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161 Wind and rain map of Yishan

Zhao Changzhi is one of the nine elders of Qianyan Shrine, with a sixth-level Golden Core cultivation level.

This man had a hot temper and couldn't stand Shen Tuhao's unruly temper. He suppressed him repeatedly, but to no avail.

Now that "Shen Tuhao" has broken through the golden elixir, he is no longer taken seriously.

Zhao Changzhi couldn't help but let out a long sigh, stretched out his hand, rubbed out a ball of flame, said a few words, and then popped it out.

The fire flew out of the hall, suddenly split into eight pieces, and flew to the caves of the other eight elders.

Not long after, nine melodious bells sounded from the Fusang sacred tree.

Everyone in the Qianyan Palace suddenly knew that someone in the palace had broken through the golden elixir!

Soon, news about Shen Tuhao's breakthrough came out.

Everyone in the Qianyan Shrine was rejoicing.

From now on, the golden elixir of Qianyan Shrine will be overhauled and will become ten!

Many people secretly spread the news.

The major nearby cultivating families, casual cultivating masters, and even the other seven palaces of the Zhenyang Sect, as well as the sects that have good relations with the Zhenyang Sect, also received the news one after another.

Everyone in Qianyan Shrine is busy preparing for the Golden Elixir Ceremony.

Pang Yue was happy to have some leisure time and practiced quietly in the palace.

This time he followed Wanhua's clone into the Qianyan Shrine and saw the current situation of Zhenyang Sect.

If the opportunity is right, he will take action decisively, and the nine golden elixir elders of Moran Qianyan Shrine will take down this force in one fell swoop!

In order to cope with the coming human catastrophe, he will not miss any opportunity to improve his strength, and even... do whatever it takes!

Because he knows that his opponent is definitely not that simple!

Only by raising your strength to a level that can crush your opponents can you feel at ease.

Inside Zhao Chang's cave.

The nine elders of Qianyan Shrine gathered together to discuss matters.

The master of the palace, Li Jingyang, has been in seclusion all year round and does not care about worldly affairs.

All matters in the shrine, big and small, are discussed by the nine elders.

Among them, the great elder Cao Nai has the most say.

"The Immortal Mansion in Yishan is about to appear again. The Taiqing Sect is still unwilling to hand over the Wind and Rain Map of Yishan. If you have any good strategies, please tell me."

Great Elder Cao Nai said in a deep voice.

The nine people were originally discussing the matter of the Golden Elixir Shentu Hao Ceremony.

After deciding on the list of guests invited to watch the ceremony and the rituals of the ceremony, Cao Nai changed the subject and talked about another matter.

This matter is quite famous in the East China Sea cultivation world.

True Lord Yishan was a powerful casual cultivator in the Yuanshen realm 20,000 years ago.

Being able to finally realize the Taoist Primordial Spirit as a casual cultivator shows how profound his fortune is.

After the True Lord of Yishan passed away, he left behind a fairy mansion, where he left all his life's learning and treasures, waiting for a fate.

This fairy mansion appears once every three hundred years.

The "key item" needed to open the Immortal Mansion is the twelve authentic landscape paintings left by Zhenjun Yishan!

Over the past 20,000 years, these twelve landscape paintings have gathered and dispersed, separated and combined.

The number of times Yishan Immortal Mansion is opened before and after is no more than five times.

Thousands of years ago, the master of Qianyan Shrine collected eleven scrolls, but was missing only one "Yishan Wind and Rain Picture".

Six hundred years ago, "Yishan Wind and Rain Picture" appeared.

After some fighting, the picture finally fell into the hands of a Jindan elder from the Taiqing Sect.

Unfortunately, the Immortal Mansion had just disappeared at that time, and when the Qianyan Shrine learned that the scroll was in the Taiqing Sect, it had already missed the once-in-three-hundred-year opportunity.

After that, the lord and elders of the shrine went to Taiqing Sect many times to ask for the scroll, and offered various treasures in exchange, but they were all rejected.

