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Chapter 1889 Inquiry and Trap

"A question for each person? No problem, but priest, as long as it is a problem, even if you accidentally say: Why is the weather so bad this year, it is still a problem?"

"Yes, these souls are controlled by other things. They have low intelligence and only instinct, so you should be careful when asking questions."

Shade and the doctor both covered their mouths. After getting ready, the priest poured out some ash from the unlit pipe and sprinkled it on the body. Then he raised his right arm and made a gesture.

The move that left Shade still fresh in his memory (Chapter 440)——

Slap the corpse on the face:

"Come back!"

The corpse began to tremble like a convulsion. After Shade and the doctor pulled the priest out of the grave, the corpse also sat up, with sand rolling down from its body.

There was an imperceptible green flame in the eye sockets of the skeleton, but the corpse was dumbfounded, as if its wisdom was not as high as that of little Mia.

The priest coughed and asked first:

"Your soul is not free. Do you know what controls you?"

The corpse, sitting up at a ninety-degree angle, answered in a very dull voice:

"A book, it is praised by souls, it can plan our destiny."

"It seems that the detective is right, but I have never heard of such a relic."

The priest said to Shade and the doctor, paying special attention to the fact that he used declarative sentences, and then motioned for them to ask questions.

The doctor was eager to try, so Shade asked the doctor to come first. As expected, Dr. Schneider asked the topic that both of them were interested in:

"I heard that you gave birth to eight sons, so do you have any strange methods?"

"There is no way, our family has always had many boys."

The corpse answered again, and the doctor tried to interpret it in a way that ordinary people could understand:

"In other words, this is heredity, but if this heredity becomes more and more widely distributed in the population, as generations accumulate, it will definitely lead to a gender imbalance in the population. Therefore, this special family heredity should not exist, otherwise

Over the years, the gender ratio in this region has long been out of balance."

He also paid attention not to end with questions, so as not to take up the last opportunity to ask questions.

So it was Shade's turn in the end. Shade didn't actually have many questions, but since he could ask questions, he still wanted to know about Edwards:

"What do you think of your lord, Pride Edwards, the third generation of the Edwards family?"

The corpse did not answer immediately, as if recalling:

"The lord was strictly taught by the previous generation of lords when he was young. He was a very good gentleman. He treated the townspeople very favorably and treated his family well. But three or four years before the accident in the town, he was often seen at night.

, operating secretly on the island. But this may be just a rumor. The islanders have different legends about Lord Edwards and his family."

After saying that, he immediately lay back in the coffin, not giving Shade any chance to satisfy his curiosity.

"Priest, is it true that you can no longer channel spirits?"

Shade couldn't help but ask, and the priest nodded:

"For safety reasons, this soul cannot be channeled anymore."

The doctor, who was also interested in the matter, suggested:

"Aren't his three brothers also buried here? Maybe the three zombie brothers who come after eleven o'clock will attack his three brothers first, so we might as well dig them out too, ahem,

I mean, protect them too. Three brothers will have nine opportunities to ask questions."

"This is a good suggestion. Since it's still early, we can make more preparations."

Seeing that the priest agreed, the doctor kicked up the shovel with his foot, picked it up with Shade, and walked to another grave.

The bodies of the other three brothers were all in a similar state of decomposition. Their death dates were distributed within five years. Except for the shop owner who accidentally fell and died when he was old, the remaining three died of unknown diseases. But this should be

Regardless of the soothsayer, for villagers living in the countryside, even a cold can lead to death.

Shade asked six of the remaining nine questions to ask the family about their impressions of the Edwards family. In the remaining three questions, the doctor curiously asked whether they missed their homeland after being away from home, and the priest inquired about the body.

They have different feelings about the control of their souls.

Shade didn't pay much attention to the questions from doctors and priests. After asking seven questions, he roughly understood how ordinary citizens of Green Lake Town viewed the Edwards family a hundred years ago.

"Mysterious", "powerful background" and "wealthy" are the deepest impressions of the entire family. As for the rumors circulating among the townspeople, they refer to people's suspicion that "Edwards" is the son of a certain nobleman in Tobesk City.

A surname passed down from illegitimate children, otherwise there is no way to explain that this family seems to never be short of money, and is always able to receive preferential treatment from various policies.

In the eyes of the less knowledgeable villagers, the Edwards family is almost synonymous with omnipotence in the local area. However, the three generations of lords of the family are very approachable and do not use dirty words such as "primary power".

