic should be taken lightly. In the darkness of the alley, the fish scale itself had a deeper darkness.

Of course, the more obvious smell is the fishy smell.

"So, the function of this relic is to cause ichthyosis and turn people into fish? But why did it get out of control?"

"Put the fish scales on your heart, and after contacting the water, the body can be transformed into the form of a fish-man monster. However, you cannot be too injured in this form, otherwise the outbreak of ichthyosis will only last for a moment. It can be understood that using

Every second of the scale, the Ring Warlock has to use his body to fight against this fish scale."

She asked for a bottle from Shade, shook it to create water, and put the scales in. The storage of this relic was very simple, just soak it completely in water.

It took some time to expel the fish scales on the little girl and Miss Louisa before Shade completely lost his strength. The ring warlock has no convenient way to replenish the spirit. After all, the spirit is not just energy. But fortunately, the spirit runes

With the ability to spontaneously transform elements into spirits, coupled with the afterglow of divinity, Shade recovered quickly.

Later, Miss Louisa woke up the unconscious girl, learned her address from her, and sent her home.

This is a little flower seller named Sophie Deiss. During the day, she hid some money in the alley, not wanting to be blackmailed by the older children nearby. Unexpectedly, when she came back to get it at night, she unexpectedly encountered

Here comes the monster.

Miss Louisa used some means similar to mental suggestion to ensure that little Sophie would not tell anyone about what she saw at night. This trick was very effective for the confused little girl. After confirming that she had arrived home safely, Shade and

Miss Louisa just left.

It's almost one o'clock now, and Shade wants to go back as soon as possible. Miss Louisa plans to visit Shade's house late at night. She is now wrapped in Shade's robe, soaked to the skin, and there is a strong fish smell on her body.

, there is no way to go home like this, so I can only borrow some clothes from Xia De's house first.

The two of them walked quickly. On the way, Miss Louisa admitted that although she had obtained a [relic], tonight's operation could only be considered a failure:

"I think it's better to wait until the doctor recovers before taking action. The doctor's ring magician ability is quite suitable for conducting reconnaissance and spying on intelligence activities. None of us can compare with this."

[Mercury Blood]'s Ring Warlock turned into a fish-man, was frozen, and was blown up by a bomb. Of course, the information Miss Louisa wanted was impossible to obtain.

The two of them walked and talked. Most of the time, Miss Louisa complained that she had not seized such a good opportunity tonight. Of course, she did not forget to thank the detective for his help tonight. The fish scale was considered a trophy for the two of them.

Of course Shade would not refuse. Although he would not use a [relic] with such serious side effects, he would still be happy to accept it for a cent.

Turning from the street with the gas street lights on to the Cirque Saint Teresa Square, Shade was talking to the blond writer and taking the keys, but he saw a four-wheel carriage with a lighted carriage parked at the door of No. 6.


Miss Louisa, wrapped in her robe, uttered an interjection with a questioning meaning.

"My employer is here."

Shade introduced, sizing up the carriage and slowing down. The fishy smell on his body was not very strong, and he had not had close contact with the fish-men just now.

"It seems that your employer status is very important."

The blonde girl said that Shade couldn't tell the difference between this carriage and an ordinary carriage, but the female writer with still wet hair could. She pointed out:

"Look at the all-metal manually twisted wrought iron patterns on the edges of the carriage. Although the carriage is painted, the wood can still be distinguished. And the carriage driver..."

The coachman was standing aside smoking a hand-rolled cigarette, with a small red dot shining in the dark shadow:

"I bet he is definitely a soldier. Although the carriage does not have a family crest, it must be from a big noble. No, ordinary nobles are not qualified to use this kind of carriage. Let me think about it, in Tobesk City now, there are

There are definitely no more than three women who are qualified to use this kind of carriage, and they are still young women."

Miss Louisa talked happily, and Shade once again thought of Professor Harms Sanchez, the vice-president of St. Byrons, who had mentioned that Miss Louisa had an inexplicable connection with the royal family of the Kingdom of Delarion.

, and thus suspected that she was from Zarath Academy of Literature, one of the three major thaumaturgy academies.

Priest Augustus, who has lived here for most of his life and knows many important people because he is respected by his believers, cannot narrow down the scope to such a narrow range. It seems that Miss Louisa's understanding of the royal family and nobility is really quite good.

"You actually know so much?"

Xia De took the opportunity to express his question, but the female writer answered naturally and casually:

"For literary creation, I know a lot of knowledge that is not very useful."

While the two were discussing, the car window was pushed open a crack. The black-haired maid named "Tifa" glanced at Shade and quickly closed the window.

The whole process only takes about a second or two.

"Oh? Why is it still her?"

Miss Louisa sighed like this again. Shade looked at his friend in surprise. The female writer seemed to recognize the maid.

She hesitated to speak and glanced at Shade, but said nothing:

"Detective, go see your employer. I won't come close. The fishy smell on my body is too strong."

Miss Dorothy Louisa stopped, but judging from her expression, she must have a lot to say after Miss Carina's maid left.

This chapter has been completed!
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