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Chapter 279 The Wounded Duchess

 Miss Carina is the most important member of the royal family, and it is understandable that she had a pass during the martial law period. But what Shade was puzzled about was that she actually came to him at such a sensitive time, and therefore guessed what happened.

"Going to see Miss Carina? Okay, oh, wait a minute, I'll go upstairs and get the necklace, and some transcripts of letters that may be related to the [Blood Spirit School]. What's the rush this time? Why are you under martial law?

Come to me when the time comes?"

It is impossible for this great witch to know that the god last night was related to Shade. Shade, who was in the deified state, was very sure that the only one who really witnessed that scene was Iluna Bayas, so Shade asked the black-haired maid what happened.


"About the reincarnation ring and what happened last night, the lady wants to talk to you. The lady was seriously injured."

The maid was very worried.

"Is the injury serious?"

Although Shade did not witness the big witch trying to enter the third floor to fight the evil god, in the morning, Luvia relayed Miss Bayas's description of last night and knew that the one who built the golden staircase outside the manor was most likely her.


Even though she did not enter the blood feast on the third floor, Miss Carina was still hurt by the evil god. The duchess was very kind to Shade, and Shade was also very concerned about her injuries.

"It's not life-threatening. The light rain when the white-robed god left healed everyone, but the lady will have to rest for a while."

That's why the maid is in a low mood today.

He went upstairs to get the gold necklace and the copy of the letter, and asked Luvia to help temporarily take care of little Mia. Shade then took the carriage and rushed out of the city with the maid.

On the way out of the city, their carriage was stopped five times. Even though the maid Tifa had the duchess's pass, the coachman and the two of them were still strictly interrogated.

The pass was for Miss Carina, and it was okay to use it as a personal maid, but the reason why Shade Hamilton appeared on the carriage must be made clear.

The church now does not hesitate to suspect anyone of being an associate of the cultists, even if Shad has a close relationship with the Church of Dawn.

"Miss Carina wants to see Mr. Hamilton because she wants to keep him overnight."

When the black-haired maid explained it like this, people immediately didn't dare to ask any more questions.

But when the carriage restarted, Shade frowned and asked:

"Is it really okay for you to explain this way? Regarding Miss Carina's reputation."

"The lady told me so, otherwise you might not be able to leave the city."

The maid answered dutifully, looking at Shade with her brown eyes, seemingly dissatisfied with him, but this satisfaction did not seem to be directed at Shade.

Shade can understand this feeling. Miss Tifa Servit has been protecting Miss Carina's reputation and must not be happy about this kind of thing, but this is what Miss Carina proposed, and she cannot object.

"But if you say this, there will definitely be rumors later."

Shade said again.

"Isn't it better? People know that you are a young lady. With this status, you will be safer in Tobesk."

She said softly, and then looked out the window again with a very worried tone:

"The young lady seems to be very worried, not about the city. She said that the epic of destiny has begun, and all of us will be forced to get involved. There are not many people around the young lady who can be trusted, and she does not want anything to happen to you."

For some people, the evil god who has left is not as important as the chosen one. Because the evil god is too far away, but the great prophecy is very close.

He still saw her in the study room of the Duchess's manor. Although he knew in advance that Miss Carina was injured, Shade was still shocked when he saw her face covered with a white handkerchief and sitting on the sofa covered with a blanket:

"Good afternoon, Jia Lin, eh? This"

He stood at the door hesitantly, and the maid peeked behind him:

"It's okay. Miss is taking a nap. The sun is really nice today. Let's get there first."

"It's okay, come in. Tifa, thank you for your hard work, detective, good afternoon."

The red-haired witch took off the handkerchief from her face, then sat upright on the sofa, covered her legs with a blanket and greeted Shade.

Shade noticed the weakness in her tone, but just looking at her appearance, her face was rosy and there was no trauma. Miss Carina wore a black dress today, but Shade thought that this color was not suitable for her:

"Good afternoon, Miss Carina. How are your injuries?"

Shade sat down on the sofa opposite her. There were afternoon tea and snacks on the coffee table, so there was no need to prepare anything extra.

The black-haired maid asked something in a low voice. After receiving the answer of the duchess shaking her head, she stood aside with her hands in front of her and stopped talking. Miss Carina sat there, and the floor-to-ceiling windows on the side let in the particularly good sunshine today.

When the light shines in, the long red hair inherited from the Cavendish family shines in the light.

Having met the three powerful witches of the Fifth Era, and now facing Miss Carina, Shade could clearly feel the aura of a "witch", instead of just thinking that it was a strange charm.

"It's much better than last night. When Tifa brought me back in the carriage last night, I seemed to see my deceased brother while I was half asleep."

Shade reacted for a moment and realized that she was talking about the previous King Delarion.

"I wish you good health. Oh, actually I am very curious as to why you rushed out last night. I heard it from my friends in the church."

Shade asked, and the red-haired duchess showed a forced smile, her tone still weak:

"Why did the church's high-level warlock rush out?"

"It is their responsibility to protect this world from evil gods."

"No, it is everyone's responsibility to protect the world from the evil gods. I could choose to leave at that time. Without taking other people away, I could possibly rush out of Tobesk City alone, but what's the point? I

My family are all here, Tifa is also here, the land under my feet was left by my ancestors. The ring magicians of the church have courage, don’t I, Carina Cavendish, have the courage?"

This answer is very similar to the mentality of Shade, who resolutely burned his divinity last night. Although Miss Carina cannot be as fearless as the high-level warlocks of the church, she will at least not escape alone.

"Besides, I did something right at the time, otherwise I wouldn't know it. I know that for you, life has only just begun for a month, and this city is not friendly to you. But if you continue to live, you will

understand what I meant."

Shade nodded. Seeing that the duchess's tone was weak but her mood was high, he said again:

"Speaking of which, I have very good healing abilities. Miss Carina, do you want to try it?"

Logically speaking, the damage caused directly by the evil god cannot be easily healed, even if Shade is promoted to level 2. However, Shade's [Gluttony] has the same origin as [Lord of Blood Feast], and he can even be said to possess part of [

Lord of the Blood Feast], so this attempt makes sense.

Miss Carina and the maid Tifa did not know this, but seeing that Shade was so concerned about his injury, they did not refuse him.

So the black-haired maid got a glass of water. After Shade called out the life ring, he explained that he was promoted to the second ring in the ruins operation last night, while pointing his finger at the glass of water.

A dazzling silver light shone on the water. The maid carefully took it and handed it to the duchess.

This chapter has been completed!
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