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Chapter 1447 The ownership of the Crystal of Life!

 Sophie really came to the distant planet.

In fact, when the Nether Gate suddenly appeared on the top of Shuangshan Island, she jumped in without hesitation.

What is supposed to come will always come, everything is fate.

Sophie knew that the self in her memory was walking towards her now.

In other words, she also wants to move towards her former self.

Sophie is different from Heliantian. Even if those memories emerge from her mind, there are no two personalities in her body. There will never be disagreements about the same thing. She is the same person from beginning to end - no matter it is

Memories from past lives or current experiences.

In fact, after coming to the distant planet and seeing these environments, Sophie's memory was fully awakened.

Those blurry images that had been hidden deep in the back of my mind suddenly became extremely clear, just like the bathroom mirror after the water mist has been wiped away, and every soft and soft hair on the face is clearly visible.

"Your Highness Concubine Su! Your Highness Concubine Su!"

When the first person recognized Sophie, the cheers began to spread like waves, one after another.

Whether they are the opposition, the successor faction, or the neutral faction, they all have great respect for Her Royal Highness Princess Su.

Yes, she was kind-hearted. She saved many people from the opposition from the inheritance faction, preventing this powerful family from a large-scale purge.

At this moment, the Golden Family seems to have forgotten that a rebellion suddenly broke out here two or three hours ago, and so many people died.

Concubine Su's return suppressed the conflicts in the family to an unprecedented level!

Sophie knew what her former self had done. Looking at the scene in front of her, the confusion in her eyes disappeared and she whispered, "Hello everyone."

The cheers were like ocean waves, one wave higher than the other.

Several figures have already flown into the sky, led by Lu Diqi!

He looked at that young and familiar face, and his excitement was beyond words!

Looking at the girl in the white dress, Lu Diqi's lips moved several times, but he couldn't speak!

Although he has been frantically searching for news about Concubine Su recently, he never expected that she would come so quickly!

The girl that I have been dreaming about is right in front of me at this moment!

After so many years, she still looks like she was young!

The arrival of Concubine Su completely ignited the mood of Atlantis!

"It turns out that I am so popular here." Sophie said softly.

However, she felt a little unfamiliar with this kind of enthusiasm, and instinctively wanted to avoid it.
If it weren't for solving the mystery of her life experience, this beautiful senior sister would never choose to come back here.

In the past, Sophie's presence in the crowd was never that strong. Next to the dazzling Su Qingcheng, she was more like an invisible person. Many people even regarded her as Fairy Qingcheng's "married maid".

Even though Su Qingcheng treated her like a sister, the eyes of others would not change in any way.

But in this new world of Atlantis, Sophie is the real protagonist, and she can also see that the excitement and cheers of those people come from the heart.

However, she does not have any sense of belonging here. Sophie still feels that there is only one hometown for her - Shuangshan Island.

"Concubine Su... you... you are finally back..." Lu Diqi was extremely excited. He trembled and then stepped forward, wanting to hug the person in front of him tightly.

Those longings that spanned time and space finally became a reality at this moment. Lu Diqi seemed to have been hit by this huge happiness and almost fainted!

Although the former Concubine Su did not want to marry him, as long as the other party comes back alive, it proves that there is still a chance for everything!

Sophie shook her head slightly, took a step back, and refused the hug.

"Lu Diqi." She said softly, "You always know what I'm thinking."

Those memories have been fully integrated into her mind, and Sophie said this sentence naturally.

"But you also know my thoughts... I have been looking for news about you for so many years. I can't sleep well every night. You have to know that my heart is always... No matter what, it's good that you are back.

It’ll be great if you come back!”

Lu Diqi spoke incoherently and kept talking about his longing, which made the old man's eyes turn red.

Being rejected by his concubine Su as soon as they met, Lu Diqi did not feel any embarrassment. On the contrary, his excitement continued to increase rather than decrease.

In the whole of Atlantis, few people were watching Ludiqi's joke. After all, Concubine Su had this attitude towards him in the past, and an infatuated person should also be respected.

Patriarch Rafs came to Sophie. He looked at the girl in white, his face full of relief.

"Concubine Su, you are back, you are really back."

Across time, the girl in front of me seems to have not changed at all, and those years will not leave any traces on her body.

"Hello, Rafs," Sophie said softly, "Long time no see, you are old.


