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magic player

magic player

author:Under the wind tree

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Last Update:08-01 20:59

Latest chapter:Chapter 598 The Poison Pill Project

[Cultivation of Immortals starts from the Demon Gate] The senior player known as Duobao Taoist traveled from the most popular virtual reality game 'Tushitian' in 2035 to the master of the magic gate in the cultivation world. The refining memory of a piece of heaven-reaching Lingbao—— Invisible Sword, Two Realms Banner, Dingxuan Mirror, Demon Refining Pot, Great Sun God Furnace, Chaos Thunder Seal, Good Fortune Golden Boat, Innate Promise Stele, Nine Heavens Miro Tower... Immortal Road It's long, it's singing and it's walking.

If you think《magic player》If it's not bad, please don't forget to recommend it to your friends in QQ groups and microblogs!

《magic player》The latest nine chapters
Chapter 598 The Poison Pill Project
Chapter 597 Mid-Tianluo Stage
588 national power
587 Emperor Xuanming
586 Elegance
585 Masters of all walks of life
584 Immortal Burial Coffin
583 open
582 The Wind Moon
《magic player》Chapter Contents
001 Magic Rune Sect
002 Innate Promise Monument
003 Dragon Elephant True Trap
004 Showdown on
005 The final battle
006 Kui Landscape
007 Dragonscale Fruit
008 Flame Demon Slashing Immortal Sword
009 Wuyue Town Prison Array
010 Red Blood Golden Flood Dragon
011 The God of the Sun
012 Wanli Transsion Incense
013 Invisible Sword
014 Yuanyang Jingshe
015 Scarlet Sky
016 Ghost Banner
017 Golden Moon Song
018 Fire Rune Sword Sutra
019 Dianfeng Peiyuan Gong
020 Fragrant Deals
021 Nine-turn seven-flame sword
022 Gengjin Divine Thunder
023 Xu Wentian
024 Thousand Clouds Island
025 Void Mirror Demon
026 Demon Possession
027 Reincarnation
028 The Book of Hate
029 The way back
030 escape
031 Nine Nether Rivers
032 River Styx
033 There is no sun and moon in the cave, the happiness in the world
034 Divine Thunder Ship
035 Seven Killing Sword Formation
036 Hidden Dragon List
037 Tantai Snow
0.38 million puppet world
039 Purple Moon
040 Binding cord
041 Ancient Rock
042 Infinite Light Buddha
043 Flowerless ancestor
044 Return
045 Harvest
046 Faling
047 Leisure days
048 Heavenly Ice Field
049 Overseas Island
050 Heaven and Earth Black Yellow
051 Acacia sect
052 Ancient Ruins
053 Wanfo Cave
054 Reverse Slashing Golden Elixir
055 Dry flame real fire
056 Samadhi God Fan
057 A sword floats
058 Smashing Flowers
059 Magic Fuzong VS True Yangzong
060 Legacy
061 Ice Soul Thunder Gang
062 Test
063 Dao species
064 Ten Fang Frozen Magic Road
065 Frost Demon Sword Art
066 Demon Monk
067 The cold wave is coming
068 Trapped with Beauty
069 Road base six
070 Return to the sect
071 Six Great Families
072 The Three True Traditions
073 Pang Yue VS Xu Wentian
074 Pang Yue VS Xu Wentian
075 Heavenly Demon Cage
076 The spectator
077 True Biography (1)
078 True Biography (2)
079 True Biography (3)
080 True Biography (4)
081 The Devil Takes the Way
082 The intersection of Yin and Yang
083 The little animal thanked the fairy
084 Unexpected encounter
085 The Beginning of Killing
