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Chapter 1564: The Dead in the Competition

Her Royal Highness the Princess asked Xiang Xia De:

"I wonder if what happened to the count in the southern country is related to the 'emotionless killer'?"

"Emotionless killer" is a rumor in the city. According to increasingly outrageous rumors, the person who assassinated the earl was a person who was trained by harsh methods and was like a dead soldier, specifically to provoke conflict between the two countries and trigger a war. Xia

All I can say is that it’s better not to read too many chivalric novels.

The witch also smiled, and Shade shook his head:

"What does this have to do with me? I was at home last night. However, this probably has something to do with the perfume-stained handkerchief I accidentally lost. The handkerchief was thrown away at the banquet last weekend, and it had a curse on it.

I hope whoever picked it up will throw it away as soon as possible."

Shade said nonchalantly. After being pulled by little Mia, he took a spoonful of applesauce and spread it on its high-end cat food. Shade had secretly tasted this cat food, and it actually tasted quite good.

Lesia decided to return to Yodel Palace with Miss Carina, so she also had breakfast at the table and chatted with Shade about her brothers and sisters' concern for this game. The prince of the Cavendish family and

The princesses also have their own followers or so-called "friends" participating in the competition, and they regard whether the person they like can win the competition as a kind of competition within the family.

In Xia De's view, this is simply the king deliberately indulging in the fighting between his children. It's okay for His Majesty the King to be in good health now. Once it really comes to the fight for the throne, Xia De can't imagine what will happen.

Not only the children of the royal family, attention to this game has become the biggest thing in the city recently. Even the time, place and arrangement of the negotiations between the two countries have been reduced to the second page of the newspaper. People everywhere are holding newspapers and talking about the schedule.

, discussing the odds, those who can buy tickets and go to watch the game can become the focus of social occasions.

"The legacy of Earl Franklin said in the club yesterday that she would like to spend a wonderful night with the winner of this competition."

Lesia said as she picked up the tea cup:

"In recent decades, the atmosphere in the city has become worse and worse. This kind of slut can actually be called a lady."

Miss Carina smiled very ladylikely:

"Everyone has their own way of life, as long as they don't mess with us. Besides, I don't think Shade is interested in that kind of woman. Although our knight is suave, we have to admit that he has really high standards.


Shade didn't know whether this was sarcasm or praising herself, so she simply kept her mouth shut and pretended not to hear.

Since the relationship between Shade and Miss Carina changed, Lecia's relationship with the witch has also improved. The atmosphere at breakfast was actually very leisurely. Lecia talked with Miss Carina about boundaries and business.

This also let Shade know that while arranging the negotiations, both countries were gathering troops in the Pantanal region to increase their bargaining chips.

And around 7:30, there was a knock on the door downstairs.

Shade frowned, closed his eyes and said:

"Three heartbeats, stranger."

"Who would come to see you so early?"

The witch lazily asked, signaling her maid to go downstairs and take a look. At the same time, Lesia wiped her mouth methodically with a napkin, then got up and went to the bedroom temporarily. Her tableware was not put away, Ti

Fa sat there directly.

The visitor downstairs did not expect that the maid would open the door. Shade heard the voice, and then the maid returned to the second floor and said:

"Miss, Mr. Hamilton, here are Mr. Michelson Scott, Deputy Chief Constable of Riddwich Field Police, Mr. Malin, Senior Detective Constable of Riddwich Field, and Mr. Roman, the Attendant of Yordle Palace.


"What do these people want from me?"

Shade didn't quite understand, but still asked the maid to invite the three of them up.

The three gentlemen quickly arrived on the second floor. When they saw Miss Carina sitting with Shade, they all stopped in panic and saluted respectfully:

"Gui'an, Miss Carina."

The duchess had no intention of talking to them, and Shade did not get up from the table:

"Good morning, gentlemen, what can I do for you?"

he asked.

"Good morning, Mr. Hamilton."

The deputy director of Rydwich Field, whom Shade had only seen in the newspaper, greeted nervously:

"Well, there is something that requires your cooperation in the investigation. Something happened last night, but it has not been reported yet. His Majesty is very concerned about this matter, so he sent Mr. Roman to visit the suspect with us...

.I mean, the people involved in this matter."

He didn't hide anything:

"Mr. Emhor Seric, the second son of the Duke of Ceric, was murdered last night outside the Arena of Edward III outside the city."

