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Chapter 1444 It turns out that I am your calamity!

 Heliantian hated August very much, even though the other party had the so-called "reinvention grace" for him.

Lin Ran understood this kind of hatred, but before he could ask in detail, he heard the other party ask such a heavy question!

Su Fei!

Although Atlantis has been frantically searching for "Concubine Su", now is not the time for Lin Ran to reveal his relationship with this name!

Lin Ran frowned, and his whole body was filled with murderous intent!

He Liantian looked at Lin Ran, paused, and said slowly, "Why, you suddenly became so excited. Did I tell you right?"

Lin Ran's murderous aura was still gathering, and he cursed coldly, "Don't fucking pretend, you obviously already have the answer in your heart."

"You haven't seen the Crystal of Life, you don't have the blood of Atlantis, but you have the blood of inheritance in your body. This is actually impossible." He Liantian said, "The blood of inheritance is God's gift to Atlantis.

This last favor is the ultimate help for the geniuses of this family to reach the last step."

Although Concubine Su does not have golden blood, she has been baptized by the Crystal of Life. This prerequisite is still different from Lin Ran.

Lin Ran said coldly, "So, you guessed that I know Concubine Su?"

He Liantian nodded slightly, "In the family history of Atlantis, those tribesmen who can produce inherited blood after baptism only serve as a 'container'. To be precise, most of these people only

It can produce inherited blood, but it cannot use this pure energy."

"So, you can't take advantage of it, right?" Lin Ran said.

"Yes, I must maintain continuous communication with the Crystal of Life in order to exert a little bit of the power of the inherited blood." He Liantian said.

"So, I can use it, what's going on?" Lin Ran asked again.

In fact, Lin Ran was not able to use the pure energy in his body all the time. Previously, he had refined part of the inherited blood, and the energy merged with his body, raising his strength to a higher level. However,

Later, Lin Ran could no longer digest and absorb the energy in the blood of inheritance... It was not until today, after arriving at the Golden Temple, that he used it again.

"The person who generates the inherited blood may not necessarily be able to use it, because this energy can also be passed on to others through certain methods. The person who can successfully receive it is the real user."

He Liantian said, looking directly into Lin Ran's eyes, and then the corners of his lips turned up slightly, "So, if I guess correctly, the relationship between you and the reborn Concubine Su is probably..."

Lin Ran said nothing, but his eyes were full of murderous intent.

"I'm afraid Lu Diqi would never have imagined that his biggest love rival in this life is right in front of him." The smile on Heliantian's face became even stronger, and this guy actually showed a bit of gossip.

Lin Ran shook his head, opened his hands, and the storm of energy began to condense in his palms. "So, if you continue to talk, no matter how much you say, I will silence you in this closed hall."

Yes, Lin Ranben
He also came to kill He Liantian, which is no different from whether he silenced him to protect his relationship with Sophie.

"There are two souls in my body. These two souls have not yet been perfectly integrated. I am often tortured by two ways of thinking and two memories. In fact, such a life is still painful."

Speaking of himself, Heliantian began to put away the smile on his face, and then said, "In fact, even becoming the real King of Atlantis cannot bring me the interest to continue living."

"Then since living is so uncomfortable, why don't you kill yourself first?" Lin Ran sneered and said, "If you can't do it, I can help you now."

Heliantian shook his head, "But you have to believe me, Rafs doesn't want to see me die. He also wants to completely resurrect Kelly. If I die, he will have no hope at all."

Lin Ran was silent for a moment after hearing this.

He really didn't consider Ravs's feelings before.

Heliantian's return means that Kelly is at least "more than half" back.

"However, I really want to continue living now." He Liantian said, "Because, because of your appearance, the distant planets have become more and more interesting. I really want to see where this world will go.


After speaking, he raised his head slightly and looked towards the top of the golden palace.

It seems to be looking in the direction of the sky.

"It's not that you want to live, so I'll let you live." Lin Ran smiled sarcastically and said, "Do you understand?"

"When the descendant of the Demon God can use the blood of inheritance... it is really unimaginable, what a wonderful story will happen." He Liantian laughed at himself, "However, my feeling that my life is not under control is really bad. I want to start from this."

If you withdraw from a life and become a bystander, you cannot make your own decisions."

"I know you want to give up your chips." Lin Ran already understood what the other party meant. "Tell me about it. If it's appropriate, I might consider saving your life."

It didn't matter to Lin Ran whether the other party wanted to continue living to watch the excitement of the world, or whether he wanted to continue participating in the battle for the throne of Atlantis.

The important thing is that Lin Ran suddenly felt that he could explore Sophie's story through He Liantian.

"First, I will not expose the relationship between you and Concubine Su to others, but I think that with Rafs's wisdom, he should have guessed it." He Liantian said, "My brother seems to be out of touch with the world.

Fighting is actually a rare wisdom in the world. If he hadn't taken the last step, he could even become the planner of the world."

"The organizer of the world?" Lin Ran narrowed his eyes.

Perhaps because he has been laid out too much by others, this term makes him feel a little uncomfortable.