086 million animal anointing oil
086 Demon monk (1)
088 Demon monk (2)
089 The magician monk (3)
090 Demon monk (4)
091 Great Sun Glass Treasure Flame Buddha Light
092 Wanhua Demon Sect
093 Hand of Ten Thousand Calamities
094 Banquet
095 Ice Phoenix Puppet
096 Taishang Xuanqing Iron
097 Ten-color magic vine
098 Ancient Bond Road
099 Welcome to Immortal Island
One Million Treasure Court
101 Taiqing Zong
102 Purple Sword
103 The Fight Begins
104 The Sword Picks the Beauty
105 Rope-bound beauty
106 Thunder Orb
107 Jairus Must Report
108 New Doppelg?nger
109 Yuanxiang Ding
110 The Theravada Sutra
111 The Sword of Mingxin
112 Nine Views of the Clouds
113 Shocking Sword Light
114 Bronze Treasure Box
115 Tour of Tianfang City
116 Chills
117 Pei Luanjing
118 Senior Brother Looking at the Sword
119 The Apocalypse
120 Jade Void Peak
121 Islands
122 Cold Wave Dazzling Sword
123 The Great Demon Bloodline
124 The Birth of Han Chi
125 Road blocking
126 Chu Kui
127 The old friend
128 Golden Wind Yulu 2/n)
129 The Shadow
130 The Prince
131 Three Realms Shifting Charm
132 Void Thunder
133 Taikoo Immortal Vine
134 The Foundation of the Avenue
135 The Nine Swords of the Emperor
136 The road is complete
137 The Three Great Demons
138 Gold Medal (1)
139 Gold Medal (2)
140 Gold Medal (3)
141 Three Tribulations of Golden Elixir (1)
142 Golden Elixir Three Tribulations (2)
143 Sword
144 The Power of Divine Light
145 Heavenly Demon
146 Red Eyes Night Brake
147 The Feast
148 Battle
149 Yi Ling
150 Ye Bing's Life Tribulation
151 Angle
152 Dragon Sword
153 Meteorite Island
154 Demon
155 Four Seasons and Four Women
156 Dragon and Phoenix
157 The Dragon and the Phoenix
158 Magic Dye
159 Trinity
160 Dry Flame Shrine
161 Wind and rain map of Yishan
162 Mother and daughter flowers and sister flowers
163 Save the Beauty (1)
164 Save the Beauty (2)
165 The Promise
166 I'm sorry for her
167 Intense Red Dust
168 Smell Muqing, Wen Muhan
169 Don't be happy if you don't kill
170 Fire and Gold
172 The Sun God Explosion
172 The Beauties
173 Who Should Remember Me?
174 Red Line
175 Taiqing Jinque Tiangong Talisman
176 Town Gate (1)
177 Town Gate (2)
178 Town Gate (3)
179 Town Gate (4)
180 Town Gate (5)
181 Hidden danger
182 Mother-daughter discussion
183 The Demon Servant Blocks the Road
184 great
185 Come Together
186 Inner Demon
188 No Phase God Soup
189 Like the first sight
190 Heaven and Earth Star Shuttle
191 Heaven's Chosen Guard
192 Beautiful Princess
193 The golden elixir of this world is too weak
194 The style of that sword
195 National Division
196 The Confession
197 Yunsu's True Strength
198 King Moon Court
199 The Beasts Are Born
200 Painted St.
201 Slave Gift
202 The figurine of the demon god
Chapter 209: Prison Pass
Chapter 210 Violent Breakthrough
Chapter 211
Chapter 212 Yun Su's Engagement
Chapter 213 Seal of the Gods of the Heavens
Chapter 214 New Widow Beauty
Chapter 215: Coming From Across Borders
Chapter 216 Golden Armored God of War
Chapter 217 The Four Demon Kings
Chapter 218 The secret of the world
Chapter 219 Surrender
Chapter 220 Ten Years
Chapter 221 Uniform Yi Ling
Chapter 222 Mysterious Gathering
Chapter 223 Zhou Ruoye
