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Chapter 2667 Dead Apostles

Chapter 2666 Dead Apostle

"Are you always so kind?"

The owl continued to look at the scene below:

"Young girls are always frightened by men's various tricks, but they don't know that what they see is only part of them. Oh, look at the smile of that silly girl, she probably didn't expect that the hand holding the flower just now will soon

I was still touching the butt of the waitress in the underground casino."

She had no idea that she only knew a small part of Shade.

"I'm worried that he won't want to go to supper with Linda Bennet later, right? I don't want to wait for them to finish their meal."

"No, even if the girl is attracted to her, she will not go out to eat with a man she is not sure about. After all, the Bennet family used to be aristocrats."

Just as she said, the two separated soon after. But it didn't seem to be because of so-called reserve - because Linda Bennett was obviously a little reluctant to say goodbye. The real reason should be that the young second lieutenant was still here tonight.

Need to rush back to the military camp.

Shade actually didn't understand why he was a "time traveler". His actions this afternoon were quite normal, and it was hard to tell what he wanted to do in this time that did not belong to him.

So Shade and Miss Winslet discussed it again and planned to follow him back to the military camp. In this way, they could not only know whether he had other actions in the woods, but also go to the place where he lived to find out whether there were any tree holes.


The owl grabbed the cat and flew over the dim sun and the yellow forest. Because Shade neither needed to fly nor discern the direction, he still had time to turn his head to look at the sun, and then sighed in his heart that such an action was really practical.

It's so interesting.

York Bronte chose to ride back to the military camp. Although the camp was deep in the woods, there was a maintained road connecting it to the city.

Although the distance was too far to determine whether the "time curse" and "paradox insect" existed, at least Shade could see that he was a three-ring warlock at this time. And in the woods far away from the city, he did not hesitate to use thaumaturgy.

Make your horse run faster.

It was like this until six o'clock in the evening. In late autumn, the daylight hours became shorter and the light in the forest gradually dimmed. However, the young officer who was riding along the road in the forest suddenly stopped his horse in the middle of the road and led it.

Entered the woods.

This made Shade and the Witch who were following him excited. The owl lowered its height and landed on the canopy of the tree. Then it turned into a beautiful big gray-black cat and jumped on the branches together with the silver cat and continued to follow him.

The young officer leading the horse walked in the forest for ten minutes before he stopped. He checked the surroundings very vigilantly, even dropped the Silence Charm and used a crude illusion to protect himself, and then turned to look at his own

horse, and then pounced on it.


The cats squatting on the branches sighed, watching York Bronte bite the horse's neck, and then pushed it to the ground with its roar, lying on the horse's body.

The horse's blood was suddenly sucked up.

"He is actually a vampire?"

The witch said in disbelief, but the silver cat shook his head:

"He is definitely not a vampire. I have a method for judging vampires. He cannot be one."

Because there is no blood-red transparent little bat mark floating above the opponent's head.

As the daylight gradually faded, a man whose face could not be seen was seen silently sucking horse blood in the forest. This was more like a scene in a horror novel. However, Shade and the witch who were watching this scene felt that he was sucking horse blood.

It's not just blood but life force.

Ten minutes later, only the skin of the dead horse was left covering the skeleton. York Bronte, who was wiping his face with his sleeves, stood up, put away the horse skin, hurriedly covered the bones with fallen leaves, and turned around.

In another direction, he found another horse with a similar coat color that he had placed here in advance.

This time Shade and the Witch did not follow. Instead, after confirming that York Brontë had left, they returned to human form and came to the side of the horse skeleton. The Witch squatted down to check and confirmed what she had just thought:

"Sure enough, all the life force was sucked away. But this method of sucking life force should not be mastered by a low-level warlock. And did you notice? He absorbed the life of a strong horse, but he was completely

It shows no enhancement of life.”

For beings whose own bodies are powerful enough, such as Shade himself, even if he acquires the vitality of other beings, he will not show abnormality, but the young officer just now did not seem to have a very strong vitality itself.

"Is it because of the time curse?"

Shade asked:

"Do you have to suck the life of other creatures regularly to prevent yourself from dying? But the time curses we are currently exposed to seem to only punish ourselves and will not affect other people."

And the great witch of death discovered something even more terrifying:

"After being killed like this, the soul of this horse didn't move. It disappeared. No, wait, God, it's not missing. Its soul was also sucked away! What happened to that man just now?

Seriously, is he a devil?"

