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Chapter 1934 Another Island

 "This hotel?"

Miss Aurora shook her head slightly:

"I don't know. Emma, ​​are you saying that the soothsayer's calculations were already in place when the site was selected? Oh, I don't know much about the power of space. Just tell me what happened here.

What? Where did Shade, Megan and the others go?"

"Space copy."

Miss Sylvia whispered her conclusion:

"Copy the existing space and project it into the distance. Space and inanimate matter can be copied in this way, but relics, living people, and items with extremely powerful supernatural powers cannot. The hotel we are in now,

It should be a replica, the one they are in is the original one."

"You mean"

Miss Aurora's eyes widened slightly:

"But doesn't this hotel have a ritual that we arranged to stabilize the space?"

"It's not someone's method, it's a natural phenomenon. Our rituals can resist thaumaturgy, rituals, and even the spatial movement effects of most relics, but they can't resist the world. That's why I said, this is really a good method. That diviner,

Could it be that a hundred years ago, he predicted that this kind of thing would happen at 7:48 on the 21st of the Rain Moon in 1854? For tonight, he had planned it a hundred years ago? "

Miss Sylvia said, taking out a triangular metal charm from her pocket. She exerted force with her fingers, and the metal piece immediately bent. The return charm took effect, and her figure immediately disappeared into the basement, but when Aurora

When the young lady brought the other sorceresses to the first floor, she still saw the black-haired witch here:


Miss Sylvia said:

"Although this spell can ensure that I return to the hotel, it is not the hotel where Shade is, but this hotel. Sure enough, it is not that simple."

She looked at the empty and dim first floor of the hotel:

"Shade and the other girls probably all went to the island on the back of the real island, and now we still have two ways.

First, go deep into the white mist and find Megan's cruise ship. After meeting the others, use the small boat left by Shade to prepare to land on the island in about half an hour. It's just that we lack a fortune teller to guide us, Luvia.

·Annate is not here;

Second, space duplication means that the two hotels must have interconnecting passages. This is difficult to find, very difficult to find, but once found, all of us will be able to join Shade and the others immediately."

Miss Aurora thought for a moment:

"We still have enough manpower. Although the girls in the hotel have disappeared, there are still people elsewhere. Sylvia, you and the other girls stay here and try to find the door connecting the two hotels. I will look for it myself.

Meghan's cruise ship has passed at 7:48, and the Edwards on the cruise ship have most likely disappeared. But with Vanessa, Granny Cassandra, and Sister Devlin, what happens next will be

It’s much easier to handle.”

Miss Sylvia nodded, and the hotel door was pushed open at this moment. Doctor Schneider, who was soaked through, and Priest August, who looked very ugly, returned to the hotel from the rain. After a brief exchange between the two parties, the doctor and

The priest also knew what was going on here.

"Then the two of us will go directly to the lake."

The priest said, and the doctor nodded:

"This situation was also expected by Xia De, but I didn't expect that I was originally worried about how to get to the island, but now so many people have already entered."

(Little Mia is running.)

Cold and shaking.

This was the only feeling that Shade, who was hiding in the cupboard wearing an invisibility cloak, felt during the earthquake that struck at 7:48.

He originally thought that something else would happen at 7:48:01. Even if there were no strange noises and tremors, no Megan's voice or the monster's roar, there would at least be abnormal changes in spirits and elements.

But nothing happened. It seemed that nothing happened except the earthquake.

For a moment, Shade suspected that he had miscalculated the time, but thaumaturgy [Contact the Father of the Infinite Tree] was impossible to make mistakes. Then he suspected that Laplace Klein Howard had miscalculated the time.

, and then realized that this idea was ridiculous.

"No matter what, we can't hide in the closet anymore."

So at 7:48:03, he rushed out of the [Hide and Seek Wardrobe] wearing an invisibility cloak, and then saw Dorothy's room on the third floor of the hotel still outside. Dorothy, Lesia,

Agelina, little Mia, Tifa and all the other girls that Shade couldn't name were all there, but Megan was the only one missing.

In addition, there was a chaos in the corridor, as if someone suddenly fainted.

"what's the situation?"

Shade lifted the invisibility cloak and was puzzled. Megan suddenly disappeared like this, making all the preparations they had made seem like a joke. He couldn't understand that under such strict ritual protection at the Green Lake Hotel,

How did Meghan disappear without any warning?

With his fingers trembling slightly, he could feel the positions of Megan and Audrey. They didn't seem to be very far away from him.

