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Chapter 109 Rules can be changed

 Lin Ran is here!

Compared with the high-profile appearance of the Hunter Wind Team, his appearance couldn't be more low-key!

He just silently squeezed through the crowd and walked onto the competition stage. His movements were not cool at all.

At that time, everyone was focusing on the four golden flowers, and few people even noticed when Lin Ran appeared on the ring!

At this moment, hearing Lin Ran's voice, He Xiaoyi immediately felt a sense of relief in his heart.

Lin Ran nodded to them and gave a thumbs up.

In fact, although Lin Ran came a little late just now, he can still be an excellent short-sighted man. If he wants to help He Xiaoyi resolve the pressure from the source, it is really a simple matter, even if there is a gap in the middle.

Many people are the same.

However, Lin Ran did not intervene in advance, because the world of warriors was like this, and He Xiaoyi also needed to grow up.

Now it seems that this girl has not taken a step back, her ability to withstand pressure is really good, and the sisters of 606 are also relatively united. .??.

However, although Lin Ran said that he wanted He Xiaoyi to grow up alone, Niuhuang Ming and the Hunter Wind Team had already bullied his sister... Growth is growth, and revenge is revenge! These are two different things!

What's more, is it appropriate for Niuhuang Ming, a dignified B-level warrior, to bully a girl who has not even passed the initial threshold of a warrior? Is this still done by a man?

Qian Weijun turned to look at the ring and met Lin Ran's gaze. He smiled slightly and nodded to Lin Ran.

However, this smile is full of provocation and ridicule!

Seeing this, Niu Huangming looked up and said, "Haha, Teacher Lin Ran is quite courageous. Not bad. This makes me admire you with admiration."

After saying that, this guy stomped his feet heavily on the ground, and a strong explosion of air exploded from the soles of his feet!


Following the explosion, Niuhuang Ming's body as strong as a tank jumped up from the spot, rolled three times in the air, crossed a distance of nearly ten meters, and landed firmly on the ring!

Compared with this action, the process when Lin Ran just stepped onto the ring seemed a bit too plain and simple!

"Teacher Lin, I am naturally heavy-handed. If I really hurt you later, I hope you won't blame me." Niu Huangming said with a smile.

"Isn't it a coincidence? My hands are also quite heavy." Lin Ran looked at this bezoar Ming and said.

"Hahahaha, I just like to fight with confident people like you!" Niu Huangming grinned, squeezed his fists together, and made a clear sound in his knuckles: "Teacher Lin, this is a gift from our Hunter Wind Team.

Your greeting gift."

"By the way, there's something I have to tell you." Lin Ran glanced at Niu Huangming and said calmly: "The girl you bullied with your aura just now is my sister."

"Your sister? So what? She is very beautiful, can I be your brother-in-law?" Niu Huangming chuckled, his smile full of obscenity: "Oh, by the way, are you serious siblings? Hahaha!


The laughter was so harsh that many students around him could hardly stand listening to it.

Lin Zijin shook her head. She clearly heard Niu Huangming's words, her eyes were filled with coldness, and she said lightly: "If Qian Weijun's men are all such brainless garbage, then the Hunter Wind Team will also

It’s pretty rotten.”

Just when Lin Ran was about to speak, the referee walked onto the ring.

What a coincidence that the referee today is Wang Haidong, who teaches Yuanli actual combat.

It was this guy who had conspired with Gao Bozi in the office to make Lin Ran embarrassed. However, due to the successive collapses of Liang Fenglong and Gao Bozi, Wang Haidong's plan came to nothing.

However, he still couldn't see Lin Ran being so showy, and Wang Haidong had always been secretly in love with Li Qiushui.

"Before the competition officially starts, I have a few things to tell you." Wang Haidong said to Lin Ran and Niu Huangming: "Since today is a competition between teachers and students, the teacher must be more humble to the students. Teacher Lin Ran, do you understand?

?It must be clicked to the end.”

This sentence is too biased, and the attitude of pushing yourself to the side is too obvious!

