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Chapter 524


Ning Daier looked at Pang Yue with a smile as bright as a flower.

I haven't seen her for a few days, but she is still as beautiful as ever. She has dark eyebrows and bright lips. She is wearing a white waist dress. The tight front reveals a section of snow-white skin, which outlines her tall breasts and slender waist.

, her round and slender legs were covered with black stockings, and her dark red high heels perfectly highlighted her delicate and round feet.

From the corner of his eye, Pang Yue glanced at her pair of slender and round legs. He couldn't help but secretly praise her and said, "Yes, Teacher Ning is good."

I don’t know who is so lucky to marry such a sexy and enchanting beauty.

Ning Dai'er reached for the book in front of Pang Yue and flipped through a few pages carelessly. Her long, snow-white jade fingers played with a strand of hair on her cheek, and she said nonchalantly: "Dark Snake, give it to me again."

Mission accomplished.”

Pang Yue turned around and looked at her calmly, waiting for the next step.

Ning Daier sighed softly, glanced at Pang Yue with watery eyes, and said: "This is the final test for me by the Dark Snake Organization. I must seduce you in the academy and get the secrets from you..."

"Extortion? How to extort?"

Pang Yue's eyes fell on Ning Dai'er's delicate and rosy lips, and he said with a half-smile, "Is it a matter of care or acquaintance?"

Ning Daier looked shy and said: "I hate it~"

She raised her white fist and lightly punched Pang Yue on the shoulder, which was quite flirtatious.

"Dark Snake values ​​you very much. If I can't take you down, they will probably use force at all costs."

Ning Daier bit her red lips lightly and said with wandering eyes.

Pang Yue shrugged nonchalantly and said, "I'm just worried that they won't come."

Ning Dai'er had no choice but to plead softly: "No matter what happens this time, you have to help me. The people of Dark Snake must be observing me secretly. No matter whether the action is successful or not, I will take action."

Pang Yue laughed dumbly: "You want me to help you with this? I think as long as you are more dedicated, it will not be difficult to complete the planned actions."

He even saw that the spy-impossible beauty in front of him seemed smoky and flirtatious, bold and coquettish, but in fact she was very timid and extremely afraid of the sun.

Ning Daier blushed and said: "I mean it's a real show...you don't want Yun Jing to know what's going on between us, right? Moreover, I can also provide you with the internal information of Dark Snake, so you won't lose anything."


"Real and fake? Okay, no problem."

Pang Yue promised.

In fact, what he was thinking in his heart was: Sorry, I can only pretend to be real...

Ning Dai'er breathed a sigh of relief, her beautiful eyes moved, and she leaned close to Pang Yue's ear and whispered softly: "I will have class at the White Tower at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Come to the classroom to find me after class."

Pang Yue's heart moved and he looked at Ning Dai'er with some surprise: "You mean in the classroom?"

Ning Daier blushed and nodded, saying, "I will secretly take a photo and submit it as a work diary."

Pang Yue said seriously: "I will accompany you to play this scene well."

"Then I'll leave first."

Ning Daier stood up Yingying, looked back with a smile, twisted her waist and left.

Pang Yue took his book and continued reading.

The day passed in the blink of an eye. After get off work in the evening, the driver drove a special car to pick him up and took him back to Jinhu Villa to rest.

There are professional maids and chefs at home, so it is not too comfortable. Food, drink and entertainment are all top-notch enjoyment.

After taking a dip in the rooftop swimming pool with Ye Zijin, he went back to his room to rest.

A night of silence.

The next morning.

Babel College held a grand welcome ceremony and special lecture for the new vice president.

The theme of the lecture is - a brief analysis of hundreds of common ways to kill the devil instantly.

Speaker: Vice President of Babel College, Director of the Board of Directors of Kunlun Headquarters, Consultant of the Strategy Committee: Su Xian.

Wen Qingqing and her classmates arrived at the college's auditorium very early and found a seat in the front row, waiting for the lecture to begin.

The girl looks pure and cute, with a slender waist and long legs. Her quiet and beautiful face has the air of a good girl, with a hint of school bookishness.

Even though she is only eighteen years old, she has reached the ninth level of Taoism and is expected to break through the golden elixir at any time.

His cultivation talent is among the best in the long history of Babel Academy.

It's a pity that she is not interested in fame and fortune, and is devoted to studying various kinds of demons and looking for ways to solve the mystery of the temple.

She is still a student at Babel College and is engaged in research work with the old dean.

While waiting for the lecture, Wen Qingqing held a thick book in her hand and read it elegantly and quietly.

Students came in and sat down one after another in the college auditorium. Most of them were curious about the new vice president and wanted to take a look.

Partly attracted by the slightly exaggerated lecture title, I came in curiously.

By nine o'clock in the morning, the auditorium was already overcrowded. Many students had no seats and had to stand in the aisles and along the walls.

There are more than 30 empty seats in the front row, which are reserved for college teachers. Each seat has a seat sign.

Soon after, the teachers took their seats.

