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Chapter 1942 Cross and Blood

 The lights that Shade saw in the rain and fog before entering the town were scattered street lamps and the light of gas lamps shining from a few windows. It was just that no townspeople were seen on the streets late at night, but if you close your eyes and listen carefully,

, and in the sound of rain, I could vaguely sense the heartbeats coming from the house.

This means that this town is really "alive". If the town of Green Lake has never been defeated, the town on the real island should be like this.

Although he was anxious to go deeper into the island to find Megan, Shade still entered a house by the road to check the state of the sleeping townspeople inside.

As expected, although there was a heartbeat, what Shade really saw after lifting the quilt was still humanoid unnatural creatures made of alchemy and undead technology. These "townships" will not be affected by Shade's actions.

He woke up, and his body was firmly fixed to the bed by tree roots pierced from the bottom of the bed.

Those tree roots not only bind the "townspeople", but most of the root ends pierce into parts such as wrists and ankles. Looking carefully, Shade can observe the slight sucking movements made by the tree roots, and the townspeople's bodies

The blood in the tree is being absorbed into the tree roots bit by bit.

As for the tree roots that even have to pierce the ceiling of the first floor to reach the bedroom, they all come from deep underground in the town. This should be the same source as the huge roots at the bottom of Green Lake Cemetery, and when Shade wanted to use [

When the Night Watchman intercepted a section of tree roots for study, the roots at the ends of the roots actually trembled like insects, and red and blue pus leaked out.

Without staying in the townspeople's houses for too long, Shade followed his memory and walked toward the south of the town in the direction of Edwards' old house above the hills.

The further we moved toward the old Edwards house in the center of the island, the lighter the rain became and the thicker the fog became. When Shade had passed through almost a third of the town, in the thicker fog, he heard again

There was a buzzing voice.

Continuing forward, crossing the next intersection and going straight, the humming sounds gradually became connected, and Shade also heard that they were many different voices reciting the same sentence.

Continuing forward, figures wearing black ponchos appeared in the fog one after another.

Everyone was kneeling on the ground, with the black spiral badge of the "Reunifiers" hanging around their necks, holding their hands together and chanting "The Edwards family leads us to eternal life" and "The Reunifiers lead us to escape from the cage of the world."

class sentences.

This looks like a gathering of cultists, but according to the regulations promulgated by the Orthodox Church, they are not cultists. First of all, this matter does not involve the real evil god. Secondly, Laplace Clay

Because Howard didn't ask for any faith.

He just gathered followers.

Although there are people in every household in the town, it seems that most of the residents of Green Lake Town are still gathered here. These townspeople wearing black ponchos gathered at the only five-way intersection in the center of the town. And they were alone.

The direction in which he knelt down and prayed was also the center of the intersection.

Looking far into the distance, a huge cross stood there, and two different people could be vaguely seen tied to the front and back of the cross. After squinting slightly, Shade realized that they were clearly Mr. Solon Green and Helena Green.


The distance was too far and there was thick fog, so Shade couldn't see clearly what state they were in. And there were too many townspeople here, and he knew that if these townspeople were as close to immortal as those in the cemetery

, he didn't have time to eliminate them.

"Red butterfly incarnation."

Jumping upward slightly, the whole person turned into a swarm of scarlet butterflies and rushed straight to the higher sky. After reaching a high enough height, it flew to the center of the intersection under the cover of thick fog.

Those who were tied to the front and back of the cross were indeed the Green sisters. The tree roots that emerged from the stone slabs under the street tied them tightly there. Both of them were in a coma, although they could not be seen for the time being.

It's not life-threatening to go up, but the tree roots are also sucking their blood, and they will only get weaker and weaker if they go on like this.

Since he had made an oath with Maria Edwards to protect the Green siblings, Shade would naturally not break his promise. The red butterflies gradually dropped in height, and finally Shade stood on the top of the cross.

Raise your hand to summon big snowballs in the fog, then use the Sin Chain to connect four snowballs to form a closed space, and then use moonlight thorns to block the influx of surrounding townspeople.

But those townspeople who were kneeling on one knee had no intention of standing up. Even if Shade really snapped his fingers and four huge snowballs fell from the sky, he could even feel the cross shaking because of it. Those townspeople still

Didn't move.

"Isn't it the same as a cemetery?"

【Watch your step.】

"She" reminded him suddenly. When Shade looked down, he realized that the roots binding the Green siblings were almost integrated with the cross, and had climbed up to his feet at some point.

