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Chapter 1826 Disaster

 In fact, in the eyes of the Edwards, the one who really leads all of this is Shad, who has never spoken much. The Fulan brothers know that Shad is not Edwards, but the Edwards brothers don't know until now.

Before the banquet, Megan and Audrey made an amulet with their own hair and blood and gave it to Shade, so that when Edwards' blood comes close, they will think that he is also a member of the family.

But in fact, for everyone present today, it does not matter whether Sha De is a member of the family or not. What is most important is that he made a statement and led them to fight against their ancestors. Consider Sha De as the "God Caller" of the Thirteen Rings

"The ring magicians know very well that all the people in the entire family combined are no match for that terrible fortune teller, so there must be one among them who can at least stand and talk to their ancestors.

Judging from the current situation, Xia De is the best candidate.

When the dinner was halfway through, Durut Giles arrived belatedly with the soul of Rust Edwards. In fact, they didn't really want to attend the dinner. The former was not a member of the Edwards family at all, and even

After robbing the tomb, the little girl's soul simply felt that it was all quite boring.

Megan gave special eye drops to the Green siblings in advance so that they could also see Rust's soul. When one person and one ghost entered the door, Shade introduced them, and then the Edwards brothers and the Foran brothers immediately stood up in shock.

Get up and say hello.

For the sixth generation, the eldest daughter of the second generation who died young is the highest-ranking elder besides their ancestors. And the fact that such an elder can appear now also makes them believe to a certain extent that the action against their ancestors is definitely not the right thing to do.

The delusion is like an egg hitting a rock, but there is enough power around them.

Of course, although there were too many serious topics discussed at this dinner, everyone did not forget to talk about their own lives and the life trajectories of their respective fathers outside their hometown.

Even the little girl Rusty Edwards was somewhat concerned about the situation of her brother's descendants. The little girl pretended to be an adult and listened carefully to people's speech. But in Shade's view, she seemed more like she wanted to

Showing one's "majesty" around Durut Giles is a sign of a child's delusion that he has grown up.

"That is to say, after leaving Green Lake, Great-uncle Hohenheim went to live in the southern islands of Kasenrik. Uncle Edward moved to the city of Willendale in Kasenrik. Alphonse

My maternal uncle traveled around the Old World as a traveling painter and even went to the New World. It wasn’t until twenty years after the Green Lake Central Island incident that he got married and settled in eastern Delrayon?”

Mr. Soren Green summarized the whereabouts of his grandfathers, and everyone present was very sad:

"Grandma probably never thought that her brothers would go to such a distant place. She looked forward to someone writing to her every year, but she also knew that this was unlikely. After all, no one left a message when they parted.

Download the address."

"Grandfather and the others probably didn't leave their address on purpose. They should have vaguely known the inside story of the family, but they couldn't have known it at the time. Our ancestors had already arranged everything."

Glass Edwards said, and Eric Foran nodded:

"Judging from the current situation, my grandfather and the others should be ordinary people. If my great-grandfather hadn't caused the heavy fog that covered the central island of Green Lake for the sake of the children's freedom, I'm afraid my grandfather and the others would not have known about it until they died.

These family secrets."

"People of my father's generation hope that we can live a good life, and we cannot disobey their last wishes. Letting my father and others rest in peace is what we must do."

Megan also said softly, and everyone, including Rusty Edwards, nodded slightly, but Durut Giles knew that the people who needed to rest in peace also included the little girl floating beside him.

Eating is not the most important thing at this party, but this does not prevent Shade and the orange cat who came to the party disguised as a dog from enjoying the dinner.

Lasting from 6:30 in the evening to nearly 8 in the evening, the city scenery at dusk and sunset outside the window turned into a night scene with street shapes dotted with gas street lamps.

They had too much to say and too many things to communicate. It was only at 7:56:23 that Xia Dezheng and the elder brother of the Edwards brothers discussed purchasing a mirror that was not used by the [Mirror Association].

Those fragments of poems - Megan and Audrey want those relics of the Witch Emperor. Glass Edwards, one of the Edwards brothers, after communicating with the Fulan brothers and having suddenly learned the power of space in dreams recently,

Then he asked Durut Giles about what he had seen when he landed on the island. Mr. Green went to the kitchen to add food, and Ms. Green exchanged her life with Rusty Edwards with a sad face. All the sudden circumstances

The warlocks were startled for a moment and looked at the southeast corner of the room.