It was clearly Niuhuang Ming who raised the challenge first, but still beat Lin Ran to the point where he knelt down and begged for mercy. Why should Lin Ran let him go?

Of course, Lin Ran heard the implication of Wang Haidong's words. There was a sneer on his lips but he didn't say anything.

Niuhuang Ming slapped his chest carelessly: "Thank you, Teacher Wang, for your concern. Don't worry, Teacher Lin doesn't need to keep asking me, because he doesn't have this chance at all."
>Every word this guy said was so arrogant, he seemed to have convinced Lin Ran!

However, is this really the case?

Wang Haidong had no warning at all against Niu Huangming's provocative words. He said: "Okay, then you can move a little bit. The game will start in one minute."

Niuhuang Ming chuckled: "You don't have to wait a minute, we can start now. I can't wait to see Teacher Lin kneeling on the ring."

"That's fine." Wang Haidong did not ask for Lin Ran's consent, but walked to the corner of the arena and shouted angrily: "I announce that the competition between Niu Huangming and Teacher Lin Ran will begin now!"

The crowded playground suddenly became silent.

Niuhuang Ming's energy flow was instantly activated to the limit. A powerful momentum rose from his body, and a solid pressure surged directly towards Lin Ran!

However, looking back at Lin Ran, he didn't seem to be in a strong state at the moment, and there was no aura radiating from his body. This was in sharp contrast to Niuhuang Ming!

Even though many students thought that Lin Ran could win beforehand, at this moment, they all instinctively worried about the latter!

"Kneel down, Lin! Once I defeat you, I will teach your little sister a lesson!"

Niuhuang Ming roared and rushed towards Lin Ran!

He was like a tank moving at full speed! The extremely powerful impact made the students in the audience look at him sideways! In fact, some students' eyes were filled with worry!

Niuhuang Ming, this is obviously a killer move!

His heavy punch went straight to Lin Ran's head!

In such a campus competition, the students directly used the most cruel moves against the teacher! It is simply unimaginable!

When Wang Haidong saw this, he narrowed his eyes and laughed.

Even a referee like him might not be able to withstand Niuhuang Ming's charge. How could Lin Ran's small body withstand it?

If this punch was strong, even if he could not die, he would still have a severe concussion! He might become a vegetative state and would not be able to stand up from the hospital bed for the rest of his life!

However, a second later, Niuhuang Ming's forward figure suddenly stopped!

Yes, he stood in front of Lin Ran, still maintaining a forward attack posture, but all the kinetic energy seemed to have disappeared in an instant!

Before his punch even touched Lin Ran's head, he suddenly discovered that a finger had already poked his chest in advance!

At this moment, Niu Huangming felt that Lin Ran's finger was so hard!

A powerful source of power was released from this finger and sank directly into his chest!


This sound can only be heard by Niu Huangming himself!

It was as if there was an invisible force penetrating my body!

At this moment, he felt that the flow of power in his body was cut off instantly, and he could no longer mobilize his own power!

At this moment, the eyes of this extremely arrogant junior student burst into a frightening light that had almost never appeared before!

The power of the teacher in front of him was obviously far beyond his imagination!


Niu Huangming instinctively wanted to say "damn it". However, before he could say the last word, Lin Ran turned his fingers into palms and slapped Niu Huangming hard on the chest!


A powerful air explosion followed!

Niu Huangming's body was like a heavy cannonball, flying backwards!

The ropes next to the competition stage had been broken by him in an instant!

It only took two seconds from when Niuhuang Ming launched his attack to when he was knocked out. Many students didn't even have time to react, and the game was over!

"Catch him quickly!"

Qian Weijun shouted!

Two members of the Hunting Wind Team had already jumped up, trying to catch Niuhuang Ming, but unexpectedly, Lin Ran exerted a heavy push on him, and the two of them were carried away by Niuhuang Ming.

After walking for more than ten meters, he fell heavily to the ground!

At this moment, you can hear the needle drop on the scene!

