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Chapter 1324 If Blue Star is not buried, the coffin will not be buried!

 The reason why Lin Ran was stunned was simply because he saw a house on the edge of the other end of the island!

To be precise, it is a stone house!

This stone house looks like it should have one bedroom and one living room, with doors and windows!

Lin Ran and Sara immediately walked towards the stone house...??.

However, just after taking a few steps, Sara lowered her head and looked at her feet, thoughtfully.

"What's wrong?" Lin Ran asked.

"Have you ever felt that the texture of this island is a bit similar to..."

Sara knelt down and gently touched the ground with her fingers.

Lin Ran also made the same move, and then he said: "Like... the altar of Jingshen Immortal Palace!"

"That's right, it's the thing that cannot be recognized by the detector." Sarah said.

At that time, the detector could not even identify the brand-new elements in the altar. Those ingredients had never appeared on distant planets.

Now it seems that the altar is more or less connected with this pure source of power space?

Otherwise, how can we explain the same material?

Lin Ran suddenly realized that he had found a connection... It seemed that the invisible hand of luck was pulling him here.

"Let's go and take a look." Sara pulled Lin Ran and walked on this bare island.

Although the entire island covers an area of ​​700 to 800 square meters, it looks more like a huge reef and is completely integrated.

But besides that house, in the center of the island, there is an object with artificial traces——

It is more than one meter wide and three meters long. Although it is made of the same material as the island, it looks like an artificially cut... sarcophagus!

That’s right, it’s the sarcophagus!

This shape is exactly the same as Blue Star’s coffin!

"It's actually a coffin..." Lin Ran said in surprise.

"Now, except for Donghua, other countries don't use coffins, and even the Donghua people don't use them very much. And..." Sara said: "The shape of this coffin seems to be similar to that of the Donghua Federation.

The coffin is different, it seems more retro."

Lin Ran walked to the coffin and looked at it. His body suddenly shook and his pupils suddenly shrank.

"What's wrong?" Sara asked.

She clearly saw Lin Ran's pupils were shaking!

"This...how is this possible?" Lin Ran said.

His voice was obviously trembling!

Sarah had never seen Lin Ran make such a trembling sound, and she had never seen his forehead covered with cold sweat!

Sarah turned her head and looked at the surface of the sarcophagus, which had eight large characters engraved on it.

These eight characters are vigorous and powerful. I don’t know how long ago they were written. They should have been indentations carved on the surface of the sarcophagus with your fingers.

Just from these eight words, Sarah could see a sense of unwillingness and a kind of arrogance that looked down on the world.
The content of these eight characters is-if you don’t bury Blue Star, you won’t be buried in the coffin!

This is a senior from Blue Star!

Every stroke in these eight characters reveals endless pride!

However, Sara felt that she knew Lin Ran very well. If it was just because the owner of the coffin came from Blue Star, he would not show such an expression!

Lin Ran clenched his fists tightly, his arms obviously trembling.

Seeing this, Sara hugged him from behind, as if she wanted to comfort him in this way.

She didn't ask any more questions, she just gave Lin Ran time to recover quietly.

Lin Ran stretched out his hand and gently touched the eight characters, then took a deep breath and said, "This is my dad's handwriting."

Sara was also shocked in her heart!

At this moment, she suddenly began to feel sorry for this young man.

Across time and space, I came to the other side of the universe. I went through all kinds of hardships and defeated powerful enemies, and finally found news about my relatives. Unexpectedly, what I saw was my father's coffin!

Who can withstand such a blow! No matter how tough your mental quality is!

Sara still hugged Lin Ran from behind and put her hands on his chest, as if she wanted to use this method to heal the pain in Lin Ran's heart.

After a few minutes of silence, she said: "Maybe... your father prepared this coffin for himself in advance, but it was not used..."

After thinking for a long time, Sara could only come up with this reason.

Lin Ran suddenly stretched out his hand, wiped both sides of his eyes, and said, "You are right, Sister Sara. Maybe this is the coffin my father prepared for himself in advance, but there is no one in it."

After a pause, he continued: "Besides, there is another possibility... there is someone whose handwriting is very similar to my father's."

Once upon a time, Lin Ran saw a poem carved at the bottom of a dry well in the Setting Sun Gate. The handwriting of the poem was exactly the same as Lin Qingyu's.

But Lin Ran instinctively felt that the poem was definitely not written by his father.

This sarcophagus probably does not belong to my father!

Lin Ran could only think like this now, which was considered psychological comfort.

"If you are not afraid of being disrespectful, we can open the sarcophagus and take a look..." Sara said.

"Okay." Lin Ran nodded immediately and said, "No disrespect, even if my dad is really lying here."

Then, the two of them worked together to slowly push open the sarcophagus.

When pushing open the coffin lid, Sara could clearly feel that Lin Ran was actually extremely nervous. Where his palms were in contact with the coffin lid, sweat was already dripping down like a stream.

