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Chapter 1059 I’m not late

When the four demons Mahayana saw this situation, they were extremely shocked and immediately realized that this was the spiritual power of Mu Taoist.

They immediately ignored everything else and quickly activated their unconverted mana to release their own spiritual realms.

However, as soon as the four demons' spiritual realms were formed, Mu Taoren flicked his finger, and the evergreen spiritual realm surged forward, crushing the four demons' spiritual realms in an instant.

"How is it possible! Why... is his power... so... so... terrifying..."

The dark-skinned demon's eyes widened, and his voice became slower and slower. His body gradually turned into a wooden sculpture, and gradually stopped moving.


At this moment, a cold hum suddenly sounded in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a square bloody seal appeared in the air, and when it swayed in the wind, it turned into a long bloody river that spread thousands of miles.

The waves in the river surged, and there were countless phantoms of humans and beasts wailing and struggling. The miserable sounds resounded through the sky, making all the Mahayana present tremble.

Mu Taoist saw the blood-colored river rolling towards him, and his expression suddenly changed slightly. He pinched the magic formula in his hand, and the spiritual power was released without reservation, bombarding the blood river.

However, the Evergreen Spirit Realm, which had been invincible just now, was trembling now, as if it could not stop the power of the river of blood pouring into the sky.

Mu Taoist immediately muttered something in his mouth, reciting obscure incantations, and at the same time quickly made the incantation with his hands, a green light flashed on his body, and a lush ancient tree suddenly appeared.

The ancient branches and leaves grew rapidly, blocking the Mu Taoist's head like a canopy, and together with the evergreen spiritual realm, they supported the bloody river and blocked it in mid-air.

The next moment, the figure of Emperor Yama suddenly appeared in the river of blood.

Without looking, he punched downwards, and with a loud "bang" sound, the Evergreen Spirit Realm instantly shattered, and the shadow of the ancient tree also collapsed.

Mu Taoist immediately groaned and spurted out a mouthful of golden blood.

The river of blood lost its resistance and immediately flowed down in a mighty way. Emperor Yama stood on the top of the waves, looking at Mu Taoist expressionlessly, and raised his right fist again.

The next blow will hit Mu Taoist.


But at this moment, Xiying's voice suddenly sounded in the Shura Palace not far away.

Immediately afterwards, the aura from the Shura Palace was seen rising into the sky, the void between heaven and earth fluctuated together, and a space crack opened around Mahayana in the Izumo Realm.

Seeing this, everyone did not entangle with the demons. They forced the enemy back with one move and then took the initiative to enter the crack.

In the crack beside Mu Taoist, a white and delicate hand stretched out and pulled the seriously injured Mu Taoist in.

Afterwards, the Shura Palace flashed out of thin air, and then dived directly into the void, reappearing thousands of miles away with a group of Mahayana from the Izumo Realm.

Emperor Yama punched the air, with a hint of irritation on his face, but it soon turned into greed and joy.

"What a wonderful spiritual treasure, it is not inferior to the Immortal Boat of the Three Realms at all. We must seize it. It will be of great benefit to us." Emperor Yama murmured to himself, his voice sounding like a woman's.

At this time, a group of demons and Mahayana people gathered together, each with injuries, but none of them were fatal.

Even the four demons who fought against the Mu Taoist returned to normal due to Emperor Yama's destruction of the Evergreen Spirit Realm, except that there were some branches on their trunks that were difficult to remove for a while.

They gathered around Emperor Yama, looking at Emperor Yama with red eyes and still mumbling to himself, and for a moment they did not dare to disturb him.

"Sir, it's time to chase them. We can't let them escape." The Demon Lord of Samsara hesitated for a moment and then said bravely.

Emperor Yama seemed to have not heard his words and continued to talk to himself as if no one else was around.

"Sir?" The Demon Lord of Samsara asked tentatively.

Emperor Yama stiffened and seemed to have come to his senses. He raised his head and gave the Demon Lord of Samsara a cold look.

"Order the army to advance across the board, allocate half of you to help break the defense line, and the rest, follow me." Emperor Yama ordered, changing back to a male voice.

"Yes!" The Demon Lord of Samsara straightened his body subconsciously.

At this moment, thirty-six sky-reaching light pillars suddenly lit up on the Izumo Realm defense line in the distance, and seven-color spiritual light spilled out, illuminating the dim sky.

In the light pillar, countless runes swarmed out, forming a huge seven-colored light array, covering the demons and humans who were fighting fiercely at the same time.

Many colorful fogs suddenly appeared on the battlefield, dividing the entire Guixu into large or small areas.

Under the illumination of the seven-color spiritual light, a look of madness appeared on Emperor Yama's face again, and the light in his eyes was unstable, sometimes with a red glow, sometimes with starlight.

On the colorful light array, suddenly streaks of rays of light flew down, falling on the demons like snowflakes.

Along with the fluctuations in the void, these demon monks were teleported to other areas instantly, which also gave the Izumo Realm monks who were still in the formation some time to breathe.

Seeing this, all the demons and Mahayana frowned one after another, and were about to attack the formation, but when they saw a ray of light flying towards them, they immediately used the magic formula to stop the ray of light.

However, Xiaguang ignored their defensive measures and scattered them out of thin air and sent them to different areas.

Only Emperor Yama, despite the rays of light sweeping over his body, still stayed where he was without any change.

"Little tricks."

He snorted disdainfully, raised his hand a little, and the blood river under his feet turned into a bloody seal again, and he threw it towards the colorful formation with a flick of the air.

"Crack la la" a thunderclap sounded.

The seal grew in the wind, and in an instant it became thousands of feet high.

