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Chapter 787 The protagonists of the epic

[Death's Door] is a thaumaturgy that Shade learned after returning from death. It allows souls who voluntarily leave and the caster himself to pass through. Because it is a one-way passage, Shade never thought that one day he would really pass through it.

Here comes death.

He knew that Mr. Mattis was looking at him, but he did not look back, but stepped into the gap.

【Outlander, you have entered death.】

【Outlander, you have a better understanding of "sleep".】

Cold and shaking.

The moment of nothingness and extreme cold almost caused Shade's consciousness to fall into deep sleep again, but he soon realized that he had reached his destination.

There is no sound or breath, everything is still; the dark moon shines on everything, and this moment is the end.

Behind you are the two giant stone doors, and at your feet is the weak "Kiss of the Tree" bonfire that is almost extinguished. In front of you, the huge silver moon is half-sinking at the end of the dark water. The water in front of you seems to have no end. Just looking at it

It has a primitive sense of fear welling up in my heart.

An unmeasurable number of white shadows stood with their backs to the narrow beach at the water's edge. They looked up at the cold moon, and their bodies flickered as they gradually moved away, heading towards the silver moon.

There is no sound here, even breathing is not necessary. Quiet and solemn, cold and profound, here is death itself.

Looking down at his hand, he saw that the cracks were spreading all over his body, and the divine light was shining through it, protecting Shade's soul from going far away.


He took off his mask and walked a few steps quickly, and came to Iluna who was collapsed on the ground. He inserted the [Night Watcher] into the ground, put down the kerosene lamp containing the first fire, and then carefully picked up the seventeen-year-old girl.


A dark golden scale was suspended above her head to protect her safety, but Iluna was a living person after all, and she was very uncomfortable here.

Looking further into the distance, Joey Barton was sitting sideways on a big rock at the end of the tidal flat. His right hand was holding the stone surface, his left hand was naturally drooping, and his two feet could not touch the ground because of his short stature. He turned his head and kept quiet.

He looked at the water in the distance and the dark moon, which reflected its shadow on the gravel beach, but he seemed not to know that Shade had arrived.


"She's fine. When I opened the door, she wanted to catch me, so she followed me. She is also very talented at death, plus the dark golden magical scale she held in her mouth in advance

leaves, so they did not leave with those souls."

Joey Barton's voice is very calm.

Iluna was indeed temporarily unable to move, but after being hugged by Shade, she seemed to be affected by his divine aura, and her body temperature and breathing rate were returning to normal. She opened her eyes hard and looked at Shade, her lips moving.

Then she spat out the pale leaves that had lost their effectiveness, and Shade immediately stuffed her with another one (Note).

The seventeen-year-old girl wanted to speak, but nothing came out.

"It's okay, I'll handle the next thing."

He whispered, carrying Iluna back to the bonfire of Tree Kiss. ​​Looking at the weak bonfire, after hesitating for a moment, he opened the shade of the kerosene lamp, carefully pulling the weak first flame inside, and letting the flame fall into

In the bonfire.

There was no sound, but the nearly extinguished bonfire was rekindled. Even the spirit and physical strength that had completely stagnated in death tended to recover slowly.

After placing the [Night Watcher] beside the bonfire and letting Iluna sit there holding the sword, Shade turned and walked towards the end of the tidal flat and came to Joey Barton's side.

At this time, we were finally able to see the calm expression on his face. The light of the dark moon illuminated the face of the somewhat deformed boy. The middle-aged man looked at those hesitant and blurry white figures. Xia De didn't know who he was.

What are you thinking about.

"Is this what you really look like? You're so handsome."

Joey Barton sighed softly.

"You still haven't given up?"

Shade asked.

"Yes, it's almost successful."

"So, are you talking to me now a clone or your true body?"

"One-third of the body. I won't put eggs in one basket."

"I see."

Suddenly he raised his right hand high, and when it fell, the moonlight sword in his hand had already taken shape. Mr. Barton did not dodge, and the moonlight sword hit his shoulder, but it was like hitting an indestructible object, without any effect.


"Mr. Watson, you really don't understand this."

"What don't you understand?"

Shade dismissed the sword in his hand and was not ashamed of his sneak attack.

"This is death itself. We who came here are already dead. How can you kill people here?"

His tone was still so calm as he explained the facts he had learned.

"Yes, this is death"

Shade nodded and stopped observing Mr. Barton. Instead, he put his hands in his pockets and turned to look with him at the water in front of him and the thousands of souls on the water.

The tide was not calm. The surging water stopped in front of Shade's boots, retreated, and then came back again, washing away the small stones and pebbles.

"The only thing that can harm us here is to enter these waters. Whether it is you or me, if we come into contact with these waters without special methods, we will never come back."

Mr. Barton continued.

"So, how are you going to find the soul you're looking for here?"

"When I came here, I learned more knowledge and more secrets. My wish, my true love, is right in front of me."

Gu Xi

His thick, misshapen fingers pointed toward the depths of death represented by the dark moon:

"Right here."

"Why don't you act now?"

"Because I'm not complete yet."

As the words fell, a voice came from behind the two of them. It was not Iluna who stood up, but a new guest who had arrived.

