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Chapter 137 Normal cat

 "You said Miss Carina is from the Witch Council?"

He only learned about this organization in detail from Miss Anat during the day. Not long ago, the maid Tifa directly admitted it. He did not expect that Miss Louisa also knew about this organization.

"Not only Carina Cavendish, but also her personal maid Tifa Servitt. The witches claim to have inherited the legacy of the last thirteen witch emperors of the Fifth Age, and formed a parliament with the 13 great witches as the core.

,Other members are also women.”

Miss Louisa smiled:

"For those in the know, the Witches' Council has another 'elegant name'."


Shade asked curiously.

"Handkerchief Lovers Association."


Shade was stunned for a moment and quickly flipped through the "Delarian Common Language Encyclopedia" in his head, and then he realized that "handkerchief intercourse" also refers to impure intercourse between women.


He made this sigh.

Miss Louisa's information once again verified the statement that "witches in the Witch Council don't like men."

After ending the discussion about Shade's employer, the two officially started talking about tonight's events.

The first thing was of course Shade's curiosity. He asked with an awe-inspiring expression:

"Miss Louisa, do you bring a steam bomb with you when you go out?"

Of course, he agrees with this approach. If he has money, he would like to take it with him.

"Safety first. I bought it from the black market. It's 10 pounds each. There's no guarantee it will be useful. Are you interested?"

The female writer asked, and Shade immediately shook his head. The money was enough for Miss Gold to let Detective Hamilton find the cat again. Even if she earned money from Miss Carina and found Detective Sparrow's

The wallet and even the Prophet Association still have some income in the autumn, so there is no need to waste it like this.

"But I only have one, and the impact of the steam bomb on the mysterious incident is not very significant. This time, if I didn't know that the weak point of the thing is cold and froze it, I bet that even if the bomb is stuffed into

Even if you put that disgusting thing in its mouth, you may not be able to kill it."

With that said, Miss Louisa placed the small bottle filled with fish scales on Shade's coffee table.

The orange cat's eyes lit up, and then Shade grabbed the back of the neck, put it on his lap and stroked it. The cat meowed lazily, and rested its chin on Shade's leg. While receiving the stroke, it turned its head and used amber

His big eyes looked curiously at the small bottle on the table.

The small ears twitched with Shade's touch, so Mia did not escape in the end.

"Are you interested in using this relic? To study ichthyosis, or simply as a swimming tool."

the female writer asked.

Shade thought about what he would look like when he turned into a fish-man, and then thought about the scene when he was chased by Mia, and shook his head decisively:

"I'm not interested. We don't live in a coastal city like Coldwater Port. We may have to go to sea. I don't want to become something weird."

"I'm not interested in holding it, it's so ugly... Then after a while, I'll sell it to Papa John, or contribute it directly to the academy. After getting the money, we'll share it equally. I defeated the monster,

But it’s up to you to find it, so split it equally.”

That's very fair, suggested the blond.

The reason why we don't sell it to Father John now is because the incident has just happened, and Miss Louisa thinks that John will lower the price on the grounds that "this thing is involved in a case and it is difficult to get rid of it." Instead of handing it over to the college immediately,

It was because I wanted to inquire about Old John’s bid first.

After all, neither Miss Louisa nor Shade are in a hurry for money at the moment.

Of course, Shade would not rashly let a young girl stay at home overnight. Although his home was indeed large and Detective Sparrow's spare room could also be used, the relationship between the two was not good enough to stay at home overnight, and he

I also respect ladies very much.

Therefore, Miss Louisa changed into a warm coat, drank a cup of hot tea with Shade on the sofa, and left. Before leaving, Miss Louisa also mentioned that although it was not convenient for her to disclose the identity of her

The ring magician's friend is not in Tobesk for the time being, but she has still borrowed a handwritten copy of the translation of the original fairy tale book "The Little Match Girl", and will bring it to her tomorrow, Saturday afternoon, during the study meeting.


"Do I need to thank you? There's also the matter of the Steam Bird Daily advertisement."

When the two said goodbye in the foyer downstairs, the detective holding the cat asked.

"If you want to say thank you, then tell me your detective story when you have time. After the exam season ends in July, "The Mystery of the Scarlet Letter" will be officially serialized in the "Steam Bird Daily".

She stood on the stone steps at the door and said, looking around to see if there was no one in the square, she asked again:

"Tomorrow night, I plan to go see the girl Sophie just now to make sure that she is not greatly affected by ichthyosis. I will take a look quietly, about ten o'clock tomorrow night. Are you interested in going together?"

Shade held the door and thought about his schedule:

"We can go together. Anyway, I am reading at home, so why not go out for a walk... Now that we are talking about this topic, Miss Louisa, what are you going to do the day after tomorrow, that is, weekend night?"

Miss Louisa looked at Shade:

"What, do you want to date me? I'm sorry, Luvia asked me to watch the opera."

