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Chapter 1500 The Power of Gluttony


Another astonishing black lightning pierced the night sky, and even the earth trembled because of the deafening thunder in the night sky. A huge shadow appeared in the distance of the mountains, and the dirty atmosphere of the earth seemed to be suppressed at this moment.

The same silence fell. The battle with the black mud, fossils and monsters that could not be described slowed down a bit, but the mortals were also affected by the trembling aura at this time.

It is an ancient, crazy, bloody smell that can never be satisfied.

"The God Caller wants to call God?"

When the black thunder streaked across the snowy night sky, not only one person had such an idea, but for Shade, who was lying on the table, he unexpectedly discovered that even after eating so much pepper, [blood]

The Master of the Banquet] still didn’t give him any response.

This was a gift left to him by Fiona from the fifth era. The description at the [Dragon Maid Cafe] was:

[The pepper shaker and relic of the Great One - the Lord of the Blood Feast, can be sprinkled on any food to make it delicious. Frequent use of large doses will cause intense bulimia until the Master of the Blood Feast watches or comes. 】

[The delicious fish bait from the master of the blood feast.]

When he saw this pepper pot in the passage connecting St. Byrons and the Randall Valley, he combined it with Miss Feliana and Miss Olan Nord in the fifth era, and gave it to them in the glass flower house.

Based on his suggestion, Shade planned to take this opportunity to call upon the familiar old god, thereby using the relic in his hand to obtain a drop of divinity like he had done the previous two times.

Although this sounds crazy, after being promoted, Shade still has a drop of divinity in his body, so there is no need to worry about unexpected situations.

Moreover, he can even use the power of the evil god to suppress the guardian and purify his soul with "gluttony". If he is lucky, he can even let the owner of the blood feast in blood clothes swallow the filth of the earth.

But after the desire essential oil was mixed with the evil god's seasoning, although it made the "fish bait" fragrant and caused Shade, who swallowed the bait, to fall into a madness that wanted to devour everything, he didn't feel that person at all.

The evil god wants to come.

"Could it be that the jar of pepper has been stored in Yongye City for too long and has expired?"

In the madness of hunger, Shade thought suspiciously.

[Remind you, that is the bait used by the Blood Feast Master to fish, not the bait you use to catch him. 】

"Her" gentle voice further awakened Shade's soul that had slipped out of control due to gluttony:

[Moreover, no one should fall twice in the same place, right?]

After the words fell, Shade, who was unable to move due to the influx of a huge amount of spirits and the surge of uncontrollable desires, felt the gaze that was obviously coming from the gods.

[The Pepper Pot of the Lord of the Blood Feast] did not fail to work. The god cast his sights on the "fish" that bit the bait in the mortal world, and looked at the familiar soul.

At the same time, the semi-conscious Shade also came to the dark banquet hall on the top floor of Lakeview Manor again in a vague hallucination. At the end of the long table where dried human bodies were hung and piled with flesh and blood, he watched

We arrived at the god in red.

Shade stood at the door of the banquet hall, and the god sat at the end of the long table at the end of the banquet hall. Both of them were quite familiar with each other's power, and it could even be said that they were too familiar with each other.

But this time, the god who was enjoying the feast of flesh and blood did not leave his seat, nor did he try to borrow Shade's body to descend into the material world.

Shade heard the soft question, which came from the squirming meat ball under the red clothes that could never be satisfied. It was not an ordinary voice, but the squirming meat ball. Even if you just listened to one syllable, you would know.

A sound that drives mortals completely crazy:

"Is this enough for you?"

Instinctively, Shade gave the answer:

"not enough!"

In the real world, beside Shade lying on the table, the empty pepper shaker was destroyed, shattered into silver light spots and flew into Shade's chest, which then lit up the [Gluttony] talisman on the sleeper's life ring.


Ding dong!

At this moment, a crisp sound seemed to ring directly in the minds of everyone on the side of the open space. Someone was hitting the bell with a small hammer. This was the cue for the start of the banquet.

The oscillating metal sound vibrates the spirit and soul, but in this chaotic night, it indicates the beginning of a new event.

The corner of the life ring appeared behind the prone Sha De, and the blasphemy - [Gluttony] swallowed up the huge amount of spirit in Sha De's body, resonating with his gluttony at the moment, constructing the two drops of divinity contained in those long ago.

of the same power.

[Desire] The long-awaited performance officially opened. The blood feast began again.

The sweet smell in the wind made everyone present feel the hunger deep in their souls. And as the skylight that enveloped Sha De disappeared, bloody red mist poured out of Sha De's body until it covered the entire area.


This is not the arrival of high-dimensional power, it is just Shade reproducing part of the power of the blood feast master. But he has truly touched the essence of that god. With the increase of [Desire], he almost touched it with a mortal body.

Encountered the realm of gods.

After all, no one would think of mixing the essence of "Desire" with the spice of "Gluttony".

