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Chapter 1532 Is it all a coincidence?

Faced with the sudden question from the Aquarius god, the Scorpio god was stunned, and then said, "No, are you kidding me? How could it be me?"

The Aquarius God smiled and said, "I also think it can't be you."

Scorpio said angrily, "If I could set up such a big game, would I still be chatting face to face with you here? Do I need to spend so much effort to send my men to play? I would have directly occupied the entire Nether Space.


Aquarius said, "It's impossible to occupy the Nether Space, because you can't go there yourself."

The Scorpio God's eyes became colder and he said, "So, you still don't believe me, right?"

"If I think about it carefully, you are both rough and subtle, and you are better at planning than the reckless Hunting Wind. But being able to set up such a situation is indeed beyond the reach of ordinary people." Aquarius God said, "There must be someone else."

"Originally, there is someone else, who is beyond the reach of ordinary people..." The Scorpio God was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Why, I, who is above the stars, have become a so-called ordinary person in your mouth?"

The Aquarius God smiled and said, "Since you and I are deeply involved in the struggle for interests, we are just ordinary people."

The Scorpio God said, "No matter what, the person who arranged the plan cannot be me. All my people are hunting and killing those outsiders. Over the years, my path has never changed. It is almost becoming the realm of the sky."

It’s the executioner.”

The Aquarius God smiled and said, "Well, you are a firm supporter of the Sky Realm bloodline."

"Yes, although this realm of the sky itself has no bloodline to speak of, I must at least let the men who follow me live a better life and not let outsiders take away the benefits that should belong to them." Scorpio God


He sometimes seems carefree, but most of the time he is extremely ruthless.

The so-called light faction does not completely represent light and justice.

"Keep looking."

The Aquarius god raised his hand and the "lens" was zoomed in again.

What was shown on the screen was the scene of Lin Ran fighting several ferocious beasts.

Scorpio shook his head, "You are a person. Although you have a suspicious temper, your space ability is indeed unmatched by anyone. You are far from your opponent in other stars."

The Aquarius God pointed at the screen, "I learned this skill from those guys."

It was those ferocious beasts he was referring to.

Scorpio was stunned for a moment, "I've dealt with these guys before, why can't I learn?"

"Then you are indeed too stupid." Aquarius God laughed, "Okay, I have completely ruled out your suspicion now."

The Scorpio God didn't argue at all. He stared at the picture in the sky for a while.

After that, he said, "Tell me, are these guys born in that space crack, or... were they placed there artificially?"

The Aquarius God smiled and said, "You can't think about this question in detail. If you think about it carefully, you will feel chills running down your spine."

The Scorpio God said angrily, "Then think about it carefully."

"Man-made." Aquarius God said. Yes

"Who did it?" The Scorpio God raised his eyebrows.

"have no idea."

"Then your suspicion must have some basis, right?" the Scorpio God said.

The Aquarius God stared at the people in the picture and said, "I always feel that this man and woman fell into this space crack because they were specially arranged by someone."

"What do you mean?" Scorpio God said, "Can this be arranged?"

The Aquarius God once again raised his finger and pointed at the shadow in the sky, and said, "The space I can see is extremely limited. It can only be done very close to the realm of the sky, and these two people happened to fall into it.

The crack in space happened to be perceived by me... This coincidence is too much."

The Scorpio God touched his nose and said, "Maybe, this is just a coincidence."

The Aquarius God can see pictures in certain spaces, but the limitations are very large. For example, in the Nether Space, he can rarely lock the position of the space, let alone see what is happening inside through the space barrier.

However, when there was movement in the space rift where Lin Ran and Airel were, he easily sensed it.

"Well, I really hope now that this is a coincidence and not part of the whole calculation. Otherwise, I will become a pawn." Aquarius God said, and suddenly the topic changed and "I want to ask you a question."

"You ask." The God of Scorpio said, "You seem to be a bit abnormal every day with your fussing."

"Other than you, who else knows that my eyes can penetrate space barriers?" Aquarius God asked.

The Scorpio god spread his hands, "Isn't this something that the entire sky realm knows?"

"Does the entire sky realm know about it?" God Aquarius was extremely surprised by this. He frowned fiercely, "But I obviously only told you."

"Well..." The Scorpio god scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "You didn't ask me to keep it secret. There were a few times when I drank too much and I used to praise you for being awesome..."

"..." Hearing this, the Aquarius God was silent for a long time and never made a sound.