Chapter 224 Yuwenbi's Heavenly Tribulation
Chapter 225 Taiyi Qingling Crossing the Sea Boat
Chapter 226 Gatekeeper
Chapter 227 One gas transformation magic
Chapter 228 Fierce Battle
Chapter 229 Beautiful female nun
Chapter 230 Top Grade Spirit Stone
Chapter 231 The Four Great Families
Chapter 232 Di Yun Zheng Family
Chapter 233 The golden wind and jade dew meet
Chapter 234: Dao Heart is Dusty
Chapter 235
Chapter 236 Dragon Pool
Chapter 237 Dragon Tooth Rice
Chapter 238 Gelong
Chapter 239: Heavenly Demon Killing Immortals
Chapter 240: Breaking the Secret Technique of Heavenly Tribulation
Chapter 241 Jade Snow Ice Food
Chapter 242 Taste
Chapter 243 Human Tribulation (1)
Chapter 244 Human Tribulation (2)
Chapter 245 Human Tribulation (3)
Chapter 246 Primordial Beast Eye
Chapter 247 Clone Gathering (1)
Chapter 248 Clone Gathering (2)
Chapter 249 Clone Gathering (3)
Chapter 250 The beginning of revenge
Chapter 251: Torture Information
Chapter 252 Zhou Yanyue
Chapter 253 Sword Seven, Inti
Chapter 254 The soul is lost
Chapter 255
Chapter 256 Yi Ling refining the puppet
Chapter 257 Primordial Spirit Puppet
Chapter 258 Dragon Slaying
Chapter 259
Chapter 260 Tianya Haige
Chapter 261 Wanzhen Building
Chapter 262 Wealth
Chapter 263 Four Phase Reappearance
Chapter 264 Murder and Treasure (1)
Chapter 265 Murder and Treasure (2)
Chapter 266 Ying Ye
Chapter 267 Surrounding
Chapter 268 Primordial Spirit Rune Edict
Chapter 269 Spirit Realm Sect
Chapter 270 Ancient Demon
Chapter 271 Killing Ping Taiyan (1)
Chapter 272 Killing Ping Taiyan (2)
267 The Love of Yi Ling
268 The Spiritual Realm Begins
269 ??Learning Materials
270 Money and women
271 Unspoken man and woman
272 The Spiritual Journey Ends
273 Taixu Festival
274 Top Grade Ding Furnace
275 Encounter with the Demon Monk
276 The heart is like a rock and cannot be turned
277 The Gate of Taixu
278 The Treasure Comes to the World
279 Yuanqi Tiandao
280 True Yang Sect VS Demon Fu Sect
281 Repentance
282 Heavy Treasure
283 Moonlight
284 Tenzenji Temple
285 The King of Puyue
286 Voyeur
287 The Demon God of Annihilation
288 Sixth-order magic weapon
289 Homecoming
290 Capture the nun
291 transactions
2.92 The Jade of Ten Thousand Calamities (1)
2.93 The Jade of Ten Thousand Calamities (2)
294 Acacia monk
2.95 million miles of Taoyin
296 The Queen
297 Situ Yanran
298 Twilight
299 The Unsolved Method
300 Dead Taoist Friends Don't Die Poor Taoist
301 Lantian Guanyu is beautiful and has no wife
302 Group Repair, Robbery and Killing Monthly Pass)
303 Anti-Killing and Looting the Moon
304 The East China Sea
305 Curse Kill (4K Month)
306 Stunning (4K
307 Past and Present
308 Primordial Runeway
309 Yuan Magic Mountain
310 Black Dress Girl
311 Gorgeous Apprentice
312 Taiyin Mysterious Tiger
313 The Heavenly Book of Xuandu Forgetting Love
314 Eight
315 Black Crow
316 Secret
317 Cloud Island
318 Holy Maiden
319 Honest Man
320 Dark Serpent
321 Zongmen War (May 5K)
322 Eyesight
323 Shadow Stone
324 Invisible Heaven
325 The Coffin
326 Secret
327 Gold Medal Sixth Turn
328 Inheritance of the Flower God
329 Prey
330 Primordial Demon
331 Death of the Black Crow (1)
