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Chapter 1,669 The Sorceress and the Witch

Yin Luna left after dinner that night, while Shade stayed overnight in the manor. But when night came, when Shade and Miss Carina entered the bedroom, Tifa's eyes were still a bit resentful.

And when Shade woke up from his soft bed on Monday morning, he was ready to continue his investigation in the Green Lake area.

He took a carriage back to the city with Miss Carina who was going to Yodel Palace. Before officially setting off, he did not forget this week's gift.

To be honest, Shade had given up all hope of taking out extraordinary items from the [God's Gift Box]. But this week, he actually took out another relic.

"Huh? Why does it feel so familiar? Well, it looks familiar too!"

What was taken out of the box was a coin, made of black metal. On one side was a man in a robe ferrying across the water, and on the other side were four lines of fine letters:

"[Ghost Iron Coin]?"

His eyes widened in surprise. This was the first time since the [Master Key] that he had obtained a relic from the [God's Gift Box] in less than half a year. When he saw the coin, he immediately thought of Lacey again.

What Ya and Dorothy did on Saturday night. He immediately took a deep breath to calm down his emotions, and then put the coin away.

As a result, the number of special coins currently stored with Luvia is three.

Since the coins were taken out, this week's task is naturally related to "coins". But it is not required to spend a fixed number of coins, nor is it required to make a donation, but it is required to complete at least two days of this week.

Record your daily expenses.

This is not difficult for Shade. He has the habit of keeping accounts. After all, living alone and not managing his own wallet well, it is easy to fall into embarrassing situations.

After packing his belongings and leaving the unwilling cat at home to look after the house, Shade went to the Green Lake area again.

"Oh! It's raining!"

As soon as he came out of the back door of the Green Lake Hotel, the moist smell in the air hit his face. He felt the rare coldness in spring and heard the sound of rain falling.

Of course, one of the toys that Shade brought with him was an umbrella. When he opened the umbrella and entered the alley, he was glad that the boots he wore today were waterproof.

He was a little worried about the boy John in the trash can, but the boy was not in the trash can at this time, and the puppy was nowhere to be seen. So Shade put food, a cotton coat, an umbrella and a piece of cake in the trash can.

Canvas for rain protection.

He planned to take this road when he went home today and see if the boy had returned.

"When Carina comes here, let her make arrangements to send John to the Green Lake Orphanage..."

Although I know that welfare institutions in such underdeveloped industrial cities on the border most likely have their own problems, having a house to live in and a bed to sleep on is at least better than settling in a trash can. Among the homeless and beggars, the boy's living environment

It's also the worst kind.

Although there is no fog in the city during the rainy weather, the gloomy sky makes the city even more lifeless. Walking from the alley to the street, except for a running carriage passing by from the opposite side of the road, there are only people on the street in the distance.

Two pedestrians walking with umbrellas.

The sound of crashing seemed to be the only sound in the city. This lonely and depressing environment made Shade, who was in a bad mood a few minutes ago because of seeing the [Ghost Iron Coin], even worse.

He broke into the Green Lake Hotel in the rain with an umbrella. As expected, there were not many guests on the first floor of the hotel on a rainy Monday morning.

Mr. Soren Green and Miss Helena Green were not there, and behind the counter was the middle-aged waiter of the hotel. He called the young waiter to take the dripping umbrella from Shade's hand, and also gave him a dry towel.

Shade thanked him and asked for a cup of hot tea, then walked to the table under the wall with the Green Lake landscape painting.

The lady with light brown shawl hair was sitting there quietly, opening the newspaper and reading the news.

"Good morning, it's really bad weather today."

Shade sat down opposite her, and the newspaper moved away, revealing that delicate face. Megan Edwards had a smile on her face. It was obvious that she was in a good mood after seeing Shade early in the morning:

"Yes, it has been raining since last night. When I got off the carriage wearing high heels, I was still wondering if I had put on the wrong shoes."

Shade resisted the urge to look curiously under the table to make sure there was no mud on the other person's shoes, and thanked the fat maid who brought the teacup:

"You have been here for a long time? Why didn't you tell me in advance that you were coming?"


The newspaper was put down, and the witch placed one arm flat on the table in front of her, leaning forward slightly to bring her face closer to Shade:

"I believe we have such a tacit understanding."

She blinked at Shade, and her attitude was completely different from the first time they met. It was obviously related to the fact that Shade took a risk to save her after the last encounter with the "Mirror Hidden Man".

