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Chapter 1497 Sacrifice and Red Butterfly

"There is another thing in the memory that my father exposed me to!"

After hugging Shade for at least half a minute, Sirius secretly wiped his eyes and pushed him away.

The blonde girl tried to keep her expression serious:

"Before the 'Filthy Holy Grail' takes shape, we must stop the guardian. At the same time, we cannot allow the crazy guardian to forcibly perform the Chosen Ceremony, otherwise the authority of the earth will be completely contaminated."

"In the guardian's memory, is there any information about the evil god 'Stone Heart Demon' and the cultists?"

Shade asked again, and Sirius nodded:

"The guardians searched for information about the divine descending ceremony from the ancient memories of the earth. You have seen that the cultists have three stone statues of children, young people and old people. In fact, those three stone statues were sacrifices for the divine descending ceremony.

Do you still remember the information about the divine descending ceremony that the Zhengshen Church obtained?"

"Flowers, stones, souls?"

Luvia asked.

Sirius nodded and asked Shade and Miss Benanis:

"Do you still remember what happened to the stone statue of a child that we encountered the first time? It was the stone statue that was defeated by the Guardian with all his strength for the first time?"

"The cultists gave their hearts to give the stone statue of a child a soul. But Shade said that after the battle, the heart disappeared."

Miss Benenice said.

"Yes, this actually represents the voluntary sacrifice of souls."

Sirius said, the two witches frowned slightly, and Sirius continued to ask:

"Next, what happened to the young stone statue that appeared in the Masons' Association and even petrified the heirs of the Anjou royal family?"

Miss Carina said:

"I remember you told me that the stone statue was transported to the Masons' Association in a normal stone state. It was inconspicuous at first. But later, someone was manipulated into the body, smashed the head of the stone statue, and then unleashed the force on his own head.

He used the petrification technique to place it on the stone statue. Shade said that after the young stone statue was defeated by the thirteen-ring warlocks, its head melted into the earth and disappeared."

"That was the stone head that was forced to be sacrificed."

Siris said, and Luvia also understood:

"The sacrifice is actually like this? So, the last stone statue of the old man is some kind of flower that represents autumn?"

"These are all sacrifices. The coming of the gods requires a stone statue as a support."

Hillis pointed out, and Shade knew this:

"The stone statue was made by Stone Oxenfurt, the devil with a broken heart who relied on the heart of stone to survive. In this way, all the conditions are met."

"what are you guys saying?"

In the dense forest with falling snow behind them, Miss Aurora and Miss Sylvia walked together. The two witches looked a little embarrassed, but at least they were not injured.

Miss Carina repeated what they had just discussed. After Miss Aurora frowned slightly, she did not discuss the matter of the gods that might come:

"There was news just now from the Orthodox Church that the Guardian's Holy Grail must not be allowed to take shape. Five minutes later, the three thirteen-ring warlocks they had arrived, the dean of the Serkses Higher Medical School, were balanced by

The Chosen One, plus us, attacked the twelve clay clones from different directions."

"Is this enough?"

Shade asked, Miss Sylvia shook her head:

"Of course these are not enough, but there are a group of high-level magicians in the Zhengshen Church, as well as very capable magicians like us who were summoned and hired. That Sister Devlin can't be contacted now, your

The teacher, Ms. Danister, doesn’t know why she hasn’t come yet. But the church should have other means. The combined attack of the two Thirteen Rings from the Church of Nature and the Church of Peace just now actually used the power of the relic, and they

None of us can tell how many angel-level or even unknowable-level relics we can bring out."

The reason why the chosen ones are so strong this time is entirely because the guardians themselves are very strong even if they are not the chosen ones. Compared with Iluna, Darkness, Joy Barton and Sir Prisha, "Earth's

"Guardian" is more like the destined successor of the ancient god.

Luvia looked at Shade, and Shade knew what she wanted to ask:

"Miss Aurora, I will go with you later."

The witches all frowned, but no one objected to what he said. Although Shade has not said what exactly he did every time he appeared at the ceremony of the chosen one, but from the current point of view, except for Bena

Everyone except Miss Nice knows what role Shade played.

"Is the Orthodox Church ready to face the coming of the evil god?"

Sirius asked Miss Aurora again, who nodded slightly:

"Don't worry about this. The church is not as unprepared as it was in Tobesk last summer. Besides, even if the church is unprepared"

She glanced at Shade, who pretended to have no reaction.

During the short break, everyone did nothing. Although there were four great witches here, it was finally decided that Miss Sylvia would not participate in what was probably the final battle, because everyone might need her to open the portal to send everyone back.


And taking advantage of the last five minutes, Luvia also quietly said something to Shade. Everyone thought that Luvia was worried about Shade, but in fact the content of the conversation was not what they thought:

"Have you made your decision? Should you kill the guardian and let Siris directly perform the ceremony? Or purify the guardian and still let the guardian perform the ceremony?"