"That..." Scorpio

Shen felt a little embarrassed. "Mainly, I didn't really feel that this matter was worth keeping secret at the time, so... I praised you so much because I wanted those dark factions to retreat before they were able to fight with us."

"Okay, it doesn't matter anymore. I can't tell whether the person behind the plan is the light faction or the dark faction." God Aquarius rubbed his temples, seeming to have a headache.

At this point, it is obvious that it is no longer possible to investigate from this direction.

Scorpio God said, "Then what should we do next?"

"If we send people to annihilate these outsiders again, I want to see who is standing behind them." Aquarius God said angrily.

His attitude had always been calm and relaxed before, as if he had been watching the show from the side of a bystander, but now, he was obviously a little annoyed by the Scorpio god's saucy manipulations.

The Scorpio God said, "Okay, I will send all the stars under my hand to the netherworld."

Originally, he thought that with a top Xing Chen Ke Mingli leading the team, everything could be done, but now it seems that just a descendant of the Demon God can explode with such strong combat power. He did underestimate the enemy before.

Maybe, we can really make these outsiders make big waves.

"It's not necessary, just send half of the troops there." Aquarius God said, "As far as I know, the old lion sent a lot of force to do this."

"Well, if I were him, I wouldn't be willing to do it." Scorpio God said, "This lion still calls himself the Lion King every day. It's really embarrassing."

It seems that the Illuminati faction is also quite disunited within itself.

At this time, Lin Ran's Holy Light Blade burst out with brilliant light again, and with a wave of Airaire's palms, two long blood-colored dragons suddenly appeared, falling on one of them together with Lin Ran's attack.

On the space beast!

After this series of attacks, the giant beast that was hit was already a little slow to react.

Although this giant beast had extremely strong defense capabilities, most of the holy light baptisms that Lin Ran released one after another failed to penetrate his skin, but they still brought pain to the giant beast that it had never experienced before.

"Okay, the cooperation is becoming more and more tacit!"

Lin Ran shouted at Aileer, then tilted his head, dodged a sonic attack, and then stretched out his hand.

Ailere also rushed over and took his hand. The two of them used each other's strength to quickly change positions, and then they both avoided two sonic attacks!

Then, the golden light and the bloody dragon reappeared and continued to attack the previously injured giant beast!

Finally, under this continuous blow, the body of this giant space beast exploded.

Large areas of blood spattered!

Well, but this so-called "blockbuster" is only compared to Lin Ran and Ailere, but compared to the huge size of the space beast, it is not worth mentioning.

But Lin Ran was not discouraged. For him, this was a good start!

He raised his big arm, waved the Blade of Holy Light suddenly, and a golden waterfall rushed out across the sky!

Kiss of Holy Light!

The other space beasts wanted to release sonic attacks immediately to block Lin Ran's sword light.

However, against the backdrop of the extremely fast golden sword light, the speed of these giant beasts was still a little slower.

In the blink of an eye, the baptism of holy light struck the spot where the beast in space had been injured before!

More spectacular splashes of blood!

This amount of bleeding was like a bloody rain falling from the sky!


The giant beast let out a roar of pain, and its huge figure immediately soared hundreds of meters into the sky!

To be precise, the entire length of several hundred meters is its body.

And Lin Ran was very sure that the lower half of the giant beast's body was still in a deep pit! There was no way to see the end!

"My dear, are you kidding me? This is too big." Lin Ran looked up at the huge body and couldn't help but said, "It's so enviable."


But Aileer was not shocked. She kept moving, intertwining her hands, and quickly made a handprint that Lin Ran couldn't understand!

Then... boom!

From the wound of the giant beast, large swaths of blood mist rose!

The blood mist seems to be very thick and extremely dense!

This is not that the opponent is bleeding, but that the blood of the giant beast has been extracted from its body by Aileer in another way!


The huge roar was deafening and shocking!

Airel's attack brought incomparable pain to the giant beast. It even lost control of its body, and its huge snake-head-like head crashed down from a height of several hundred meters!


The moment the giant beast's head hit the bottom of the pit, the powerful impact sound seemed to cause the entire space to tremble!

Lin Ran and Aileer spent a lot of money and chose to give up the next round of attacks!

The two held hands in the air, used their strength to stabilize their bodies, and both fell back to the edge of the giant pit!

But the Aquarius God was staring at Ariel, lost in thought.

This chapter has been completed!
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