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Chapter 1470 From now on, call me patriarch

 Cloud of Destruction is indeed the forbidden trick of Atlantis. It is really too powerful. This terrifying destructiveness is even dozens of times more than the self-destruction of a strong star.

Ao Gushuang and Lin Ran were both strongly affected.

After all, the cloud of destruction exploded after it fell into the depths of the lake. Lin Ran and Ao Gushuang were not far from the center of the explosion.

The two of them were directly blown away by the violent source of force, rolling along with the water waves.

However, the moment the explosion occurred, Ao Gushuang discovered that Lin Ran had used his source power to protect her.

Layer after layer of defense were all superimposed on the outside of Ao Gushuang's body.

Although Lin Ran was rolling with Senior Gushuang in his arms, the latter did not feel the strong impact.

However, under the violent attack of the Cloud of Destruction, the layers of defense stacked up by Lin Ran were constantly being shattered!

In fact, the speed of this shattering far exceeded the speed of Lin Ran's superimposed defense!

The attack power generated by that destructive aura is really too shocking!

Later, the superimposed defense could not keep up. Lin Ran simply hugged Ao Gushuang tighter and used his back to resist the strong impact of the Cloud of Destruction!

Although Ao Gushuang suffered serious internal injuries in the previous battle with Lu Diqi, her consciousness was very clear. She had also clearly seen that under this terrifying external attack, Lin Ran was constantly speaking.

The ground overflowed with blood, which was then washed away in the wild lake.

But despite this, he still protected her tightly, his arms were always firm, and there was no sign of letting go at all.

At this moment, this area of ​​Yuyang Lake is filled with surging water and sludge, making it look like an apocalyptic scene.

However, in the doomsday world, there is a young but powerful embrace, which provides a peaceful harbor for Ao Gushuang.

Outside the arms, the sky is filled with murderous intent.

Within the embrace, there is a paradise.

Ao Gushuang had never been hugged like this by a man in her life, and she had never even felt the power of the opposite sex up close.

She was a little overwhelmed for a moment.

In the past, Ao Gushuang was powerful, a super big shot standing at the top of the world's force pyramid. She was used to using force to solve problems, but now, when she was seriously injured, the Donghua Sword Immortal also began to understand

There is another feeling——

She also needs to be protected.

If it hadn't been for this young man, I might have died.

Finally, after Lin Ran spit out another large mouthful of blood, Ao Gushuang opened her lips lightly and sent out her voice with all her strength:

"Let go of me and stop protecting me like this, otherwise you will die."

I don't know if it was because the stormy waves around him were too violent, or if Lin Ran had some illusions at this moment. After hearing this voice, he felt that the cold tone in the past seemed to be filled with emotion at this moment.

A trace of fluctuation that is completely different from the past.

However, this guy gritted his teeth and said viciously: "Stop talking nonsense and shut up!"

Ao Gushuang was stunned.

In this life, no one has ever dared to rebuke her like this! Lin Ran is the first!

A cold anger welled up from his heart.

After all, in the past, anyone who dared to collide with Ao Gushuang would have been killed by a sword.

However, immediately after, Ao Gushuang saw another mouthful of blood spurting out of Lin Ran's mouth, but despite this, the arms holding her were still using force! They did not relax at all!

The slight discomfort that just arose in Ao Gushuang's heart disappeared in an instant!

She felt as if something hard was beginning to crack in her heart.

Thinking of the situation when Lin Ran was healing her wounds, Ao Gushuang actually felt ashamed for the anger that emerged in her heart earlier.

The other party tried his best to save her, but he was still angry because of such a trivial matter?

When Ao Gushuang looked at Lin Ran again, there was already an imperceptible hint of apology in her eyes.

However, this is not an option. The attack of the Cloud of Destruction is actually continuous. After the big explosion, those violent forces are still attacking them continuously!

Lin Ran was undoubtedly seriously injured now. His back was probably bloody and bloody. If even his internal organs were damaged after a while, how could he still survive?

However, at this moment, as if he was aware of Lin Ran's weakness, three kinds of brilliance began to flow from the Ming Ring!

