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Chapter 2521 The Duke’s Complaints

Chapter 2520 The Duke’s Complaints

Because Miss Feliana would be leaving tomorrow, everyone did not have dinner at home that night. Instead, the Duchess arranged for the best restaurant on Silver Cross Avenue to be reserved.

Carina, Dorothy and Luvia all attended the dinner that day. At the dinner, Tifa also thanked Miss Feliana for the blessing she received last summer for being able to advance to the next level at any time.

Everyone had changed into very formal dresses, and Fiona, who was sitting next to Shad, was rubbing Shad's left leg under the table with the tip of her tail throughout the dinner.

That night, she quietly came to Shade's bedroom just like the previous two days. However, when she woke up at six o'clock on Wednesday morning, she didn't rush to get up to make breakfast. Instead, she wrapped her tail around Shade to prevent him from escaping, and stayed with him.

We talked about love until half past six before leaving the room together.

Luvia, Carina and Dorothy, who had already gotten up at this time, all looked at the two people walking out of the bedroom holding hands in the living room. Only then did the red dragon girl remember that because she was going to be with the girl this morning

They said goodbye, so many people stayed at home last night.

But no matter what, Miss Feliana and Fiona's ten-day "Journey to the Sixth Age" officially ended here. After breakfast, the two ladies who came without luggage were ready to leave empty-handed as well.

, but they still said a formal goodbye to everyone.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Duke Cavendish."

Miss Feliana handed Carina a letter, the content of which even Shade didn't know.

"Give this to the current Speaker, she will understand what I mean."

The Duchess solemnly accepted the letter, and then Miss Feliana took a pen from Fiona and gave it to Dorothy:

"I like the story you wrote for Shade very much. Although this pen is very ordinary, I have used it for three years and the quality is very good. I will leave it as a souvenir to you."

Dorothy took the pen with an expression of honor, and then Miss Feliana looked at Luvia again:

"You have more than I have."

She said this, and the purple-eyed girl just showed a faint smile.

Then Miss Feliana gave Luvia the hat she was wearing when she arrived. It was no ordinary item, and even Carina could not count the enchantments on it.

And Miss Feliana is now wearing a new hat that Shade gave her when they were dating:

"Take care of Shade, Anat."

"Yes, this is what I have been doing, and this is what I should have done."

"And this. Please help me give this to Miss Bayas. Shade said she likes my stories and legends very much."

Miss Feliana handed Luvia another blank notebook. The notebook was very ordinary, but on the title page there was a blessing written by the demigod witch herself:

[May Miss Iluna Bayas never be confused.]

"Iluna will definitely regret not being able to come and say goodbye to you."

So the blond lady in the purple skirt finally looked at Shade. She didn't know how long it would be before she wanted to see him again after this separation. Luvia originally guessed that the two of them would say goodbye with a kiss, but Miss Feliana just looked at him.

Then he reached out and shook hands with him:

"Then let's leave, Shade. Remember to read the study materials of [Arrow of the Night] I left behind as soon as possible."

The tone is very gentle.

"Okay. Do you have anything else you want me to bring to the current college?"

"No, they're doing great."

"Have a nice trip, Teacher Feliananna, Fiona."

The two hands were held together and they looked at each other for a moment before letting go.

"Xia De, it's time next time."

The demigod witch continued softly:

"If time hadn't been abnormal, Fiona and I wouldn't have been able to come to you. Before leaving, I want you to promise me something, Shade, you must promise."

"Please speak."

"If you have the chance to call the witch from the past again, don't call me."


"For the sake of time stability, please promise me, okay?"

Golden eyes stared at Xia De, who pursed his lips and nodded:

"I understand that I will no longer try to call you to come to me before the chosen one of time appears."

Fiona's tail waggled back and forth to show her presence, so Shade asked again:

"Fiona, is that okay?"

"No, she has stayed in this era for too long. All separation is for the purpose of meeting again. Shade, my dear student, goodbye."

"So, goodbye"

"Goodbye, Shade, I will always miss you!"

Fiona also nodded to Shade, wagging her tail as if waving goodbye. The red dragon girl was not at all sad about this separation. She had already done some bold things, and there would be no chance of seeing her again in the future.

"Goodbye, Miss Feliana, Miss Drago!"

Everyone said together, and then Fiona and Miss Feliana smiled and nodded to everyone for the last time, and their bodies became transparent until they completely disappeared from this era.

When he arrived, he was magnificent, but when he left, he was silent. In other words, he only left Xia De with melancholy.