The blood mist was billowing above it, and howling filled the sky. Just by looking at it, some of the monks from the Izumo Realm below had their bones and blood swallowed, their souls were taken away, they flew into the sky, and merged into the seal.

The colorful formation also changed instantly at this time, and the fog flew away, covering all the monks in the Izumo Realm. At the same time, a ray of ice and cold air suddenly came out of the fog and hit the seal directly.

The cold air spread across the sky, freezing everything in its path. Even the flow of time and space was stagnant and frozen.

It is the magical power of the Great Dao - the cold sky.

Beside the cold air, a simple sword light followed closely, and the sound of the sword was heard as it galloped, which actually caused the long sword magic weapons of all the people in Guixu to vibrate at the same time, making the sound of the great road.

It is the magical power of the Great Dao - Qingping Jianmang.

At the same time, countless flashing gold and silver words emerged from the void, whirled around in mid-air, and then turned into a huge fist more than a thousand feet wide, roaring and smashing against the seal.

It is the magical power of the great road - the words of the sage.

The three Mahayana took action at the same time, using their great supernatural powers to jointly intercept.

The next moment, a huge roar like heaven and earth shattering resounded throughout the world. The bloody seal and the three magical powers were in a stalemate for a moment, and a crack suddenly appeared on it.

With an explosion, the blood-colored seal completely shattered, turning into a shower of blood and raining down on the ground...

At the same time, above the head of Emperor Yama, a full moon appeared out of thin air, shining brightly like a firefly...

A wine glass flew over and poured out the bone-corrosive poisonous liquid...

A Mahayana puppet with a vast aura stepped out of the void and raised its hand to detonate the core...

Thousands of sword threads appeared all over the sky, swimming back and forth, forming a sword formation and strangulating downwards...

Countless thorns and vines merged together, turning into a giant dragon more than ten feet long and opening its mouth to bite...

The magical power of the great road is guided by the bright moon.

The magical power of the great road, the cup of ten thousand poisons.

The magical power of the great road, the body of a puppet.

The magical power of the great road, the sword transforms into thousands.

The magical power of the great road, the vine transforms into a dragon.

In an instant, all the Mahayana forces worked together and used their strongest magical powers to bombard Emperor Yama at the same instant.

Between the heaven and the earth, spiritual light surged wildly, and the air waves surged into the sky. The seven-color formation on the sky trembled wildly under the violent impact, and fragments of spiritual light fell like rain, as if they would collapse in the next moment.

A group of Mahayana men also appeared in mid-air at this time. They looked at the Yama Emperor who was being attacked, with solemn expressions on their faces.

"The fly shakes the tree." At this moment, Emperor Yama suddenly raised his head and his voice was low and stiff.

He didn't see any movement, and a three-color spiritual light suddenly emerged from his body, winding and circling like a ribbon, wrapping his body tightly.

All attacks such as moonlight, poisonous slurry, sword threads, etc. bombarded this three-color spiritual light, and they were like mud oxen entering the sea, unable to even move an inch.

The Mahayana people were horrified in their hearts, and before they could react, they saw the blood rain formed by the bloody seal rolling upwards and pouring into Yama Emperor's body in an instant.

Circles of bloody shockwaves instantly spread out from his body, sweeping through everything around him in the blink of an eye, heading towards the Mahayana people in an instant.

At this moment, the space crack reappeared around the Mahayana people. They hurriedly got into it and disappeared again.

"Do you think you can avoid the same move a second time?" Emperor Yan smiled disdainfully, raised one hand, held it with five fingers, as if he had grabbed something, and tore it apart.

The surrounding space trembled violently, and the seven-color formation instantly shattered. A harsh and loud sound was heard in the sky, and a huge space crack opened. As a result, the Shura Palace that had not yet had time to leave was exposed to the eyes of Emperor Yama.

Emperor Yama inhaled slightly, opened his mouth and spat out, and a mighty column of blood shot out, striking straight at the Shura Palace.


The spiritual lights in the Shura Palace were flying around, and one unstable one actually fell out of the void and was blasted into the real world.

Emperor Yama let go of his hands, and the rift in space closed instantly.

At this time, due to the shattering of the seven-color formation, the divided demon clan Mahayana gathered one after another. They all looked at the falling Shura Palace in the distance and the arrogant Yama Emperor with admiration in their eyes.

"Go, kill them, and seize the palace." Emperor Yama raised his hand and gave an unquestionable order without taking any further action.

The demons and Mahayana men gladly agreed and stepped forward.

At this moment, thunder exploded, and countless gray-white thunderballs poured out from the sky, slamming into the demon Mahayana below.

The demons who were at the forefront of the attack were unable to avoid it and were hit by the thunderball. They screamed in agony. The gray light around their bodies turned into a cloud of dust, and they died on the spot.

"Huh?" Emperor Yama raised his hand with a look of surprise, and an invisible potential force pulled all the other demons and Mahayana back and threw them behind him.

The Shura Palace that was falling out of control suddenly stopped at this moment, and the Mahayana people from the Izumo Realm flew out one after another, looking at the familiar figure appearing in the air with excitement.

"Fortunately, I'm not late." In mid-air, Yuan Ming smiled slightly, and the breath from his body flowed out naturally, not weak to Emperor Yama in the slightest.

After years of hard training, today, Yuan Ming achieved the Supreme Immortal Body and also entered the realm of true immortality.

The fairy war is about to break out.

For the next book, Wangyu thought of a louder title, such as "Wang Yu's Great Universe Trilogy", or "Wang Yu's Great Universe Trilogy Series: The Lost Path of Immortals". Fellow Taoists think these two

What’s the title of the book?^^

(End of chapter)

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