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Chapter 1502 The gods under the snowy night

The damage caused by Iluna's "Power of the Earth·Earth Energy Cannon" flattened the hill where the cultists used to perform trance rituals. The ancient god's power that balanced the chosen ones even destroyed the original

An indestructible ritual altar of divine descent.

But after the explosion ended and the smoke dispersed in the wind and snow, the strange skylight still passed through the dark clouds and shone directly on the remains of the hill. The descending ceremony of the gods was indeed delayed, but it did not completely prevent the arrival of the gods.

Since that area is actually far away from this open space, Shade has not been affected too much for the time being.

"So far, there's only one thing I don't understand."

He looked away and asked the guardian again:

"I know that the evil god usually comes to the material world to turn flesh and blood into stone. Then the problem arises. Traces of cultists have been found locally since the beginning of this year, which proves that the evil god came to the Randall Valley a long time ago.

Preparations. So, why did the gods choose this time?"

Maybe the devil may be interested in the chosen one, but Shade knows that the gods are most likely not interested in the chosen one. Every time the gods come to the material world, there must be their own reasons, such as Tobesk's [Lord of the Blood Feast]

It was for a joyful banquet, and the vampire god of Fort Midhill wanted to recover the "red butterfly blood wine" that had been brewed for a long time.

"The filthy black mud flowing out of the distorted earth can also turn flesh and blood into stone. And this is not a supernatural power, but more like a strange natural phenomenon."

The Guardian's answer was rather brief:

"If that evil god can come into contact with the power of twisting the earth, maybe tomorrow morning, the entire western region of the Old Continent will become the Randall Valley tonight."

Shade nodded to express his understanding, and then he and the guardian looked up to the west.

Under that solid beam of skylight, a terrifying and huge shadow has shown its ferocious appearance in the dark night. The great terror that mortals cannot describe in words is just an phantom caused by the slight power fluctuation after the arrival of the evil god. But

For Shade, this was the truth about the evil god that he noticed with his high senses.

The wind and snow brought the melody of the hymn sung by thousands of hoarse voices, and in that hymn, there was a strange accompaniment sound caused by the hitting of stones. When the snowflakes hit the face, there was actually a slight pain.

When I touched the gray snowflakes in the wind, I discovered that they were clearly tiny snowflake-shaped stones and dust mixed in the snow.

The sense of pressure from the gods made it almost impossible for the high-level warlocks of the Zhengshen Church and other organizations beside the clearing to breathe. In the dense petrified forest, on the land flowing with black mud and filth, the forest automatically moved toward

Moving to both sides, neat black stone slabs were laid on the soft soil and snow.

It was like the forest itself, taking the initiative to open up a straight road leading to the open space by the river, and after five minutes of almost being unable to breathe, with the sound of heavy footsteps coming from the dark distance, Iluna blasted

The sound came from the flat hills, and everyone knew that "He" had really come.

Every footsteps seems to directly touch people's hearts. It cannot be seen, heard, thought, or imagined. No one except Shade can observe the specific appearance of the figure in the darkness at this moment.

, I can only feel that my body has become unable to move after realizing the fact that "the gods are coming".

The somewhat weak Iluna wanted to do something, but was held back by the sorceress beside her:

"Beas, don't worry, this situation has been anticipated."

As he spoke, time seemed to be stopped again. From the western sky, another beam of pure white light fell from the sky, landing in the direction of Randall Valley City.

Shade, who had rested because of the time Iluna had bought, squinted his eyes in surprise and looked in the direction of the beam of skylight. Then he heard the deafening sound of loud hymns, which came directly into his ears from the direction of the city.


"The God of the Sun and the Earth, the Old Man with the Lamp, the church is really well prepared this time."

Since the night of the arrival of God in Tobesk in the summer of 1853, the epic of the chosen ones has reached its fifth chapter. And the true God who occupies the main belief of this era will finally reveal himself on this night.

Shade was not nervous, but felt that this was the right thing to do. This was not Fort Midhill. This time, the church knew about the evil god's coming in advance and would definitely be prepared.

Facing the fact that the Righteous God is about to arrive, although Shade has complicated emotions, he accepts this fact.

Judging from the location and direction, the location of the divine descending ceremony is undoubtedly the church in the city.

However, after confirming that the evil god had indeed appeared in the material world, the believers in the city finally made up their minds to launch the ritual. Therefore, although Iluna gained precious time, the god with the power of "the sun and the earth"

Arrival, it is estimated that it will still be a few minutes later than the evil god.