Gu Zhihao, the vice president in charge of college affairs, came to the stage to introduce the new vice president Su Xian.

The crowd responded with warm applause.

When Wen Qingqing saw the appearance of the vice president, she couldn't help but be startled and murmured: "It's actually him!"

The classmates on the side asked curiously: "What's wrong, Qingqing, do you know him?"

Wen Qingqing said: "I just met him in the library yesterday... I felt that he was not very old, but I didn't expect that he was already walking at the soul level."

The classmate smiled and said: "With your cultivation speed and talent, you may achieve Yuan Shen earlier than him. There is nothing surprising."

Wen Qingqing nodded and said, "That's true."

There was no arrogance on his face, as if he was saying something very ordinary.

After Gu Zhihao's speech, the lecture officially began.

Pang Yue walked up to the podium and after a few brief opening remarks, he entered the main topic.

He picked up a metal sheet on the podium and gently placed it on his temple.

The power of divine consciousness surged gently, and streams of light appeared on the large ceremony stage, turning into a green space.

On this green land, another group of strong and surging black energy emerged, condensing into a Night Demon.

This is one of the many technologies that was born based on the power of the divine consciousness walking in the temple during the three thousand years of development of the Yuan Realm.

Through the metal sheet, some of the imaginary images in the mind of walking in the temple can be projected to the outside world to form a three-dimensional image.

Just wanting to do this requires the spiritual consciousness of the temple walker to be condensed and strong, and the spirit is focused, which is extremely demanding.

Generally, only a few golden elixir peaks and Yuan Shen level walking can do it.

Just listen to Pang Yue say: "What I want to talk about today is the fatal weaknesses of one hundred common demons in the Demon Realm."

"Every demon has its weaknesses. If you can find these weaknesses and quickly and accurately use magical powers to overcome its weaknesses, you can kill them instantly with just one move."

"Take the Demonic Nightshade as an example..."

The auditorium was quiet, and everyone was listening with rapt attention, their eyes falling on the auditorium.

On the green land, the demonic energy condensed into a Nightshade Demon. Its appearance was ferocious and terrifying, its body was covered with sarcoma, and there were countless fleshy tendrils on its back that were waving, disturbing, spreading and puncturing.

Pang Yue pointed at Ye Sha and said: "Ye Sha's weaknesses are his eyes, neck and other parts that have weak defenses. You can use faster flying swords and flying knives to kill him instantly."

After saying that, his consciousness moved slightly, and a wisp of bright and agile sword light flashed out of the air, and then flashed suddenly, flew into the eye socket of the demon Yesha, and pierced his head!

Then, Pang Yue demonstrated the detailed process of circling the neck with the sword and decapitating Ye Sha.

In the audience, the teachers and students of the academy only felt that the process of killing Yesha with sword light was extremely smooth and smooth, very relaxing, and had a strange and pleasant feeling.

Then, I heard Pang Yue continue to tell: "The second demon is Mo Rahu, and its weakness is..."

Under Pang Yue's narration, the demons were completely broken down, and their fatal weaknesses were exposed one by one!

Many people were just watching the fun at first, but as the lecture progressed, people's expressions became solemn, and they took out pens and paper and began to take notes seriously.

It seems that no one has ever studied the devil in such detail!

This is simply like taking each kind of demon on the test bench and analyzing and studying it one by one to reach the conclusion.

Coupled with various magical powers to defeat the devil, people are shocked deep in their hearts.

"He is so knowledgeable..."

In the audience, Wen Qingqing was amazed in her heart while quickly recording the content of the lecture.

This new vice-chancellor's understanding of demons and supernatural powers far exceeds anyone she has ever seen!

From his calm and simple sentences, many wonderful ideas and mysteries can be discovered.

Return to nature and transcend the world!

Every word and every sentence points directly to the origin of demons and the essence of supernatural powers.

Even the academy's Jindan-level professors in the first row looked thoughtful and began to think seriously about the content of the lecture.

Wen Qingqing also noticed something, that is, Pang Yue's concealed magical fighting skills to kill the devil in an instant, and his excellent control of the timing.

Ordinary people only see the pleasing flash sale screen.

A few people saw the profound skills in controlling the rhythm of fighting!

Behind this technique is a terrifyingly rich experience in hunting demons.

How many demons has this vice president killed?

Wen Qingqing couldn't help but wonder.

I thought it was an ordinary lecture, but I didn't expect its value to be so immeasurable!

Even Vice Dean Gu Zhihao was taking notes carefully for fear of missing a word.

These hundred heavenly demons are the information controlled by Pang Yue's several demonic talisman clones who have been hunting the demons in the demon realm these days.

It is therefore very informative, exquisitely detailed and breathtaking.

Pang Yue spoke for two and a half hours at a stretch. After he finished speaking, the eyes of the students in the audience turned to reverence and envy.

The warm applause lasts forever!

