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Chapter 21 Inspiration

"Could it be that these nut shells were left by other furry beast slaves?" Yuan Ming looked around for a few times and found nothing special.

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed and he looked at a big tree not far away.

Sitting on a slender branch of the tree was a half-foot-tall silver cat, which looked about the same size as a domestic cat.

The cat's hair is all silver-white without any stray hairs. It looks very beautiful. One of its two eyes is golden and the other is amber, like two sparkling gems. It is looking towards Yuan Ming.


When their eyes met, the silver cat immediately turned around and flew out, jumping up and down the trees with unusual agility, and disappeared in an instant.

"Why are you running? I won't eat you! This silver cat is too timid." Yuan Ming didn't pay attention to this and continued to search around.

After a moment, he let out a light sigh, stared at the grassy ground not far away, and stopped.

There was a shallow human-shaped footprint on the ground there, and it looked like the mark was still fresh.

Yuan Ming pondered for a moment and walked in the direction of the footprints.

The owner of the footprints had no intention of concealing his whereabouts, so it was not difficult to track them.

After walking for about a quarter of an hour, a piece of hard rocky land appeared ahead, where the footprints stopped abruptly and were lost.

Yuan Ming frowned, stayed silent for a while, and continued to move forward.

After walking out of this rocky land, the view ahead brightened up, revealing a vast blue lake.

The lake is not large, about a dozen acres, and looks calm. The surrounding area is covered with weeds as tall as a person. It is obviously summer, but the temperature near the lake is significantly lower than in the jungle.

Yuan Ming came to the lake and squatted down, touching the water with his hand, and a refreshing chill penetrated him.

At this moment, the grass on the side "squeaked" and a silver shadow flew out.

Yuan Ming just made a move to attack, but when he saw it clearly, he was slightly surprised.

This silver figure was none other than the silver cat I met not long ago. At this time, it had a black object in its mouth and its tail was raised high.

Seeing Yuan Ming, the silver cat seemed frightened, and immediately turned around and hid in the grass again, but the black thing in its mouth fell out.

"It's the silver cat again." Yuan Ming took two quick steps forward, but the weeds were too high. Once the silver cat entered it, it disappeared like a mud cow into the sea.

He sighed with regret. Speaking of which, he quite liked the handsome silver cat. If he could catch it and tame it, he could tease it and relieve his boredom while practicing.

Yuan Ming continued to move forward, but suddenly remembered something, turned around, walked back a few steps, and picked up something from the ground. It was the black thing that the cat had just held in his mouth. He held it in front of his eyes and looked at it briefly.

This thing looks like a piece of leather with exquisite patterns painted on it. It is definitely an artificial thing.

"There is absolutely no such thing in this deep mountain and old forest. Could it be that someone left it behind?" Yuan Ming thought about this and hurriedly went to the grass where the silver cat sprang out to look for it, but found nothing.

He carefully looked at the black leather in his hand again, put it under his nose and smelled it.

A fishy smell hit my nose, but it was not the smell of an animal's mouth, but a smell similar to that of rotting water plants.

Yuan Ming turned his eyes and looked at the green lake, then searched around the lake and soon found something.

On the wet soil by a lake, there were several shallow cat paw prints.

Yuan Ming followed the paw prints and pushed aside a nearby lush grass, his pupils narrowed slightly.

In front of him was a tall corpse. The upper body was almost a skeleton, and the lower body was embedded in the mud by the lake. It had obviously been dead for a long time, and the clothes on his body had been soaked. The upper body was wearing a black leather jacket, and the silver

What the cat was holding was a piece of leather clothing.

Yuan Ming's eyes fell on the waist of the corpse, where a piece of black animal skin was wrapped, which looked like a fur-covered animal skin.

He squatted down next to the corpse, reached out and fiddled with it twice, and took off the black animal skin.

This thing was completely different from his white ape hide. There was no hair on the whole body, and it was covered with dull white lines. The back was also covered with a gelatinous substance similar to scales. It seemed to be the skin of some aquatic ferocious beast.

The rest of the hide was basically intact, except for a palm-sized crack on the back, which seemed to have been penetrated by a sharp weapon.

Yuan Ming carefully pulled the body out of the mud. Several ribs on its back near the heart were broken. It should have been a fatal injury caused by something attacking from behind.

He searched around the body for a while and found no other clues, nor did he see the person's blood storage bag.

"It seems that this person probably did not die from a ferocious beast, but was killed by another furry beast slave." Yuan Ming felt an inexplicable chill in his heart.

The furry beast slave is both a beast and a slave.

Trapped in a mountain of 100,000 people, the weak eat the strong, and the fittest survive. When you are staring at the prey ready to move, why are you not the prey in the eyes of others?

"By the way, Elder Huhuo once vaguely mentioned that these furry animal skins were refined by Biluodong with a lot of effort. They are quite precious. Each animal skin has a mana mark inside. Once worn,

When the fur beast slave dies, the sect will send people to take back the animal skin according to the mark, why don't they take this piece away?" Yuan Ming suddenly remembered something and was very puzzled.