332 The Death of the Black Crow (2)
333 Pair of Ding Furnace
334 The Golden Stone
335 Turn over
336 Mysterious Girl in Flowers
337 South China Sea and North Sea
338 Five-color God Bull
339 Demon Suppression Talisman
340 Water Moon Star Mansion
341 Vixen
342 Reincarnation Dojo
343 Backer
344 I'm in the dark
345 Coiling Dragon Thunder Seal
346 Ninth Order
347 Blossom
348 Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sword
349 The Demon's Etiquette
350 The elder is so fierce
351 Demon Lord
352 speed
353 Accident
354 Golden Body
355 transactions
356 Sales
357 The Great Chaos Cause and Effect
358 The Apocalypse
359 Disturbing the interest of this seat
360 Drunk Daoist
361 Reincarnation
362 Wind and Moon
363 Lost Contact
364 A pill
365 Mysterious Giant
366 Encounter
367 Heavenly Water Essence
368 Destruction
written request for leave
369 Daluotianmen
370 Black Emperor Water Emperor Talisman
Chapter 377
Chapter 378 Cause and Effect
373 Fate
374 Pleasant Fragrance
375 The Two Great Spirits
376 The Son of the Master
377 Divine Thunder
378 The Great War Begins
379 The Island of Ten Thousand Immortals
380 The Battle of the Island
381 The Love of the Husband and Wife
382 Banquet (1)
383 Banquet (2)
384 Mirage
385 Illusion
386 The Treasure
387 The nephew
388 close
389 Fighting
390 Seventh-Order Magic Treasure
391 The Fairy Fruit and the Beautiful Woman
392 Colored Glass Sea
393 Stunning Stunner
394 Love for a long time
395 Raw rice cooked rice
396 Reincarnation Mission
397 Seeing the Nine Gods Puppet Again
398 Wave after Wave
399 shot
400 oriole
401 Black Buddha
402 Gains and Losses
403 Infatuation
404 Edge
405 Strength surge
406 Situation
407 Chaos
408 Picking the Fruit of Life and Death
409 Pang Yue's Life Tribulation
410 The God of War
411 The ninth order to the ninth order
412 Aftermath
413 Heavenly Demon Slaying the Immortal Sword
414 The Battle of the Sovereigns
415 Totem of Destiny
416 Tianyun Mountain
417 The Devil's Sect
418 Family Reunion
419 The Nine-Rank Family
420 Food Secrets
421 old rules
422 The strong eat the weak
423 All of you take the sword
424 First Class Family
425 Re-entering the spirit realm
426 Krypton Gold Player
428 The Dragon and the Phoenix
429 Light Mature
Chapter 435
Chapter 436 The Immortal King Contests for Hegemony
Chapter 437 Brother-in-law's Gift
Chapter 438 Sister's Wedding Dress
Chapter 439
Chapter 440 Evening Dress
Chapter 441: Ancestor Lectures (End of Branch Line)
Chapter 442
Chapter 443
438 Good Disciple
439 Catching the Turtle in the Urn
440 Pleasant Jade Pond
441 Heavenly Demon Punishment Rush
Cheeky begging for a few monthly tickets
442 Ask the master to punish
443 Advanced Primordial Spirit Part 1
444 Advanced Primordial Spirit Next
445 Revisiting Old Dreams
446 Travel around the world
447 Profound Heaven Refining Treasure Sect
448 Goodbye Saintess Daluo
449 Nine Heavens Yuanyang Ruler
450 Manifestation on
451 Manifestation
452 Magic Cauldron
453 Sheep in the Tiger's Mouth
454 The Holy Maiden and the Dew
455 Training and Infiltration
456 The Immortal Concubine Yuanshuo
457 The Immortal Concubine Yuanshuo
458 The Immortal Concubine Yuanshuo
459 The Ancient Ship of Ten Thousand Worlds