"Is there a tacit understanding? So, the investigation into Bad-Eyed Barry has already been concluded? It's only been a day."

"Don't underestimate the local power of Paradise Island Pharmaceutical. Although I don't come back often, my... yes, my industry has long firmly attached its tentacles to my family's homeland.


"Your property?"

Shade blinked:

"The mysterious controller behind Paradise Island Pharmaceuticals turns out to be you."

"It's nothing to show off, yes, it's not worth mentioning."

Megan shook her head slightly, then twisted the silver teaspoon in the teacup and stirred it slightly. At the same time, Shade felt the heat from the badge on his chest suddenly radiate, and the heat steadily increased until it reached the point where he was almost in contact with Tifa.

The degree of sticking time.

No one was walking around, Meghan just turned the spoon and looked at him with a smile.

[It is indeed the unique power of the witch. Her body shows the posture of another soul. But if you want to determine the relationship between the two soul postures, you need to get in closer contact with her soul. 】

This is not the first time that Shade has encountered this situation. Lecia and Dorothy often do this, especially at night, so that everyone can have a sense of participation. And this relatively easy soul conversion is also

This means that this woman's "injury" should be better.

"There's another thing that's more noteworthy than bad-eyed Barry."

Megan, or rather Audrey Edwards, obviously didn't know what Shade was feeling at this time. She squinted her eyes slightly and listened to the sound of the pattering raindrops hitting the glass in the distance. In this rainy day because of the rain, On a dull spring morning, I was enjoying the feeling of having such a close conversation with a man I liked for the first time since I became a witch:

"Since we last left the Central Island, it seemed like overnight, everyone knew about the appearance of the Mirror Hidden Man in the Thirteen Rings in the Green Lake area. The Church of the Five Gods, the three major colleges, the Prophet's Association... .If the front page of the newspaper was not still about the Pantanal border negotiations, I would even suspect that someone had written the whereabouts of the man hiding the mirror directly in the newspaper."

Shade laughed:

"This is a good thing. The Hidden Mirror Man will definitely keep a low profile recently, and the possibility of us encountering him again will be smaller. Oh, I did tell my teacher about him, but why the church knew about it, I don't know Yeah. We shouldn’t underestimate the Five Gods Church so much, they must have special intelligence channels.”

The sorceress was noncommittal and looked at Shade as she continued to turn the teaspoon:

"Not only are the thirteen-ring warlocks of the Mirror Association, I have other big news here. After I was separated from you last time, I originally planned to investigate who the first generation lord of Edwards, Klein Edwards, was. , but someone told the answer in advance.”

Shade raised his eyebrows, and when he saw the lady opposite her expression of "Ask me quickly", he took out his [Twenty-sided Dice of Destiny] and put it on the corner of the table, and then said:

"The real name of your ancestor - Laplace Klein Howard. He was a traitor to the Seer Association more than two hundred years ago and a genuine thirteen-ring fortune teller."

"how do you know?"

The shaking of the teaspoon stopped abruptly, and she asked in surprise amid the sound of rain outside the window:

"I only heard about it from my friend on Thursday night. How can your source be so well-informed?"

"I have an acquaintance in the Oracle Association...a very beautiful female fortune teller."

"It's the sorceress again~"

Then the brown-haired lady showed a teasing expression on her face. She had already heard from Shade that he had trysts with different ladies, so she was not surprised that he had "good friends":

"In this way, our family's affairs have already involved two thirteen-ring warlocks. I don't know whether I should feel sad or honored."

She sighed:

"Since you know so many things, do you know what's going on locally these days? The local church and the Prophet's Association have sent people to the island, but of course nothing can be found out, just like that time a hundred years ago. However, the church and the Prophet Association will send people to this area in the future. The Green Lake area has already shown signs related to the chosen ones, and the church will send at least three Thirteen Rings."

There were originally no thirteenth-ring warlocks stationed in Green Lake Parish. There were not many thirteenth-ring warlocks, and obviously it was not very important here.

"The Prophet Association may also send some amazing people, so we must land on the island again as soon as possible. We may not have the chance in the future."

Shade said, and the witch nodded:

"There are still some materials I need. We will set off tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. This is probably the last chance to get to the island easily. I hope the two keys are enough."

The first key was obtained from the blacksmith with Shade, but Shade still didn't know what door these keys corresponded to.

This chapter has been completed!
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