Although this is enough to stop the evil god from coming to the world before things reach an irreversible point, but

"The cultists did not expect that the chosen one would be able to deliver such a blow. But it is still not enough. What should we do in the few minutes before the arrival of the true god?"

The guardian asked. He was still calm, or the hundreds of souls that made up him were still calm. For him, there should be no so-called emotional control under normal circumstances.

"Isn't there still me?"

Shade pointed at himself, and then suddenly asked:

"Speaking of which, since you have memories that have existed since the early sixth era, have you had any close contact with the righteous gods who descended into the material world?"

The guardian who originally looked like Mr. Lassus changed his appearance and turned into an old woman with silver hair that Shade had never seen before:

"I was lucky enough to see the God of War and Peace, Father Peace, in the northeastern part of the Old World in 828."

"What happened that time? Are the gods easy to get along with?"

Shade asked again.

"The evil god, the Lord of Nightmares, came to the material world through the dying dreams of countless frozen people in the winter of that year in the Old World. The loving father came there in response to the call of mortals, and repelled the evil god who tried to turn the mortal world into a dream.

As for the righteous gods, I'm sorry, I don't dare to judge the gods, but the righteous gods all like to help humans."

"That's it"

Shade nodded and prepared to stand up. He took a deep breath in the increasingly thinner red mist, which seemed to be sucked into his nasal cavity.

After absorbing the twisted power of the "Crazy Guardian", his body experienced some strange reactions that have not ended yet, but the positive effect is that after a short rest, he is now fully restored to his peak state:

"I'll give this back to you. After all, this is yours."

The fragment of the heart of the earth obtained from the mithril cube was slid in front of the guardian as an "object containing the power of the ancient gods" in the ceremony of the chosen one. As for the other condition for holding the ceremony, that is, "understanding"

"Earth", the guardian has long been satisfied with this.

"Also, save a seat for me. I will definitely attend the banquet later."

Shade stood up and said to the guardian. While the latter nodded doubtfully, he turned to look at the dark road that appeared spontaneously in the forest. After the sign of the arrival of the righteous god appeared, he hesitated for a moment, and then continued towards the clearing.

A terrifying figure approaches.

The world is turning to stone with his steps, and everything has turned into stone because of his appearance. Even if the gods only exist and do nothing, they will spontaneously affect the rules of the material world.

The red mist dissipated, but the illusion of the red butterfly still shrouded Shade. Unfortunately, people in the dense petrified forest were no longer able to pay attention to the true appearance of the God Summoner.

As Shade stood up, red butterflies flew in all directions with him as the center, which also made the witches who were worried about him, under the pressure of the gods, reluctantly use the power of the "Witch Council" to project their sights over,

Then I clearly saw the path Shade was heading towards.

"What is Shade going to do?"

Sirius was unable to make a sound and could only see Luvia looking at Shade with an indescribable look.

At this time, all the people who were in the air just now have been forced to fall to the ground. The witches gathered together to resist the power of the gods. The edge of the open space where they were located was also the direction in which the evil god came.

So accompanied by Hongdie, Shade left the table and walked into the forest. The witches looked at the cold snow and stones with complicated expressions, leaving the first crack on his cheek, and with the golden

The sequins fluttered backwards with the wind, and the bright golden cracks spread from the first crack on the cheek until the cracks spread all over the body.

The golden embers were dragged back from the ends of the hair and the hem of the clothes by the wind, and the golden light spots even made the red butterflies floating around turn almost golden.

The wind and snow are swaying, accompanied by red butterflies flying, just like the sun rising in the night in the forest, and like the legendary gods coming out of ancient myths.

Only the witches in front of them could look up at Shade and feel the power that mortals could not touch.

"There are no believers here, please allow us to say goodbye to you."

Luvia said suddenly, and the witches scattered in the forest got ready.

The gorgeous figures lowered their heads and lifted their skirts. As the golden figures gradually approached and illuminated their figures, they raised their skirts and bowed with the highest courtesy. But Xia De did not say a word, and in the excitement

On the way to fill the soul with strength, I passed them by.

The last one was Luvia. Only she raised her head and stared at Shade's eyes with her purple eyes. After showing a smile, she lowered her head and lifted up her skirt to salute:

"We are all here waiting for you."

Shade nodded to her and continued walking forward, leaving them behind.

I whispered in my heart:

"Are you ready?"

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