Shade stared at the hand he had just held with Miss Feliana, recalling the ten days they spent together. Neither Dorothy nor Luvia disturbed Shade. They were both looking at the gift they had received, and

The duchess was also quiet for a while to give Shade time to feel melancholy, but soon she couldn't help it anymore:

"Shad! I have something to ask you."

The stranger looked up at her, and Carina Cavendish finally asked the question she had been holding back for most of the week:

"Speaking of which, how did Vanessa advance to the thirteenth level?"

She tried her best to appear calm, but Shade didn't expect her to ask this question:

"Didn't this happen last week?"

"Yes, but didn't I just have the opportunity to raise this question now? I wouldn't bring up such a topic when there are guests at home."

At this time, she did not have the poise and dignity of a duke at all, and she was resentful like a little girl who had her toys taken away. In other words, she was complaining now:

"I went to see Vanessa, I saw her and I saw the ring! That's not fair!"

She didn't even notice that Luvia and Dorothy were there:

"I'm the first! Whether it's getting to know you or having a close relationship with you, I'm the first. Why can Vanessa be promoted to the thirteenth level just by doing this!"

"Ahem, I'm the first one to know Shade."

Dorothy corrected on the sidelines that she and Shad met when the doctor took Shad to the clinic, while Shad and Carina first met at the Lucky Southern Cross Club a little later.

"I seem to be the first person to have an intimate relationship with Shade."

Luvia also added, but Carina didn't even explain that she meant "witch":

"Xia De, I don't care, I want it too!"

"But that was the result of a coincidence, and I don't have the ability to promote you to the thirteenth level."

Shade hugged her, understanding her dissatisfaction and grievances, but the red-haired duchess didn't care. She has always been the luckiest one, and the one who always gets everything. Moreover, among the many great witches in the parliament, she is indeed

is the first:

"How do you know if you don't give it a try? I also want to go to the Randall Valley, and I also want to be with you in the open air in the Night Temple."


Dorothy coughed to cover up the less elegant word, while Luvia smiled and said:

"Shad, you have to arrange this as soon as possible. When summer ends and autumn begins, the nights in the Randall Valley will also be very cold. You guys must not catch a cold when you spend the night on the cliff."

Carina was still unwilling to give up. She could bear to wait until Miss Feliana and Fiona left before talking about it. This was enough for people to admire her ability to control her emotions:

"After that, I only went to see Vanessa once, and it was not convenient to talk about it during a meeting in the parliament. But I can definitely imagine that when she and the Golden Dawn Opera Troupe come to Tobesk in the fall,

How proud she will be in front of me."

She reached out to grab Shade's hand, and there was even a somewhat aggrieved look in her golden eyes:

"It's not fair! She's obviously not as bold as me, not as close to you as I am, and she doesn't know you as long as I do. Why her? Why?"

"Auntie, being too angry is bad for your health."

The blond girl on the side said "consoling". From the tone of her voice, she knew that it was Lesia now. Her Highness the Princess did not want to miss this scene.

Carina still ignored her and stared at Shade's eyes with her golden eyes:

"Shad, tell me now, is it okay if we go to Randall Valley to spend the night tonight?"

"First of all, you can't get there immediately without looking for the relics; secondly, it's really useless."

So the witch really bit her lip at this moment, showing a stubborn and aggrieved expression. This expression combined with her beautiful appearance was very heart-wrenching.

Of course, Xia De also knew that she was not really as aggrieved as she appeared at this time, but she was definitely feeling uncomfortable, so he gently kissed the corner of her lips:

"Okay, okay, sooner or later you will be promoted to the thirteenth level. Remember, Vanessa was promoted to the twelfth level because of the song I sang by the old god [God of Travel]. That was at Green Lake.

Things happened not long ago.

Even if her witch professional level can be promoted to the thirteenth level immediately, because there are not enough spiritual runes, her ring sorcerer level cannot be immediately promoted to the thirteenth level, so you still have a chance to surpass her."

The duchess accepted this statement, but still refused to let go of Shade:

"Obviously it was me first and you have to compensate me."

"Okay, okay, it's all my fault, how do you want me to compensate?"

"I'll sleep here tonight."

"Look at her, the cat's tail is finally exposed."

Lesia on the side said to Luvia, this is a Delarian proverb.

But Carina Cavendi probably didn't care what Lesia said on the sidelines, because Shade had already nodded. She preferred taking advantage through actions rather than taking advantage through words.

Therefore, although the witches of the Fifth Age have an accurate understanding of the witches of the Sixth Age, they are not comprehensive. At least for those witches who already know the "mystery of life", they are still quite proactive and bold.

This chapter has been completed!
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