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Chapter 2485 Harvest

Chapter 2486 Harvest

Wearing pajamas, eating apples and drinking tea, Shade didn't ask who changed his clothes. He just finished eating the apple, looked at the cuff of his right hand, then rolled up his sleeve and looked at his arm suspiciously. The golden color was similar to

The tattoo pattern is clearly engraved on the arm, which is the pattern of a giant dragon.

Shade touched the pattern with his left hand, and "she" whispered:

[This is the last power left by the ancient god of light, the fourth descendant of the Dragon of Light. It helped you complete the third form of the Sword of Light. This is the final thank you gift.]

The pattern disappeared silently, and the miraculous elements completely integrated into Shade's soul.

[Outlander, you have received the blessing of the "Fourth Son of Light":]

[Effect 1: All mortal dragons will know your nobility;]

[Effect 2: Light control ability is enhanced.]

[Effect 3: Obtain the legal principles to rule Yuewan (larger than the seven major families with dragon scales). 】

"The legal principles that govern Moon Bay? What do I want with this?"

Shade said suspiciously, he had never thought about staying in Yuewan to run this place in the future, but maybe Miss Belindel would be interested.

"I remember, when I swallowed that drop of [Dragon-Eating Demon] divinity, it seemed like I had an extra thaumaturgy, right?"

He picked up another snack.

[Yes, the thaumaturgy [Dragon Feast], obtains the corresponding power by devouring the dragon's heart. Since you master "Gluttony", the devouring efficiency will be higher. If you are at the sacrificial site, you will gain more power. 】

"What power? Enhance one's physical fitness?"

[This is the most basic enhancement. "Dragon Feast" will help you obtain the corresponding breath and dragon characteristics, or the skills engraved in the soul. 】

Shade shook his head. Just as he had never thought of using [Blood Wine Brewing] to devour living people to gain power, he also did not want to gain power by devouring a highly intelligent dragon.

Thaumaturgy - [Dragon Feast], for him, is just a souvenir to commemorate the Battle of Moon Bay and absorb divinity. Whenever he sees this, he will think of this thrilling Sunday.

"Acquiring that drop of divinity at that time seemed to have allowed me to completely master the transformation technique - dragon. This is good news. Maybe if I have time, I can fly around the sea with Miss Eleser and Fiona."

In addition to blessings and [Dragon Feast] magic, there are many other gains this time.

First of all, it was naturally the formation of the thaumaturgy [Mysterious Lock: Doomsday City Tobesk], and the successful use of the Philosopher's Stone to enhance the "Word of Sublimation" to attract Miss Isabella.

The terrifying power of that weird mythical lock is secondary. The most important thing is that on the one hand, Shade took this opportunity to absorb that drop of divinity. On the other hand, it also convinced Shade that the past Adele Isabella should be completely eliminated.

In this world, it is not impossible.

"But when Carina and the others come back, how will I explain what happened to Adele?"

At that time, he saw the witches gathering together and calling on the power of the ancient god - [Chaos Witch], which played a huge role in restraining that god during his "coma".

But he didn't know yet that Adele herself had explained the origin.

【How do you want to explain?】

"That Adele was summoned by me from the future. In order to prevent time paradox, her existence cannot be revealed to others, especially herself."

Coincidentally, Adele herself explained it this way.

Apart from the Mystery Lock, the other reward is naturally two spiritual runes.

The "miracle-guidance" obtained by guiding the seventh chosen person to perform the chosen person ceremony belongs to the seventh ring, which also gives Shade the possibility of promotion. As for when he died later, he received the blessings of everyone and the cat.

, the "Miracle-Dark Night" spiritual rune born out of "darkness" was a complete surprise.

After he woke up in the ruins, he pointed to the sky and said "I say - the night is coming". Strictly speaking, it was not a night transformed by the divine burning state using the power of gods, but simply created with the help of the power of the chosen one and his own power.

The miracle is the power of a mortal - Shad Hamilton.

From here we can also know what the true power of the chosen one means. Shade believes that if the power to change the night does not come from the ancient gods, then the [Dragon-Eating Demon] can turn the night back to day again on the spot.

But the fact is that He did not do this, and this was obviously not the intention of the gods to prove their strength by fighting against the "God of Silver Moon" in the dark of night.

"So, remember to remind me that I have to learn the magic of 'guidance' and 'dark night' recently."


"Guidance" is related to Huang Yueqiang, and "dark night" is closely related to the moon. Now that the Battle of Moon Bay is over, Shade feels that he can relax for a while and slowly choose the right thaumaturgy for himself.

"Oh, there is also the matter of Miss Gothe coming at the end of this month or the beginning of next month."

In addition to thaumaturgy, mystery, and divinity, Shade has not forgotten the "eternal light" that was swallowed by him.

He still remembers his surprise when Mr. Albert received guidance through the "Diamond of Hope" and concluded an agreement with him to exchange power.

The righteous chosen one practiced his justice, just as he had always done in his life, and Shade gained a glimmer of the light he possessed.

Thaumaturgy - the power of the earth, which protects all things, was inherited from an ancient knight from an unknown era. He relied on divine magic to seal away demons. This power was then passed on to Miss Shelly Knight through the broken stone sword.

and Schade, who in turn passed it on to the coroner.

This power, like the light, protects the world through continuous inheritance.

