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Chapter 1,652 The Wolf and the Factory

"Doctor, just drive the carriage."

As Dorothy spoke, she had already pushed open the lid of the wooden box, held a handful of refined salt, and carefully sprinkled the salt on the huge St. Byrons school emblem symbol on the surface of the black coffin on the trembling carriage.

At the same time, more than a dozen black wolves had sprung out of the strange forest that did not look like the real world and followed the carriage. They were no ordinary beasts. In addition to their huge size and uneven crystal spikes on their backs,

They actually stepped on the air and ran in the air, and almost blended into the black shadow.

As long as no big noise is made, in the current state of spatial dislocation, Tobesk cannot see any changes in the carriage. Therefore, Shade is relieved to prepare to cast the spell. At the same time, many people are spreading salt.

The "Match Girl" called by Rosie also appeared next to Shade carrying a basket.

The little girl with bare feet and a scarf bowed to Shade, then took out a match and put it in front of her mouth. She blew it gently and the sea of ​​​​fire swept towards the back of the carriage. However, the effect of this flame was not good, because

Soon, the first black wolf running in the void broke through the sea of ​​​​fire and approached the carriage, and was then cut into two pieces by Sha De's sword light.

It did not leave a body behind, but disappeared into the shadows. From this point of view, these things that looked like wolves should belong to elemental life.

"Moonlight Slash."

The cross moonlight flew from the back of the carriage into the sea of ​​​​fire that continued to spread, and Dorothy's work of spreading salt had been completed nearly one-half. The leakage of the relic's power this time was not very strong, so it was surprisingly smooth to stop it.


"Detective, be careful, someone big is coming."

Priest August's reminder came from the front, so the little girl carrying the basket took the burning match away from her mouth, and together with Shade, they saw the black wolves that had just been lucky enough to escape the attack merge together.

, then a black wolf larger than this carriage appeared behind the slow-moving carriage.

The eyes are glowing red, and the hair on the body and the crystals on the back are also pure black, almost blending into the night with no clear boundaries.

It raised its front paws and slapped the fragile-looking carriage. Shade quickly cast a spell, but when the silver ring flying out of the carriage approached its front paws, the front paws turned into shadows and lost their substance.

[Light of Confinement] passed through the shadows and flew towards the larger body of the black wolf, but was bitten in the wolf's mouth and shattered into pieces.

Fine silver light spots sprinkled downwards, and the giant black wolf once again grabbed the car with its sharp claws. But this time, the little girl carrying the basket disappeared beside Shade, and appeared on the top of the car while snowflakes suddenly fell in the air.

She blew out the burning match:


The wolf froze in the air, getting farther and farther away from the slow-moving carriage, but it could take action again in just five seconds. This was the result of the combination of Shade's incomplete mystery lock and Dorothy's thaumaturgy. They moved every day.

The use of this kind of thaumaturgy was discussed in Saturday's study, but this is the first time that it has been actually used. Of course, this effect is incomparable with the full version of Shade's Mystery Lock "Wish", but the advantage of the weak effect is that

The consumption is not very large.

Taking advantage of the opportunity that Dorothy fought for, Shade, who was holding a sword, had already pointed the [Night Watcher] at the huge black body that was running towards them again:

"Solar Ray!"

The huge torrent of warm yellow energy bombarded the shadow body, penetrating the black wolf's body like a hot iron rod passing through the snow.

At the same time, Dorothy has also completed the work of spreading salt. The forest scene disappeared, and the foggy Tobesk street scene reappeared in the night. The slow-moving carriage continued to roll over the city's road, and the horse's hooves clicked very rhythmically.

~The sound was reassuring. The gas streetlight caused the shadow of the carriage to be reflected diagonally on the low wall on the other side of the street, and the giant wolf was no longer visible behind it.

This night is still so peaceful.

Shade took back his sword and breathed a sigh of relief. Dorothy also returned to his side, patting the salt stains in her hands while they continued to look at the street scene that was moving away.

"well done."

Doctor Schneider's voice came from the front, indicating that the brief leakage of the relic's power had ended.