The girls in the room were also confused:

"Miss Edwards disappeared immediately. Oh, Shade, many people fainted in the corridor. What happened?"

Shade wanted to go to the corridor to check the situation, but Miss Sylvia's female assistant Miss Decker reminded:

"Mr. Hamilton, look outside, something isn't right.

At the moment just now, you were inside two relics, so you may not have felt much, but I felt the abnormal changes in the space. Slight, but completely unstoppable. This should not be in the city anymore. My spatial perception ability touched the structure of the building.

The wall was completely suppressed."

"Powerful spatial perception!"

After her reminder, Shade immediately realized something. He closed his eyes to activate the miraculous operation, and then opened his eyes in surprise:

"Give me a map of the Green Lake area!"

Tifa arranged for the sorceresses who were still awake at the door of the room to check the condition of her unconscious companions, and immediately asked someone to get the map, but Dorothy stopped her, opened the desk drawer and handed the "Green Lake City Travel Manual" to her.

By Shad:

"On the last page."

Shade held the map and used thaumaturgy again. After locating his current position on the map, his conjecture was completely confirmed:

"How is it possible? We are now on the central island of Green Lake? No, it is not the normal island. This is not right. We seem to be in a mirror. Are we on another island?"

Miss Decker immediately strode to the window, took a look outside, and immediately came to the conclusion:

"Mr. Hamilton, the fog outside is very thick, much thicker than in the city. You can't see the halo of the street lights, let alone the buildings across the street. No matter where this is, this is definitely not a city."

Although Shade did not have the same insight as Miss Sylvia, he was a correspondence student at St. Byrons and did not only pay tuition but did not learn any knowledge. He came to a conclusion similar to that of the Great Witch:

"Space copy?"

In this way, the situation of the sorceresses who suddenly fell into coma outside can also be explained. This kind of forced space transfer is different from Miss Sylvia's opening of a portal or space transfer. At that moment,

The disorder between spirit and space will severely damage the spirit of ring magicians who have sensitive senses but no resistance to space transfer. This is also one of the dangerous places of space movement.

"That's why Megan disappeared so easily. In the city, the hotel's rituals were enough to protect them from being suddenly moved away. But after the hotel comes here, this island is his territory, not to mention the fog will seriously affect

The effect of space ritual. That diviner is really good at it."

Then, Shade thought of the same question as Miss Sylvia:

"Did he plan for today when the location of this hotel was chosen a hundred years ago?"

After a rough inspection, none of the unconscious girls in the corridor on the third floor suffered any irreversible damage, but they were just unable to wake up temporarily. There is no point in staying here at this time. The girls who are still awake are willing to obey Shade's command.

, so everyone followed Shade through the dark second floor and arrived at the first floor. The unconscious companions were also moved down.

On the first floor, Miss Hayley Aurora and the other girls are still here, but at least half of them have also fallen into a coma due to the forced space transfer. After arriving in the basement, the core of the ceremony is blooming, not only

Rusty Edwards and Mr. Soren Green were missing, and even Durut Giles was missing.

But the girls who kept the ritual running are still here, but more than half of them are also in coma.

"I wonder if this still works."

The [Time and Space] spiritual runes illuminated the basement wall, but failed to reveal the hidden passage.

"I still have glass slippers."

But the thrown glass slipper just fell on the ground, and Shade did not return to No. 6 Saint Teresa Square.

[This is no longer the material world, but the back side of the world. Unless you fully unfold the mystery, throwing glass slippers will be ineffective here. 】

"All right."

So all the people who were awake and unconscious gathered in the hotel lobby on the first floor. After carefully checking their identities to prevent the appearance of more people whom no one knew, all the people in the hotel except Shade, Dorothy, Lesia, and Ah

In addition to Jelina and the two official witch apprentices Hailey and Tifa, there are a total of five ladies in the high ring, and twenty-eight girls in the middle ring still maintain their fighting ability.

The good news is that although there are not many in number, the sorceresses in the hotel are all absolutely loyal girls, so there is no need to worry about the place becoming ununited in the absence of the big witches.

Among these girls, the two wearing maid skirts, like Tifa, are followers of Miss Carina. Among the others, one-third are followers of Miss Aurora, and one-third are from Paradise Island.

Those who make medicine, and the rest belong to Miss Sylvia's followers.

Originally, Miss Sylvia should have the fewest followers, but because most of the Space Witch's followers have space talents, almost no one is unconscious.

This chapter has been completed!
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