"Yes, that's it." He Liantian said, "No one knows what he is thinking. I can remind you... August was right what he said before. Don't trust anyone here."

Lin Ran took a deep look at He Liantian and said, "In what capacity did you say this? Is it He Liantian or Kelly?"

"It's Kelly." He Liantian's expression looked meaningful.

Lin Ran narrowed his eyes slightly, but did not answer this sentence. Instead, he changed the topic and asked noncommittally, "What about your second bargaining chip?"

"Second, don't let Atlantis know that you still have two crystals on your body." Heliantian said seriously.

The murderous intent in Lin Ran's eyes had receded a little, but this time, strong murderous intent filled his eyes again!

"How do you know that I still have two crystals on my body?" Lin Ran asked word for word.

The Blade of Holy Light in his hand is already lying in front of him!

This Heliantian has seen through too many secrets. Lin Ran has never met anyone who wants him silenced so much!

"Because I was able to communicate with the Crystal of Life before. No one in the whole of Atlantis is more familiar with this breath than me." He Liantian said, "In your body, there are two other breaths that are completely different from the Crystal of Life."

The aura definitely comes from the other two crystals."

"Then... what is a crystal?" Lin Ran said.

"I don't know, maybe it's the essence of life, maybe... it's the cornerstone of this world." Heliantian turned to look at the Crystal of Life, and then shook his head, "This thing is no longer so friendly to me.

However, you can try to communicate with it more, and maybe you can get more connections."

At this point, Heliantian smiled and said, "Of course, if you can, you might as well take the Crystal of Life away directly. I would like to see how Atlantis will react at that time."

Lin Ran looked at the warm light of the Crystal of Life, but suddenly shook his head.

"It's not that I don't want it. Tista and I have a very good relationship, and Anita and Ludiqi are also good to me. I don't need to win people's love in order to become stronger," Lin Ran said.

Hearing these words and looking at Lin Ran's serious expression, Heliantian was startled.

Then he took a deep breath, smiled self-deprecatingly, and said, "It turns out that there are really people in the world who are stupider than me, no, than Kelly back then."

According to Rafs, although Kelly had the ability to obtain the position of patriarch, he always had no desires and neither fought nor fought for it. However, after Heliantian was reborn with Kelly's soul, he began to try to change this.

But Lin Ran, faced with this kind of treasure that could almost change the world, he refused even though it was within easy reach!

"This is just about focusing on feelings. I have never valued interests that much." Lin Ran said lightly, "I have been forced into many things by others, and a lot of cause and effect and destiny have been tied to me, but I don't want to

Want these."
"A person who doesn't want to fight has come step by step to where he is today. You and the Demon God are not the same kind of people at all." Heliantian took a deep breath again, and seemed to realize something before he suddenly smiled and said, "Selfless, the starry sky has no self."

...No wonder the Louis royal family would choose you as its successor."

"Thank you." Lin Ran said, "I think that regarding your third point, you haven't gotten to the point yet. My patience is limited, so I'll get to the point quickly."

"If Atlantis knows that you have these two crystals, they will definitely take action." Heliantian pointed to his bald head. "This is what Kelly's memory told me. As for the specific reason, he doesn't know, but I

You know, Atlantis has been searching hard for other crystals."

Lin Ran shook his head, "This is not enough to convince me. It even makes me want to kill you even more."

In fact, this information is extremely important to him!

"The fourth point... I have lived two lives, so I know a lot of things." He Liantian was silent for a moment and said, "For example, Lin Qingyu."

"You deserve to survive."

When Lin Ran heard your name, he immediately made up his mind.

As he spoke, he suddenly stretched out his hand and slapped Heliantian hard on the chest!

Although death penalty can be avoided, living crime cannot be avoided!

The latter's body was knocked upside down and hit the wall of the golden palace heavily!

"He is still alive and you will meet each other eventually... This is not a prophecy."

Heliantian vomited a large mouthful of blood, and after finishing speaking, he passed out.

Lin Ran took a deep look at He Liantian and walked to the Crystal of Life.

He gently stretched out his hand and touched the crystal with his fingertips.

The source of warmth flowed out from the Crystal of Life, then flowed along the fingers and spread towards Lin Ran's body.

A warm feeling completely enveloped Lin Ran's body and mind.

At this moment, Lin Ran had an instinctive thought in his heart, that is - this crystal of life belongs to him.

Destined, there is no way to escape.

Just like the blood of inheritance, Atlantis is only the holder, and he is the real owner and user!

The extremely powerful Golden Family is making wedding dresses for others!

So, Lin Ran gently picked up the crystal of life.

If the Atlantis people outside saw this scene, they would be so surprised that they would faint!

Countless of them have tried to take the Crystal of Life away from the Golden Temple, but they have all failed!

However, Lin Ran did it so lightly and effortlessly!

At this time, Ravs and others who were staying outside the temple were stung by the sudden golden light of the golden temple, and they couldn't open their eyes!

Staring at the Crystal of Life in his hand, Lin Ran said softly, "It turns out that in Prussia's prophecy, I am the catastrophe of Atlantis."

This chapter has been completed!
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