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Chapter 1026 Asking the Heaven Realm Qi

Yuan Ming's eyes flashed with golden light, and he observed carefully.

I saw a pair of wing-like thunder and lightning patterns faintly visible inside the wings of the thunderstorm. The power of the avenue lingered between them, which were obviously two thunder and lightning seals.

"Looking at the fluctuation of the power of the avenue, it seems to be a speed seal. I wonder what the specific effect is?" Yuan Ming thought to himself, and was about to call Leiyu down to ask.

At this moment, the thunderstorm in mid-air suddenly flapped its wings, and a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky. The huge body disappeared out of thin air, and not even a trace of breath could be sensed.

Yuan Ming was stunned for a moment, feeling shocked and confused.

Ever since he broke through to the realm of Ming Wu, the area covered by his spiritual consciousness has reached nearly ten thousand miles away. Could it be that the thunderstorm suddenly escaped thousands of miles away?

Just as Yuan Ming was deep in thought, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed, and Leiyu's figure appeared out of thin air, but failed to stabilize his body and crashed hard into the mountain below.

A loud "rumbling" sound was heard, the mountain collapsed instantly, debris flew, and the thunderstorm was buried in a mass of rocks.

Fortunately, it had broken through the sixth level, and its body had been tempered by thunder and lightning and became extremely strong. Although it was a bit embarrassed by the collision, it did not suffer many injuries.

Upon seeing this, Yuan Ming waved his sleeves, and a yellow light filled the air, levitating all the collapsed rocks below, revealing the thunderstorm buried inside.

Lei Yu struggled to flap his wings and flew up, turned into a human form, and landed next to Yuan Ming. He explained with some embarrassment: "I just tried a new magical power, but I couldn't control my body shape."

"Is it the thunder and lightning seals in your wings?" Yuan Ming looked at Lei Yu's arms and saw that the pair of thunder and lightning seals were looming, exuding a mysterious aura.

After Lei Yu nodded and transformed into a human form, the pair of thunder and lightning seals clearly appeared in his arms.

He explained excitedly: "This is the electric light seal. After being activated, I can enter the electric light state and fly away at lightning speed for a long time."

"Maintain the thunder escape state for a long time!" Yuan Ming raised his eyebrows, showing a look of surprise.

Zong Hong and Jingang next to them also looked shocked, they knew the secret of escape.

The escape technique uses secret techniques to transform the body into a state of spiritual power, thereby quickly escaping and moving forward.

The Thunder Escape Technique is particularly special. The power of thunder and lightning is so violent that ordinary monks can transform into thunder and lightning for a very short time, only a few breaths at most.

And Lei Yu can actually maintain the state of thunder escape, which means that his speed will reach such a terrifying level that even the Mahayana monks may be beyond the reach.

"How far can you go in the electric light state now?" Yuan Ming asked curiously.

"It should be able to travel seven to eight million miles, but the power of lightning in the body will be exhausted and it will take a long time to recover." Lei Yu made a rough estimate and replied.

"Not bad magical power. Your current strength is still weak and it is difficult to exert the full power of the electric light seal. If you can advance to the seventh level, the entire Izumo Realm will be at your feet." Yuan Ming nodded in approval and continued.

When Lei Yu heard this, he was very excited, as if he had already seen the magnificent scene of himself fluttering his wings and flashing across the Izumo Realm.

However, he also knew that breaking through to the sixth level was barely achieved with the help of many parties, and the seventh level was still out of reach for him.

"I will practice hard and strive to improve my strength." Lei Yu came back to his senses, took a deep breath, and said.

Yuan Ming nodded in encouragement, and then asked Lei Yu in detail about his other magical powers.

After breaking through the sixth level, Lei Yu's Lei Peng bloodline is further awakened, his ability to control thunder and lightning is greatly improved, and the power of his magical powers such as the Thunder of Destruction are also doubled.

Yuan Ming is quite satisfied with this. Lei Yu has been lagging behind these years, but now he has finally caught up.

His expression suddenly changed, and he turned his palm gently, and a half-moon-shaped jade talisman with a flash of spiritual light appeared in his palm.

"The hundred-year period has arrived, and the secret realm of Wentian is about to open. Come and gather at Changqing Island." The steady and distant voice of Taoist Mu came from the jade talisman, as if it had transcended the boundaries of time and space.

"Senior, I will leave for Changqing Island immediately. However, senior, can I bring my companion with me?" Yuan Ming quickly replied.

Mu Taoren's voice sounded again: "Yes, but the number of places in the secret realm is limited. You can only bring up to four followers, and you are not allowed to bring one more person. Moreover, you are not allowed to hide others in the space spiritual treasure, including the Heaven-Stealing Cauldron. When the secret realm is opened

, Fellow Taoist Binglan and I will check them one by one and don’t take any chances.”

"Junior understands and must abide by it." Yuan Ming responded respectfully, but secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

After ending the communication, Yuan Ming showed a trace of joy that could not be concealed.

He waved his hand and saw a majestic palace suddenly appearing in mid-air, it was the Shura Palace.

"Everyone, come up. Let's go back to Baidi City to select people first." Yuan Ming said loudly.

King Kong and others jumped into the Shura Palace one after another. Yuan Ming pinched the magic formula, and the spiritual light flashed on the Shura Palace. The next moment, he disappeared from the place and appeared thousands of miles away in an instant.

Over the past two years, Yuan Ming has been exploring everywhere, looking for the caves of his predecessors, eradicating many evil sects, and even destroying several secret strongholds of the Three Realms Sect.