"I am willing to trade my old age for your return." Rafs smiled and said, "I think Ludiqi has the same idea."

Lu Diqi seemed to have regained the state where he was so excited when he saw Sophie for the first time. He did not answer, but turned his face and kept wiping his tears.


Tista and Anita did not follow.

The aunt and nephew were still standing at the beach, waiting for Lin Ran to come out.

"Your little stepmother is here, how are you feeling now?" Anita looked at the eldest nephew next to her and asked with slight surprise, "This doesn't look like you."

Because, she suddenly saw Tista sitting on the beach and started to smoke depressedly.

"That's not Su Fei, she's just a woman who was forced to change her life." Tista said, "No matter what, we shouldn't change other people's lives...even if that person is my dad." .??.

"You are so kind, just like your grandfather." Anita smiled softly. "The legendary Princess Su is back. I really want to meet her."

Tista glanced sideways at her little aunt, "Then you are still waiting here?"

"But, for me, Lin Ran's safety is more important." Anita glanced at Tista, a hint of wisdom flashed in her eyes, "Hey, what do you think about letting him become your uncle?"

"No, no, no, no, then absolutely don't."

Tista said, "I don't want to see my good brother fall into the fire pit from now on."

Anita's eyebrows stood up, and she was about to get angry, but at this moment, a figure suddenly rose into the sky from the sea, carrying huge waves of water, rose to a high altitude, and then fell suddenly.

Lin Ran is here!

After he hit the sea surface, he actually did not sink. The large sea surface around him pressed down with him as the center. Then, the waves seemed to become extremely gentle, and the sea surface turned into a soft blue carpet.

Obviously, this control of power has reached an incredible level, and a feeling of incomparable harmony with nature emanates from Lin Ran unreservedly.

Anita's eyes lit up, and the light shining in her beautiful eyes seemed to be real stars.

"Hey, my good brother." Tista ran over and gave Lin Ran a solid bear hug.

There is no doubt that what Lin Ran did today, although not as popular as Concubine Su back then, was still the most critical figure in putting down the rebellion.

At this moment, Lin Ran stood on the beach, looking like an ordinary young warrior.
There is no aura belonging to the powerful star.

In fact, he still hasn't figured out what exactly happened to his body.

"You've returned safely, can we give you a hug?" Anita also stepped forward and opened her arms.

Lin Ran opened his hands and gently hugged this sexy woman.

However, Anita's hug was obviously a little too forceful. It was not known whether it was because Lin Ran saved her that the Atlantean aunt had a deep love for her.

Lin Ran was not in the mood to feel the soft pressure caused by the undulating curves.

In fact, he was a little troubled, not knowing how to explain something to Atlantis.

Because, the Crystal of Life was brought out by him...

I can’t even drive him away!

It seemed that he felt the combination of the Black Sea Crystal and the Blue Sea Crystal. There was an extremely terrifying attraction between the Crystal of Life and these two crystals. Even Lin Ran couldn't stop it and watched the three crystals stick to each other.


I can’t even break it apart!

Lin Ran wanted to explain that he didn't want this thing, but if he did, it would really look like a white lotus standing at the same time!

"There seems to be something wrong with your condition." Tista said. "After breaking through the stars, shouldn't you be happy? Why do you look so worried?"

Can you not be worried?

Lin Ran didn't want to expose the fact that he owned the other two crystals, but if he didn't expose it, he wouldn't be able to explain this to Atlantis!

If someone kindly invites you to visit, you might as well just take away their family treasure!

Lin Ran could imagine with his toes how devastated the powerful members of the Golden Family were when they learned about this!

Everyone is still counting on this crystal of life to give birth to the blood of inheritance. Taking the final step, if Lin Ran takes this crystal away, it will be equivalent to closing the only one for all Atlantis people.

Open the door to the top!

The people of Atlantis are very strong, but due to the limitations of their genes, they cannot give birth to the most powerful people. Looking at it, most of the people in this family are plateaus, but they do not have the most outstanding peaks, the Crystal of Life and the Crystal of Inheritance.

Blood is their hope to take the last step.

"I..." Lin Ran shook his head, "I took away your hope."

Anita smiled and said, "But you are the hope of our family."

Lin Ran "?"

Tista said, "By the way, Concubine Su has just arrived. Can I take you to meet her?"

Lin Ran "???"

This chapter has been completed!
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