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Chapter 808 The golden cicada escapes from its shell

After a while, King Kong woke up in a daze and found that he had appeared in the house for some reason. He was frightened at first, but he felt relieved after seeing the writing on the white paper on the table clearly and recognizing that it was written by Yuan Ming.

King Kong knew that Yuan Ming had the ability to possess people remotely, so he hurriedly picked up the jade slip, put it between his eyebrows, and checked the contents.

In the jade slip, Yuan Ming described in detail the situation in Emperor Yan's mausoleum and the possibility that Ouyang Qiang and others might take action against Spirit Ape Island.

"...all the materials on the island, whether they are the elixirs grown, the spiritual stones stored, or the magic weapons stored in the treasury, not a single thing that can be taken away is left behind. All are collected and taken away.


"As for the believers on Spirit Ape Island and the surrounding islands, those who are willing to follow you will be put into the Shura Palace. As for those who are unwilling to leave, there is no need to force them. Just give them some elixirs and spirit stones and send them away.

Within half a day, do all these things, take the Shura Palace and leave the Spirit Ape Island, try to stay as far away from the Dongji Palace as possible, find a hidden place to hide, and I will follow the mark of the soul to find you." Yuan Ming said on the jade slip.

Finally, King Kong was given clear instructions.

"I understand, Master." King Kong opened his eyes and nodded.

He destroyed the paper on the table, put away the jade slip, and took action immediately.

At almost the same moment, Ouyang Qiang and Huangfu Jue stepped on a diamond-shaped flying shuttle, surrounded by colored glaze, and flew back towards Dongji Palace like a rainbow. The flying shuttle marked under her feet was a high-level spiritual treasure.

, blooming a starlight, like a meteor advancing through the sky, a hundred miles passed in a flash, much faster than a thunderstorm.

On top of the shuttle, Huangfu Jue was holding a strange ring-shaped jade pendant in his hand, and he was making movements with both hands. The jade pendant flashed red and green light intermittently, as if it was sensing something, and time passed bit by bit, "

A full quarter of an hour later, the jade pendant's condition was still the same, without any improvement.

"Mom, it still doesn't work. This place is too far away from Dongji Palace and is far beyond the range of Liuhe's communication array." Huangfu Jue stopped and said helplessly.

"Forget it, we can't contact Dongji Palace, and Yuan Ming and Fairy Yunluo will definitely not be able to contact the outside. We must rush on our way and we must leave the abyss before them!" Ouyang Qiang said.

"Yes." Huangfu Jue put away the jade pendant, channeled his magic power and injected it into the flying shuttle under his body. The speed of the diamond-shaped flying shuttle increased again, and he rushed outside at lightning speed.

Half a month later, Dongji Palace suddenly announced that the palace was closed for retreat, and the palace protection formation was opened. No one could get close. Just when countless monks on Dongji Island were guessing what happened, the return to void period in Dongji Palace began.

Lao moved in full force and quietly left Dongji Island, leading a team of hundreds of people to Lingyu Island and Yunshan Island respectively. However, Lingyu Island had already been deserted, and the whole island was like

After a devastating catastrophe, all the fairy grass on the island was dug up, and all the things in the treasury were moved. Only empty pavilions and pavilions were left, and the people on the island were even more devastated.

Not a single one was seen.

After that, the Huixu Chang elders led people to conduct a thorough investigation of all the nearby islands. They found that the situation there was exactly the same as that on Spirit Ape Island. They had all turned into empty islands, and according to the various conditions on the island,

Judging from the traces, those people probably left at least ten days ago.

And they didn't get even the slightest bit of news before this.

On the other side, the situation on Yunshan Island also surprised them. The island protection formation on Yunshan Island was still in operation. Everything on the island seemed to be the same as before, but they could wait for the few elders to break through the formation and lead the team to board the island.

After arriving on the island, I discovered that the situation there was not much better than that of Spirit Ape Island. Although there were still people on the island, those few dozen people were almost all ordinary people who had been cast on the island by illusions. After being awakened,

He also knew nothing about it. After a soul cultivator from Dongji Palace, Chang Lao, used his soul-searching power, he found out that Fairy Yunluo had already arranged all of this when she participated in the mission and left Yunshan Island. Apparently, she didn't have any plans at all.

I thought about coming back again.

Ouyang Qiang was still on her way back when she received the news from the elders, and was so angry that she was furious.

"Okay, I do underestimate this person." Ouyang Qiang almost gritted her teeth and said in a cold voice.

"What should we do now?" Huangfu Jue waited for a while and then asked softly.

Ouyang Qiang closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened her eyes, she had regained her composure and said: "Ask the Dongji Palace to offer a reward for the capture of Yuan Ming and Yun Luo, and at the same time, inform the Heisha Sect and Luojia Mountain about the situation of Yuan Ming and Yun Luo.

and Bilongtan.”

"Do we really want to tell them about the situation of the two of them? Fairy Yuan Mingyun Luo may not have gone far yet. We may be able to find it ourselves. The inheritance of Danwang Pavilion cannot be snatched away by those people." Huangfu Jue was somewhat reluctant.