At this moment, the eyes of everyone fighting in the snow were forcibly drawn to the figure standing up beside the long dining table. The pressure beyond the thirteen rings and the power overflowing with a little divinity represented

It is the power of the strongest mortal in the world.

They heard, they heard the bells ringing for the banquet;

They smelled it, they smelled the thick aroma that triggered the most primitive desire to eat in the spreading bloody fog;

They saw that the snowflakes were swept away on the empty table, and the flying snow and red butterflies were swirling around the gold cups and silver plates containing sumptuous dishes on the table.

When the blood mist dissipated, the scarlet mist mixed with dirty gray snowflakes and strange red butterflies, and a group of ferocious snowmen gradually took shape in the blood mist. Like guests at a blood feast, they stood in the open space and stared.

Looking at the two people at the table.

They really noticed that the "God Caller" in red slowly raised his head from the table. At the long dining table filled with sumptuous delicacies, under the gaze of the snowmen with ferocious expressions, they watched

To the guardian at the end of the long table.

It wasn't until this moment that the guardian truly felt the sense of danger. He finally gave up on condensing the dark Holy Grail in his hand and wanted to stand up, but he felt as if he was firmly sucked to the seat and could not move.

The surging black mud tried to surround the man in red at the table from the ground, but in the blink of an eye the black mud turned into a part of the long dining table, providing the owner of the table with pleasure.

Amidst the flying snowflakes, Shade, who felt like he wanted to devour everything at the moment, pressed his palms on the table. Then, the dark color on the guardian and the clay Holy Grail that was about to be formed on the table turned into scarlet.

The smoke flowed in the direction of Shade.

After all, everything around the blood feast table is the god's bait.

The filthy spirit and distorted power were gradually peeled off from the guardian's body in every breath. The soul that originally wanted to resist gradually calmed down and looked at the scenery in front of him as if he had just woken up from a dream.

The twelve giant clay clones guarding the open space and fighting with the high-level warlocks, at this moment, finally silently turned into dust and merged into the black mud on the ground, even making the witch standing on the shoulders of the giant, because

It lost its target and almost caused the stone giant to fall.

Only the battle against the cultists and the old man's stone statue continued, but the filth on the ground did not disappear just because the guardian woke up.


Sirius at the edge of the clearing stared at the scene in front of him. Unexpectedly, in the end, Shade relied on his own way of swallowing filth to solve the guardian's madness. But Luvia shook her head slightly and looked into the air, although she was surrounded by Dev.

Sister Lin's scythe severed her left arm, but "Bloodweeper" Hermons still laughed.

"Probably, it's just the beginning."

“Enjoy the biggest surprise of the night!”

The thirteen-ring warlock from the [Blood Spirit School] turned into a streak of blood and flew towards the stone statue that looked like an old man, which was gradually unable to support itself. The ring warlocks in the air hurriedly intercepted the blood light, but just as they turned around to face it,

At the same time as the enemy was attacked, the stone statue fell to the ground and was instantly dyed black by the black mud.

Cracks appeared on the surface of the stone statue, and it was flashing with a dangerous and blasphemous aura as it expanded and was about to explode. Miss Aurora, who received the information from Siris, shouted:

"Seal him. This is the last sacrifice for the cultists to call the gods."

But it was too late. The sense of crisis caused everyone to quickly evacuate into the distance. Then, as the earth trembled, a dazzling light illuminated the night sky. With violent sounds sweeping across the entire river valley, a mushroom cloud-like scene appeared in Lanzhou.

Over the northeastern outskirts of the Del Valley.

The chaos of spirit and energy caused by the explosion was even more terrifying than the confrontation between the two thirteen-ring warlocks of the Zhengshen Church and the guardian clone just now. And although the open space with the long dining table was close at hand, fortunately, he was sober.

The guardian who came over raised his hand, and the earth-yellow shield blocked the impact of the explosion.


The blood mist is slowly dissipating. The power contained in the blood mist that melts the body and soul makes people dare not come close for the time being. Only Iluna can break in directly, and then she sees Shade at the table with a pale face and covering his chest.


"Don't worry, I'm fine, I just ate something unclean."

He said softly. Iluna came to the table and supported Shade worriedly. Then she raised her head and said unceremoniously to the guardian:

"Now that you are awake, let's hold the Chosen One Ceremony now, don't waste any more time!"

"The evil god is coming, I can feel it."

Shade said softly. He could not explain his physical condition now. He could only say that after absorbing the guardian spirits that were contaminated by the origin of the earth, he could still fully use a mystery lock at this time:

"The feast requires five guests, and we need to wait a moment for Luvia, the others, and the church's personnel to come in."

Although the sweet-smelling red mist was summoned by him, he could not take the initiative to clear it. He suspected that it was caused by the gaze cast by the "Lord of the Blood Feast" just now, so he could only let them slowly dissipate on their own.

This chapter has been completed!
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