"It's not a devil. I also have a way to judge a devil. He is definitely not one."


Although the "seeing demons" spell used by ancient witchers is not 100% correct, it is possible to make mistakes only when facing truly powerful evil spirits and demons, and York Bronte is obviously not such a special case.

"How come you have learned so many messy thaumaturgy techniques? Please wait a moment before continuing to track it. I want to gather its bones for it."

The witch whispered, so Shade found some stones from the side and asked her to transform the stones into horse bones and put them in their place. Then, they took the real horse bones and walked some distance deeper into the forest. Shade was on the ground.

A big hole was dug and Miss Winslet put the bones in it.

"I will free your soul."

The witch whispered sadly, then knelt down and sprinkled the first handful of soil with her own hands, and then she and Shade filled the pit together.

Shade noticed that during this period, some vague spiritual lights converged on the witch from the ground. Seeing Shade's curiosity, Flora Winslet took the initiative to explain:

"It is thanking me for my help. These little powers have strengthened the speed and strength of my 'Transformation Horse' state."

"But its soul is not here, so how can it thank you?"

Shade asked again, and the witch showed a gentle smile:

"It turns out you don't understand everything. I am the great witch of death. I believe that all things are animistic. Even if the real soul is sucked, there is still spirituality left in the bones.

Death definitely not only refers to the end of life, but also refers to the end of all things."

"The [Spiritual Cult] also believes in animism. Isn't the Spiritual Cult a branch of the ancient Death Cult? Is this how you got most of your transformation skills? Because of the gratitude of these creatures.


"No, I learned all my transformation skills by myself, but the gratitude of the deceased strengthens my transformation skills. Otherwise, do you think a normal owl can really grab you and fly in your human form?"

Although the young officers took the first step, because the effect of the acorn eaten by Shade was still there, they could easily know his current location.

After burying the horse, they continued to set off, but at this time, night had completely arrived. The owl grabbed the cat and flew to the moon in the night sky, and finally followed York Bronte to the "Twilight Forest Post".

He first went to his superior to cancel his leave, and did not leave here again that night. So the two people who followed him checked his residence in the military camp, and asked Shade to find an opportunity to confirm the time curse and paradox at close range.

On insects.

Because of so much time wasted, when the red-haired girl who was reading alone in the room closed the book with satisfaction and heard little Mia's soft meow and came to the window, it was already eight o'clock that night.


She opened the window and watched the owl flying in in the city night holding the silver cat:

"How's it going? Are there any results from the investigation?"

The two of them transformed into human forms respectively. Miss Winslet went out to ask Miss Bell to prepare dinner. Shade, who had maintained the cat state for too long, twisted his neck a few times:

"We met the prince of Kasenrik, but he is not important.

We know who the time traveler is, York Bronte, the man we met in the concert hall. In addition, he is a three-ring warlock and has a time curse on him, but I have not found the Paradox Bug yet."

When Miss Winslet came back, Shade was already sitting on the sofa holding little Mia and talking about "horses".

The knowledgeable librarian thought for a while and actually made a guess about this:

"Flora, Shade, do you know something called a 'Dead Apostle'?"

Shade and the witch both shook their heads, and the eighteen-year-old red-haired girl was not surprised either:

"This is what I saw in the books in the college library. There are very few books recording this kind of thing. Since you all know the chosen one of death, Sister Devlin, you should know more or less about the so-called 'destiny'.


To put it simply, when a person's life exceeds the life he should have, that is, he escapes the fate of death by some tricks and informal means, then he will become the so-called 'Dead Apostle'. This kind of existence

There is no difference from its normal race, but it needs to absorb the vitality of other life forms to maintain itself, otherwise it will fall into a long dormancy that is close to death.

'Dead Apostles' are almost truly immortal as long as they absorb enough life force. Not only that, the book says that the power and speed of this thing are frightening, and it also possesses some strange life and death spells, immortal body, physical body

Transformation is just the most basic talent among them."

The witch shook her head:

"Danister, I've never heard of such a thing."

"It's normal. Only those who have used 'tricks' to play with death and get rid of their destined death will become a Death Apostle. This requirement is very strict, even more difficult than finding relics such as the elixir. The entire sixth

There has never been anything like this in every era.

If it weren't for the book I read in the academy, I probably wouldn't have thought of it. Of course, the above is purely speculation, and there may be other similar monsters that we don't know about."

This chapter has been completed!
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