Finally, under the auspices of Vice Dean Gu Zhihao, some students boldly asked:

"Dean Su, please tell me, after knowing the weakness of the demon and the magical power that can defeat it, how can I use your perfect practical magical power to kill with one blow in actual combat? For example, in the example you gave before, the sword light

The speed and agility are far beyond my current level, how can I improve my ability in this area?"

The issues he is concerned about are also the voices of many students.

No one who walks in the temple does not hope that he can kill everyone in the Demon Realm!

After mastering the content of this lecture, your combat power will surely undergo rapid changes.

Many times, when I have been thinking about a problem for a long time, I may just need some advice from an expert to get enlightenment and avoid many detours.

Pang Yue answered with a smile: "This requires you to continuously train and hone in the daily process. In the past, everyone relied on the magical talismans exchanged in the temple and the reaction ability of the divine armor itself, and ignored the use of one's own combat power. From now on,

You must consciously move in this direction."

In the crowd, Wen Qingqing stood up and asked: "Thank you, Dean Su, for giving us this wonderful lecture. I would like to ask you, is there an opportunity to see you in the Demon Realm in the future and give us a practical demonstration?"

Pang Yue stood on the stage, looked at the girl in the front row who had left a deep impression on him, and said, "Of course there is a chance."

As soon as he finished speaking, the students thundered and cheered.

"Thank you, Dean."

Wen Qingqing smiled gently and sat back in her seat.

Many students raised their hands enthusiastically and wanted to continue asking questions, but Vice Dean Gu Zhihao only raised two students to ask questions.

Finally, the lecture ended with everyone's unfinished feelings.

The name of the new dean, Su Xian, instantly became popular in Bongtian Tower Academy.

In half a day, the name "Su Xian" has become familiar to everyone, and he has been dubbed the master.


Pang Yue quietly came to the White Tower, cast a spell to hide his figure, and walked into the classroom where Ning Daier was teaching.

In class, Ning Daier was still dressed sexy and enchanting. The black stockings under the ultra-short dress wrapped her slender and round thighs, attracting the attention of male students like a magnet.

She is explaining the basic knowledge of divine armor.

In the Yuan Realm, one cannot cast magical powers while walking in the temple, and naturally one cannot see through Pang Yue's concealment.

It wasn't until the class ended and the students left the classroom that Pang Yue's figure slowly appeared.

Ning Dai'er on the podium looked surprised, but thinking about the secrets of this man, she felt that her surprise was a bit unnecessary.

"You're here. I never believed it before. Now that I see you displaying your magical powers in the Yuan Realm, I realize how shallow and ignorant you are."

Ning Daier looked at Pang Yue and said with a smile, her face showing admiration and admiration.

She has already started performing.

Perhaps this close encounter, with other undercover agents of Dark Snake watching her secretly, was a test for her.

Whether you can complete the task is the second level of content, and whether you are actively striving for action is the first level of content that Dark Snake is concerned about.

Therefore, she must start her own "performance" and use her beauty to extract the secrets from her target.

The biggest secret about the target is how he can use his magical powers and practice ancient body-training techniques in the Yuan Realm!

Pang Yue sat leisurely behind the long table in the middle of the lecture hall, looked at Ning Daier and said, "Don't belittle yourself, I believe you are definitely not that shallow."

Ning Daier's beautiful eyes were like water, and she glanced at Pang Yue: "Your lecture this morning was very exciting. You must give me more advice when you have time. By the way, what other magical powers can you use, can you show me?"

After saying that, her face showed an innocent and curious look like a little girl, which was particularly attractive against her sexy and hot figure.


Pang Yue smiled slightly, flicked his fingers, and a little spiritual light flew out, landed on the classroom wall, and then spread rapidly, covering the entire classroom wall and floor in the blink of an eye.

"Is this... a restriction?"

After all, Ning Dai'er was walking at the peak of the Golden Core, and her vision was unusual. She could tell at a glance that the magical power used by Pang Yue was a kind of ban.

Pang Yue Wenyan introduced: "Within this kind of restriction, no sound can be transmitted out, and any prying eyes can be blocked."

Ning Daier stepped on her high heels and came to the door of the classroom. She pushed it gently, and a thin layer of halo spread on the door, blocking her inside.

"It's amazing. How did you do it?"

Ning Daier asked in a low voice.

Although Pang Yue is not good at acting, he also knows how to say the next "lines."

I heard him smile and say: "If you want to know, it depends on your performance."

Ning Daier looked back with a charming look, and said with a charming smile: "Can your restriction really block the sound?"

Pang Yue said: "Yes, no one will hear you even if you shout till you break your throat."

Ning Daier looked at him with her beautiful eyes and said provocatively: "I really want to see how loud you can make me shout?"

At this moment, even Pang Yue couldn't tell whether she was acting or not?

A moment later, a panicked, somewhat lost and melodious voice sounded in the classroom: "Su Xian, you lied to me, you agreed to act, are you serious?!"

Pang Yue said: "I'm sorry, I got too involved in the drama. Well... aren't you still filming in secret? Do you want to cut this part and start it again?"

"Cut...cut your head!"

This chapter has been completed!
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