"Who is that?"

Shade blinked and then thought that that was the person who specifically provoked him before the race yesterday morning because he loved Lesia. However, after Shade won the first place in the horse racing in the morning, the young man

Mr. Seric never came to see him again.

He noticed that both Tifa and Miss Carina glanced at him. They also knew about this, and then they both thought of the topic about the "accidentally lost handkerchief" at the dinner table.

But this time Shade really did nothing:

"That gentleman was killed?"

He said in surprise that at least ten people saw the "conflict" between Mr. Seric and Shade yesterday, and he was indeed suspicious. The reason why the king paid attention to this matter was because it was the first one this year.

Players who died during the competition. This gentleman unfortunately consumed the only death indicator this year:

"No problem, please ask me. However, if my suspicion is eliminated, please tell me more details of the case."

"Of course you can."

Deputy Director Michelson Scott nodded, and then turned to signal Senior Detective Mr. Marin to ask, but the latter was obviously reluctant to accept the job:

"Mr. Hamilton, what time did you leave the Edward III Arena last night?"

Shade recalled:

"About half-past five, after the game, I left with my friend Miss Dorothy Louisa and the maids. Then I went to Miss Carina's manor for dinner, about seven o'clock

Returned to the city from outside the city."

"I would like to ask you to tell me your itinerary after returning to the city in detail?"

"Of course, but there is nothing to say. After returning to the city, I sent Miss Dorothy Louisa to Quill Street in the University District, where her apartment was, and then returned to No. 6 Saint Teresa Square.

.After that, I didn’t go out.”

Shade said, and Mr. Marin confirmed cautiously:

"That is to say, you were in this house between eight o'clock and one o'clock in the morning last night?"

"Yes, I confirm this."

"So, can anyone prove your whereabouts?"

The senior police detective asked, and then the Duchess, who had been silent until now, spoke:

"I can prove it."

She glanced at Shade and raised the corners of her lips into a smile:

"From eight o'clock last night to six o'clock this morning, I can guarantee that the knight has never left my sight. We have always been together."

The three people who came to visit all showed expressions of fear of being silenced:

"Since you are vouching for Mr. Hamilton, I think his suspicion can be eliminated."

Senior police detective Mr. Marin immediately assured, and Deputy Director Michelson Scott also gave clues about the case as agreed:

"Duke, Mr. Hamilton, I don't want to disturb your appetite for breakfast, so I will keep it simple about the cause of death. The time of death was between ten and eleven o'clock last night. The location where the body was found was in the Edward III Arena.

On the edge of the market outside, he was in the gap between the buckets used by merchants to stack swill. At about four o'clock this morning, farmers in the country collecting swill discovered him."

Mr. Scott flipped through his notebook:

"The condition of the corpse is quite tragic, well... 31 clear human bite marks were found on his body. But the cause of death was not this. He was strangled to death by hand, and the cause of death was suffocation. In addition, we picked up the corpse on the way here.

New news arrived, in his stomach..."

He looked worriedly at the three people at the table. Shade nodded:

"Keep talking."

"His own body tissue was found in his stomach that had not been digested. But the strange thing is that some of the bite marks on his body were in places that his mouth could never touch...

.At least I don’t know anyone who can bite me in the back.”

Because the body had just been discovered not long ago, including the time it took for it to be transported to the city and the police department to organize personnel to conduct an investigation, there was no time to get more clues. Shade pretended not to care on the surface and asked about other situations before sending him away.

Three gentlemen came to investigate.

When he returned to the second floor, Lesia had already come out of the room:

"Shade, I just thought it was you again, but I didn't expect it to be that angelic humanoid relic [the Faceless Man]."

"The news I received is that the relics appear in the city limits. Why did they appear in the Edward III Arena and kill people?"

Miss Carina also frowned slightly. Humanoid angel-level relics are also troublesome for twelfth-level witches:

"The body was discovered after four o'clock. The church should have received the news and launched an investigation by now. I don't think the humanoid relic is still around the arena, but I can't rule out the possibility that the other party really didn't leave."

She looked at Tifa standing next to Shade:

"Except during the Shad match today, you have to follow Shad at all times."

"Yes, miss."

"Xia De, you should be careful yourself. Really, it's obviously a spring celebration, why did this happen again?"

Although Miss Carina is worried, in fact Shade's luck is not that bad.

This chapter has been completed!
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