How arrogant Niuhuang Ming was before, how embarrassing he is now!

Referee Wang Haidong immediately ran out of the ring and came to Niu Huangming's side.

At this moment, Niuhuang Ming fell to the ground, blood continuously spilled from the corners of his mouth! His chest was dented greatly!

The other two members of the Hunting Wind Team who wanted to catch him from mid-air also fell into disgrace and were completely disfigured!


At this time, I don’t know who shouted first.

Immediately afterwards, applause and cheers sounded like a roaring tsunami throughout the entire playground!

Lin Ran didn't have any expression. Defeating an opponent like Niu Huangming would naturally not bring him any sense of accomplishment.


Yin Ziming, the vice-captain of the Flame Starry Sky Team, couldn't help but applaud and said sincerely: "This Teacher Lin is really strong!"

Lin Zijin pursed his lips slightly and said nothing, but his beautiful eyes were clearly shining with light.

Yin Ziming, a simple-minded man, clenched his fists, with a fighting spirit in his eyes: "I really want to fight with this Teacher Lin now!"

The gleam in Lin Zijin's eyes instantly dimmed: "Vice Captain Yin, I advise you not to do such a stupid thing."

Yin Ziming, a straight man, didn't understand what Lin Zijin meant at all. He said: "Captain, shouldn't we in Lieyan Starry Sky have the courage to challenge the strong?"

Lin Zijin's voice was very cold: "If you dare to challenge him, I will beat you until you can't take care of yourself."

The surrounding team members all laughed, but Yin Ziming, who was eager to try before, had a bitter look on his face.

However, at this time, Wang Haidong rushed back to the ring.

There was a serious look on his face.

The referee did not declare victory, but stared at Lin Ran and said coldly: "Lin Ran, I said that the key points are up to the mark, but you are so cruel to the students. You are really in vain as a teacher!"

The scene became quiet again!

Everyone is an adult and can see that Wang Haidong is obviously a double standard now! He is deliberately favoring Niu Huangming!

"Really?" Lin Ran glanced at Wang Haidong indifferently: "That classmate Niu just used a killer move on me, didn't you see it? Is this the referee's dereliction of duty?"

As a referee, if you really see a potentially fatal move, you can stop it.

However, Wang Haidong not only did not stop him, but also showed a mocking smile to Lin Ran!

This double standard is so obvious, who can tolerate it?

"So what's the matter? Even if Classmate Niu's move was a killer move, I wouldn't have time to stop him because his speed was too fast." Wang Haidong said.

When he said this, he obviously lacked confidence. After all, this excuse was too far-fetched!

Lin Ran shook his head: "You may be the most quibbling teacher on this campus."

"This has nothing to do with sophistry. Even if Niu Huangming used a killing move, you don't need to fight back so fiercely!" Wang Haidong seemed to feel that he had the moral high ground and shouted loudly: "He is still a student after all!"

Lin Ran smiled coldly: "For a student who doesn't know what it means to respect teachers, as a teacher, I have to teach him this truth."

"Are you provoking the referee?" Wang Haidong couldn't hold on to his dignity anymore.

In fact, he used to be the instructor of the Wind Hunting Team, and he had a very good relationship with Qian Weijun and others. Some of the trophies and rewards obtained by the team every time they went out would also be given to Wang Haidong.

In a sense, they can be regarded as a community of interests.

"Challenging the referee? No." Lin Ran said this, paused, and said: "I want to challenge the referee."

Challenge the referee!

As soon as Lin Ran said these words, the scene became even quieter!

Wang Haidong's expression suddenly became astonished.

Only then did he realize belatedly that he had just seriously lost his composure and had completely aroused Lin Ran's disgust!

"I want to challenge the referee now, will you accept the challenge?" Lin Ran repeated it again!

His voice spread clearly throughout the audience!

Asking this in public is undoubtedly equivalent to putting Wang Haidong on the fire!

It would be very embarrassing if you agree and fail to win, and even more embarrassing if you don't agree!