What they noticed was not the inside of the room, but the street across the street from the room.

"Powerful spatial perception!"

Shade closed his eyes and scanned the entire area with his diffused perception limit, and then he understood what was about to happen:

"A large area of ​​space is in chaos, something is coming from a distance!"

"This side" does not refer to the block where everyone is located, but the location to the southeast.

Seeing this, Megan poured the wine in the wine glass at hand onto the table. The liquid did not wet the dishes, but formed a red water curtain on the table. In the water curtain was the scene of the abnormal space in the distance.

The first few seconds were a normal night view of Green Lake City. As the white light of lightning appeared outside the window, followed by rumbles of thunder, the scene in the water curtain became blurry, as if the city was interspersed with a wilderness area with a railway.


The train roared and appeared directly on the street. Amidst the astonishing loud noise outside the window, the train from an unknown distance crashed straight into the streets of the central city of Green Lake City under the night.

The train's astonishing speed caused it to slide straight for half a block before finally coming to a stop. The damage to the buildings on the side of the street was actually not great, because the train slid along the center of the wide street, and the buildings on both sides except

Signboards and glass were damaged, but other damage was not serious. Mainly, almost all street tiles were destroyed.

It was the people on that train who really suffered the disaster. If the people in the first three carriages had a small chance of surviving, then the people in the fourth and fifth carriages who happened to be swallowed up by the unstable space,

Then death is certain.

People at the table looked at this scene in shock. Then Charles Fullan, who was closest to the window, stood up and came to the window and looked at the smoke and dust floating under the moon into the night sky:

"My God! This."

"This kind of thing will probably happen more and more in the future. However, train accidents with a small probability will not be very frequent."

The saneest person at this time should be Megan. She poured herself another glass of wine and stared at the water curtain on the table:

"With such a big noise, the church will be very busy tonight."

The two Fulan brothers were startled, and Eric Fulan also stood up:

"Aunt, and Cousin Green, thank you for your hospitality, please forgive me, we have to go back first."

Megan nodded, and the two brothers left first. Later, the two Edwards brothers from the [Mirror Association] also stood up and left:

"Aunt, uncle, and Cousin Green, the church should send people to check here. We can't stay here for a long time. Thank you for your hospitality. If you need to find us, we will still use this method. Once there is something new from the association,

I will also inform you of the news."

They said goodbye politely and left in a hurry. Meghan looked at the remaining people at the table with languorous interest. Mr. Green, who happened to go to add food, also came back. He met the two pairs of brothers who left early in the corridor and understood.

This is how the party ended:

"There will be another chance."

He said, sitting next to his sister. Durut Giles looked worriedly at the smoke and dust rising into the night sky outside the window, while Rust surrounded Megan's water curtain and clapped his hands happily, probably thinking that this was something


Shade stood up:

"I'll go downstairs and take a look. I'll be back soon."

As she spoke, she picked up little Mia who was eating. Megan nodded:

"Be careful, there might be a temporary martial law around here."

"I see."

On the one hand, the martial law is to prevent dangerous things from entering the Green Lake area from outside the stable space barrier during the abnormal space connection. On the other hand, it is also to prevent the spread of news. At the moment, there are no daily necessities such as telephones.

Nowadays, blocking people's activities is the best way to hinder the spread of news.

Shade put the reluctant cat on his shoulder and hurried downstairs. At this time, the Fulan brothers had already left the hotel, but Shade met the Edwards brothers on the first floor.

They also knew that Shade went downstairs to check the situation, and they chatted casually when they separated at the door of the hotel:

"Such a spatial disorder that is almost a natural phenomenon. Even if the Prophets Association can divine it in advance, not many people in the entire material world can prevent the phenomenon from happening. The most they can do is stop the train."

Wood Edwards's expression was rather complex:

"I wonder if the casualties in this incident will eventually be counted on the ancestors."

The two brothers waved goodbye to Shade and left along the street to the left. Shade stood under the light at the door of the hotel and looked at their backs. Then he saw a man wearing a black coat at the alley in front of the brothers.

, the middle-aged man who reached out and held down the silk hat walked out at once.

The middle-aged man and the Edwards brothers almost collided because the three of them were walking too fast. So they all raised their heads, one wanted to apologize, and the other wanted to see clearly who was in front of them.

Just like that, Dr. Bill Schneider met the two one-eyed brothers.

This chapter has been completed!
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