460 Leaving Chixiao
461 Guangwu Lingyu
462 Unnamed Loose People
463 Fearful Sword Intent
464 Restoring Memory
465 Jade Loose People
466 Heaven's Path Fragment
467 Mirror of Milo
468 The Two Hobbies of the Unnamed Loose People
469 The Great World
470 The Elder of Yin Yang Zong Keqing
471 The Power of Red Eyes
472 I'm not going to do anything
473 Amou World
474 Killing (1)
475 Killing (2)
476 Killing (3)
477 Queen
478 Fruit Picking
479 Young Woman with Flower Letter
480 Mysterious Blood Pill
481 Heavenly Ghost Sect
482 White Fairy
483 The Power of the Talisman
484 The Host and Guests Have Fun
485 deep
486 Temptation
487 Reentry
488 Fragrance
489 Temple Walk
490 double prints
491 Save the Beauty
492 persuasion
493 The Cold and Charming Wife
Chapter 500 Table Game
Chapter 501
Chapter 502 Dark Snake
Chapter 503 Beauty Like a Snake
Chapter 504 Beauty Trap
Chapter 505 Soul Crossing Tribulation
Chapter 506 Action
Chapter 507 Torture
Chapter 508 Go home early
Chapter 509 No Peeking
Chapter 510 Star Sword Beauty
Chapter 511
506 Fourth Grade Divine Armor: Wei Tuotian
Chapter 513 Sword Drawing
Chapter 514: The Dagger Appears
Chapter 515 Seeing Double Seals Again
Chapter 516 Babel Tower
Chapter 517 Tier 6 Tiger God
Chapter 518 Driving Skills
Chapter 519: Homecoming
Chapter 520
Chapter 521 Crazy Once
516 Master's Mission
517 Ten Demons
Chapter 524
Chapter 525: The Great War Will Begin
Chapter 526 Dark Snake High Level
521 Beauty Sniper
522 The Power of Tribulation
523 Primordial Spirit Four Heavens
524 Yin Yang Zhen Nuo Da Xu Imperial Formation
525 Immortal Vine Secret Realm
526 Cloud Shock
527 The Enemy Comes
528 Sword Light
530 Vulnerable
531 Concubine
532 Six Nine Cloud Chariot Escape Art
533 South Sea Dragon King
534 five years
535 Baiyu Xianfang
536 Love Gu
537 Mountains and Seas Genkei
538 Jade Couch
539 plain clothes
540 exposed
541 Reappearance of red eyes
542 Acting (6K)
543 The Treasure of Freedom
544 Great Zhou Tianhe Sword Formation
545 Ace vs. Ace
546 The Power of Xing Chong
Chapter 554 Demon Dyeing the World
548 The Star Lord's Disciple
549 The Mysterious Fetal Beauty
Chapter 557 Domain Gate
Chapter 558 Cold and Charming
552 Food Marrow Knows Taste
Chapter 560 Tianluo
Chapter 561 Snow-skinned Beauty
Chapter 562
Chapter 563 Skyfire Rectification
Chapter 564: Choosing a Concubine
Chapter 565
Chapter 566
Chapter 567 Enthronement
Chapter 568 Layout of the Harem
562 Qingqiu Ancient Land
563 A Pair of Stunners
565 Beauty
566 Demons
567 Torture
568 Yuan Shi Demon Sect (4K Supplement)
Chapter 576: Immortal Burial Coffin
Chapter 577: The Life of Xuan Ming
Chapter 578
Chapter 579 Anniversary
Chapter 580 The Infinite Treasure Sutra of Yin Yang, Dragon and Phoenix of Taishang Xuanyuan
Chapter 581
Chapter 582 Entering the Secret Realm
Chapter 583 Langya Immortal Mansion
577 pity
578 River Valley Cottage
579 scramble
580 Sword Eight, Zen Mastery!
581 The Empress Dowager
582 The queen rests
582 The Wind Moon
583 open
584 Immortal Burial Coffin
585 Masters of all walks of life
586 Elegance
587 Emperor Xuanming
588 national power
Chapter 597 Mid-Tianluo Stage
Chapter 598 The Poison Pill Project