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Chapter 3371 Consciousness

 There is no breath of life in the blood pool.

Chu Fengmian could not feel any vitality in the bloody figure in front of him. All Chu Fengmian could feel in him was the almost crazy killing intent of the Blood-Slaying Demon Sword.

The bloody figure in front of him is the sword slave mentioned by Xing Xuan.

Those blood-slaying sword demons of all generations who have fallen into the blood pool, each generation of blood-slaying sword demons will pass the test after entering the blood pool. Those who succeed can master the blood-slaying demon sword.

The losers will completely sink into the blood pool and become part of the blood pool, that is, they will become the sword slaves in front of them. They will live in symbiosis with the blood pool and become the guardians of the blood pool.

The sword slave in front of me must be one of the blood-slaying sword demons who entered the blood pool.

But once you become a sword slave, your own power will be integrated with the blood pool. With this blood-red figure, it is impossible to see the true appearance of this sword slave. Chu Fengmian was unable to do so for a while.

Determine his identity, which blood-slaying sword demon he is.


Just when Chu Fengmian was judging the identity of this bloody figure, this bloody figure, the sword slave, suddenly took action, and a sword light was directed at Chu Fengmian and slashed down.

This sword light slashed down, divided into thousands, and enveloped Chu Fengmian in this sword light.

"True Word Swordsmanship? Are you the True Word Immortal Emperor?"

The moment he saw this sword light, Chu Fengmian suddenly recognized the origin of this swordsmanship, the True Word Sword Skill. As soon as Chu Fengmian entered the blood pool, the first thing he encountered was the skeleton of the True Word Immortal Emperor.

Chu Fengmian also obtained the sword crystal of the True Word Immortal Emperor, from which he understood the true swordsmanship, and has completely integrated it into the ancient books on swordsmanship.

Chu Fengmian is naturally very familiar with this true swordsmanship. The moment the sword slave took action, Chu Fengmian recognized it. The swordsmanship he displayed was exactly the true swordsmanship.

Then the identity of the sword slave in front of him is self-evident, he must be the Immortal Emperor of Truth.


After hearing Chu Fengmian's words, the True Word Immortal Emperor in front of him did not have any fluctuations on his face. It was as if he had not heard Chu Fengmian's words. He just waved his sword again. In an instant, tens of thousands of sword lights were directed towards him at the same time.

Chu Fengmian beheaded him.

"Can't you communicate? Did you lose consciousness?"

When Chu Fengmian saw this scene, he was guessing in his mind, and at the same time he drew his sword. A wave of sword intent poured into Taichu Sword. Chu Fengmian slashed out with one sword. His swordsmanship was also divided into thousands.

The sword lights of the plan collided with each other at the same time.

What Chu Fengmian is performing now is also the True Word Swordsmanship. The True Word Swordsmanship has been understood by Chu Fengmian and incorporated into the ancient books on swordsmanship. It is essentially Chu Fengmian's own swordsmanship.

When he used it, he was naturally extremely skilled. Thousands of sword lights collided together, and they all had a feeling of being on par with each other.

"Strength is stronger than when he was alive, but weaker than when he was holding the Blood-Slaying Demon Sword."

Chu Fengmian's eyes narrowed. He was also observing the Mantra Immortal Emperor in front of him. It should be said that what Chu Fengmian was observing was the Sword Slave in the blood pool.

Once a blood-slaying sword demon fails, it will merge into the blood pool and transform into this kind of sword demon. If Chu Fengmian fails, he will suffer the same fate.

He also wanted to observe what kind of state the True Word Immortal Emperor was in now. He was unable to talk, but his strength seemed to be stronger than before.

However, his power is completely that of the Blood-Slaying Demon Sword, or more precisely, the power of the blood pool. It seems that he has reshaped his body with the power of the blood pool, but he also possesses the swordsmanship of the True Word Immortal Emperor.


This is a collision of moves.

Chu Fengmian was defensive.

Despite the swordsmanship of the True Word Immortal Emperor, Chu Fengmian remained motionless and did not fight back, but just resisted.

"Except for losing consciousness and being unable to talk, are there no changes from before?"

Chu Fengmian probably also noticed that with the changes in the True Word Immortal Emperor, his swordsmanship was almost exactly the same as before when he was alive. There was no craziness that eroded the killing intent of the Blood-Slaying Demon Sword, and every move was extremely calm.

If it weren't for the fact that the Mantra Immortal Emperor in front of him was unable to talk and seemed to be unconscious, he would be almost the same as when he was alive.

He seemed to be able to continuously draw strength from the blood pool. When Chu Fengmian fought against the True Word Immortal Emperor, he always noticed that the True Word Immortal Emperor's power was not consumed at all.

From this point of view, this kind of sword slave is indeed an extremely terrifying existence. It is much stronger than before in life, and it has almost infinite power.

It’s no wonder that there are no warriors who can enter this blood pool. Let’s not talk about the murderous intention of the blood-slaying demon sword in the blood pool. The mere existence of these sword slaves is enough to make a seventh-level immortal emperor, or even an eighth-level immortal emperor.

Even the Immortal Emperor can't get close to the blood pool.

After all, the Mantra Immortal Emperor is not the only sword slave in the blood pool.

The strongest strength of the former blood-slaying sword demon even reached the level of the seventh-level immortal emperor. In addition, in this blood pool, the power is almost endless. If an eighth-level immortal emperor rushes into the blood pool rashly,

, it will be extremely dangerous.

However, the strength of the True Word Immortal Emperor in front of him is far from that terrifying level. After becoming the Blood-Slaying Sword Demon, the True Word Immortal Emperor can kill the seventh-level Immortal Emperor by relying on the power of the Blood-Slaying Demon Sword.


Now he has become a sword slave and has lost the Blood-Slaying Demon Sword. Although the body shaped by the power of the Blood-Slaying Demon Sword is still stronger than before, but after all, without the help of the Blood-Slaying Demon Sword, his strength is only

It can be regarded as the pinnacle of the sixth-level Immortal Emperor.

Chu Fengmian didn't deal with him very quickly, he just wanted to find out some of the secrets of the blood pool from the mantra immortal emperor.

Since there is nothing more to gain, Chu Fengmian does not intend to continue to entangle with the True Word Immortal Emperor.


Chu Fengmian shouted softly, and a destructive force suddenly burst out from the edge of his sword, turning into a sword light and slashing down with a crash.

I saw that the sword light of the Mantra Immortal Emperor was being ruthlessly crushed, and his body began to be broken piece by piece under this destructive force.

"You can't kill me. No matter how many times you kill me, I will be reborn in this pool of blood, and you will soon become part of us."

"It is useless to struggle too much. The longer you struggle, it will only increase the pain..."

Just when the body of the True Word Immortal Emperor was gradually collapsing, his eyes suddenly looked at Chu Fengmian. After leaving these words, his body completely collapsed and disappeared from Chu Fengmian's eyes.


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