Turning around and looking, another Joey Barton appeared in front of the [Death Door]. Compared with the first one who appeared to be intact, he looked much more embarrassed. His right hand was missing and his body was covered with all kinds of strange scars.

. Even half of his head was cut off, but he was still alive.

The second Joey Barton seemed to have fully understood what was going on here. He crossed the bonfire and walked towards Joey Barton on the rocks on the shore, and merged with him.

Shade could not stop this process, but he noticed that someone came here with Mr. Barton, it was the familiar old priest.

Priest Lath August frowned at the scene in front of him:

"Really, I'm so old, why would I get involved in this kind of thing?"

He walked to the bonfire, then sat down carefully with his hands on the ground, and stretched out his hands to face the bonfire, as if he wanted to keep warm.

"Priest Augustus?"

Iluna, who had recovered a little, asked in a low voice, her voice a little strange because she had a leaf in her mouth:

"What are you"

Priest Augustus is a very famous old priest in Tobesk diocese, even pagans know him.

"Good evening, oh, it's Miss Bayas. I was attending the ceremony at the top of the mountain, and then Joey Barton came up and was seriously injured by the three thirteen-ring warlocks from the church, but I still managed to fall into the air with all my strength.

He entered the crack on the top of the mountain. I originally wanted to stop him, but then the unlucky guy followed him in. Well, I followed him in on my own initiative. I can't watch him do bad things."

The priest shrugged:

"Relax and wait until Shade solves this matter. Although I don't know what Mr. Detective wants to do, he has always been very good at it. What kind of fire is this? It's really heartwarming."

"I'm actually very curious."

At the end of the tidal flat, the two men looking at the dark moon and their departed souls are still talking to each other:

"Why is it that no matter which one of the three passages you enter here, you can see the [Death Door]."

Shade asked softly.

"Not only through the narrow room, no matter what method or means you use to enter here, it is actually the same. Because the [Death Door] is indeed the only correct way to enter this tidal flat other than the normal death process.

.So theoretically speaking, the passage at the foot of the mountain is indeed the most stable."

Joey Barton replied that this knowledge probably comes from the identity of the chosen one.

"Then do you know that the 'Scar of the Holy Tree' ritual is almost completed, and now none of us can get out?"

Shade asked again, and Joey Barton hesitated:

"I don't know, but after seeing her, there will always be a way."

Shade shook his head, knowing that he would never be able to convince the man in front of him.

They did not continue talking, but looked together at the distance of the silent dark water, watching the flickering white figures appear, move forward, and disappear at the end of the field of vision.

"What do you think of this moon?"

Shade suddenly said again. Mr. Barton did not give an answer immediately. He listened carefully and then spoke:

"After the ancient gods left, due to some reasons, the dark moon that was supposed to guide death here also disappeared. But now it has appeared again. Maybe just like me, the chosen one who has a deep grasp of the power of the moon

The author is also carrying out his own epic."

Shade shook his head. This dark moon appeared because the priest invaded his dream. The moonlight above the wilderness in his dream shone into death. But he could not be the chosen one. Luvia had already said this.

Been there many times.

"This moon is really beautiful. The moon and death, the two most original powers, are shown here to stabilize the rules of death and ensure that all living beings die. If, if the dark moon could appear two epochs earlier, maybe Mead

The narrow gap between life and death in Fort Sill will not expand that fast at all."

While speaking, another voice came from behind.

The third Joey Barton appeared. In addition to being highly burned, his legs were cut off at the roots, his eyes were gouged out, his nose and ears were cut off, and even his mouth was sewn shut with cursed black thread.

After appearing, he lay directly on the ground, and then crawled hard to the end of the beach. The power of the curse was blooming on him, which was the curse of the witches. At the same time, Shade also noticed that his chest was glowing, as if he was helpless.

The extinguished fire was burning his heart.

Even after the third Mr. Barton merged with Joey Barton on the stone next to Shade, the latter still clutched his heart and showed an expression of unbearable pain.

The emergence of the third Joey Barton brought a new ring warlock for the third time.

Sister Devlin is still so calm, wearing a nun's robe made of gray-black silk, with a shawl of the same color on her shoulders. She wears a silver crown-style eye mask, and ties her silver-gray hair to her ears.

Her hair was braided behind her back in a complicated style, almost hanging down to her waist.

His hands were folded and placed in front of him naturally, his head was slightly lowered, but the eye mask still reflected the light of the dark moon.

Flames, crimson flames, were appearing on the nun's body bit by bit. At first it looked like she was being set on fire, but then I saw that there were fiery red cracks attached to the nun's body, not only on her skin, but even on her clothes.

and the tips of her hair were all gleaming with flames. As the fierce flames gradually subsided, embers of the flames floated out from the cracks, until the afterglow of the first fire completely stabilized, protecting her from staying here for a long time.

Although wearing an eyepatch, Sister Devlin can still "see" everything.

She first nodded slightly to Shade who turned around at the end of the tidal flat, and then walked to the "Kiss of the Trees" bonfire. She was not sitting on the ground like Priest Augustus, nor was she sitting sideways and leaning on [Night Watchman] like Iluna.

], the nun moved a stone and sat on it.

From the earliest era to the present, this is probably the day with the largest number of living people here.

This chapter has been completed!
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