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Chapter 248: Greedy Ring

 "I have seen too many paintings that contain deep emotions, and this one can definitely be ranked in the top three in my experience."

Evante continued to sigh.

"So are you going to buy this painting?"

Shade asked.

"Man" shook his head:

"I don't have that much money."

"So which item are you bidding for this time? I'm here to buy a No. 5 pen for a noble lady whose identity I can't reveal. I hope our goals don't conflict. She gave me a very high bid limit."

Shade continued to pull him close.

"Oh, don't worry about that. I'm here to buy No. 10."

Steve Evans said, but Shade knew that he would not buy anything. After a while, the auction started, and he just pretended to hold up the sign. Standing here, he was just here to be vigilant and judge whether there was any possibility in the crowd.

The guy who ruined things tonight.

This group of cultists probably didn't realize that there were almost more people from the Zhengshen Church in this house than they did.

"Number 10?"

Shade nodded and naturally looked in the direction of auction item No. 10, which was a gold ring. It had no historical value or story. It was just a pure gold ring that appeared here as jewelry.

Of course, Shade was not looking at the ring, but at the person standing on his right. One of the men took off his deerstalker hat and shook it twice. Shade immediately understood that the personnel were in place:

"By the way, I forgot to introduce myself, Hamilton from Rejed, you may have heard of me."

He stretched out his hand to Mr. Steve Evans, who hesitated for a moment, then stretched out his hand to shake his hand. He had a [Metamorphosis Ring] on his finger. At close range, Shade confirmed that this ring

It's genuine.

"Good afternoon, Lord Hamilton, I'm Steve Event."

The middle-aged man who was working undercover introduced himself:

"Probably a broker and collector, helping some nobles and businessmen introduce antique business."

The tone is normal and the expression is natural. "He" is very good at playing a man, just like Mrs. Lasoya is very good at playing a woman. This may be one of the characteristics of the [Rebirth Ring].

"This is a very profitable business."

Shade said enthusiastically, counting the time, and chatted with Mr. Evans about the other lots mentioned in the invitation. When there were less than three minutes left before the next auction, he looked around.

He carefully took something out of his pocket and lowered his voice:

"Mr. Evante, since I happened to come across it today, why don't you help me take a look at it? What does this thing look like? How much is it worth?"

Shade took out the small jewelry box from his pocket. After opening it, Mr. Evante only slightly squinted his eyes, but when he saw the contents of the box, his eyes widened in surprise:

"This is......"

Inside the jewelry box is a huge ruby ​​ring. The gems on the ring are so big that they are scary. And even if you don’t look at the gems, just by looking at the ring itself, you can tell that this is no ordinary object.

"Keep your voice down. I saved the queen, and this is a private reward she gave me. In fact, I have always wanted to find someone... to help me find out how much gold it is worth."

Shade smiled sheepishly;

"But you also know that once I get it to a local jewelry store or antique store, the tabloids will publish the news the next day, saying that Hamilton of Ray Jade wants to sell the treasure given by the queen. But you are different, you don't have any

I’m not from my country, so I want you to take a look at it for me.”

The cultist is currently performing a mission, and logically there should be no extraneous matters. But when Shade enthusiastically handed over the box containing the ring, "he" just hesitated and took it.

It would be a bit strange to refuse directly at this time, so the middle-aged man used his body to block the sight of others behind him, took the ring box, and said:

"I'm actually not good at appraising antiques like jewelry. What I mainly do is collecting and trading calligraphy and paintings... Oh, this ring is really nice."

This ring is of course very good. Queen Diana didn't know that even if Shade was not there, Miss Carina, who was sitting next to her at the time, would not let anything happen to her, so she really believed that Shade saved her life. According to Miss Carina

, this ring has a long history and has been passed down from generation to generation in Queen Diana’s maternal family for at least 300 years.

If it had not been given to Shade, the ring would have been passed down as a dowry jewelry when a certain princess got married.

"This is really good."

Mr. Steve Evans couldn't help but sighed again, and Shade smiled in response:

"Can you give me an estimate?"

"It's difficult to give a specific estimate. After all, I have very little contact with antiques in this area. But if you are willing, I can introduce a few friends to help you take a look."

He looked at the ring in the ring box in his hand with some reluctance, but still handed it back to Shade. He was willing to pay the price of transforming himself from a woman into a man, and "he" would not make trouble on such an important occasion as today.

"very good."