"I don't understand, since salt is effective, why not just put the coffin in the salt. I think the college can't afford so much refined salt, right?"

Shade's voice said, and the doctor smiled and asked him to try:

"You'll know after you try it. Since the academy doesn't prohibit this, it means it won't cause problems... Get it right, we're going to speed up and turn."

Shade then asked for a bag of salt from Dorothy, grabbed a handful and sprinkled it on the coffin in the wooden box, and the handful of salt melted into water like snow. Shade went to see

The salt that Dorothy had just sprinkled along the traces of the school badge also "melted" after the abnormality ended.

"It's really interesting."

Shade commented, and Miss Writer praised Shade:

"I haven't seen you fight seriously for a long time. Your performance just now was really good."

"This sword is more useful."

Shade said, seeing the salt on his hands, he licked it off. Dorothy showed a puzzled expression, not because she was disgusted with Shade's unhygienic behavior, but because she didn't know

When did he develop a hobby of eating salt?

"It's not salt, it's sugar."

As he spoke, he also grabbed Dorothy's hand, licked it gently, and explained:

"My thaumaturgy [candy making] can turn food into sugar. Although salt is not suitable for consumption in large amounts, it is obviously food."

Miss Writer blushed and nodded, putting her hands behind her back, fearing that Shade would do something more extreme.

The estimated transfer time from the Tobesk train station in the north of the city to the warehouse rented by the doctor in the west of the city is between 20 minutes and half an hour. This is without any accidents, which include not only losing control of the relics and being attacked.

, also includes the troubles caused by ordinary people.

When the carriage entered Saint Laurent Avenue at the junction of Beicheng District and Xicheng District, the patrolling police stopped the running carriage and asked what was being carried on the carriage.

Although the core city of Tobesk does not prohibit carriages from entering, it is indeed unusual for them to still be transporting goods at such a late hour.

So Dr. Schneider took out a forged document he had bought from Old John in advance:

"Deliver woven bags to Mr. Roman Schuels' flour factory. He is in urgent need of them, so he asked us to send them there as soon as possible."

After the police checked their IDs, they asked to open the carriage for inspection. The doctor did not stop them, and when they came to the back, they clearly saw Shade and Dorothy standing in front of the coffin, but what they saw was a mountain of coffins.

Woven bags filled the entire carriage.

"Okay, let's go quickly. Once you've delivered your things, don't walk around. There was some trouble around seven o'clock, and there might be martial law tonight."

The police officer warned and threw the ID to Dr. Schneider. The doctor raised his eyebrows. Seeing Priest Augustus nodded to him, he made a spell-casting gesture with his hand, and then asked softly:

"What happened in the city? I heard gunshots around seven o'clock."

"One of the barons in the Kasenlik delegation went to the north of the city to recruit soldiers, and was shot."

"Such a trivial matter wouldn't lead to martial law, would it? This is considered a scandal. I've actually read some of the newspapers in the next few days."

The doctor said with a smile, and the policeman holding the oil lamp said again:

"I heard it was for other reasons. On the surface it was to recruit prostitutes, but in fact it was to exchange information with others. Who knows? It has nothing to do with you anyway, so leave quickly."

So the carriage pulling the coffin continued on the road, and Shade in the carriage looked at Dorothy. Dorothy nodded knowingly and used her newly acquired ability to talk to Lesia at any time to communicate:

"The person who met Baron Kasenrik was a high-status nobleman from Tobesk. We don't know who it was at the moment. After the baron shot himself, the nobleman was alarmed by the sound of the gun and ran away. The king originally

We were ready to take a rest, and we urgently summoned Director Anlos an hour ago, asking him to find out who was meeting the Baron. 'She' said that MI6 knew nothing about this matter, and the king was very angry."

"The escaped nobles are spies planted by Gray Gloves at the top of the kingdom?"

"I don't know, judging from the pocket watches, letters and walking sticks left at the scene, it's not even an ordinary noble. This is not an ordinary spy, and it's not even necessarily related to the Gray Gloves. Besides Carson Rick and Delrayon, there are others

Forces are involved."

