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Chapter 274 The power of impermanence

 "The gods are coming! There are other good gods in the Sixth Age!"

Someone at the long dining table said something, but everyone was forced to look away from the figure at the end of the street. This was also not something that mortals could look at.

The huge silver moon disk hangs high above the head, and the blood mist sweeps in again. The gods at the end of the long dining table and the gods at the end of the road look into the distance in this long night.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment, with the blood-colored light and the silver moon's light intertwining with each other. The ground was shaking, the wind was roaring, and it seemed that even the world itself was uneasy.

"Silver Moon!"

A gentle voice sounded from the hearts of everyone present who could still maintain consciousness. The divine hand pointed to the sky under the silver moonlight, and bright traces of light lit up from the fingertips. In an instant, the sacred radiance dispersed the blood of at least half of the city.


He walked along the road towards the mansion, the silver moonlight trailing behind him seemed to be permanently imprinted on the space.

A huge shadow of flesh and blood hung high in the sky, and the twisted and huge body roared. The flesh and blood shook, and clusters of dirty blood dripped around the mansion. The blood mist came again, and at the junction of the silver light and the blood-colored light, black

The thunder crackled and exploded from time to time.

The blood-clothed saint at the end of the long table held a knife and fork. With a slight flick, the knife in his hand flew out of the hole in the wall.

The white-robed god walked on the road without stopping, and a silver giant sword flashing with sacred light appeared from beside him, and then rushed straight into the sky. The giant sword cut off the table knife, and then flew towards the mansion. But in the mansion

All around, a blood-colored hemispherical transparent barrier appeared silently, and then silently swallowed up the silver giant sword that seemed to be able to split everything.

The god was still walking towards the mansion, and above his head, the silver moon, which had opened a big hole in the blood mist, seemed to be getting closer and closer.

The strange silence lasted for a moment, and soon people realized that the silver moon did not seem to be approaching.

It grew bigger and bigger, until the silver moon covered the sky. The silver moon wheel fell from the sky, slowly and heavily, carrying huge wind pressure and potential energy, and collided with the transparent blood-colored barrier wrapped around the mansion.



The explosion sound at that moment swept the blood mist and dust, and swept towards the city like a shock wave.

The ground was shaking, and even the tableware and long table at the Blood Banquet on the third floor of the mansion were shaking.

The sound of shattering glass almost pierced the eardrums of everyone present. The blood-colored barrier dented, and then collapsed piece by piece, and large blood drops fell to the ground. The falling silver moon, summoned by the gods, also turned into stars at the same time.

Little bits of light scattered into light spots surrounding the mansion.

Shade took a deep breath. The power brought by the burning of divinity was not all. At this moment, he was not even sure that he was still himself. The lifting of his soul allowed him to see more, but at the same time he also understood what his opponent was.

Even though the God who descended into the material world looks like a human being, He is not a human being. In his eyes, the filthy flesh and blood that has swallowed up the entire mansion is the true nature of the saint.

The silver giant sword and the summoned meteorite can only be regarded as a superficial confrontation between the two. Their power levels are not much different, but the problem is that Shade only has one drop of divinity, and one third of it has been burned away at this moment.

The falling silver moon gave him the upper hand temporarily. The moment the confinement of space was relaxed, his body disappeared under the silver moonlight.

Dots of silver light traces finally entered the blood feast on the third floor from the holes in the wall. In the light traces, the figure of the god in white robes appeared again.

The blood-clothed saint had no reaction, so Shade followed the instructions he received from the distant past, pulled out the chair directly opposite him and at the other end of the dining table, and sat down.

The two gods stared at each other across the long table. The mortals closed their eyes tightly and trembled, hoping that they would become smaller at this moment. Even if they closed their eyes tightly, they could still know that the two giants were looking at each other.

The eyes, the whispers in the ears, and the two weird songs intertwined could not be escaped.

After a moment, the gentle and extremely solemn voice appeared in everyone's heart again.

"Can you leave?"

"The banquet is not enough."

This was another sound, like the sound of slippery flesh being dragged against the ground, or like the whisper of evil spirits in the grave.

An empty golden bowl appeared in front of Shade, but he shook his head and did not throw anything into the bowl.

A card appears between your fingers. Only when you touch the card in this state can you feel that it really doesn't have much power, but it does hide a trace of the ancient god's essential power.

Following the tips given by Miss Feliana, He injected divine power into it

Everything is impermanent and balanced.

The radiance of divinity floated on the playing cards. Shade waved his fingers and threw the playing cards onto the table. In the dark gold color, a huge scale appeared on the playing cards and on the table, with one side pointing towards the red formal suit [

Lord of the Blood Feast], pointing to Shade in white robes.

Iluna Bayas suddenly opened her right eye.

The ancient and sacred aura appeared with the scale, making it even more difficult for mortals who already felt bad to stay awake. But Iluna Beas felt the luster of the scale, which directly restored her condition completely.