These three kinds of brilliance enveloped Lin Ran and Ao Gushuang, and no source of force or waves could rush in. This place became a peaceful harbor!

It’s as if the murderous intentions of the outside world have nothing to do with them anymore!

Ao Gushuang looked at the three kinds of brilliance and felt Cong Lin's

However, the strength surged from his arms, and an unprecedented sense of peace emerged in his heart.

"It's really... magical." Ao Gushuang said.

She didn't have the energy to ask what was going on. At this moment, Ao Gushuang only felt that her eyelids were a little heavy. After the surroundings became quiet, the feeling of exhaustion came up strongly.

Ao Gushuang wanted to have a good sleep, but she also believed that the young man in front of her would never do anything frivolous towards her while she was asleep.

However, at this moment, Ao Gushuang noticed something, raised her increasingly heavy eyelids, and turned her head to look in a certain direction.

Lin Ran also made the same move.

A man appeared in their field of vision!

It turned out to be... Lu Diqi!

At this moment, he was floating in the waves and sand, and seemed to have completely lost consciousness.

However, both Ao Gushuang and Lin Ran felt that Lu Diqi was still alive and there were signs of life!

And on Lu Diqi's body, there seemed to be a faint golden halo flowing.

Lin Ran looked carefully and discovered that the golden halo was released from a golden ring on Lu Diqi's hand, which seemed to be able to isolate the source of power.

However, under these repeated impacts, the golden halo has become lighter and weaker, and it seems that it will be broken at any time due to being unable to withstand the infusion of power!

And Lu Diqi was in such an undefended state, without this layer of golden light protection, he would probably die immediately in this endless turbulence!

"I want to save him." Lin Ran said.

"Of course." Ao Gushuang said: "Since that last move, the grudge between me and him has been completely ended."

Seeing that Lin Ran was actually asking for her opinion, Ao Gushuang's tone softened a little.

She didn't even notice the softness in her tone.

In fact, this time, Ao Gushuang really thought too much.

Lin Ran was not asking for her opinion. After all, if Ao Gushuang disagreed, Lin Ran would directly pull Lu Diqi into the halo, fearing that the latter would be stabbed to death by the sword fairy sister.

…Wouldn’t that be all your hard work in vain?

So, after confirming Ao Gushuang's attitude, Lin Ran swam over, stretched out his hand, and pulled Lu Diqi in.

Just after Lu Diqi entered the halo area, the golden halo on his body finally couldn't hold on anymore and shattered.

And the golden ring on his hand also turned into a dull color, as if it was covered with rust.

When the three stars were together, their injuries were aggravated, and they were extremely tired. Except for Lu Diqi who was unconscious, Lin Ran and Ao Gushuang also passed out quickly.

They were wrapped in a halo and drifting in the lake water.


The huge waves in Yuyang Lake lasted for more than half an hour.

Of course, this was not entirely due to the cloud of destruction, but because the big explosion caused violent turbulence at the bottom of the lake. Even the dam of an upstream reservoir was severely shaken and burst.

And this huge amount of source power raged in the lake water and lingered for a long time, making Yuyang Lake no longer peaceful.

Qin Feiyan and his father Qin Wufeng stood side by side, watching the scene on the shore in the distance, with their little mouths slightly open.


She then lowered her head, looked at her wrist, and said, "Old Qin, can you let go now?"

It turned out that Qin Wufeng was afraid that his daughter would jump down to find someone on impulse, so he kept holding her back.

"It seems to have calmed down completely." Qin Wufeng said.

Immediately, he sighed again: "But if I go down now, I'm afraid I won't find anyone."

Qin Feiyan sniffed slightly, her eyes slightly red.

There seemed to be crystal drops of water swirling in those big eyes.

"I haven't seen you shed tears in many years. You act like a tomboy every day." Qin Wufeng shook his head: "That Prince of Light... do you care about him that much?"

In fact, for Qin Wufeng, Lin Ran's death was just another young man with a promising future missing from the world. At most, it made him feel a little emotional. After all, over the years, he had seen so many amazing talents.