This doesn't even have the most basic enterprising spirit of a warrior!

The students in the audience looked at Wang Haidong's face turning blue and white.
I understand this teacher’s decision.

Lin Ran looked at Wang Haidong and said calmly: "It's getting late. Let's finish playing and go to bed early, Teacher Wang."

It's not too late!

At this moment, it had only been two minutes since Lin Ran knocked Bezoar Ming away!

After a moment of silence, Wang Haidong said with an ugly face: "Teachers challenge teachers. There is no such rule in school! Moreover, teachers who are aggressive and aggressive will set a bad example for students!"

"So brave and fierce?" Lin Ran laughed: "I think it's just a discussion. After all, if teachers don't discuss or communicate with each other, it's hard to know where their own weaknesses are. It's just like working behind closed doors, isn't it?"

Wang Haidong said: "I said that the school does not have such regulations. I declare that this teacher-student challenge is over!"

With that said, he was about to turn around and jump off the ring!

However, at this time, a voice suddenly spread throughout the audience!

"There was no such provision before, but now, there is."

The voice was not harsh, but it carried a vast flavor! Like a bell, it was rolling and scattering over the playground!

Many students were stunned.

They had not heard this sound.

However, many teachers with more senior qualifications showed deep surprise on their faces!

Because, this voice belongs to the old principal Zhang Xinghai!

The old principal used to be invisible and never showed up in the school all year round. However, in the past month, Zhang Xinghai has stood up and spoken out twice in a row!

Last time, he directly dissolved the school's disciplinary committee for Lin Ran!

And this time, it was announced directly in front of everyone that the teacher can challenge the teacher!

When they realized that Zhang Xinghai was watching here, many of the teachers who were watching became nervous and subconsciously stood up straight.

On the stage, Wang Haidong's expression had become extremely ugly!

"Principal, I..." Wang Haidong's voice was filled with clear fear!

However, Zhang Xinghai did not respond to him, and the old man's voice did not ring again.

All eyes were fixed on Wang Haidong. This guy who used to stand on the moral high ground and constantly criticized Lin Ran was now extremely frightened, and his face was getting hot!

"However, rules are rules. You can challenge me, or I can choose not to accept it." Wang Haidong said bravely.

So shameless!

As soon as these words came out, many students looked at Wang Haidong with ridicule!

"It seems that Teacher Wang still doesn't understand the world of warriors. If you are like this yourself, how will you teach the students in the future?" Lin Ran's voice was light.

"You don't need to take care of what I do." Wang Haidong stared at Lin Ran: "You'd better send Niu Huangming to the hospital as soon as possible. Otherwise, I think the Niu family will take revenge on you."

After saying that, Wang Haidong jumped off the ring! He squeezed through the crowd and left without looking back!

However, when he left, there were boos and cheers from the crowd!

Wang Haidong turned a deaf ear to these teasing voices and quickened his pace!

At this time, Niu Huangming had woken up, but he found that he could not mobilize the source power in his body at all!

Lin Ran's hard fingers left a trauma on his chest that could not be ignored! The lungs on both sides were bleeding continuously! Every breath brought a burning pain! The entire chest seemed to be experiencing


"Captain, take revenge on me..." Niu Huangming said weakly.

Qian Weijun's face was extremely ugly: "Send Niu Huangming to the hospital quickly! Don't let that Teacher Lin put your life in danger!"

"No...I can't die, captain...you must avenge me..." Niuhuang Ming refused to give up!

However, it was impossible for Qian Weijun to agree!

Lin Ran was able to easily block Niu Huangming's attack and slap it away with one palm. This strength was beyond imagination. Qian Weijun naturally knew that he could not be Lin Ran's opponent!

"Stop talking so much nonsense! Carry him away!" Qian Weijun's expression turned extremely ugly.

The Hunting Wind team all stood up and prepared to leave this humiliating place.

However, at this time, a voice came from the ring again: "Did I let you go?"

This chapter has been completed!
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