Three hundred years ago, the Immortal Mansion appeared again.

The Taiqing Sect proposed that both parties explore together and share the proceeds equally... but the elders of the shrine angrily rejected it.

So the opportunity was missed again.

Now, the Immortal Mansion will appear again.

Compared to Shen Tuhao's breakthrough to the golden elixir, in fact, the Great Elder Cao Nai was most concerned about the Yishan Immortal Mansion.

This is because the True Lord of Yishan is proficient in the way of talismans and uses talismans to realize the Tao.

He once left a sixth-level talisman in the Immortal Mansion, which had an unimaginable temptation for the Zhenyang Sect monks.

——Great Sun True Fire Talisman.

It is said that one of Yishan Zhenren's confidante was born in Zhenyang Sect.

Master Yishan used his kindness to refine this Great Sun True Fire Talisman for his Taoist companion, which is as powerful as a sixth-level magic weapon!

If this talisman can be obtained, the Qianyan Palace will be revived, and it may even be possible to control the Fire God Bead!

In terms of name, this is undoubtedly a major event that can be recorded in the history of the Zhenyang Sect and even the history of the East China Sea cultivation world.

In terms of benefits, whether it is the Great Sun True Fire Talisman or the Fire God Bead, it can give the elders of Qianyan Shrine the opportunity to impact the realm of the soul.

Fame and fortune are both important matters.

But Taiqingzong's ambitions were not small.

The treasures that the Qianyan Palace can obtain are definitely not as good as a high-level talisman in the Immortal Mansion.

And if the Taiqing Sect were allowed to share the income from the Immortal Mansion with them, the elders would feel suffocated and unfair.

At worst, no one can enter!


The great elder Cao Nai asked everyone what good strategies they had.

The eight elders in the hall looked at each other in confusion. You looked at me and I looked at you. No one said anything for a while.

Cao Nai sighed: "Delaying it any longer is not an option. If it doesn't work, just agree to Taiqingzong's conditions!"


Zhao Changzhi immediately shook his head in opposition, and said in a deep voice: "We have eleven pictures, and the Taiqing Sect can only have one picture, so he wants to share the income of the Immortal Palace equally with us. It is really too much to bully others. We would rather not have the treasures of the Immortal Palace. This group of people cannot be allowed to benefit in vain."

Several other elders also nodded in agreement and advised: "Great Elder, you must not do it. Once you agree to the Taiqing Sect, won't you admit that we have been timid first? Where is the face of our Qianyan Palace? By then, the other seven palaces will be determined You want to laugh at me and wait."

Fifth Elder Han Yinglong did not speak, but looked thoughtful.

The great elder smiled slightly and said, "Yinglong, please tell me."

Han Yinglong pondered for a moment, looked around at everyone, and then said: "With the Great Elder's temperament, it is absolutely impossible for him to agree to Taiqing Sect's request."

"But at this time, the great elder put forward the conditions for agreeing to the Taiqing Sect, but it made me think of something...perhaps we should start with Shen Tuhao to break the situation."

The great elder nodded and continued: "How to break the situation?"

Han Yinglong's eyes flashed and he said, "I have a suggestion. Let's listen to it."

"The Taiqing Sect wanted to share the income of the Immortal Mansion equally with us, so they took advantage of us, but we cannot let them take advantage of it in vain!"

"I heard that in this generation of Taiqing Sect, there are two most outstanding female disciples. They have practiced Taoism for less than a hundred years, and they have formed golden elixirs. One elixir has become a first-grade one, and the other has become a second-grade elixir!"

"We might as well use the eleven scrolls of paintings of the True Monarch of Yishan as a betrothal gift to marry these two talented disciples!"

"And to designate the Taiqing Sect's dowry, you must have the "Yishan Wind and Rain Picture"... After our two sects get married, five people from each side will enter the Immortal Mansion to explore the treasures, and the income will depend on luck and chance."