There are so many stunningly beautiful people. Among these people, how many have fallen?

And her daughter, who has always been carefree and never sentimental, actually shed tears over this? This is what really surprised Qin Wufeng.

"Old Qin, organize the manpower and let's take a look." Qin

Feiyan wiped the corners of his eyes with the back of his hand and said, "A star strong man shouldn't die that easily."

"The main thing is that they are at the center of the explosion... Forget it, I'll have someone look for it." Qin Wufeng wanted to say a few more words, but he was afraid that if he continued, his daughter's mood would collapse.

Afterwards, the owner of Tingyuxuan began to arrange for his men to organize the search.

Qin Feiyan looked at the turbid lake surface and said, "Is that cloud of destruction really humanly possible?"

"Probably not entirely." Qin Wufeng said: "This time I felt the Cloud of Destruction at close range, and I felt that this might have triggered the energy of a folded space somewhere. Otherwise, even if the stars self-destruct, it would be impossible.

It has such power."

He is also a star, so his feelings about this are naturally more real than Qin Feiyan's.

"If it's the energy of folding space, it's understandable. Otherwise, this move is too disappointing."

As Qin Feiyan said that, he jumped directly from the shore and jumped into Yuyang Lake.

Seeing his daughter going to look for her in person, Qin Wufeng did not stop him anymore, but said softly: "The child has grown up."


At this time, the earth-shattering explosion in Yuyang Lake also attracted the attention of countless people.

Someone even happened to take a photo of the golden cloud crashing into the lake by coincidence.

After the explosion was posted online, many people thought it might be Donghua testing some new type of weapon.

However, some people who stand at the top of the pyramid of force know what is going on——

Atlantis, the cloud of destruction!

The legendary forbidden killing move reappears!

The Golden Family has been shaken up and down!

Holding a stack of photos related to golden clouds, Tista angrily walked to the door of her grandfather's room and banged the door loudly!

However, after shooting for a long time, there was no reaction at all.

Tista simply kicked the door to pieces, only to find that the entire building was empty.

He had no idea where Grandpa Ravs had gone.

Tista couldn't get through Ludiqi's phone at the moment, nor could he get through Lin Ran's phone. He was extremely anxious.

Despite the fact that he usually has a very bad relationship with his father, but now that the cloud of destruction has appeared and his father has lost contact, Tista instinctively feels that something is wrong, and the worry cannot be described in words.

So, Tista thought about it and felt that she could only go to her aunt to discuss it.

When he arrived at the beach where Anita lived, he found his little aunt sitting on a chair on the shore, looking at the waves alone, lost in thought.

Seeing this scene, Tista's heart suddenly softened.

For Tista, his father and brother are missing, while for Anita, her brother and the man she admired have also lost contact.

"Anita, do you know all the news outside?" Tista walked to Anita's side and asked.

However, when she saw the latter's red eyes, she realized that her question was a bit unnecessary.

"Is there anything you want to ask me?" Anita said.

Her eyes were indeed very red, and she had obviously just cried.

"Don't be sad." Tista couldn't ask some questions, so he patted his aunt on the shoulder: "I will definitely find out the news about my father."

Anita took a deep breath and asked proactively: "Do you know who released the Cloud of Destruction?"

Tista shook her head:

"Although my dad is powerful, he will never be able to release this cloud of destruction. This requires the blessing of the blood of inheritance..."

But Anita said: "The Cloud of Destruction has not appeared for many years, but relying solely on the blood of inheritance is still unable to explode with such powerful lethality."

"I don't understand, can you explain it in more detail?" Tista said with a frown.

"The blood of inheritance is just a key. Only with the blood of inheritance can we communicate with the terrifying energy in the folded space." Anita said: "And this is often at the cost of the life of the initiator. Even if he does not die, he may

Become a cripple for life."

"The person who launched the Cloud of Destruction will also be killed or injured?" Tista's brows furrowed even more tightly: "It harms others but does not benefit oneself. What are you trying to do by doing this?"