The answer was generous. If Shade really wanted to date the blonde, he would probably be very disappointed.

But the young foreigner obviously didn’t mean this. He explained:

"No, no, no, I'm just making sure you don't want to go to the card game. It's fine to go to the opera. I hope you have a good time."

He said happily. The blond writer frowned and cast a doubtful look. Seeing that Shade had no intention of explaining, he waved to him:

"Then I'll see you tomorrow afternoon. Detective, I'll wash these clothes before returning them to you. Good night."

After saying that, he wrapped himself in his coat and turned around to walk into the dark night, leaving the detective and the cat at his feet to watch the quiet night.

The light in the foyer made their shadows cast long and swaying shadows on the streets around the square, seeming to foreshadow what was about to happen.

(Little Mia is running...)

Foreigners in the story often have lofty goals to achieve when they come to different worlds. Shade's goal is naturally the path to the sublimation of the twelve divinities, but due to the slow upgrade speed of the ring warlock system, he is now

What you can do is to deal with your daily life first.

A week after the time at Lakeview Manor, he came into contact with the two relics [Happy Dream Pen] and [Drowning Murloc Scales], which gained him some experience. However, he had the attitude of completing the things in hand as much as possible.

, on the following Saturday morning, Shade did not go out to "adventure" in the city, but worked hard to complete the translation of "The Four Elements of Chase: Wind and Fire" commissioned by Miss Louisa. And strictly in accordance with

Her request was only a general translation and not detailed.

This is much more difficult than direct translation.

If it weren't for the "divine afterglow" state, which could shield the mind from contamination from abnormal knowledge, Shade might have spent half a week longer.

After he woke up on Saturday morning, he got food for himself and the cat, and then started working immediately. The company that Mr. Sparrow ordered milk from was also the Silver Parrot Milk Delivery Company, but Shade didn't have time to go there for the time being, and

Milk is not a necessity either, so I thought about waiting until the end of this month to renew Mia’s goat milk.

His enthusiasm for working hard even made another temporary member of the family, the small orange cat, a little worried about Shade's health. Shade believed that if there were no mice in the house, Mia would probably get a dead mouse.

Come and give him nutrition.

"Speaking of which, why do I feel like you are getting smarter and smarter lately? Is it because I use too many elements around you?"

He asked while holding the cat in his arms while resting, but the ignorant cat just rested lazily in Shade's arms.

"Is little Mia a normal cat?"

Now that I thought of this question, I asked in my mind. This kind of plot is very common in the stories that Shade has read.

[A normal cat has no traces of elements or spirits.]

Although "she" cannot be omnipotent, if an existence like a saint deliberately hides himself, "she" probably won't be able to feel it. But the coquettish cat in front of him does not look like it is disguised as a strange thing.

Therefore, Shade thinks that Mia has become smarter recently, which is probably just his illusion.

Because of his special ability to understand words, it was not difficult to help Miss Louisa translate the book. On the contrary, after the complete translation, Shade felt that he understood something from the story in the book.

"Four Elements of Chase: Wind and Fire" has the possibility to obtain spiritual runes related to "wind" and "fire", coupled with the sudden improvement of the spell "Ignite" after Shade told the story not long ago in the past -

He squinted his eyes and looked at the flames dancing on his fingertips, but nothing happened. It seemed that the enlightenment he received while translating the book was not enough to promote transformation. This accumulation will settle down until it is completely sublimated.

"However, translating ancient occult books seems to deepen my feelings about the elements more than reading books... Well, it's a very good idea."

I had lunch at 11:30 in the morning, played with little Mia for a while, then sorted out my recent financial situation, and added the record "nothing happened today, savings reduced" to the diary left by the detective.

Set off.

That afternoon in the doctor's bedroom on the third floor of the Schneider Psychological Clinic, when Shade handed "The Four Elements of Chase: Wind and Fire" and his handwritten translation to the blond writer, Miss Louisa, whom she had not seen for a while, was very surprised.


"Detective, I thought you would be very busy. You wouldn't spend your whole week translating this book, would you?"

"The end of this month is exam week. Since I've been paid, of course I won't delay your work."

Xia De said reservedly, without showing any complacent expression.

Miss Louisa looked down at Shade's handwriting paper and whispered that his handwriting was a bit ugly. But there was nothing that could be done about it. Shade was not very used to writing alphabetical characters.

Professors from St. Byrons will appear in today's study meeting, but before that, the five of them still have to follow the normal process.

Everyone arrived on time, but it was only three days before Tuesday's meeting. Others didn't have much to share, but most of them were worried about the exam week at the end of the month, which made Shade feel like he had returned to the past.

The window in the bedroom was open, and the warm summer sunlight shone into the room through the window and extended to the bed, making the metal pillars of the four-poster bed shine, making the still weak Dr. Schneider look a little more energetic.

Although it's still foggy in the city, at least it's nice weather now.

This chapter has been completed!
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