And the ray of light obtained by Shade was completely "swallowed" by him like the powerful forces in the past, and became part of the power he held.

"The increase in soul strength and light resistance are not very important. What is important is the power related to light: the moonlight sword, moonlight slash, and moonlight wheel. These all count, right?"


"This is good news, and the fourth son's blessing also has the effect of increasing the power of light."

He wanted to test how effective this improvement was, but it was obvious that aggressive thaumaturgy was not suitable in the room.

So Shade moved his fingers, and then when no one moved the gas lamp, the light in the room gradually dimmed.

The ladies looked up to look at the lamps, but found nothing unusual. Then in the dimming light, countless tiny silver-blue lights in Shade's hands continued to float out, floating together in the dimming room, like

It was the galaxy that was moved here.

"How is this done?"

Fiona asked curiously:

"I didn't feel any abnormal element changes. How did you control the moonlight?"

"This is a variation of the basic spell - Light, like my racial talent."

It’s hard for Shade to describe his ability to control light that is now close to “instinct”:

"I can extinguish any light source I can see at will, and I can also throw out moonlight at any time."

The red dragon girl blinked:

"It's really amazing. When I was at your level, the most I could do was help Mr. Oranod organize the library, or clean the room and take care of the flower garden."

"Miss Drago, what is your level?"

Agelina asked curiously. She only knew that the dragon-born witch in front of her could transform into a powerful red dragon, but she didn't know the specific situation.

"Thirteenth-level witch concurrently works as a thirteenth-level warlock."

Fiona said, still a little embarrassed, her originally active big tail completely drooped down and stuck to the ground:

"Since we parted ways with Shade in Eternal Night City last time, I have only made some progress with the help of my teachers. The road to being a demigod is still far away from me. I am not a genius like Teacher Feliana and Teacher Olan Nord.

, can only do a small amount of work."

The little princess looked at her young face and was too embarrassed to ask her how old she was. She just stopped continuing the topic, obviously being shocked.

The banquet on the deck started after all the witches returned from the council. It was already 7:30 in the evening. When Luvia started the party, she was quite regretful that Iluna could not attend the celebration banquet.

The church should also consider this Battle of Moon Bay to be a success, but because the number of civilians who died in the city is not small, the church will not hold a public celebration. At most, it will just enrich tonight’s dinner, and everyone who participated in the battle will

Individuals can receive a large bonus and travel allowance.

Shade very much hoped that Iluna would not be holding a tea cup in the church garden at this time, thinking alone about what games the people on the ship would play.

And because of Shade's "new skill", before the banquet started, he once again used the "Light Technique" to spread thousands of bright silver "dusts" onto the deck. In addition, Miss Elisa in order to match the atmosphere

, deliberately weakened the lights on the deck, which made the deck really seem to be twinkling with stars at this moment.

The venue for this banquet was provided by Miss Elisa, while the ingredients and other expenses were sponsored by Miss Belindel, a local. Outsiders don't know how rich the countess is, but the cost of this banquet

It was clearly beyond most banquets he had experienced.

When the banquet started, he originally thought it was to celebrate the survival of the city belonging to Belindel, but later he realized that it was also a welcome banquet for Miss Feliana and Fiona.

Shade and the countess clinked glasses by the railing on the deck. The dim deck gas lamp and starlight illuminated her reddish face blown by the sea breeze.

"Unicorns, demigod witches, grand celebration banquets, dragonborn, elves, pet cats, except for you, this place looks more and more like the banquet of the fifth era witch emperor."

Shade raised his eyebrows, and the smiling witch continued:

"Of course, I prefer the days with you now to the banquet without you in the Fifth Age.

Shade, thank you for saving Moon Bay. My hero, are you willing to accept my gift?"

The pair of golden eyes under the fat-red birthmark looked at him with a calm smile, and Shade asked:

"what gift?"

The countess gave the wine glass to the passing maid, then hugged Shade's neck and kissed him, telling Shade the answer through her actions.

PS: Constant state:

1. The blessing of the God of Gamblers: When participating in activities that can be defined as "gambling", your luck will increase.

——This is the luck of mortals.

2. Blessing of the wise: Enhance resistance to chaos, charm and other negative mental states.

——A wise man never gives power directly, a wise man only gives guidance.

3. Blessings of winter: When you are in winter, the recovery speed of your spirit and physical strength will be slightly enhanced, your luck will be slightly improved, and the wind and snow environment will not cause harm to you. After eating snow, you will not get stuck in the snow.

Snowflakes become your food.

——Hope you like this snowy season.

4. Blessing of the Earth: When standing on the earth, the recovery speed of physical strength and spirit increases.

——May the earth be with you and me.

5. Blessing of the drowned: any injuries can be recovered by immersing the whole body in water.

——This is the light of the lonely seabed

6. The blessing of the living moon: Under the moon, you will not feel tired, and the miraculous power of the moon will be fully enhanced.

——There is always light embracing you

7. Childhood dream: When you fall into a dream, the beautiful and innocent power will help you get through the difficulties.

——Childhood allows you to dream

8. Blessing of the God of Mist: The indistinguishable fog protects the soul, and the soul-like influence it receives will be greatly weakened.

——May you never be confused in the fog

9. The blessing of the "Fourth Son of Light": All mortal dragons will know your nobility; your ability to control light will be enhanced.

——The light flowing in the world walks with you

This chapter has been completed!
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