Dorothy shook her head:

"She said this has nothing to do with us and let us complete the group's tasks tonight."

The carriage continued to drive, and after entering the West City District of Tobesk, it was obvious that the city had become noisy. This was of course not because the people living in the West City preferred nightlife, but because of the steam factories in the West City District, even at night.

Working overtime.

Workers need to take a shift break, but machines do not need a shift break. Of course, under certain circumstances, people must also not be able to take a shift break. Now in the Tobesk area, the average working hours of workers every day has been close to twelve hours, even in recent years.

With the development of labor unions and the improvement of relevant labor laws, this situation is improving. But obviously, it is absolutely impossible for the factory to rest after 8 o'clock in the evening.

Because of the need for factories to transport goods and other needs, the installation rate of gas street lights in Xicheng District is much higher than that in the slums of Beicheng District. Dr. Schneider planned the route in advance to avoid those crowded neighborhoods, so that if he encounters trouble

It won't involve more people.

This means that they have to frequently walk through dark streets without street lights, which makes the four people feel even more pressure when they face the dual dangers of the power of the relic being leaked and unknown attackers.

"Doctor, I don't understand how the trackers from the New World determined the location of the relics?"

In the coachman's seat, Priest Augustus was still talking to Dr. Schneider, and the doctor said:

"The short time when the power of this relic breaks through the containment measures, and the unique power can be remotely located. The ring wizards who first came into contact with this relic and tried to compete with the academy for it knew how to strengthen this positioning method. So.

Theoretically speaking, when we suddenly saw the forest just now, we should have been targeted."

"That's really bad."

Priest August said that Shade in the carriage could even imagine the dull look on his face when he spoke.

At this time, the carriage was driving in a narrow alley that could only allow one carriage to pass in one direction. On both sides of the alley were three-story apartment buildings with densely packed windows. It was hard for Shade to imagine that there was no lighting at all on the ground floor.

The carriage only needs to enter the connected street at the other end of the alley, and it will take less than three minutes to reach the warehouse prepared by Dr. Schneider. During the preparation of the team's mission, although he did not come to Shade for help, the rest of the team was in the warehouse to help with the layout.

Defense, reconnaissance and other rituals.

Entering the warehouse, the risk of this night is reduced by at least half.

But just when the carriage came to the alley and was about to turn east, Shade in the carriage suddenly looked at the side wall of the carriage. Black vine-like patterns that were difficult to detect in the dark were spreading on the wooden carriage and moving toward the bottom of the carriage.

Extend quickly.

Although he didn't know what it was, he still raised his sword and stabbed it on the pattern. Then his eyes blurred, and the scene inside the carriage turned into an open roof. From the side, he could even see,

The carriage driven by the doctor continued to move forward in the night fog below the building.

【Forced space transfer.】

"She" reminded softly. Xia De was surprised that this unknown thaumaturgy was so powerful, and then found that the long sword he was holding actually penetrated the right chest of the man in front of him.

The unknown ring wizard had blond hair and looked to be in his mid-twenties. He screamed in pain, but could not break free from the sword.

"I just stabbed those patterns... It turns out that attacking the patterns will trigger forced space transfer, but the caster will also bear the attack on the patterns. If you ignore the patterns, the space transfer effect will probably be directed at the carriage itself, and

The relics are not affected...is this considered powerful or not?"

While thinking in his mind, he rotated the hilt of the sword. The injuries caused by the sword spinning among the flesh made the unknown ring warlock scream again. Behind him, the six-ring warlock's life ring clearly appeared. He didn't

He tried to defend or treat him, but endured the severe pain and slapped his left hand on Shade's chest.

Shade didn't even think about dodge. He made a seal with his free left hand. Because the conditions for holding a sword in his right hand were met, the shield with a golden stream of light blocked the whisper of the six-ring warlock during the opening process-[Drama

A slap-like thaumaturgy used by poison spirit runes.

At the same time, the [Heton Sign] exploded at the right time, injuring the man's left hand at close range. The poison spread to his own hand. When he endured the pain in his chest and left hand and tried to fight back a second time,

He has no chance.

This chapter has been completed!
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