Shade stuffed the ring box into his coat pocket and began to count down in his mind. He stretched out his hand to shake hands and said politely:

"Sorry to trouble you, I..."

The woman holding the wine glass looked at Shade from behind, and then looked at the man wearing a deerstalker hat standing on Shade's right side. The latter blinked, raised his leg and tried to walk aside, but seemed to be tripped.

As if confused, he suddenly fell towards the woman.

The woman couldn't dodge and collided with the man wearing a deerstalker hat. Although she held the wine glass firmly with her hand, the wine inside still spilled on Shade's back.

"Oh, for Mr. Dawn's sake, what's going on?"

Shade, who was about to shake hands, first "screamed" and then turned around dissatisfied. People around him also looked here curiously.

"Oh, sir, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry."

The man first apologized to the lady, and then hurriedly apologized to Shade. At the same time, he called the servant and wanted to take Shade to another room to scrub, but Shade waved his hand and said dissatisfied:

"The auction is about to start, I don't want to miss it."

He took off his coat and took it in his hand, and asked the people on the side to help confirm that the white shirt inside was not wet.

Steve Avant silently looked at the coat in Shade's hand, and then looked at Shade's young face.

Just like Shade said, he didn't have time to change clothes because the auction was about to start.

The long table in the restaurant has long been removed and replaced with neatly arranged single seats. The people participating in the auction sat down on the seats respectively, while Steve Ivant and the newly met Shade

We sat together and listened to the old auctioneer presiding over the auction.

The progress of the auction is very fast. There is no fierce competition in this kind of fundraising auction, so each item can be sold with only three or four signs.

Shade won the auction items No. 2 and No. 5, which were "Delarian Ancient Fairy Tales" and the golden pen. The additional storybook purchase was not because he liked the book very much, but because he liked the book very much.

After successfully bidding, I proudly showed off to my new friends:

"The pen is what the lady asked for. This book...I don't have that much money myself. I recently got...to know a very rich female aristocrat. She

It’s really…”

Xia De raised his eyebrows and showed an ambiguous smile:

"Very rich."

Evante nodded without any expression, but looked at Shade's wet coat again.

The coat was held by Shade in his hand, looking very casual. After the auction, Shade invited Mr. Evante to go see the lot he bought, but he refused.

Steve Ivant's mission is to stay here to monitor the crowd, to ensure that there are no suspicious persons, and to ensure that the God-Calling Ceremony does not go wrong, so he cannot go too far.

"That's such a pity. I'll bring it to you later. Happiness should be shared together. I really can't wait to see that book. I just like these kind of old books."

Shade said this and stood up excitedly to leave. But at this moment, the man wearing a deerstalker hat who had just bumped into the middle-aged woman led a maid over. He waved to her with a local accent.

Shade said hello, his brown hair sticking out from the brim of his hat:

"Sir, I'm really sorry for what happened just now. I found out that there is a laundry room in the yard of the mansion. There is no one there right now, but this maid can help with cleaning the clothes. I'm really sorry, this wine stain has dried completely.

It won’t be easy to wash.”

Of course, whether it was the woman holding the wine glass just now, the man wearing a deerstalker hat standing in front of her, or the maid who was about to do the laundry, it was all arranged by Miss Carina.

"do the laundry?"

Shade looked at the maid suspiciously, thought for a moment, handed over his coat, and said to the maid:

"I don't have time to follow you. You can wash it first. I'll get the things in a while and wait for you on the first floor. Dry them as soon as possible. This set of clothes is not cheap."

As he said that, he nodded apologetically to Mr. Evante, and then walked excitedly toward the inside of the restaurant to pick up the auction items.

Steve Evans stood there expressionless. He first looked at the back of Shad as he left, and then saw the man wearing a deerstalker hat continuing to watch the next round of auctions with his friends.

The last thing I saw was that the maid leaving the restaurant holding Shade's coat had disappeared outside the door.

He lowered his head and thought for a moment, glanced around, and then quickly followed the maid calmly.

Shade did not turn around to see where Evante was going, but someone beside him gave him a signal, and he knew that the plan worked.

Maybe a person can restrain greed because of his sense of responsibility, but that is just because the temptation appears at the wrong time. In the script arranged by Miss Carina tonight, the stupid philistine Shad, the coincidental departure of the coat, and the slightly stable

Auction... At this time, the temptation is just right.

This chapter has been completed!
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