She was able to open her eyes and see the contents of the cards on the table. Then, with one eye, she looked at the god whose body was emitting holy white light.

Two silver eyeballs flew out of the cuffs of the white robe and fell into the end of the dark golden scale pointed at him. The silver eyeballs caused the scale above the cards to press down and tilt it towards Shade:


A dark golden luster covered the tabletop from the scale, the blood mist became lighter, and the bloody light was suppressed.

The two eyes are evil eyes [greedy silver]. Shade regarded these as a meal for the evil god opposite him to respond to his "insufficient meal". Even if they are relics, the two eyes will definitely not be able to meet the other's requirements, but he himself

The scales summoned in [Origin·Balance] represent the power of balancing the ancient gods. Shade, who manipulates the balance through divinity, believes that this is a fair transaction, so the scales tilt towards him, and the essence of "balance" suppresses

【Lord of the Blood Feast】.

This is the key to victory given by the world's most powerful witch who lived five thousand years ago.

"not enough."

Thick and slippery sounds came from all directions. Even if it was suppressed, He was still not satisfied with just the meal for these two eyes.

The bloody light spread towards Shade again, and the luster swallowed up the holy silver light around him. But suddenly a whistle sounded, and the "Gluttony" rune appeared on the god's forehead. The stone mask was pressed against him by the white-robed saint.

On his face, the relic [the other face] was instantly shattered.

But then, the same blood-colored light on Shade's body lit up. The power of gluttony originating from the [Lord of the Blood Feast] was entangled with the power of the relic after divinity was sublimated. A huge stone ghost-faced shadow entwined with silver and blood-colored light appeared.

On his side, he opened his mouth wide and swallowed up the blood that was coming from him.

The stone ghost's face shattered, and golden traces of light gathered from Shade's hand bit by bit. After a brief confrontation, he unexpectedly swallowed a drop of divinity. But this kind of thing can only be done once with the suppression of the ancient god's power, because

There is almost no difference in power between the two sides, the other is the real god after all.

Divinity integrated into himself, Shade hesitated, reached out and took off his left eye, the eyeball fell into the scale, and his eye grew again. This price is meaningless, all he paid was a body that can be regenerated

.But the special form of existence means that Shad Hamilton's body is the body of God, and the removed eyeball is part of God's body, which constitutes a more powerful price.


In the blood-colored banquet hall, a dark golden scale floated quietly above the table. Three eyeballs tilted the scale further in the direction of Sha De. The dark golden light suppressed the real owner of this blood banquet with a more powerful attitude.


The saint put down the knife and fork in his hand and looked at the dark golden scale:

"not enough!"

Deep and twisted blood surged up on the saint's body, but was once again suppressed by the ancient god's scale.

The white-robed god reached out to pick out his left eye again, but the blood-clothed saint stopped him. The flesh of the saint's body squirmed uneasily above the mansion, and the blood mist that had not been dispersed by the light of the silver moon gathered back.

He is gathering strength:

"not enough!"

The collision of chaotic energy and rules caused the mortals present to almost collapse, but the silver moon was protecting them and everyone here. [Lord of the Blood Feast] wanted to fight to the death, Shade said softly:

"Take the ancient god's judge as evidence. Let's fight here. The injured will leave."

Shade can keep picking out his eyeballs, even if it's a hundred, it doesn't matter, but to suppress the power of the saint, he still relies on the scales controlled by the divinity. He can't hold on if he continues. And he knows that Shade can continue to suppress it with the golden scales.

He, therefore, will never refuse such a proposal that can end quickly:


A dark golden scale hung high above the blood feast table, and the white-robed god and the red-robed saint smacked the table at the same time.

The long table disappeared on the third floor of the mansion, and then suddenly appeared above Tobesk under the night sky. The night wind made the white tablecloth rustle, and the mortals around the long table felt the warm wind of midsummer. (Note)

The surrounding blood mist was hazy, and the silver moon appeared all around. Below him was Tobesk, which was unusually quiet. The light of the gas lamp was dotted in the blood.

The howling night wind blew on the faces of the mortals. For a moment as the gods gathered strength, their pressure finally eased. They could feel that the location at this moment was no longer indoors, but only Iluna Beas could still open it.

Open your eyes.

At both ends of the floating dining table under the moonlit night, the two gods looked at each other.

Iluna saw an attractive red halo emerging on the body of the blood-clothed saint, and saw a huge flesh-and-blood shadow appearing from the other side of the space, gradually overlapping with the saint's position.

Iluna saw that the silvery white light was getting weaker and weaker on the white-robed god. He pushed away the chair and stood up.

The white-robed god stood in the night sky, the silver moon wheel stayed quietly behind him, and [Origin Silver Moon] appeared in his hand.

This chapter has been completed!
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