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Chapter 1902 Sunny Sunday

 "What's Chocobo's?"

Miss Aurora blinked, seeing that Miss Carina and Megan had no intention of explaining, she just thought they were talking about privacy:

"It's so good. It's like going back to the Fifth Age recorded in the book. The witches were enjoying themselves in salons and banquets, chatting about pleasant and interesting topics, or competing with each other to see who had cultivated a more peculiarly colored chocobo, or

It’s a competition to see who has found a more beautiful, smarter and more talented apprentice.”

She leaned comfortably on the back of the sofa and watched Shade and Sirius dancing together. Audrey and Miss Carina also looked over. The three great witches each had different ideas. After a while, Megan blinked.

In the blink of an eye, she turned into Audrey, put the wine glass on the coffee table, and said seriously:

"Carina, you seemed to have had different plans before?"

She and Carina Cavendish were not familiar with this topic before, so they had not discussed it before. The red-haired duchess nodded:

"Yes, with the goal of independence of Saladir County, I want to establish a new Demon Kingdom in the Sixth Age. Or at least, find a piece of land for the Parliament to use as its headquarters."

"So has the goal changed now?"

Audrey asked again. Miss Aurora turned the ring on the index finger of her right hand with her left hand and looked at her with a smile:

"I think you have other ideas?"

The Duchess looked not far away, and saw Lecia, Agelina and Margaret, who were also unable to dance with Shade on this occasion. They were standing in front of the window with a group of aristocratic girls, talking about "Hamilton Detective".

Dorothy Louisa, the author of "Collected Stories", is also a local rumor.

His eyes moved to Shade again:

"Yes, other ideas. Maybe I was too conservative in the past, but now it seems that we can get much more than I thought in the past."

She moved every finger. Audrey and Miss Aurora looked at each other and raised the corners of their mouths.

The banquet lasted until very late that night. Although only a few people knew about the plan discussed between the church and the kingdom, the attitude of suspending the negotiations was obvious to almost everyone. Even the enemies at the negotiating table could drink and talk happily at the banquet.

friends. Everyone had a great time at what was almost certainly the last party.

As for Shade, he almost danced from the first dance song to the last one. The girls seemed to have agreed on the order of dancing. As long as someone came down, someone would definitely hold Shade's hand just right.

In the end, even Luvia couldn't help but dance with Shade. But Iluna couldn't do this because Luvia was not a particularly famous fortune teller, but she was quite famous.

The chooser.

"Iluna's birthday is next week."

Shade held the purple-eyed girl in his arms, and when they were dancing the last dance at the banquet, she looked at Iluna who was talking to Margaret on the sidelines and asked:

"Is the gift ready?"

"Of course, it is absolutely in line with Iluna's wishes. Speaking of which, if I remember correctly, her birthday is next week."

"Thursday, the 22nd of the Rain Moon. The day after the Edwards family dinner."

Luvia added softly:

"Remember, no matter what happens, you must wish Eluna a happy birthday."

"Yes, don't forget it either."

The two slowly hugged each other and spun around, high heels and leather shoes stepping on the ground without making too much noise. The night was already late, and after this relaxing night, there were still too many things waiting for them.

(Little Mia is running.)

At nine o'clock in the morning on Sunday, after several loud horn blasts, the gate of Rose Manor opened. The armed royal guards wearing red uniforms and black hats slowly walked out in two rows, followed by citizens on the roadside.

Amidst the cheers, the carriage with the Cavendish family crest, exquisite metal carvings, silver window rims, silk curtains and pure gold decorations carried Miss Carina and Princess Margaret.

Slowly drive out of the manor.

Today is a special day. Grand Duchess Carina of Delrayon and Princess Margaret of Carsenlick will set off from Rose Manor to the City Hall to sign this document under the witness of the citizens.

The greatest result achieved since the negotiations - the "Peace Agreement of 1854".

In this agreement, the two parties agreed not to be the first to use large-caliber steam cannons, not to export special alloy steel to surrounding principalities and archipelago kingdoms, and agreed on a vision to jointly develop the New World. Although the specific items are not yet clear, they are also

The most significant outcome since the negotiations.

In order to facilitate citizens to participate in the event, the royal family even specially selected a Sunday. As for the location of the agreement in Green Lake City on the side of Delrayon, the apparent reason was that Grand Duke Carina made a contribution to the conclusion of the agreement.

But in fact, while Delarion gained fame, he also secretly shouldered the responsibility of failing to protect Princess Margaret.

In short, the lively motorcade drove out of Rose Manor. In order to show the closeness of the two royal families to the people, the carriage drove very slowly. Miss Carina and Princess Margaret could frequently greet the people on both sides of the street.