After saying these words, the hall suddenly became quiet.

If Qianyan Shrine makes this request, then the Taiqing Sect should be considered.

Is it worth it to exchange two genius disciples for the opportunity to enter the Yishan Immortal Mansion?

As for the Qianyan Palace, losing part of the "opportunity" to explore the Immortal Palace in exchange for two talented disciples can also enhance its strength.

High-grade golden elixir, it is expected to reach the late stage of golden elixir cultivation in the future!

Moreover, there is even a chance to hit the realm of Yuanshen.

No matter what the plan is, Qianyan Palace will never suffer a loss.

Zhao Changzhi suddenly burst out laughing and said, "This is a clever plan, but it's a conspiracy! I want to see how those old guys from the Taiqing Sect have to suffer when it's their turn to make a choice this time!"

"Hahaha, it's just cheaper for my good disciple!"

Great Elder Cao Nai said: "Shen Tu Hao Dan has reached the second level and has a bright future. The Qianyan Palace in the future will depend on him to support it."

"That's right! This plan is very good. Regardless of whether it succeeds or not, it can severely attack the Taiqing Sect's arrogance!"

Another elder agreed.

Another elder said: "Isn't two too few? We have got ten more scrolls than Taiqing Sect, or we can get a few more Taoist companions for Shen Tuhao..."

There was a lot of discussion, but a consensus was quickly reached.

Finally, the Fifth Elder Han Yinglong personally went to Taiqing Sect to propose marriage on behalf of Qianyan Shrine.

In the secret room.

A piece of platinum armor floated quietly in front of Pang Yue.

The armor is no more than the size of a palm, and the whole body is filled with platinum light, flickering erratically.

A ball of golden flames surrounded the armor, burning fiercely and emitting blazing heat.

It is the real fire of dry flame!

This armor is the Zhenyang Sect's standard divine armor. It consists of one thousand three hundred and ninety-six parts. It is called the Divine Fire Armor!

This divine fire armor not only has amazing defense, it can also increase the monk's mana recovery speed. It also contains fire escape techniques, which can increase the monk's escape speed by 30%.

The divine fire armor in front of me was given by the sect.

Its rank is already the first level!

This treasure was first collected from the major families affiliated to the shrine, refined into a rough embryo, and offered to the Qianyan Shrine.

Then, the inner disciples and true disciples of the shrine will carefully refine it in exchange for the sect's good deeds.

In the end, one thousand three hundred and ninety-six parts were refined by the Jindan Elder of the Shrine to create a first-level magic weapon!

This is the benefit of sect!

On the third day after Pang Yue entered the shrine for retreat, an immortal servant brought the divine fire armor given by the sect.

Now, he has finished refining this magic weapon and his mind and spirit are united.

As soon as he thought, the divine fire armor appeared on his body, hidden under the robe, and fit tightly to his body. It was as light as nothing and only exuded a sense of warmth, which made his whole body circulate with magic power and feel much lighter.

After refining this magic weapon, Pang Yue continued to practice the Vulcan Curse.

Originally, Shen Tuhao had only practiced the Vulcan Curse to the first level.

Even so, when he used the dry flame true fire, its power was three times the original power of the true fire.

At this time, with the help of the Xiantian Wuji Monument, he has already understood this profound secret method. With the accumulation of time, he can naturally break through to the second level.

As for the Great Sun True Fire Technique, the progress in cultivation is a bit slow.

If you practice step by step, even with such a strong vitality in the Qianyan Palace, it will take a hundred years to practice and break through the golden elixir!

This is one of the drawbacks of Xuanmen techniques.

Pay attention to a solid foundation, step by step, and accumulation!

Compared with the demonic techniques that take "plunder" as their core essence, Xuanmen techniques focus more on "accumulation" of one's own.

One righteousness and one demonic one represent the two most important avenues in the world of cultivation.

This chapter has been completed!
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