I just thought about everything that happened to Emperor Yan's Tomb. All of us underestimated Yuan Ming and Yun Luo. They are by no means ordinary return-to-empty monks. The East Extreme Sea is vast and boundless, and there are too many places for us to intervene.

, relying solely on the manpower of our Dongji Palace, the hope of catching them is too slim, it is better for the four major forces to attack together, the possibility of success is greater." Ouyang Qiang shook his head and said.

"Yes." Huangfu Jue agreed.

"Have you sent someone to find out the origins of Yuan Ming and Yun Luo?" Ouyang Qiang asked immediately.

According to the information we currently have, the identity of Fairy Yunluo is indeed unusual. It can basically be confirmed that Zha is the secret agent planted by the Zhongzhou Continent’s Pure Girl Pai. However, the origin of Yuan Ming has never been found. This person seemed to appear out of thin air in the East.

Like the extreme sea." Huangfu Jue asked.

"Oh, it seems that the origin of Yuan Ming is even more mysterious. Could it be that he is also a subordinate of a big force in Zhongzhou Continent? Ouyang Qiang pondered.

The sealing of Dongji Palace did not last long. It was unsealed in three days. Along with the unblocking was a wanted order. Dongji Palace issued a wanted mission and put forward a high reward, demanding that all the islands under the jurisdiction of Dongji Palace should be released.

All participated in the search and arrest of Yuan Ming and Yun Luo Fairy, regardless of life or death.

Within a few days, arrest warrants were also issued in Luojia Mountain and Bilongtan, and the Black Evil Sect also issued a reward for Yuan Ming and Fairy Yunluo in the underground world. Four arrest warrants caused an uproar in the entire East Antarctic Sea.

, for a time, rumors spread everywhere, and everything became turbulent.

A few months later, in an unknown sea, a huge reef turtle was swimming slowly on the sea. It was as wide as a hundred feet, and on its back, it carried a small island with strange rocks and rugged rocks. It was covered with moss, and it swayed from time to time.

Seabirds flew down from the ground and landed on the rocks to eat the moss on them. In a narrow cave built by several huge rocks, a white ape was sitting cross-legged on a turtle, with a restrained breath all over his body, meditating quietly.

At this time, a huge shadow suddenly floated in the sky above the head, covering the entire island and reef, and also blocked the light falling on the white ape through the gaps in the island and reef.

The white ape slowly opened his eyes and looked up carefully, but did not dare to use any spiritual consciousness to probe for fear of exposing himself. At this moment, a sharp bird call suddenly came from above.

"Thunderstorm..." The white ape's eyes suddenly lit up, and the main horse rushed out of the reef cave, standing on the highest point of the island, looking up at the giant purple bird above.

At this time, a figure suddenly jumped off the back of the giant purple bird and landed towards him. The figure that landed was none other than Yuan Ming.

"King Kong, I only asked you to hide it for a while, I didn't tell you to hide it for the rest of your life. You really made it easy for me to find you." As soon as he stood firm, he complained helplessly.

"Master, the entire East Pole Sea has been turned upside down by you. People are looking for you everywhere. I have a strong demonic aura. If I want to avoid being discovered by people with ulterior motives, I can only hide on the back of the negative reef turtle and hide my aura.

, we have to be carried along by it and transferred." King Kong said helplessly.

"Thank you for your hard work." Yuan Ming already knew the current situation in the East Jihai, and also knew that King Kong was not easy. Naturally, he did not mean to be harsh, and patted his shoulder and said with a smile.

"Master, where are these words?" King Kong said immediately.

"How's it going? Have you brought everything on the island?" Yuan Ming asked with a smile.

"Except for the house that was not demolished, we took away almost everything we could, including almost all the people." King Kong said with a trace of pride flashing across his face.

"How many?" Yuan Ming frowned.

Almost all the mortals followed, and they are all your loyal believers. As for Xiu, there are nearly a hundred people in total, and they all said that they will always follow you. For the rest who did not come, I gave them resettlement fees and sent them away.

King Kong said.

"You did a good job." Yuan Ming nodded happily.

King Kong stepped back, cupped his hands towards Yuan Ming, and pinched the magic formula. Purple light lit up in his open palms. An extremely exquisite purple palace emerged from his palms, shining with a faint luster. Yuan Ming saw

Then he raised his hand to take over the purple palace, and with a flash of light, he turned into a stream of light and flew into the palace.

In the Shura Palace, there are hundreds of thousands of people crowded in a desolate square. Most of them are ordinary mortals. They have been in this space for a while, although the food is still sufficient.

, but the oppressive environment has almost exhausted their patience, so everywhere in the square is a messy and chaotic situation.

If there were not monks following them here to restrain and manage them, I am afraid that these people would have dispersed to various parts of the Shura Palace. By then, many people would have stumbled into the trap of the magic circle and died without a burial place.

However, those monks were also unsure. They had no idea what was going on. It was only because of their trust in the island owner and their belief in the God of the Moon that they resolutely followed. Now if the island owner doesn't show up, they will just

I am afraid that they will soon feel unstable and try to escape.

This chapter has been completed!
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