He looked at the cracks in the black animal skin, thoughtfully, and made a secret to cancel the white ape's transformation. He poured his magic power into the black animal skin and activated the fur-clothing technique, but the skin did not move at all.

"It seems it's broken. No one has come to take it away now. It's been a waste of time." Yuan Ming muttered to himself, threw away the black animal skin, and turned around to leave.

But after walking a few steps, he seemed to have thought of something, put on the black animal leash again, walked towards the woods near the lake, and soon came to a hidden place.

Yuan Ming sat on the ground, spread the animal skin in front of him, and then called out the mysterious incense burner.

It was his white ape skin that touched the incense burner that caused a slight change. It may also have some impact on the black animal skin. It is still unknown.

Of course, he didn't expect the incense burner to be able to repair the black animal skin, but he just wanted to take the opportunity to learn more about the green incense burner.

Yuan Ming placed the incense burner on the animal skin. As soon as the two parties came into contact, the mysterious incense burner suddenly lit up. A blue light came from above, and a warm air flow was injected into the black animal skin.

The dim white lines on the surface of the black animal skin spread out like a river flowing into a canal after the blue light merged into it. Wherever it passed, the originally dim lines became brighter, and the entire black animal skin began to tremble slightly.


Green light quickly flowed throughout the animal skin, converging towards the crack on the back. The white lines there were extremely dense, as if that was an important node.

With a place like this destroyed, it's no wonder that the animal skin is completely useless.

Green light surged around the rupture, and the white lines there flashed, and then a somewhat vague shadow emerged from the rupture of the animal skin. It looked like a big head, a round body, and its hands and feet were spread out.

, it is a toad.

"What is this? Could it be the soul of the toad beast? My white ape skin has also shown the shadow of the white ape under the influence of the incense burner before. It seems that the furry animal skin contains the soul of the beast." Yuan Ming

Secret passage.

The toad's shadow gradually solidified in the blue light, and after making a "croak" sound, it disappeared into the crack and disappeared.

With a soft "chichi" sound, the white lines around the crack suddenly extended like a living thing, bypassing the crack and connecting together again.

"It can still be like this!" Yuan Ming was surprised and happy.

Once those white lines were connected, slight fluctuations of aura appeared on the entire black animal hide, which was obviously completely repaired.

Not only that, the black animal skin also looks brand new, with the natural patterns on it much clearer, as if it had just been peeled off, just like the white ape skin after being affected by the incense burner.

Yuan Ming summoned his magic power and injected it into the black animal skin, activating the fur-draping technique.

The black animal skin wrapped around his body like a living thing, covering every part of his body, and he quickly completed the transformation.

His whole body was covered in black animal skin, and his back was covered with bulging black bumps. He looked very strong. Web membranes grew between the fingers of his hands, as well as between his toes, and his eyes were hung up a lot.

Yuan Ming put away the incense burner, went to the lake and took a photo of the water. At this moment, he looked like a humanoid toad.

"No wonder I heard some weird noise just now. It turned out to be a toad skin. I was already frustrated enough when I got the white ape skin with no offensive power. I didn't expect that there would be someone worse off than me. What can a toad do?" Yuan Ming looked at it.

The ugly image in the lake said somewhat speechlessly.

Yuan Ming moved his body, sensing the ability of the toad queen after his transformation.

He only felt a faint surge of air in his chest, and the entire abdominal cavity seemed to be much larger. Each breath was much deeper than before, and the ventilation time was getting longer and longer.

Yuan Ming took a deep breath as hard as he could. The air rolled into his body, and his abdominal cavity and belly continued to bulge, and soon he looked like a woman who was ten months pregnant.

However, he didn't feel uncomfortable and stood there holding his breath.

A full quarter of an hour passed, and Yuan Ming still didn't feel any dullness at all, and could still move freely.

He jumped into the lake and dived to the bottom.

The waves on the lake surface soon subsided and everything returned to calm.

Another quarter of an hour later, there was a "crash" on the other side of the lake, and Yuan Ming's figure emerged and jumped ashore.

There was a flash of excitement in his eyes. This toad skin was enough to keep him from breathing for two quarters of an hour.

Ulu once mentioned that some places deep in the Shiwan Mountains would be filled with highly poisonous miasma. With this toad skin, if an unfortunate encounter occurs, at least there will be enough time to escape.

In addition, after transforming into a toad, you can swim very fast in the water, which can be regarded as a good means of escape.

Compared with the toad's ability to move freely in the water, its ability to move on land is much worse. It can only walk awkwardly by jumping, and its attack ability is almost non-existent, at least he hasn't discovered it yet.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sympathize with the brother who had a toad as his furry incarnation.

Yuan Ming made a secret to cancel the toad's transformation and carefully put away the black animal skin.

The combat effectiveness of the black toad is currently far inferior to that of the white ape transformation, but in certain circumstances, it may be of great use.

However, the biggest gain today is that he has a better understanding of the blue incense burner.

This mysterious incense burner seems to be able to repair damaged animal skins in some way, and may also be able to stimulate some of the potential abilities of the animal skins, which can be used in the future.

This chapter has been completed!
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