"What are you trying to do?" Anita stood up, gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and then showed a helpless smile: "Of course she is trying to be the leader of the clan."

Tista immediately said: "In order to become the leader of the clan, he did not hesitate to use the Cloud of Destruction to deal with my father? Who could have done that? Could it be that there are clansmen with inherited blood lurking in the entire Atlantis?

Anita shook her head slightly, but said noncommittally: "Maybe there are more."

"I don't know how Lin Ran is doing. I can't contact him now." Tista was still restless and said, "I might as well go to Donghua."

Anita said bluntly: "Lin Ran should be fine."

"Why?" Tista was puzzled: "Didn't it mean that the Cloud of Destruction can kill all life?"

"The Cloud of Destruction can only be activated by members of Atlantis, but this forbidden trick is also the most lethal to members of the Golden Family." Anita said: "Our genes and blood will destroy

Most of the attacks in the cloud of destruction are attracted."

After hearing this, Tista's eyes immediately turned red uncontrollably: "So, most of the power of the cloud of destruction this time fell on my father, right? He will definitely not survive, right?


"But my brother also has a golden ring on his body. It is the crystallization of Atlantis's highest technology and its defense level is unparalleled in the world." Anita sighed: "No matter what, I hope he lives."

"Is this what you mean?" An old voice sounded from afar.

Tista followed the sound and looked over. At this time, a golden figure appeared in his eyes.

It is the old patriarch, Rafs.

"Dad, this is my truth. No matter what, Ludiqi is my brother." Anita said in a deep voice.

There was no change in her expression.

But Tista, who had been careless before, suddenly felt that with the arrival of grandpa, the atmosphere in the field began to become more subtle!

Tista's eyes immediately narrowed.

"He is indeed your brother." Ravs' expression seemed a little gloomy as he said, "I hope you will always remember this."

"I gave the gold ring you gave me to my brother." Anita said, "Dad, this is the first fact."

"This is a very contradictory thing." Ravs stared at his daughter and said, "I don't understand you, my daughter."

"You should understand that I respect and love my brother very much, just like you love Uncle Kelly very much." Anita said: "But the way I treat my brother is the same as the way you treated Uncle Kelly."

After a pause, Anita continued: "Although I was not born yet, many things in this world, once done, will leave traces... that cannot be erased."

Hearing this, Tista was shocked all over! His eyes were instantly filled with disbelief!

Some facts are so terrible that it’s almost terrifying to think about them!

The young master murmured: "This...how is this possible...No, no, this is absolutely impossible..."

Ravs's eyes have turned red and full of anger, like a wounded beast about to go crazy!

"Anita! This is the most vicious speculation I have ever seen!" Ravs gritted his teeth and trembled with anger as he said, "I never expected that this kind of speculation would actually come out of my daughter's mouth!


"Now, the excuse is useless. You didn't want to kill Kelly back then, and you even want to make it up to him now, but you don't know that after he became He Liantian, he still owed me a life... Oh, this is a long story.

Unless you meet the first director of Apollo Hospital." Anita looked at her father: "Now that the matter is a foregone conclusion, don't you want to hear the second fact I said?"

Ravs gasped: "So, what is the second fact?"

"There are many people in the line of heirs, but now..." Anita smiled softly and said: "I think the patriarch knows very well in whose hands the helm of the giant ship Atlantis should be handed over.


After a pause, she added:

"My dad, the second fact is... you have no choice."

Rafs took a deep breath, and the redness and anger in his eyes began to fade away. He looked a little tired and said feebly: "I have to admit that of all my children, you are the one who is most like me."

However, Anita shook her head and said with a smile: "I am indeed like you, but not as cruel as you."

Ravs turned and left, his steps staggering a bit.

Tista's clothes were soaked with sweat. His lips moved several times before he said, "Anita, is this... is this all true?"

Anita glanced at her nephew, shook her head slightly, with indescribable emotions in her eyes, and said softly: "From now on, call me patriarch."


PS: I have just finished writing it now. This chapter is close to the word count of two chapters. I will update this chapter today. I wish everyone a happy weekend~"

This chapter has been completed!
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