On normal days, this terrifying amount of sweat would almost never appear on Lin Ran's body!

"Empty!" Sarah said first.

There was uncontrollable joy in her tone!

After all, at this juncture, no news means the greatest good news!

Lin Ran finally plucked up the courage to take a look inside, then leaned against the sarcophagus and let out a long breath.

He had swam so far before and never saw him take a deep breath, but now that he had pushed the sarcophagus away for more than ten seconds, he looked as if he had collapsed.

The sarcophagus was empty, with nothing inside, no suicide note, no relics, and no remains!

"That's great..." Lin Ran said: "No matter whether this is what my father left behind, at least it proves that the person may still be alive..."

Sara said: "Your father must have had an extraordinary life experience on the distant planet. He was able to write these eight words. Although he is decisive, it also represents living towards death."

After a pause, she gently hugged the man in front of her: "We will definitely find him."

"Okay." Lin Ran also hugged the person in front of him. This time, he no longer hugged gently, but was obviously a little harder.

The two hugged each other for a while, and then Lin Ran said, "Let's go see that stone house."

Maybe this is where dad once slept.

Lin Ran's violent mood had calmed down at this moment, and he even began to have more hope in his heart - maybe he was walking on the road his father had walked.

Sarah said as she walked: "On the distant planet, many wars broke out between radicals and conservatives. Although I did not participate in those battles, I think that many strong men from Blue Star should be

Stand in the conservative camp."

Sara's implication was that Lin Ran's father Lin Qingyu might already be a conservative boss, but his real name has never been known.

"I understand what you mean, Sister Sara." Lin Ran took Sara's hand directly: "Thank you for your comfort."

He didn't choose to pull his wrist, and Sarah didn't choose to break away.

After the two of them have experienced so many things together, there is no need to be coy anymore.

When he arrived at the door of the stone house, Lin Ran looked at the tightly closed door and smiled: "There is no one around in this space, and a door has been made. It really doesn't even have the effect of psychological comfort.


He is in a good mood now, and he actually feels like visiting his old father's old residence.

"There's no lock on the door." Sara pushed the door open gently.

Even the door panels are made of the same material as the altar.

There was no moldy smell in the house, on the contrary, it was filled with a strong smell of source power.

Moreover, this essence of high-concentration source crystal liquid does not have the fishy smell of the sea, but instead exudes a fresh feeling.

This stone house is not large in area, but it has one bedroom and one living room. There are two stone huts in the small hall.
There is a master's chair, a stone dining table, and as expected, there is a stone bed in the bedroom.

Apart from this, not to mention any leftover items, not even a single hair was found.

Lin Ran looked at it twice more, then said, "I always feel that this is not my father's room."

"How can you tell?" Sarah asked.

Of course she hoped that this place had nothing to do with Lin Ran's father.

Lin Ran continued: "My father's house is not that tidy. It would be nice if his personal belongings are not messy. Unless there is a woman to clean up with him, otherwise..."

At this point, Lin Ran instinctively stopped talking because he thought of Shen Youling.

Shen Yiyu's mother, Shen Youling, most likely came to the new world with Lin Qingyu!

"If there is really a woman here, it means that they must have left together alive." Sara smiled: "This is good news, we should celebrate it."

How do you celebrate when you are alone?

Lin Ran looked at the mature and attractive woman next to him. At this moment, he couldn't help but have a strange feeling, that is - if his father had brought a woman here before, and he was repeating the same journey now, then ...Is this the reincarnation of fate between father and son?

Sara walked around, then sat by the bed and said: "Actually, this place is quite suitable for cultivation. The concentration of source power is so high, it is simply a holy place that warriors dream of."

Indeed, not to mention the stars, if a warrior below S level can practice here for a period of time, he will definitely get twice the result with half the effort, and his improvement speed will be absolutely terrifying.

Even a super warrior like Lin Ran, who has an extremely large base of power, will definitely be able to achieve significant improvement if he stays there long enough.

"Are you in a hurry to get out?" Lin Ran asked.

Sara shook her head slightly and smiled slightly: "I'm not in a hurry, and I don't even mind letting them think I died here."

Lin Ran also sat by the bed and said, "Then let's stay here for the time being and then slowly find a way out, okay?"

Sara seemed to have made a certain decision. She turned to look at him, her red lips parted slightly, and her voice was soft: "In this world where there are only two people, my sister is yours. What you wanted to do but didn't finish before , you can continue now."

As soon as this sentence came out, it was already the best detonating agent!

"Really?" Lin Ran asked.

His voice was trembling again.

Sitting next to such a charming and mature sister, if I hadn't experienced it myself, I wouldn't have been able to imagine what kind of psychological shock the other person's proactive words would bring to people!

"Yeah." Sara took the initiative and leaned over.

The hair was scattered on Lin Ran's shoulders, and Lin Ran couldn't bear it anymore.

He kissed Sarah's lips hard, and put his hand on the place where he accidentally touched it when he was healing the wound.

This chapter has been completed!
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