After going through many hardships, he finally raised enough supplies to completely renovate the Shura Palace.

Today's Shura Palace has almost 80% of the power of the Immortal Boat of the Three Realms, and it also has the magical ability to move in space.

Every time you move, you can easily span thousands of miles.

Yuan Ming has gradually become accustomed to driving Shura Palace on the road, which also frees Lei Yu from the arduous task of traveling.

The only fly in the ointment is that despite re-sacrifice, the Shura Palace still failed to give birth to weapon spirits, unable to move and attack independently.

Xihezi was also helpless in this regard. After all, the Shura Palace was completely different from ordinary spiritual treasures. It was really difficult to control such a divine weapon with just the weapon soul she split.

If you want to solve this problem, perhaps the only way is to imitate the fusion of the waiter in the shop and the exquisite tripod of Zhou Tian, ​​and then find a Dharma monk to refine it into the weapon spirit of Shura Palace.

But this method is too cruel. Unless someone is willing, Yuan Ming will never do it easily.

As for the captured Three Realm Cult monks, Yuan Ming didn't have much trust in them. Even if he refined them into weapon spirits, he would not trust them to control the Shura Palace.

Therefore, Yuan Ming could only put this matter aside for the time being and hope that one day in the future, the Shura Palace would be able to independently sprout a weapon spirit and advance to become a real artifact.

Three days later.

Yuan Ming rode against the wind and arrived at the majestic Baidi City.

He first activated the hidden magic circle in the city, shrouding the Hongjun Pillar in a mysterious aura to ensure its safety.

Then, he released everyone in the Shura Palace, including the mortals, one by one, letting them stay in this bustling city.

Immediately afterwards, Yuan Ming summoned everyone and announced a shocking news in the meeting hall of Baidi City.

"Everyone, the secret realm of Wentian is about to be opened. I can only bring four companions to enter on this trip, and the candidates will be selected from you Dharma monks."

As soon as these words came out, all the Dharma monks were excited and excited, with excited expressions on their faces.

They came forward to sign up one after another, eager to go to the legendary secret realm with Yuan Ming.

The Wentian Secret Realm is one of the most mysterious secret realms in the Izumo world and is known as the No. 1 secret realm in Izumo.

It is said that it contains countless rare treasures of heaven and earth, as well as supreme divine objects that can help monks break through the Mahayana realm.

Almost all of the powerful Mahayana masters in the Izumo Realm got opportunities in the Wentian Secret Realm and successfully broke through the shackles of the realm.

For Yuan Ming's men, although the opportunity to break through the Mahayana may be out of reach, as long as they can follow Yuan Ming into the secret realm, even if they only break through a small realm, it is almost a certainty.

And if they can take the opportunity to break through to the peak of Dharma, it will be enough for them to become a strong person behind only a few people.

Yuan Ming looked at the people who were enthusiastically signing up in front of him and secretly considered the candidates.

At this moment, the sound of Ulu's message suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Brother Yuan, can you also give me a place to enter the Wentian Secret Realm?" Wulu said with a hint of embarrassment in his voice.

Yuan Ming turned his head slightly and looked at Wulu in the crowd, and found that there was indeed a look of embarrassment and expectation on his face.

As if worried that Yuan Ming would not agree, Wulu added: "Senior Jie Cha once told me that the ancestor of Wan Du also entered the Wentian Secret Realm. His Three Treasures of Ten Thousand Poisons and the Wan Du Evil Art were in the secret realm.

Obtained from a poisonous swamp of death. It is said that there is also a treasure there that helps practitioners of Wandu evil skills to advance to the Mahayana. The ancestor of Wandu missed it back then, and if I want a place this time, I want to get it.


"Brother Wulu, you don't need to say anything. Even if you don't say anything, I have already reserved the spot for you." Yuan Ming smiled slightly and interrupted Wulu's words through a message.

Wulu was stunned for a moment, with a hint of emotion flashing in his eyes, but soon showed a hint of shame, and sent a message to Yuan Ming: "Brother Yuan, in fact, there was a big reason why I came to Baidi City to look for you after I broke through the Dharma.

, I came here just for this quota. I couldn’t explain this matter to you, and I always feel guilty in my heart.”

"It doesn't matter, I don't care about my heart in this matter. What's more, you have helped me a lot whether in Yunhuang Continent or Izumo Realm. This quota should be yours." Yuan Ming shook his head,

He smiled nonchalantly.

When Wulu heard Yuan Ming's words, he was even more moved.

Yuan Ming smiled and nodded at him, indicating that he didn't need to care.

Then, he spoke slowly and decided on the candidates: "Huazhi, King Kong, Wulu, and Wang Fulong, the four of you, please come with me on this trip."

When Wang Fulong heard that his name was chosen, his face was filled with surprise. Although others had regrets, they had no objections to Yuan Ming's decision.

After all, Hua Zhi and others were the first veterans to follow Yuan Ming, and they contributed a lot to it. During this period of time, Wang Fulong was responsible for many affairs under Yuan Ming. He worked hard and made great achievements, so it was well deserved to choose him.

Wang Fulong himself did not think so.

He was once an enemy of Yuan Ming, and even sent people to plot against him. Although he later surrendered, he was always a little uneasy in his heart.

He did not expect that Yuan Ming could be so generous and allow him to obtain such a precious place regardless of past grudges. He couldn't help but shed tears of gratitude in his heart, and his respect and loyalty to Yuan Ming became deeper and deeper.

(End of chapter)

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