Now that Oxenfurt is dead and Siris clearly refuses to become a guardian, there are only two results. Of course, although the former seems difficult, the latter is actually the most difficult to achieve, because even if Shad

There is still a fragment of the Heart of the Earth in his hand, which may not necessarily be able to purify the guardian.

After all, when we were in the Heart of the Earth, neither of the two fragments succeeded.

"I decide for myself."

Shade said, and Luvia nodded. In her opinion, as long as the ceremony was not held by a crazy guardian, she thought it would be a very good result no matter what. And although she was still worried about the evil god in her heart, the purple-eyed girl also

I know that Sha De has his own plans.

After all, only she, Iluna and Sister Devlin clearly know what great power Shade possesses.

The "she" in his ear suddenly asked in Shade's ear:

[Mystery Lock Cinderella can make the girl around you "transform" into the strongest form in your memory. After you are infected with divinity and promoted, the overflowing power of divinity is enough to open a myth lock, just like before

Like fighting Patton in death.]

Shade knew what "she" wanted to ask, but he refused:

"I won't do this before I unlock the time key to [The Past and the Sixth Age]. It's hard to say what happened in those ruined histories. Now I can't just call on Luvia's power in the past.

.Besides, long-haired Luvia doesn’t agree with letting Luvia know what happened now. I promised not to take the initiative to tell those things.”

Counting the time, before the five-minute short break ended, Shade avoided the witches and blew the silver flute he had always carried with him in front of Luvia. [Butterfly Summoning Flute] There is no musical instrument in Shade.

In the hands of experienced people, a wonderful melody can also be heard. After the short melody, the butterfly patterns on the flute seem to come alive, dancing on the surface of the flute and flying into the snow-falling forest.

Those silver butterflies gradually spread red light spots during their flight, and then the red light spots gathered together until they appeared like Grace in a white dress and Helen in a black dress.

As soon as the Hongdie girls appeared, they frowned and looked around:

"Is this the twisted earth?"

It seems that the power of the crazy earth has little impact on them as relics:

"Sir, who are you going to kill?"

Grace eagerly asked Shade who put down the flute. They had seen Luvia at Shade's house, so they were not curious about who it was.

"No, no, no, I said, I don't want to involve you in the fight. Unless the end of the world really comes and everyone needs to contribute, otherwise you don't have to look forward to it. I will let you fight against the enemy with me."

Shade said that he really didn't want the suffering Gemini to be involved in anything else because of his own reasons:

"I came to you this time because I hope you will use illusions to protect me."

He briefly explained the current situation and what he would do next:

"I'm going to break through the barriers set up by the guardians of the earth soon, and the movement may be a bit loud. It doesn't matter if the witches know it's me, but I don't want the church to notice me."

Grace and Helen understood what Shade meant, and the two girls, who looked fifteen or sixteen years old, nodded together:

"No problem sir, we are quite good at the illusion of butterflies."

"It doesn't take long. When the ten minutes are over and the effect of the butterfly calling flute disappears, I may not be able to say goodbye to you. After this incident is over, I will go to Mibao to see you again."

After everything was ready, in order to prevent others from noticing them, Grace and Helen turned into two butterflies, and then landed on Luvia's shoulders, as if there were two more unnoticeable butterflies on her clothes.


Shade took a deep breath, smiled at Luvia who looked a little nervous, and then turned with her towards where the witches were.

All the ladies are waiting for them now, and the final battle is about to begin.

"I'm waiting for you to come back."

The purple-eyed girl took the initiative to stop and looked at Shade's back.

"The church has about thirty seconds to send the signal. Do you want to come with us?"

The first person she met was Miss Aurora. The big witch asked cautiously. She just guessed that Shade had a way, but she didn't know exactly what Shade was going to do.

Shade shook his head:

"I'll go first. I still have some confidence in myself."

Under the big lime tree whose trunk had almost grown a human face, Miss Aurora nodded to him:

"I won't misjudge you, Shade, please be safe."

Shade continued to move forward. The red-haired duchess looked at him with worried eyes:


She pressed her neck gently, as if she could still feel the warmth of Shade's fingertips when he was treating her:

"When I return to Tobesk, I have something to say to you."

Shade also nodded to her and continued to move forward. Miss Benanis appeared in the dense forest on the snowy night. The blond lady looked at Shade with scrutinizing eyes and said with some approval:

"Show me your power."

"You will see what you want. Next, is my stage."

Shade said to her.

Continuing forward, Miss Sylvia followed. The great witch of space had a smile in her eyes, and she asked searchingly:

"This time, can we see the ancient witch again?"

Shade shook his head regretfully:

"Probably not possible. The venue here is not suitable."

"Then, I wish you victory."

Miss Sylvia kissed the side of his face gently.

Continuing forward, on the road leading to the edge of the clearing, the last person who appeared was Siris.

The young girl clasped her hands together and hung them on her chest, with a light in her eyes:

"You'll come back safely, right?"

"Yes, this is also a promise."

Shade nodded slightly, and the young girl took a deep breath and closed her eyes. When she opened her eyes again, she could only see Shade's back and the red butterflies flying in the sky.

This chapter has been completed!
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