So Shade jumped lightly to the ground. Seeing that the townspeople at the intersection still had no intention of taking action, he raised the long sword in his hand towards the roots attached to the cross.

With a clang sound, those gray roots squirmed to avoid the sharp edge of [Night Watch], and the sword blade struck the black metal cross, but the roots forcibly fixed it together before the cross broke.


Shade frowned slightly, took a step back, and watched as the dense gray roots emerged from the ground and quickly covered the ground. They squirmed and gathered together, and finally transformed into Laplace again in front of the cross.

Klein Howard's look.

It's just that compared to the flame bust just now, the figure formed by the wriggling tentacles is much weirder now.

Although he didn't know what was going on, Shade still raised his sword and swung it forward. The dense roots were cut off by the night watchman, but then the plant squirmed and healed itself. The tiny roots that fell on the sword even grew and clung to the sword.

He wanted to wrap it up. Shade swung his sword and wanted to put it away, but found that he couldn't put it back at this time.

Shade held the hilt of the sword, and the humanoid figure with gray roots regenerated its entire right hand to wrap around the sword body, and the two sides were in a stalemate for a moment.

In the past, Shade had never encountered such a situation when using the Night Watch. This angel-level sword had a special effect on evil, so no one dared to touch the silver sword directly with their hands. But now, this angel-level sword grows from tentacles

There was even a humanoid figure with short white tentacles swaying in the rain around its body, but it was not judged as evil by the [Night Watch].

This also means that [Night Watch]'s special attack effect on evil cannot be fully exerted.

"Do you think I can't do anything to you?"

Bright red flames flowed along the hilt to the sword body, and at the same time, fiery red cracks appeared on the inside and outside of Sha De's hands. The effect of "Embers of the First Fire" will only occur when Sha De encounters extremely dangerous situations.

Appeared, and the strength and warmth that suddenly emerged in the body at this moment seemed to come from the strength when he shook hands with Sister Devlin in the fire not long ago.

But no matter what, the fiery red light appeared in the gaps between the roots that wrapped the Night Watchman's sword. As Shade raised the sword upward, the flame-coated sword easily cut through those gray roots.

He continued to thrust forward without hesitation, and the long sword was brandished, leaving traces of fire in the fog. Although these roots were not affected by the Night Watchman's characteristics, the flames containing the power of the original fire were still their natural


Densely packed fire roots quickly fell all over the ground, but after the human form completely collapsed, more roots emerged from the ground and transformed into the diviner again.

He had no intention of continuing to fight with Sha De, who was holding the sword. While taking a step back, many townspeople behind him who were whispering asked Sha De together:

"Do you really want to spend time with me here?"

"What do you mean? It's wasting time, isn't it you?"

Shade asked the human figure in front of him.

The townspeople from all directions spoke together again and answered:

"The family banquet is about to begin. If you don't rush to the banquet hall before the first outsider who lands on this island sets foot on the pier, even if the key is still in your hand, you are no longer qualified to participate in the banquet."

"Now that you've gathered your descendants for a seder, what are you doing?"

The flaming sword pointed at the Green siblings on the cross. The townspeople said together in the fog and rain:

"In order to brew that long-lasting wine, it requires a process."

"You know, I hate the guy who makes the wine!"

The long sword was swung forward again, but even Shade, who was swinging the sword, knew that this sword still didn't have much effect.

"You can go around here and keep going."

The overlapping voices said together, and the bearded figure made a gesture of invitation toward the cross:

"Or, I can tell you how to rescue them."

"Are you forcing me to follow your arrangements?"

"No, this is your own choice."

The townspeople answered in unison:

"The blood of Edwards will water the fullest fruit on the tree. Although the twins are strange, they have not set foot on the extraordinary. The power of blood is far less than that of others. Use your blood to replace their

blood; or look for the alien blood that contains a huge spirit and has space talent to water the roots of the family for them."

"You want my blood? Is this why you brought me to this island?"

Shade frowned and asked, the root-bearded figure shook its head slightly, and all the surrounding voices praised together:

"I can feel that you are grabbing the power of Edwardsden's magic. It doesn't matter. Since I have chosen this path, fate will definitely arrange an opponent for me.

Godcaller, you are a person outside of fate, you are a variable that should not exist in "", you are a guest under the stage, you are the inevitable result of a series of mistakes. No one can plan your future.

Destiny, I just provide you with a choice. How to do it depends on your determination. The Edwards family welcomes you."

This chapter has been completed!
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