Turn off the lights
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Chapter 100 Malice towards the Messenger

After Yue Li finished speaking, the expressions of Yang Jian, Ding Hui, and Li Yang in the room also became serious.

"Before, on the first to fourth floors, the post office basically maintained basic stability, at least the evil ghosts would not appear openly.

But now the situation on the fifth floor is very different."

When he said this, Yue Li's expression changed from casual to serious;

In the previous floors, unless they actively triggered the rules of the ghost post office, there was basically nothing dangerous in the post office.

The reason why there was an accident on the fourth floor was because evil spirits from the outside invaded the Ghost Post Office and stimulated the operation mechanism of the Ghost Post Office.

But the situation on the fifth floor of the post office has undergone significant changes;

"On the fifth floor, ghosts are allowed to appear, even in the room.

In this way, the security of the room is no longer absolute, but depends on the strength of the messenger;

If the messenger who enters the room is not strong enough to expel the ghost in the room, then the room will not be a protection, but a trap.

Because I have no confidence in Yang Jian.

"Although you can be 100% sure which of the two rooms is fine, judging from the current situation, you think it is less likely that the woman in room 502 is the messenger."

Because when we chose to give up 502, this woman reminded us that my room had been tampered with by the messenger.

At this time Gao Rong spoke again:

Like the person in charge, he will consider the impact of the evil ghost on reality and think about how to deal with the Li Yang incident.

"Anyway, now I am sure that I can get the information you want from Room 501 or 502. There is no need to take any more risks."

"If I had known that the seventh floor was so dangerous, you might have retreated to the post office so slowly. You should have found the courier on the seventh floor inside, controlled him, and obtained information about the seventh floor of the post office.

Yue Li on the side also nodded in agreement and said:

"It doesn't make much sense to say that now. Besides, after retreating to the seventh floor, who could have imagined that it would be like this."

I want to take action against the beings in the two rooms.

Every incident involving Li Yang will cause many casualties.

It was discovered that the facts were indeed as Yue Li said.

Even if the seventh floor is really a dragon's pool and a tiger's den, Yang Jian can level it with his strength.

We will only complete the delivery in accordance with the post office's requirements.

Ling Yi said with the same cold eyes.

Anyway, we have no letter delivery mission now, we have enough time, and we can afford to wait.

Although the source of that incident was the ghost post office, the messengers were also members who were aiding the evil.

And in room 507, the messenger used the ghost to set a trap.

"If you're going to leave tonight, do you still have to leave the room?" Li Yue advised Yang Jian:

"It's broken. The lights are going to be turned off soon. You should make arrangements before the lights are turned off." Gao Rong suddenly said;

"Besides, you haven't run out of breakthroughs yet. There are no couriers living outside rooms 501 and 502. As long as we can catch them, we can know a lot of things."

With Yang Jian and Ling Yi's strength, they are completely unable to deal with it.

While several people were having a conversation, the time came to seven-seven in a hurry.

Yue Li said without any regret.

What's more, except for Yang Jian, we don't have a top captain like Ling Ying.

As for others, the messenger is in charge. Even if a letter causes the evil spirit to lose control, it is still important to us.

Because we all know that we can only rely on Ding Hui and Gao Rong to achieve that goal.

It takes less time to filter out a few messengers.

And there will be no injustice.

I got some information from the previous levels, but it doesn't seem to be so applicable now.

But now when they heard that only Ding Hui would leave the room, and even the supernatural beings were the same, Gao Rong and Yue Li couldn't help but feel worried.

If it must be on the next few floors, just leave the room before turning off the lights.

Because judging from the contact situation, the current messengers will indirectly or directly cause the Gaorong incident inside.

"Before the lights go out, you and Gao Rong should leave the room and take a look inside. By then, they will be the only ones left in the room, so they should be prepared."

After listening to Yue Li's words, several people in the room immediately began to think.

One is careless, and it may happen accidentally.

"Actually, there is absolutely no need to worry about which of the two rooms is good. Once you take action, everything will be blurred whether it is true or false."

At least the room that was supposed to be a safe place of refuge was no longer so dangerous.

In my mind, keeping the messenger on the seventh floor is even more of a disaster.

What I mean by taking action is not really to give the other party a way to survive.

Therefore, if I had to choose, I would choose to attack the woman in room 502.

Li Yue frowned.

At this moment, the supernatural eyes flickered.

Thinking of this, Yue Li and Gao Rong's eyes showed a hint of worry;

Having said that, Gao Rong and Gao Rong immediately spoke again and looked at Ding Hui and Ling Yi.

There is only eight o'clock left to turn off the lights and only the first ten minutes are left.

Although it is not easy to find the messenger on the seventh floor among the countless people in the real world, as the supernatural captain, Yang Jian's love is a deterrent.

Because you have to encounter a bad ghost.

"The key now is rooms 501 and 502. How can you determine which room is the messenger? Which room is the ghost outside?"

"What he said is wrong. Whether it's a bad ghost or a messenger, it's all within the scope of your handling. It doesn't matter whether it's the messenger or not."

In this way, your actions will be more convenient and less dangerous. It would be less rash to retreat rashly like that."

Because as long as the post office has completed the task of delivering letters, no matter how much it is said, it will trigger a Gaorong incident in reality.

The outside is more dangerous and full of unknowns.

But now we are on the seventh floor, and the situation outside is not very different from the following floors.

Although Li Yue also felt that the experience was very complicated, he was not worried about the next actions.

What you are facing like this is not a ghost whose intelligence is unknown, but whose level of terror is certain.

Although I didn’t know from Ding Hui’s words that he would leave the room before turning off the lights.

With Yang Jian and Ling Yi's strength, dealing with the messenger was naturally a matter of words, but they must have chosen the right room.

On the contrary, if the messenger who enters the room is strong enough, he can get rid of the evil spirits in the room and truly occupy the room."

Ding Hui said with an indifferent expression:

But is it like Yue Li?

Therefore, Gao Rong felt that all issues related to the right and wrong of the post office messenger should be resolved.

That's just in the room. Who knows what changes will happen on the seventh floor before the lights go out?

Actually, I didn't have the same idea just now.

The ghost has always been very disgusted with the messenger from the ghost post office.

But regarding Ding Hui’s meaning, whether it’s Gao Rong, Yue Li, or Gao Rong, we all have no opinion.

From that point of view, the woman in room 502 is indeed more worthy of love.

This chapter has been completed!
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