They waved.

On such an important occasion, almost all the people who gathered in Green Lake City because of this negotiation came to participate. The lively atmosphere swept away in one fell swoop the depressive atmosphere that hovered over the city due to the unsuccessful negotiations during this period. If not

Knowing the truth, some people may think that Delarion has completely overwhelmed Kasenrik at the negotiating table.


A yawning Shade also appeared in the crowd. He was wearing a loose black thin coat. He pulled the collar to his nose and sniffed to make sure that he was not contaminated by the scent of the witch's perfume when he said goodbye in the morning. Then he continued.

Staring at the carriage approaching not far away, after confirming that this section was safe, he retreated into the alley, then turned into a cat and jumped onto the roof, continuing to go further.

In order to ensure the safety of this matter and not cause trouble in the subsequent Battle of Green Lake, the church made an exception and dispatched quite sufficient manpower to monitor the people along the way to ensure that no ring warlocks would interfere, so Shade must also be careful

Be careful not to be discovered.

Fortunately, his transformation skills are quite good.

Actions early in the morning can indeed make people sleepy, especially for Shade who did not sleep well last night. This has nothing to do with Carina, but that he had another strange dream. In the dream

Although the content, according to Luvia's dream interpretation theory, can be attributed to what he was thinking during the day, the long river flowing in it collapsed, everything became silent, and the scene of him flying from outside the world after the collapse,

No matter how much you think about it, it cannot match reality.

"Now is not the time to think about this."

The assassin who was arranged by Director Anlos had a silver pen in his jacket pocket. Shade soon spotted him in the crowd. He was a middle-aged man who looked to be in his thirties.

His face was haggard and his beard was sloppy, and it was obvious at first glance that he was living an unsatisfactory life.

He blended in with the crowd, his left hand hanging down naturally, and his right hand stuck in his coat pocket. His eyes were fixed on the royal guards walking in the distance, and on his tired and haggard face, he forced himself to show the same excitement as everyone else and the excitement of participating in an important event.

"Well, this is the guy. His acting skills are really good."

Above the man's head, a silver cat squatted on the railing of the second-floor terrace of someone's house and looked down. Then the cat left. Soon after, Shade appeared in the crowd and looked around carefully.

The weather is quite good today, and the sunny day even makes the citizens on the street feel a little bit sunburned. Just looking carefully, it seems that there are dark clouds approaching from the north. But people in the sun do not notice this, and people move toward the carriages.

The Duke said hello to the foreign princess, or chatted with the people around him that the city had not been so lively for a long time.

Shade could even tell that his colleagues were scattered among the crowd and were paying attention to the situation. When he raised his head slightly, he could also observe that the ring warlocks of the church were vigilantly paying attention to the traces of elements.

So far, everything was fine, but when Shade approached the guy with the silver pen in the crowd and "accidentally" touched the other person's sleeve, he still couldn't help but sigh in his heart:

"I knew it."

Without contact, even Shade couldn't sense anything abnormal. But after contact, traces of the whisper element were clearly revealed. Obviously, this man who didn't know where he found it was already under the control of the relic.


"Is there a way to undo it?"

[Wait a minute, keep in contact. He does not carry a relic, nor does he maintain control through a specific item. However, your thaumaturgy - Puppetry, can override this control. The control of this relic is not strong. ]

However, according to the caution of the [Tyranny Club] who are most likely to be the culprits and the supporters behind them, the effects of the relics will definitely disappear without a trace after the incident, and there will definitely be no evidence left to prove that the Ring Warlock was involved.

Therefore, although the attack will exceed expectations, the impact will not be too great. What's more, since the church's team is here, they will never watch Margaret or Miss Carina die here. Even if the church

There was not even a treatment staff arranged, Carina had her own arrangements.

"Speaking of which, the [Tyranny Club] is really happy to participate in this kind of thing. Is it so important to them to plunge the Old Continent into chaos?"

The outsider sighed in his heart, and then thought that it was impossible for the [Tyranny Club] not to know how much the church attached great importance to this matter. Without directly using the power of the ring warlock, there was no possibility that they could make the assassination successful.

So maybe their purpose is something else.

【What could it be?】

she asked with a smile.

"My guess is that during the assassination, some words that were not conducive to unity were shouted, such as Miss Carina wanting to split Delrayon, or Margaret actually wanted to rely on Delrayon to defeat her brothers.

To sit on the throne, what happened in Randall Valley is proof."

Shade sighed in his heart again and decided that he still had to intervene.

This chapter has been completed!
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