Local taxes have been reduced to the lowest level imaginable.

This is also the reason why the town has been able to develop rapidly in the hundred years since the soothsayer came to Green Lake Town until the town fell. In fact, these townspeople are quite grateful to the first three generations of lords of the Edwards family and think that

They are true nobles.

Although this information does not have much significance for the upcoming decisive battle, it can be regarded as making up for Shade's lack of a century-old history of Green Lake Town. After asking the questions, the three of them set up a trap under the leadership of Priest August.

Set up the ceremony.

The goal this time is to capture the three brothers alive so that the priest can later use them to sense the position of the third of the skull. Laplace Klein Howard cannot leave the island now, even if the bones are rare, he can

He would not give up what he was doing, so as long as Priest Augustus could get one-third of the skull by surprise, he would not have to worry about being pursued by the soothsayer himself.

In fact, tomorrow is the time when the Divination Ceremony of the Oracle Association begins, and the fortune tellers on the island have to deal with this matter. The possibility that Priest Augustus's action will fail becomes even lower.

The three of them worked together, and the rituals and traps were quickly arranged. After dealing with the tombs, they painstakingly restored the tombs, and then found a suitable location nearby to hide themselves.

There are no clouds under the starry sky tonight, and the yellow moon, which is just close to the full moon, illuminates the entire rural cemetery. The time came to 11:13 on Friday night, and when the wind blew through the tips of the spring weeds, the weeds

Before the grass could sway, it was stepped on by a somewhat tattered shoe stained with mud.

Three hunched "people" appeared from the darkness, climbed over the fence and hedges skillfully and entered the cemetery. Compared with when Shade saw them in the burning farm a few weeks ago, the three "people" at this time

Brothers have become very different.

The most important point is that originally they only had a few rags hanging on their bodies to cover key locations, and they would touch the ground with their hands from time to time as they walked, as if they were walking on all fours. But now they have put on suitable clothes.

Wearing shorts and a short-sleeved top, although the waist is still stooped when walking, one is actually walking on only two feet.

The three brothers appeared under the moonlight, and as expected by Priest August, they took the lead in heading towards the grave of the former owner of the small town grocery store. Their digging speed was faster than that of Shade and Doctor Schneider, almost

In just a few minutes, the dilapidated wooden coffin in which he was buried appeared again.

Two corpse lichs were guarding the ground. One of them opened the lid of the coffin and jumped down. He bent down and clawed at the rotting corpse lying there with nails longer than the palm of his hand.

Suddenly, a faint green light appeared in the eyes of the corpse, and then the lying corpse opened its arms to hug the corpse, and then pulled it to lie down with it.

The corpse lich transformed by the three Edwards brothers has a low IQ, but is absolutely powerful. But when the corpse in the coffin touches its arm, some indescribable power related to death immediately makes almost all of its body covered with blood.

Lost strength.

The coffin lid closed again with a bang, shutting the corpse and the corpse inside together. The two brothers outside the grave pit wanted to reach out and break the rotten wooden coffin lid, but the moonlight illuminated the coffin lid and was surrounded by elder flowers.

The ancient holy emblem hanging there shimmered, causing the two brothers to jump up in surprise.

Their intelligence is still unable to understand what is floating on the coffin lid, but this does not prevent them from knowing that the thing is extremely dangerous.

The two instinctively retreated away from the dug grave. Before they were ready for their next move, the taller ghoul on the east side stepped into the pit in the ground again.

Countless hands burning with dark ghost fire stretched out from the pit and dragged it into the dirt, leaving only its head exposed. Just like before, when those ghost hands touched its body,

Almost all of the powerful strength and spellcasting abilities derived from the wight lich have disappeared.

Just like that, only the last one of the three brothers was left. It was hunched over and dared not move around anymore. It opened its mouth and bared its teeth, revealing its blood-red gums. It kept spinning in circles, trying to figure out who had attacked them.


And when it looked below the moon, it finally saw the three men standing under the moon.

The one on the left holds a shining silver sword in his hand, the one on the right carries a shovel on his shoulder, the one in the middle holds a pipe, and his robe is blown by the night wind.

The moon was surprisingly bright tonight, and for a moment, its cloudy eyes only saw the silhouettes of the three people but could not see their specific appearances. But it knew that they must be enemies.

PS: Picture of this chapter "Three Brothers" under the Moon"

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